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Am I the only freak that's going to see Eclipse tonight???

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My coworkers are taking me. I will not get any sleep tonight as I live an hour away form the theater and work so by the time I get home it will be to hop in the shower right away and head out for work. I really did not care to see it but coworkers are paying for me and hubby offered to come home early from work so off I go.

Have fun!

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I'll admit to having secured a ticket weeks ago (though I'm going tomorrow night, not tonight). I doubt I'll ever read the books but the movies are good fun! I think you're missing the most important question here though: Team Edward or Team Jacob???


Elizabeth (who is too lazy to post a Twilight poll this morning)

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I'm going tomorrow night. Don't hate me, but I'm going not because I love it but because I think it's funny. (Rifftrax, anyone?) I'm going on opening day because I want to bask in the whole, crazy cultural phenomenon. :lurk5: I'm going with my brother and sister, and we're going to try very, very hard not to snicker and get ourselves beat up. (Last time, my brother and I went to New Moon, and he spilled his gobstoppers, which was incredibly noisy, they rolled and crashed all the way down the concrete theater floor, and the guy behind us yelled "That's AWESOME!", and it was right at the high dramatic point when Edwards was saying he's leaving 4-EVAR and the guy in front of us turned around and chewed us out. And then walked out. Yep. I felt horrible. This time I am buying my brother gummy bears.)


Okay. Now I really do sound awful! :leaving:


But I am going. And I do think I'm really going to enjoy it. :) Those books/movies are nothing if not entertaining. I wouldn't go if I didn't think they were funny, but I also wouldn't go if I didn't think they were fun.

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Not only am I going but I have been elected the neighborhood parent who will be taking all the teens that are going as well. Tons of fun. I haven't even finished the books as I am finding it very hard to stay interested and I thought the previous two movies were boring. Finally, I am not terribly fond of the idea a bunch of squealing teens at midnight. But yes, I am going. We had to Fandango tickets because even though they are showing it on 10 screens most of them are already sold out. :001_huh:

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I love to tell the teen age girls that's Mom's like these books and movies. The looks on their faces are priceless! On the other hand maybe that's why young girls should leave them alone. :lol: I'm not a fan but find the whole thing amusing. Enjoy:D

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dd13 and I are going tomorrow night :D I don't think our theater is doing a midnight show, but even if it was... no can do. Not when I get up at 3:30am with my husband. ;)


We went to New Moon four times - I figure we'll prolly end up at Eclipse as many or more if dd13 has any say in it. :laugh:

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Tickets secured for tomorrow at noon :). No way I'd be able to stay awake and enjoy the whole thing tonight.



This is me. Tickets at noon. Mom-mom going to watch the kids. I want to be wide-enough awake to enjoy it. But then again, I have to go alone. None of my friends IRL want to see it. If I had a friend to go with, I'd be there at midnight. (I saw Star Wars Episode 3 at the theater at midnight. But I had a friend with me.)


I'll make do with noon tomorrow!


I'm so excited. I woke up this morning and checked the computer to make sure it wasn't already Wednesday and I got my days mixed up. You know when you do that? It's Tuesday and you keep thinking it's Wednesday all day or something? I didn't want to have my mil call and say, "Well, where are the kids? Aren't you supposed to have dropped them off here while you go to the movie???"


But today is solidly Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday and I've already checked my wallet to be sure my ticket is still there. (I'm really not usually compulsive, but this case is special!)


I really wish I had an IRL friend to go with. PM me if you live in PA and are going. Maybe we live near each other and can go together!

Edited by Garga
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My oldest is going to the midnight show. I'm very glad you posted this because I was thinking it was tomorrow night. I checked e-ticket reciept and it is tonight - whoops.


This will be the first one that I'm not also going to the midnight show. I'll see it eventually.

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I think that I will be going to see this on Monday by myself. I do have an IRL friend that would go with me, however her family is in town for a month....and I don't think I can wait that long :D


If anyone is in the Albuquerque area and wants to see it let me know....BTW I am Team Edward, but if you are Team Jacob, that's ok too ;)



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I personally will not be seeing the movie but will be taking my son to a 7:00 pm double feature of the first 2 twilight movies then the Eclipse at 12:00. He will be with a group of friends. Its a hour drive and back to the theater. I will be getting home around 3:00 am

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I am going with my friend and three of our daughters to see a double feature of the first two movies...and then the midnight premiere! We are so excited...well, I am starting to not be quite as excited about the double feature. 6 hours of screaming teens... When I bought the tickets, I thought I was the coolest. Mom. ever. Now, I think I may have been delusional! :lol:

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I am going with my friend and three of our daughters to see a double feature of the first two movies...and then the midnight premiere! We are so excited...well, I am starting to not be quite as excited about the double feature. 6 hours of screaming teens... When I bought the tickets, I thought I was the coolest. Mom. ever. Now, I think I may have been delusional! :lol:


Delusional living has its merits!

