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Weight Loss Check-in

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Since I live here at the WTM, I figured I would put all my accountability here so i only have one place to go.


I have lost 55 pounds using caloriecount.com but have been on a plateau so I am kicking it up a notch. I am going ZONE. Actually I have Jillian Micheals books on their way from ILL, so I may switch over after reading them but I hear they are about the same. I have 50 pounds left to lose to reach my first goal weight (I may shoot for 15 lbs under that) I will allow myself 1 non-plan meal a week. I want to lose weight, but I also keep it real.


I will be continuing switching 30 day Shred, Biggest Loser weight loss yoga, and Biggest Loser Cardio Max. I also tend to jump on the treadmill at night to keep me from eating. I try to be as active as possible. I also started lifting heavy weights 3 times a week. I will continue to do so on my non 30 Day Shred days.


I will weigh in every monday morning (I weighed yesterday) If you want to join your welcome to, if not good luck on your journey I will continue to post mine :)


I am 5'11. Goal weight #1: 175

Sept 6th 225

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Well, when I first got to Malaysia last year I put on weight FAST. The food here is delicious and FATTENING. I didn't realize it at first but then I went to the hospital just before christmas for a minor surgery and when they weighed me ..WOW. After that I started watching what I eat more and I am down 22lbs as of yesterday. I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds and I'd be really happy but that might require exercise...yuck. :D

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Hey! I'll be your accountability partner! I'm 5'11 too!!! I rarely find people as tall as I am. I'd love to weigh 175 eventually too, but for right now I will focus on 200.


I'm also going to do the Zone. But I haven't yet wrapped my mind around what foods I can/should eat. Like I wanted to start this morning but I don't know what to have for breakfast. I think I'm going to go hard-boil some eggs to have on hand. And I have steel cut oats I made for dh in the crock pot. I better go get my book before I eat something I shouldn't!


I will commit to doing a video today for work out. It's pouring rain here all day so going out for a walk is out. I just need to get school done before we head out for Chess Club, so it might have to happen with the kids - P.E.!:tongue_smilie:


ETA: 1/2 c oatmeal with 1/2 diced apple. 1HB egg. Pretty good, huh? And I'm STUFFED!

Edited by i.love.lucy
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Hi, I would like to get in on this as well! The last 3 yrs I have gained about 30 pounds and would like to get off a minimum of 50. Dd(7) has been sick alot, mostly with strep(even after tonsils being taken out) and in January my ds(17) was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. All of this on top of my grandmother dying in December. Needless to say I have turned to food because of the stress.:glare: My first goal will be 175 and I will post on Monday's as well.


I will commit to getting on the elliptical today. I also have several workout videos, I will have to see what I want to start with!

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I lost 20 pounds on Weight Watchers and am a life-time member on maintenance.


I was so excited to do some bulk baking this weekend since our oven has been off all summer due to the TX heat. I baked and froze muffins, bread and brownies for lunches. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am up two pounds. Cr@p!


I don't know what I was thinking. Now all those goodies are sitting in my freezer calling to me. I am back to tracking today and will probably attend meetings until the freezer stash is gone.

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I'm in! Dh & I are the same height (5'9.5) and when we married he was 20 lbs heavier than me. Now he's about 15 lighter!!! I'm an emotional eater and "after school snack" time is my worst crash/binge time.


I've lost about 5 lbs this summer, but I need to loose about 30. I've gotten back into walking, but need to cut my calories. Last year, I did this just by cutting portions and cutting sweets (Chocolate is a drug for me.)


Sign me:


Goal weight: 145

9/7/10--175 (I like 12.5 stone---sounds better!)

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I've lost 10lbs over the last two months. For me, this is HUGE, as in the past my body has refused to give up even a pound or two without near-starvation but would put on weight very very easily (thought it was thyroid, but thyroid tests fine). I'm 5 ft. 6.5 in. and am currently at 152. Goal #1 is 130. (For perspective: Before kids, I weighed 112! Don't think I'll ever be there again. :tongue_smilie:)

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I'm 5'7", am down 17 lbs to 170! All I've changed is drinking water during the day instead of tea/juice and have been skipping dessert. I'd like to lose 40 lbs more but my dh says no more than 20 more lbs. When we married I weighed 105. He says he won't allow me to be that small again, that I looked sick.:confused:


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I NEVER find a 5'11 chick either! Everyone I know is like 5'2 nd wants to be 100 pounds :lol: Thank you for being here!!!

