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s/o For those scouters...

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How many scout leaders do we have on the WTM boards?

Who has dc involved in scouts & how long have they been scouts?



I am a Venturer Leader in our SeaScout group. I was a KeaScout Leader for 6 years & this year moved up to fill our Venturer Leader position. I have earned my "Gillwell woggle" & "wood beads" badge.


Dh is an associate Scout Leader & years ago was a cub/scout/venturer in the seascout group that our dc attend.


Dd is a venturer, working on finishing up her Queen Scout Award. She has been in Venturers for over 5 years & was a Brownie / Girl Guide for 6 years before joining Venturers.


Ds#1 is a venturer with 11 years experience in SeaScouts. He has been a Kea, Cub, Scout, & now Venturer. He is a Jr. Leader at Scouts.


Ds#2 is a Scout & currently is a Patrol Leader. He was officially invested at age 5 as a Kea, but attended & took part in scouting from before age 3 when ds#1 joined. Ds#2 has competed as a member of our SeaScout group at regattas from age 7, when he was only a Kea, as dh & I were helping at regattas anyway & he was dragged along.


Scouts is a family affair for us & even though it takes up a lot of our weekend time, I see it as an investment of time in our dc. Children are worth every minute. It's easy to throw $ at children, but it takes love to give time.



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I'm being invested as a Scout leader on the 30th of August :) I'm very excited. The group that I am in is the biggest in Australia, and our particular scout troop has a strong focus on lots of camps and hikes. I'm already enjoying it a great deal.


J was a cub at his school in NZ, then did Sea Scouts at Orakei. When we moved to Aussie, we looked for a good sea scouts, to no avail... they don't use cutters here and sea scouts are dying out. But we found a great troop, and he is now a Venturer. C joined cubs for a few months before moving on to Scouts. M is begging to join Joeys, but I'm putting her off.


DH and J both help out with our troops sailing program, as we have a hall that used to belong to the local sea scouts before they closed (we have 2 halls)


Oh and so that makes sense to the Americans:

Joey's is 5-8

Cubs is 8-10.5

Scouts is 10.5 - 15

Venturers is 15-18

All are co-ed in Australia.

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Starting my seventh year as a scouter. Started as a Tiger Den Leader (1st graders) when the pack told me my son would be on the waiting list. But if I would be a leader for a new den, then he'd have a den to join. Within two weeks, the other den had a shake up and I was the only den leader.


I've been den leader for every cub scout rank, pack advancements, and general cheerleader. I am our Pack Trainer and our Troop Committee Chair.


DH is an Eagle Scout, but has mostly had work conflict with his ability to be active in leadership. He did help me lead a 3rd grade den. He's so good with them that I wish he had more time.


I have two Boy Scout sons and a Cub Scout son. The oldest just made Star Scout and is right now at the 15th Nippon Jamboree (National Jamboree for the Scout Association of Japan). He even got to meet the Japanese Crown Prince as part of the opening ceremonies.


We're actually getting ready to head out the door on a pre-hike to check out a route that should take us past the memorial stones for William Adams (an English sailor who became a samurai and was an inspiration for the Blackstone character in Shogun).

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I'm not a leader but we have done scouts for years now. DS14 started as a webelo and crossed over and did 2 yrs as boy scout before deciding that it wasn't for him. Ds9 started as a Tiger and is now a Webelo 1. DD is starting her 2nd year as a girl scout. Ds4 is impatiently waiting til he is old enough to be a Tiger and "helping" ds9 in his scouting.

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We are an avid scout family.


Oldest bridged over to boyscouts last year. He did 3 years of cubscouts.


Middle is a Webelo 2 and will bridge to boyscouts in the spring. He started as a Tiger.


Youngest just started as an official Tiger this year. He was a Pre-tiger last year. We had 5 siblings age 5 so we decided to do a pre-tiger group.


I have been a den leader and am currently the awards chair and have been for 3 years. I am also on the committee.



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We are Scouters!

Oldest son (almost 16) joined as a Tiger, and is now one merit badge away from Eagle! Yea!

Younger son (10) is a Webelo 2 and will bridge over to older's troop in the spring. He also began as a Tiger.

My husband is a den assistant, and just finished a two year term as Committee Chair for the pack.

I am the secretary for the Troop Committee.

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Returning to the fold Scouter here :)


I was a Guide, Venturer, Rover then Guide Leader then had kids and moved to the country where there were no active units. I was also a Gangshow/Showtime member for many years.


