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Finish the 4th with this Civic Literacy Quiz and see how you do.....

WTMer Civic Literacy Quiz results  

  1. 1. WTMer Civic Literacy Quiz results

    • 100 %
    • 90-99%
    • 80-89%
    • 70-79%
    • 60-69%
    • 50-59%
    • 40-49%
    • 30-39%
    • 20-29%
    • below 20%

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This Civic Literacy Quiz from ISI has 33 questions.


Average score for Americans taking quiz is 49%, 55% for college educators. Interestingly, elected officials did a bit worse on the quiz than the average citizen (see results here).


I'm curious how we WTMers do, so please post your score in the poll. I am not very knowledgeable about market economy, so those questions got me.


To read how educators can increase civic learning, see here.

Edited by Janie
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90.91% ... me too. The economics questions trip me up.


(Full Disclosure: My degree is in Secondary Social Studies Education, I'm actually pretty disappointed in my results, even though I never taught and it has been at least 15 years since I studied Econ where I found Micro much more interesting than Macro ...)

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90.91% And after two glasses of wine, too--I need to celebrate! :party:

Hey, me too. 30/33. But no wine over here. Maybe the wine would have improved my score? :D Maybe I should have some anyhow.

Edited by Asenik
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75.something or other. I guessed at all the economics questions.


Look at the board and supporters. Sarah Scaife foundation....Do not worry about missing econ questions as they were opinion masquerading as fact. Episteme vs. Opinion is a really useful distinction.

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Look at the board and supporters. Sarah Scaife foundation....Do not worry about missing econ questions as they were opinion masquerading as fact.

Mmm, I don't necessarily agree. Yes, the organization is distinctly conservative (whereas I am not, nor was my economics training), but those questions & answers are rather standard.


Edited by Colleen
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Look at the board and supporters. Sarah Scaife foundation....Do not worry about missing econ questions as they were opinion masquerading as fact. Episteme vs. Opinion is a really useful distinction.


I hadn't noticed that this was a Scaife sponsored quiz, but the "slant" was unmistakable. I got a 100% and wasn't fooled about the right-wing agenda in the questions, some of which you righly point out are opinion masquerading as fact.



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31/33 here, which surprised me. I've never taken an Econ course, but I didn't miss any of those.


The two I missed were the ones about FDR's threat re: the New Deal, and the one about the ancient philosophers. I waffled on both of those, and almost guessed them correctly.

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Do you honestly think college educators average only 55%? I find that difficult to believe, as so many of the questions were fairly basic.


55% does seem low, but if you include educators across the board -- engineering, music, sciences, foreign languages, etc. -- I wouldn't expect the numbers to be much higher, especially given the number of economics questions.

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I found some of them questionable insofar as a knowledge of history is concerned. Such as:


27) Free markets typically secure more economic prosperity than government’s centralized planning because...

29) A flood-control levee (or National Defense) is considered a public good because....


30) Which of the following fiscal policy combinations would a government most likely follow to stimulate economic activity when the economy is in a severe recession?


31) International trade and specialization most often lead to which of the following?


....although I supposedly got these "right."

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I hadn't noticed that this was a Scaife sponsored quiz, but the "slant" was unmistakable.
:iagree: It was easy enough to figure out what they wanted.
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I got a 48.48%. I was never good in history, and all I've learned has been from homeschooling my own children. I have a college degree, but never could grasp history until using Beautiful Feet's Early American History when my kids were in 1st & 3rd grades. (That was years ago). (I was a teacher before having children, btw, but not a college professor).


I have no trouble with most other subjects- history was just something I really struggled with. I'm thankful to be learning it now.

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