I just started the ZONE today too, I like your breakfast. It is going to take a LOT of getting used to the "blocks" I love to eat egss for breakfast but thats it, so I need to get used to adding in the carbs and fats.


Hey! I'll be your accountability partner! I'm 5'11 too!!! I rarely find people as tall as I am. I'd love to weigh 175 eventually too, but for right now I will focus on 200.


I'm also going to do the Zone. But I haven't yet wrapped my mind around what foods I can/should eat. Like I wanted to start this morning but I don't know what to have for breakfast. I think I'm going to go hard-boil some eggs to have on hand. And I have steel cut oats I made for dh in the crock pot. I better go get my book before I eat something I shouldn't!


I will commit to doing a video today for work out. It's pouring rain here all day so going out for a walk is out. I just need to get school done before we head out for Chess Club, so it might have to happen with the kids - P.E.!:tongue_smilie:


ETA: 1/2 c oatmeal with 1/2 diced apple. 1HB egg. Pretty good, huh? And I'm STUFFED!

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I am the worlds biggest cheerleader and so I will be the annoying positive person here. We can ALL do this. If I (a former choc-o-holic and morbidly obese junk food eater) can lose 55 pounds and cut out all soda and whittle down to almost NO sugar, anyone can do this. I have had a VERY long plateau and I have not given up. I now LOVE to exercise (I do want to kill Jillian eveytime I workout, but I fell great afterwards and my body wants to do it)


We can all do this, no matter how much you have to lose. It is about being healthy, taking baby steps, and getting some exercise in.


Have a good week and try and make some really good healthy choices. I finally decided my health is better than any stupid cake or cookie!!

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I've lost about 8 pounds in the last 2 months. My weight went up and down all Spring, losing and gaining the same 6 pounds. I think we were just more active this summer and ate more vegetable meals. I've gone off dairy for the last few weeks and was hoping to lose some more, but haven't.


I'm not really, really trying right now, but I'm glad to have lost the 8. I'd like to lose about 15-20. When it cools off some here in the South, I hope to walk some and maybe take some more off.

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I want to start this! After my wedding in three weeks though. If I lose weight my dress won't fit lol. The only time ever i need to stay the same weight for something to fit! :lol:

:lol: wish i could say that too! I was sooo fat for my wedding. I needed to lose some crazy weight and I think I gained lol

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On my modified Eat 2 Live lifestyle (won't call it a diet, since I'm going to try to live his way forever).


Very happy with the results and the way real food tastes after years of eating processed, HFC-laden foods...


Beginning weight was 144 (I'm 5'4).


I don't want to get any smaller than 118. We will see what winter brings.


K (Age 43)

Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
including age
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I've recently started the "No S Diet." I need to lose at least 40 lbs, but would really love to eventually lose 60 lbs.


I know No S is a very slow way to lose weight, but after several times doing WW, I realize that I will never keep up with counting points. Getting into the habit of "no snacks, no sweets, no seconds (except on days that start with S)" will be more sustainable.

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:bigear:Let me know how it's going.


Hi Mariann


I started the HCG drops on 9/6 and so far have lost 11.6 lbs. I am doing this with a close friend and she has lost 7lbs, but she has less to loose than I do.


My hunger has been under control and a few days I didn't eat all of my alloted calories.


PM me if you have questions about HCG... it's a lot to take in.

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Well, I think that along with listing height and weight, we all need to list age. Because, it's true girls, the older you are, the slower and harder it is for those pounds to come off. Some of you girls have very young children and I'm suspecting you are very young. That will also make a difference in the amount of physical exercise and the simple ability to do it!


Ok. I am 8 weeks into no-flour (wheat intolerance not allergic), no-sugar/no-corn/no-potatoes (pre-diabetes) and I am feeling terrific! Yes, I've had slip-ups. Only flour I've had was a donut when on vacation, and sometimes when I go out to eat with dh there is sugar in something, but I try to order things that won't contain any of those items. So far; so good.