Now DD is old enough to become a Joey, she just turned 6, and we have moved to a town with an active unit we will be returning to the fold! I can't wait!! Guiding and Scouting was such a big part of my life i have missed it alot over the last 4 years. I am not in a position to commit to leading at this point, but will as soon as i can. I just love it!

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Both DS are in Cub Scouts - DS10 is Webelos I, DS7 is a Wolf. I was leader for DS10's den until we moved to a new area/pack, which already had a leader for his rank. Became leader for DS7's Tiger group, then stepped into a sorely-needed Committee Chair position where I can oversee all the ranks.


We love scouting - great experience for our outdoor-oriented family.

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Starting my third year as a Girl Scout leader this year---my daughter was a Brownie, now a Junior and will be working on her Bronze this year. Great program---we're on our way out the door now to Girl Scout day camp, her second one this summer! A local group does a summer day camp that focuses on a different country each year. Last year, she earned badges from Australia, this year it's badges from Canada.

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Scouters here!


I was CC of our first Cub Scout pack, and DH was a den leader for Tigers, Wolves and Bears. We helped start our current troop 6 years ago, and I am currently Recruitment Coordinator, DH has been Secretary and is now Equipment Coordinator. We are both MB counselors with 9 total badges, including 3 Eagle required, between us.


Our boys are both Life Scouts; older son is Brotherhood OA and is staffing camp this summer. He's been PL, SPL and is now Jr. Asst. Scoutmaster. Younger son has been Librarian, Scribe and is currently PL.


It takes a *ton* of time, but it is so worth it.

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Well dh, ds, and I all just got back from the National Scout Jamboree last night so I guess we are pretty into it. :D My dh has been den leader, asst. Cubmaster, Cubmaster, asst. Scoutmaster, asst. district commissioner, and unit commissioner over the years and is currently working on starting up a Venture crew. I've had a few, but not as many positions. We both were on staff at the Jambo and it was incredible. I highly recommend it to everyone. Seeing all those boys who were trying to live up to the Scout Oath and Law gives you a lot of hope for the future. The other adults on staff were some of the most incredible people that I've ever met. My ds is looking forward to the 2013 Jambo at the Summit and is even hoping to go to the 2015 World Jamboree since he's only 12 right now.

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We're scouters, too!


DH and I are merit badge counselors. DH's work schedule does not allow for him to take leadership positions but he helps out whenever he is home. I am of the mind that Boy Scout Troops should be lead by men so I do not want to join the committee. I do volunteer to help out as much as I can without becoming a leader.

I was a Den Leader throughout most of Cub Scouts and helped run the banquets, etc.


DS is currently a Star Scout waiting to sit for his Life Scout Board of Review. He began Cub Scouts as a second semester Wolf. He completed the Arrow of Light and was a Super Achiever. He has goals of earning Eagle by the time he is 14 and would like to earn the Hornaday Award. He has already earned more merit badges than any other scout in his troop's history.

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I'm married to Mr. Scout Master. He's been the leader for the troop at our church for the last 6 years (at least). He's really excited because he is burning all his vacation time this year at scout camp and then doing something for leaders called Wood Badge.


DS18 is an Eagle Scout. DS14 just got his Eagle project approved for September, so we will probbaly have another Eagle come spring.


After DS14, my DH will be out of boys to scout with, so I suspect he will enroll our last DD in Venture scouting just so he can keep going camping......

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  • 2 months later...

Yippee for Scouts!


Ds17 is working on his Eagle project. He has until June 1 :D

Dd15 is a Senior Girl Scout. Her troop of 10 has been together since Daisy days.

Dd10 is a Junior Girl Scout. Her troop of 6 has been shrinking over the past years.


I was a Girl Scout through Cadettes, when we moved to an area without an established troop to join. Dh was never a Scout but has been a Scouter since ds was a little Tiger :) He's pulling back from weekly involvement this year. He'll miss the camping and hiking but not the politics.

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Indy is in his 3rd year of scouting. He started as a Tiger, was a Wolf and is now a Bear.

James Bond was his den leader last year (Wolf) and this year is the asst. den leader (Bear). I was the Pack committee chair last year, but this year, with being pregnant, I don't have the time or energy.

Indy's goal is to be an Eagle scout. He's already talking about what he'll do for his ES project and how he wants his display done when he gets invested as an Eagle. :glare: I told him he had a long way to go first, but he said he's just planning ahead.

