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Is it a compliment when someone says, "You look good after __ kids?"

Is it a compliment when someone says, "You look good after __ kids?"  

  1. 1. Is it a compliment when someone says, "You look good after __ kids?"

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Maybe.
    • Other.

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I chose no. I'm sure it's MEANT as a compliment, but I'd rather not look good 'in spite of' having had 4 kids. I wanna look good and have 4 kids. Of course, I also want to eat pie. Often. So this isn't going to be an issue I'll have to deal with very often. :D


I wouldn't take it as an insult (I'd just gladly take it!) but I'd probably be assuming that I wouldn't have received the compliment if it hadn't been for the 4 kids making my appearance acceptable.

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I try to take it as a compliment but it doesn't always come across that way.


My aunt, on the other hand, who is single and has zero kids, joined a water aerobics class a few years ago. On the first day, she introduced herself and told a bit about herself, only she lied through her teeth and told the class that she had eight kids - LOL! She totally enjoyed all the compliments she got on how great she looked after all those kids! She did 'fess up later :)

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I"m going with "maybe" since it would depend on context.


I'd prefer someone simply tell me I look nice.



I'm not delusional. If I can manage to look "good for having 4 dc," that's good enough for me. :lol:




I would take it as a compliment if it were coming from another mom. And if I ever said anything like that, it wouldn't be referring to the shape of the person's body, it would probably be in relation to nice hair, nice clothes, looking fit and rested- which would be an amazing feat after having ANY number of kids! :lol:


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I take it as a compliment. :D


Well, I think you look good even if you didn't have three kids. :)


The reason I started the poll was because I hear this pretty often. I have five kids and am pretty slim (somewhere between a size 6 and 8 having lost 10 lbs. recently). I'm fairly young and look younger. My apparent age gets a whole 'nother set of comments. :glare:


I guess I want to be complimented (or not) without the qualification of "for having 5 kids". :tongue_smilie: It feels kind of...backhanded in a way and I wondered if anyone else felt that way. Maybe it is just surprise....

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I picked Maybe. I've been getting this a lot lately and I'm still on the fence about it. "You look good for being pregnant with your 7th." Does that mean I wouldn't look good if it was only my 2nd? Or do they have really low expectations of people who have this many? Or maybe I do actually look alright...for being pregnant. :confused:

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I take it as a compliment because, so far, I've only hEard it from those who've been "in the trenches" themselves. You know, other women who understand what childbearing can do to a woman's body (especially multiples, repeated C-sections). If anyone else said it... I'm not sure I'd know how to take it.

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I am sure it is most often meant as a compliment, but it is personally a pet peeve of mine. I work very hard to stay in shape and want to look good(as well as feel great, be healthy, etc..) I want to look good period, not look good for having five kids. When I was much younger I made that compliment to another woman(you look great for having four kids!) and she said to me, "thanks, but I want to look good period, not good for having four kids." I didn't understand it then, and was a bit miffed at why she didn't graciously accept what I thought was a sincere compliment. Now at 41, with five kids and working out 2 hours a day, six days a week being very mindful of my food choices, I "get it."

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I am sure it is most often meant as a compliment, but it is personally a pet peeve of mine. I work very hard to stay in shape and want to look good(as well as feel great, be healthy, etc..) I want to look good period, not look good for having five kids. When I was much younger I made that compliment to another woman(you look great for having four kids!) and she said to me, "thanks, but I want to look good period, not good for having four kids." I didn't understand it then, and was a bit miffed at why she didn't graciously accept what I thought was a sincere compliment. Now at 41, with five kids and working out 2 hours a day, six days a week being very mindful of my food choices, I "get it."


I never doubt the intent, but that doesn't make it a valid compliment.


"You look great!" is an excellent compliment.

"You look great for having X kids!" means nothing more than "You don't look like a washed up old woman who lived in a shoe!" Which is a good thing, of course. But still! :glare:

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I put no. Maybe I should have put maybe because I think they probably intend it as a compliment, but adding a qualifier is detracting from it. I cringe when people say this to me. Looking good after having 7 kids does not equal looking good. It means they expected me to be fatter or frumpier than I am. Regardless...I smile and say thank you. It does irk me though.

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I take it as a compliment because, so far, I've only hEard it from those who've been "in the trenches" themselves. You know, other women who understand what childbearing can do to a woman's body (especially multiples, repeated C-sections). If anyone else said it... I'm not sure I'd know how to take it.


:iagree: I was really undecided on my answer to this until I read the above quote.


I think if I heard it from someone that never had children, it would be bordering on tactless and rude.

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I get it ALL the time. They see the ducks after me, they think my daughter is my sister (my oldest son won't walk around with me AT ALL because people think he's my husband or boyfriend).


"Wow, you look so good after having all those kids!"


I say thank you.


I think, "Yup, I had em all in one litter, just pop, pop, pop, out they came like firing jelly beans."

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