I've started a beginning yoga DVD and do 20 mins. each day, plus 6 nights a week dh and I go to the gym and I do the eliptical for 10 minutes (1/2 mile) and then the treadmill, walking, for 20 mins (1 mile). I had to work up to that slowly and sometimes it's still hard to do, with a recovering ankle injury. But, I figure I'll start where I am and be happy with the fact that I simply can walk....and then do it! It sounds simple compared to what a lot of you wrote you are doing, but there is no way I could even attempt those.


Now that stats:


Height: 5'9

Starting Weight: 255

Age: 50

Goal Weight #1: 199 (anything below 200 is fantastic to me!)


I haven't been on a scale since my beginning weigh-in. Honestly. I know, I know....I need to do it. However, my clothes all fit much better. I don't 'feel' like I've lost any weight, but dh says I look slimmer (and he never notices anything). And, a pair of jeans I couldn't even begin to get on last fall are four inches too big in the waist and I can gather two inches in each hand at the thighs......Who'd of thunk it?


And, I don't want this to be weight-driven but health-driven. I want to make it a life-style not a diet. It will be long-term. Life-long. So, that's why I've stayed off the scale. But....maybe it's time to start a once-a-month weigh-in?


Thanks for the accountability. I'm in with you!

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Missed this thread.


I didn't do so good last week - circumstances conspired against me. It wasn't my fault!!! I was forced to binge on chips late at night!!! :glare: At one point in the week pizza was ordered and I couldn't hurt it's feelings by not having some!


But seriously I have had a GREAT 2 days! Worked out both days. Well today it was mowing and yardwork, but my heart was beating really fast and I was pouring sweat, so that's a workout!


I'm doing Zone, but tracking everything on fatsecret.com and so far so good I think. This hour of the night is the worst for me, so I need to go to bed.


I hope to not weigh in until next Monday, so I will check in again then.


We can do this!!!!:hurray::party:

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I'm going to join you all! It's well past time... I gained a LOT during my last pregnancy being on bedrest with not much to do but eat, but that excuse has worn very thin as he's now 18months old!


My embarassing stats:

ht: 5ft7

weight: 204

age: 32


I've not dieted before, but honestly, this is the most I've ever weighed apart from being pregnant so I'm going to give the South Beach Diet a try. I was 213 on my due date, and the stinker weighed over 10lbs when he was born, but in an odd defiance of physics, I managed to not lose that much after giving birth. (okay, maybe I need a new scale!)


I just got the book from the library yesterday and started reading it this morning. Planning to start this weekend, as well as rekindle my love for evening walks and dust off my elliptical machine.

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I will join in!


Age: 35

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 235

Size: 20/22-ish

Plan: Low-carb (modified Atkins)

Exercise: DVDs - I have a bunch! I shouldn't get bored.


I need to lose at least 20lbs in the next 11 weeks due to the snug ride seats at Harry Potter Forbidden Journey. Just google for info on the fatso exit to read about it. I have big thighs and that's a problem area for these seats.

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Oh, I had missed this thread! Here are my stats so far:


Nance, Age 37, 5'7"

Weight Loss Goal: 58 lbs

Weight Loss Plan: Weight Watchers, using TOPS meetings for support/accountability



8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3



Weekly Change:

Total Loss:



Goal: 58 lbs. 3 lbs down, 55 to go.


I'll fill in that week 3 tomorrow, which is when I weigh in again. Wish me luck! :)

Edited by NanceXToo
changed how I listed my stats
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And here's one more update since I weighed in today!


Status Report:


Nance, 37 y/o, 5'7"

Weight Watchers food plan with TOPS for my weekly weigh-ins/support.


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 5 3/4 lbs down, 52 1/4 lbs to go.

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I'm down only 5 pounds so far, but I have only been hitting the Y everyday since last week.


I do a nautilus circuit (upper/lower alternate days) and walk on the treadmill. I am working towards burning 1000 calories a day on the treadmill (or other cardio) - I hit 630 this morning! This is very hard and requires that I increase speed and incline everyday. (I know someone else who does it, but it takes her about 1.5 hours because she does low incline, low speed, but I don't have the patience for that!)


As for diet I am focusing on high fiber right now - at least 35 grams a day. I am tracking my food through sparkpeople.com, but I am not limiting foods or calories right now. Aiming for the high fiber is self-limiting anyway - I have to eat more fruits, vegetables, and beans to get it all in.


As for how much I have to lose - that is a national secret. Suffice it to say that I have a LOT to lose!:tongue_smilie:


ETA: As for age - I am 34. Yes, I am young. Trust me when I say that my excess weight more than makes up for my young age. Really.