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We are heavily into Scouts.

dh is the Scout Master, Cub Master, and an Eagle Scout

ds12 is a Life Scout

ds9 is a Webelo I

I am currently the Webelo den Leader, committee member for both Boy & Cubscouts.

Our lives intertwine so much with scouts it is hard to separate the two.

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We've been in Scouting for what seems like forever ;) Dh is an Eagle, as are his brother and dad; ds (turning 13 in a few weeks) has been in Scouts since Wolf (2nd grade) and is currently a Star, finishing up one last merit badge before sitting for his Life Board of Review. He's a patrol leader in his troop and den chief for a Webelo den, dh is the Treasurer and is moving to ASM, and I'm secretary and a merit badge counselor.


Ds is also working on his Hornaday and hopes to make Eagle within the next year.


Loving Scouts - it's been such a fantastic opportunity for ds, and a way for us to stay involved in his achievements and interests :D

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Ds14/15 joined Joeys when he turned 7. He is just now going into Venturers.


Dd16 joined Scouts when she was 10.5 and was the only girl for quite a while (co-ed here). She LOVED it. She was a Brownie before that and her dad convinced her to try the Sea Scouts that were literally around the corner from where we lived. She is now a proficient sailor and the Chairman of her Venturer unit for the 3rd time as well as soon to be the State Chairman for Venturers and on the committees for organising various state events.


So SeaScouts has been a huge part of our lives and still is. Dd has been on several major camps with them and both have been on zillions of local ones. Ds has sailed out of our estuary and down the coast with other Scouts. Their friends are all in Scouts.


Nope, I am not a leader. It's not my thing at all...I would never have liked it as a kid and wouldnt now except for some fun parts. Who wants to be told what to do in your spare time? And it's too like the military for me (it didn't used to be but we have an extremely militaristic female leader for the last couple of years and she is a dragon). But my kids? Absolute fanatics.

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We just started this year with our 10 yo ds. It's overwhelming!!! Weekly meetings, pack meetings, weekly Sat gatherings (camping 2x/month), etc. Last weekend there was camping and ds' BFF mom told me that my son was the only Webelo without a parent there. We felt awful!!! But, we have three other kids.


How do those of you with many kids do everything? We've been quite overwhelmed!!! But, our ds is VERY happy!!!

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We just started this year with our 10 yo ds. It's overwhelming!!! Weekly meetings, pack meetings, weekly Sat gatherings (camping 2x/month), etc. Last weekend there was camping and ds' BFF mom told me that my son was the only Webelo without a parent there. We felt awful!!! But, we have three other kids.


How do those of you with many kids do everything? We've been quite overwhelmed!!! But, our ds is VERY happy!!!


Um, my kids are often the ones at an event without a parent. Mine just think it's normal and I try to cycle through and see everyone/do with everyone as I can. My poor oldest never had us there but she seems to have turned out ok.;)

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Um, my kids are often the ones at an event without a parent. Mine just think it's normal and I try to cycle through and see everyone/do with everyone as I can. My poor oldest never had us there but she seems to have turned out ok.;)


Glad I'm not the only one. I know ds will be fine - his BFF's dad was there (we joke that we share custody of our kids!). He watches and participates with both boys as if they were both his.


Ds absolutely loves it! I don't know why we didn't get involved before - my older boys would've loved it too!!

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I have been my daughter's Scout leader for the past 3 years (Junior level---we took advantage of the flex year when they were transitioning from allowing 3rd graders to choose between Brownies and Juniors). I've pretty much decided that when she moves up to Cadettes this coming year, I am going to bow out of leadership. That probably means finding a different troop for her, as the Cadette portion of our troop is rapidly disintegrating this year into Juliettes and I don't see anyone else in our group willing to step up to leadership. She is the only one of the current Juniors who would be moving up as well. I'm hoping to find an active troop that will do the camping and active things that I am not able to do for her (or interested in doing, to be honest). I became a leader out of desperation because the group she had fell apart and had planned to step back earlier, but couldn't find a replacement.


For us, as she moves into 6th grade I need to give her more individual space--more activities without me. She's an only child and wants more of that independence. We're also both as bull-headed as the day is long ;), so minimizing the fronts on which to have the preteen/early teen battles will also be important. My biggest concern is finding a troop in which she will fit in, since so many have been together for years. She's never met a stranger, which will help, but we'll have to see.

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We just started this year with our 10 yo ds. It's overwhelming!!! Weekly meetings, pack meetings, weekly Sat gatherings (camping 2x/month), etc. Last weekend there was camping and ds' BFF mom told me that my son was the only Webelo without a parent there. We felt awful!!! But, we have three other kids.


