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Little kids and their cute mispronunciations

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What things do/did your kids mispronounce?


I think its so cute when my kids mispronounce things, although I do correct them. One day they wont do it any more and I'll really miss it!


We were in Office Depot by the school supplies yesterday and my 4 year old had been wondering around by the pencil sharpeners, suddenly he shouts across the store. "mum, I think we need a new sharpen penciler!". I said "you mean a pencil sharpener" he said "yeah, that's what I said, a sharpen penciler!". :lol:


He also says "cajuzzi" for jacuzzi and "pasghetti" for spaghetti. :D

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While not exactly a mispronunciation, it is related. My daughter loves blueberries. She will often ask for "blue strawberries" instead of saying blueberries. Then yesterday I gave her some blackberries for lunch and she proceeded to ask for "blue blackberries."

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These are all too cute!! :)


My now 7yo son used to say "no-bar" for granola bar (when he was 2) and another one that stuck with me was his insistence on calling the trachea (windpipe) the "e-trachea" when he was 4. He was very much into learning about the human body at that time, and figured that since there was an "esophagus" there must be an "etrachea". Took us over a year to convince him otherwise... ;)


My 2yo daughter calls water "wa-dirt"...

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What things do/did your kids mispronounce?


I think its so cute when my kids mispronounce things, although I do correct them. One day they wont do it any more and I'll really miss it!




My oldest used to say mumpkin for pumpkin. I never did correct her and she was saying it correctly the next year. I was sad because she loved her mumpkin so much and even slept with it after we got it from the pumpkin patch.


She used to call construction paper "destruction paper".


My son says Holly Hobbit instead of Holly Hobby :lol: I love that one. He used to call horses "sheeshees"


My youngest is the one I have some problems with because I cannot get her to correct some of her words. Instead of "going" she says "der". I'm der get a new pencil. I'm der go outside.


She used to run through my room and see me sitting on the bed and yell "mama nuggle!"


One more that I thought of is "warmart" instead of Walmart. All three of them have done that and 2 still say it.

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My oldest used to call his carseat his "seat car" and a caterpillar was a "pader-pader".


My youngest still calls the remote control the "moke-ka-ma-troll".

A computer is a "cum-cue-na". These are really the only 2 words I can think of that he consistently says without correcting himself even if we correct him.


I love the words kids create on their own!

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My four year old (going to be five on Sunday) asked for "corn on the dog" (corn on the cob)for his birthday. Cracks me up!


My favorite mispronounciation though was my fifth child who would say "scwissors". I was sad the day he actually pronounced them correctly.

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My oldest used to say mumpkin for pumpkin. I never did correct her and she was saying it correctly the next year. I was sad because she loved her mumpkin so much and even slept with it after we got it from the pumpkin patch.



When my oldest dd was little, she called them "gunk-ums". To this day, we carve gunk-ums!


I always thought it was strange that, when they were very little, my oldest called snow "sow" (long o) and my ds called it "no". They left out different letters!


Also, my youngest used to love watching the gub-gubs in brother's fish tank!

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The other day my ds said to me, "Why are they called girled cheese sandwiches? They're for girls and boys."


One of my kids said "girlcheese" and wondered the same thing! :lol:


Let's see, some of my favorites:


the many forms of banana: beeyana, bananana, bana


shoom = spoon


bassert = dessert


For the longest time my now 12yo said "ig" for "ad" anywhere it occurred, like "Mom, I'm going downstairs to igmire the Christmas tree."


Ugh, of course I can't think of any more now that I'm on the spot. I've got a book full of cute sayings somewhere, but it's usually a whole phrase or event, not just a mispronunciation. :)

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Aw, y'all are making me want another baby.


boona for balloon

callerpitter for caterpillar

vallina for vanilla


Also, this isn't a mispronounciation, but they referred to breasts as "puffs." I thought that one was just too cute to correct. :)

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My 7yo keeps asking if we are going to have heart attack at Thankgiving this year. Last year we had hardtack while studying the pilgrims. He also calls semis (the big trucks), termites. Our goats have wobbles (wattles) and he likes milking their gutters (udders).


My 2yo asks for mole (guacamole). She also asks for more when she hasn't had any yet. If you are in her way and she needs past, she yells in a loud voice "Excuse you!" All meat is either steak or chicken depending on shape. She also prefers homemade oreos over cheesecake and cooked cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower are her most favorite things in the world to eat. She is such a funny little person.



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DD insisted that it was Whinnie A Pooh instead of Whinnie THE pooh. My oldest called his blue blanket "Blue B" and it had to go everywhere. When I bought a white one as a fill in for the blue one, he insisted that the White B go to gamma's and we keep the Blue B. My middle son would call his brother Barkie instead of Mark.


One of the funniest ones was my nephew. I was babysitting him and he kept whining at the refrigerator for a "green one." We went through every thing until we figured out that he wanted a popsicle. However, there weren't any green Popsicle. He had a fit when we closed the freezer door, dragged a chair over and grabbed a root-beer flavored popsicle and proudly proclaimed "GREEN ONE." Nope, he wasn't color blind, but that was his word for popsicle.

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LOL! My oldest daughter always wanted to wear "heehiles" (high heels) and her dad worked at the hop-sit-al.


Our third daughter couldn't say her K's so she said here titty, titty, titty


Our 5 yo boy still says that daddy works at the host-i-ble

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smarmellows ~~~~marshmallows


piders~~~ spiders


Pony hairs ~~ pony tail


hair ponys~~ rubber band for the pony tail (try keeping THOSE streight)




I find that they STOP saying these right about the time you have been converted.

My mother still calls garbage 'grotchep'

I still call spiders 'piders', and hair bands 'hair ponys'



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These are (mostly) so clean!!!


Ky couldn't say the 'tr' sound, it always came out as 'f'. He loved trucks. "Mama, ook, f- ucks, mama, f- ucks."


We have lots of stories like that.


My daughter loved Strawberry Shortcake. Only she said, Strawberry Who recake. (take out the space)



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gibby for spaghetti (no idea, but BOTH of my kids said it that way)


ER said:

mingus for music

printzel for pretzel

effalunt for elephant


EK said:

pampank for pancake

broccomole for guacamole (got it mixed up with broccoli)

babbet for blanket


There were SO many more, but those are the ones I can think of right off the top of my head.

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It's not something he mispronounced, but something he misunderstood. ER was barely 3 the first time we took him to see the 4th of July fireworks show here in our small town. We spread a blanket on the ground and watched. He was SO excited! After each pop, he would clap his hands and shout, "Do it again, God!" We hated to tell him that God wasn't doing it; people were. :lol:

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Our third daughter couldn't say her K's so she said here titty, titty, titty

:lol::lol::lol: Oh. My. Word!!!!


My dd used to call the restaurant Bob Evans, "Bob's Heaven".

Instead of saying "each other", she said, "our juther". As in, "We like to play with our juther."

Both my olders called lightning, "Light-Ling". DD only just stopped doing this about a year or two ago. :tongue_smilie:


My little ds called popsicles, "Popeye-Cycles".


My nephew calls his brother, whose name is Carter, "Nu-nu". :confused:His mom has no idea where that came from, but that's what he says.

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