Edited by Renee in FL
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I desperately need to lose weight and nothing is working. I am beyond frustrated. I have tried just about everything. Medifast did work, but the cost was a bit prohibitive for long term and I was hungry and foggy most of the time.


Just counting calories doesn't work. I was down to 1100 per day and still saw very little results. I walked about 2 miles per day as well.


I am 4'11" and 44 years old. I need to lose 25 pounds just to be in the "overweight" category and almost 50 pounds to be in the normal weight range.


I did get a copy of the Zone diet but it has been so many years since I did that one that I admit it overwhelms me a bit.


Weight loss issues are not anything new for me. I have always struggled with my weight, although I was only at the top range of my acceptable weight range and still felt very overweight. I lost 10 pounds in 20 weeks on Jenny Craig back in the 90s before I was married and was on their 1000 calorie program (this was before they determined that you needed 1200 calories to be safe! At 1200 there is no telling if I would have lost anything!) and I was walking between 2-3 miles per day and going to the gym.



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I desperately need to lose weight and nothing is working. I am beyond frustrated. I have tried just about everything. Medifast did work, but the cost was a bit prohibitive for long term and I was hungry and foggy most of the time.


Just counting calories doesn't work. I was down to 1100 per day and still saw very little results. I walked about 2 miles per day as well.


I am 4'11" and 44 years old. I need to lose 25 pounds just to be in the "overweight" category and almost 50 pounds to be in the normal weight range.


I did get a copy of the Zone diet but it has been so many years since I did that one that I admit it overwhelms me a bit.


Weight loss issues are not anything new for me. I have always struggled with my weight, although I was only at the top range of my acceptable weight range and still felt very overweight. I lost 10 pounds in 20 weeks on Jenny Craig back in the 90s before I was married and was on their 1000 calorie program (this was before they determined that you needed 1200 calories to be safe! At 1200 there is no telling if I would have lost anything!) and I was walking between 2-3 miles per day and going to the gym.




I am kind of in the same boat. I lost 55 lbs and have been STUCk at current weight for months. these are things i am trying:


Are you sure you are eating enough calories?

have you tried lowering your carbs?

have you lowered sugar and salt?

Drinking enough water?

change up workouts....I have found walking does NOTHING for me. I am starting to lift weights. Muscle burns more cals for longer period of time.

try a Jillian Michaels DVD...they r killer but I have lost inches. (even when i dont lose pounds I am losing inches)


They say to just shake up your body.


I will just experiment to see what I need to jumpstart my weight loss again

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How did you lose the first 55 pounds?


I am eating enough. I am always given that advice first.....so I upped my calories and GAINED weight.


Somewhere between 1300-1600 I can maintain my current over-weight status. 1000-1200 I can lose IF I also exercise and NEVER cheat! Cheating sets me back about a week often enough.


Maybe I am just looking at it all wrong....eat to live not live to eat and all that.....but food stares at us every time we turn around!


I need to do low carb. I hate low carb. I don't even particularly like to eat meat. Plain meat is even worse.....ick!


I am also a little bitter right now as a friend lost all her weight with surgery that I don't qualify for but now she gets to be thin and I get to continue my losing battle with fat.


Ok, vent over for the moment.....but don't worry, it will be back! :lol:




I am kind of in the same boat. I lost 55 lbs and have been STUCk at current weight for months. these are things i am trying:


Are you sure you are eating enough calories?

have you tried lowering your carbs?

have you lowered sugar and salt?

Drinking enough water?

change up workouts....I have found walking does NOTHING for me. I am starting to lift weights. Muscle burns more cals for longer period of time.

try a Jillian Michaels DVD...they r killer but I have lost inches. (even when i dont lose pounds I am losing inches)


They say to just shake up your body.


I will just experiment to see what I need to jumpstart my weight loss again

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I will join in!


Age: 35

Height: 5' 6"

Weight: 235

Size: 20/22-ish

Plan: Low-carb (modified Atkins)

Exercise: DVDs - I have a bunch! I shouldn't get bored.


I need to lose at least 20lbs in the next 11 weeks due to the snug ride seats at Harry Potter Forbidden Journey. Just google for info on the fatso exit to read about it. I have big thighs and that's a problem area for these seats.