How do those of you with many kids do everything? We've been quite overwhelmed!!! But, our ds is VERY happy!!!


Often, we volunteer to lead/coach, because then we get to make the schedule. It's one of the few perks of being in charge. :D

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Often, we volunteer to lead/coach, because then we get to make the schedule. It's one of the few perks of being in charge. :D


Good point! With this being our first year, we're kind of watching and seeing how it's all run first. Maybe next year!!! But, we're already very involved in everything else our kids are in!! Ack. Mommy guilt.

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We're in a small, wonderful Scout troop. . .it is the best thing that has ever happened to my son!


He started scouts last September (09), and has achieved the rank of Star scout and is ASPL. (He's a "box checking" kind of kid, so Scouts is right up his alley! :D)


My dh goes to the meetings, and serves as counselor for a merit badge or two, but that's the extent of it. The boys really do run the troop themselves, with advising as needed - it has been an incredible experience.

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We've been involved for almost 4 years in BSA. None of my boys were in cub scouts so this was a new adventure for us. I currently serve as Advancement Chairperson.


DS#4 - Assistant Senior Patrol Leader 2 (Life Rank)

DS#3 - Assistant Senior Patrol Leader 1 (Life Rank - will be SPL in 3 months)

DS#2 - Began scouts at age 15, has not been very involved for the past year due to other obligations. He achieved Star Rank in about 2 years and that's probably where he will stay. He'll be 18 in a few months.


My original reason for joining scouts was for my DS#3. He is very hands on, less successful in traditional academics as his brothers and he needed a place to shine. BSA has provided that. He is well loved by the younger scouts, the scoutmaster relies on him, and he enjoys teaching and the hands on/outdoors aspect of scouts. DS#2 needed to do something different to get out of his comfort zone - he still would prefer a hotel to a tent, but he does know how to plan a camping trip, cook outdoors, etc. :001_smile:

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I'm on the Boy Scout troop committee (advancement coordinator for two patrols) and am cookie mom (yesterday, both were meeting at the same time) :001_rolleyes:

Dh is ASM for the Boy Scout troop, on the Cub Scout Pack committee, and he doesn't know it yet, but will be registered as a Girl Scout leader per our council policy so that he can go work booths.

I earned my Gold Award, dh was an Eagle Scout and we got to know each other in Alpha Phi Omega (national scouting fraternity).


Our 12 year old will be doing his scoutmaster conference for Star this week. He's den chief for a Webelos 2 den and will be Troop Guide for the same group in the spring.

Our 11 year old is a first year Cadette.

Both of them started late because we had a hard time finding appropriate Scout situations where we lived before, which was actually hard for dh and I, given the large role scouting played in our lives.

Our 9 year old is finishing his Webelos rank.

Our 5 year old is a Daisy who is very motivated and has already gotten half of her petals.

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I was in Brownies and Juniors growing up.


My oldest was a Cub Scout - Tiger through 2nd year Webelos. I was his den leader the whole time. He spent a few months in Boy Scouts but didn't love it.


My oldest dd is a Senior. She has been a Girl Scout since Daisies!


My next oldest is a Junior. Also a Scout since she was a Daisy.


My 2nd son is a Wolf. He started as a Tiger.


My next dd is a Daisy. This is her first year!


Lots of Scouts going on in this family!!! :D

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We have 2 boys, Matt is a Webelos (started when he was a Tiger) and Alex is a Tiger!!


My husband was Matt's leader until the end of his Wolf year when he deployed. After he came home from deployment he was the Cubmaster. NOw he's deployed again but will probably step back into that role again.


The first year I helped him. :) Then I did Advancements for one year and this is my 2nd year as Committee Chair.


I'm sure when Matt crosses over we'll help with the Boy scout Troop also.


Our oldest daughter is a Pioneer in American Heritage Girls. I'm the Troop Coordinator for that also. :)

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We just started this year with our 10 yo ds. It's overwhelming!!! Weekly meetings, pack meetings, weekly Sat gatherings (camping 2x/month), etc. Last weekend there was camping and ds' BFF mom told me that my son was the only Webelo without a parent there. We felt awful!!! But, we have three other kids.


How do those of you with many kids do everything? We've been quite overwhelmed!!! But, our ds is VERY happy!!!


We also just participate for the most part.


Camping? Hiking? We all go.


If it's an event that is specially just for the particular Scout, then only one of us goes.

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