Update: I am at 233 at the moment. I need to be much more strict with my calorie caounts. I am being sort of loose with them because I am focusing on carb counting. However, calories *do* still count.....

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Can I still join in? I have been on the diet roller coaster for many years!


Currently I am at 199 lbs, way too high for me, I am only 5' 3". AGE: 43 (It does get harder for me to loose the older I get!)


I just started again this week to be more consistent with healthy eating and exercise. I am a member at Planet fitness, and I am using Spark people to track food (a huge help for me). So I will check in next week with a weight. Are you all weighing in on Mondays. This would be good for me, it will keep me honest over the weekend:rolleyes:

Edited by Stacey in NY
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How did you lose the first 55 pounds?


I am eating enough. I am always given that advice first.....so I upped my calories and GAINED weight.


Somewhere between 1300-1600 I can maintain my current over-weight status. 1000-1200 I can lose IF I also exercise and NEVER cheat! Cheating sets me back about a week often enough.


Maybe I am just looking at it all wrong....eat to live not live to eat and all that.....but food stares at us every time we turn around!


I need to do low carb. I hate low carb. I don't even particularly like to eat meat. Plain meat is even worse.....ick!


I am also a little bitter right now as a friend lost all her weight with surgery that I don't qualify for but now she gets to be thin and I get to continue my losing battle with fat.


Ok, vent over for the moment.....but don't worry, it will be back! :lol:





I lost the 55 from counting cals. I ate 1800-2000 a day and exercised for about an hour. I basically jogged or did a Biggest Loser workout. I cut out soda and almsot all sugar and no evening snack.


For the last few months i have lost/gained the same stupid 6 pounds. I cannot get below 221. i hit 221 for like a day and then shoot back up :glare:


I am currently doing Jillian micheals plan. I did Zone for 2 weeks and just started hers this week. I am eating about 1400-1600 cals a day and doing 1 hour of exercise a day. I alternate videos and jogging, but have added in weightlifting every other day. I think if I stick with the weighlifting that will unlock this plateau for me. I did a ton of research and 20 mins of weightlifting can take the place of 45-60 mins of cardio.

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35 yrs. old

started 188 lbs

5'4" tall

switched to high protein, very low carb for two weeks.....this is week two

Had to do shakes and bars to break the food cravings cycle. Shake, 1/2 bar and veggie, shake , half bar and veggie, dinner of 300-400 calories mostly protein veggies and a little carbs. snack and fruit. This pretty much cuts out the sugar, the flour, the starch, salt etc for the first 2 weeks. Then I can start bringing back in more real food. Started September 11th. Weighed in this morning at 184.0 Walking with husband at night. That turkey has dropped 10lbs as of Sunday night. :glare:

Trying to remember to drink a lot more water. It seems to help. And if I want to splurge I choose icecream. This is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Good luck everyone. Stick with it. You just have to find the right formula that flips the weight loss switch. :grouphug:

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there kwikimom and i love lucy! I'm 5'11" and just joined WW on Tuesday. When dh and I married 18 years ago I weighed 128- I've gained 43 lbs!!! I'm trying to loose 20 lb. I hope that my age (52) doesn't make it more difficult!!


How are you two doing now??


**I know that this thread is old, but I was searching the boards for a book and stumbled across it-LOL

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I'll join you! I didn't see this thread before. I started a biggest loser contest with others from church on Monday, Aug. 30 (we are going until Dec. 20, which is 16 weeks), and weigh in each Monday. I don't get on a scale more than that or else I tend to use that information (whether positive or negative!) against me.


In the past I've lost 30-35 lbs. two different times using the Thin Within principles (eat when hungry, eat what you want, don't overeat). Then I'd have a baby and wouldn't get it all gone again. This time I'm sorta applying these principles, but with a different focus. I'm basically just eating a ton less with no emotional eating, and very little overeating (mostly eating smaller meals than usual). I'm loving that I'm learning that food does NOT have to have a hold on me.


Right now I'm down 8 lbs and am in 3rd place overall. The prize is about $100-$120, so I'm hoping to move up to first! I haven't decided yet what I'd use it for, though.



Age: 44

Height: 5'5"

Starting weight: 152

Current weight: 144

Goal: 130 (although I don't know that I'll make that by Dec. 20!)


Glad to be here!

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