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Dh offered to take me at midnight tonight :001_wub: However, I hate crowds and I'm not a night owl. Plus we are double dating with my friend and her husband (I made her read the books:D) and I didn't know if we could even get seats at this late hour. Unless I throw caution to the wind, I'll be seeing it Saturday.


Team Edward all the way from the books!! BUT they just don't do Edward justice in the movies and Taylor Lautner IS fun to look at ;)

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Lovin' this reply!!


LOL... yeah I just couldn't bring myself to pick. I've seen those shirts in the stores that say "Team Werewolf" and "Team Vampire" and whatnot and I keep thinking why hasn't anyone made a shirt yet that chooses BOTH of them? (Or have they, by now? lol)

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I've got tickets for Saturday night. A (very obsessed) friend generously stood in line to get tickets for me (and 10 other people) when they went on sale here. Midnight showing tickets had already sold out, so Saturday night it is.


I opened this thinking I had missed the news about an eclipse tonight. Sigh. I live in a cave.


No, I will not be seeing this film.



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<<Team Edward all the way from the books!! BUT they just don't do Edward justice in the movies and Taylor Lautner IS fun to look at >>



I wouldn't be able to get any of my irl friends to see it with me, so I might make dh take me on Saturday night.

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A friend of mine bought our tickets several weeks ago. It's a good thing, too. The theater we're going to is showing it on 13 screens and they're all sold out. There are several theaters around here showing this movie tonight and they're pretty much all sold out. It's crazy!


I'm really excited, but beginning to wonder if this was such a good idea.... :001_huh:

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I'm going tomorrow night. Don't hate me, but I'm going not because I love it but because I think it's funny. (Rifftrax, anyone?) I'm going on opening day because I want to bask in the whole, crazy cultural phenomenon. :lurk5: I'm going with my brother and sister, and we're going to try very, very hard not to snicker and get ourselves beat up. (Last time, my brother and I went to New Moon, and he spilled his gobstoppers, which was incredibly noisy, they rolled and crashed all the way down the concrete theater floor, and the guy behind us yelled "That's AWESOME!", and it was right at the high dramatic point when Edwards was saying he's leaving 4-EVAR and the guy in front of us turned around and chewed us out. And then walked out. Yep. I felt horrible. This time I am buying my brother gummy bears.)


Okay. Now I really do sound awful! :leaving:


But I am going. And I do think I'm really going to enjoy it. :) Those books/movies are nothing if not entertaining. I wouldn't go if I didn't think they were funny, but I also wouldn't go if I didn't think they were fun.


Wow, I'm not the only one! :lol:

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We have a bitty 3 screen, no frills theatre in our downtown that doesn't get much traffic. Dd15 is trying to get some friends to go with her on Thursday. I will drive and pick up but I will not watch the movie. I, however, am the mom who takes/took carloads to midnight book release parties for years--------------so I have paid my teenage dues :lol:


Like the books, laughs at the movies!

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No, you aren't alone.


I got my tickets for 12:05 a.m.


I agree with a previous poster who said Edward AND Jacob, but if I had to choose, Jacob, because I wouldn't be able to trust Edward after he left me.


Wow, I'm a loser :blushing:


The books are good, the movies are no where near good, IMO, but my mother really wants to go. *sigh* She was sucked into all the hype as well.

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You know, when I was a teen and my mother started saying how she thought Brett Michaels or Jon Bon Jovi was "cute" or "hot" I was totally disgusted with her.


Now look at me, totally willing to leer over some teen werewolf and vampire characters. I'm so ashamed. :lol:


I forgive you, Mom!

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You know, when I was a teen and my mother started saying how she thought Brett Michaels or Jon Bon Jovi was "cute" or "hot" I was totally disgusted with her.


Now look at me, totally willing to leer over some teen werewolf and vampire characters. I'm so ashamed. :lol:


I forgive you, Mom!




I am not the type of teen to go :001_wub::drool: over a guy I see on screen, even IRL, so when my mother did it, I wasn't embarrassed because I thought they were hot too, but because he is 17 and she is in her 50's.


Lol. I still love her though.


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When I read the books, Bella and Edward are no where near as "dramatic" in my head and I cheer for Team Edward. When I watch the movies though the Bella/Edward relationship grates my nerves and I am Team Jacob. Besides Jacob wins in looks hands down.

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I opened this thinking I had missed the news about an eclipse tonight. Sigh. I live in a cave.


No, I will not be seeing this film.


You are not the only one. I started hearing tidbits about this eclipse yesterday - yet was stumbling over eclipse of WHAT??? It's causing a large drop-out rate to my Stitch 'n *itch group Thursday night, though...

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Is this the one where the werewolf falls in love with the fetus?


OMG! :smilielol5:I nearly spit my beverage all over my screen!


No it is not. The werewolf has...connections of an unusual sort to a baby - not a fetus - in the next book.


(Which, I really have to say, completely flipped me out. I think that's why I'm Team Edward.)

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OMG! :smilielol5:I nearly spit my beverage all over my screen!


No it is not. The werewolf has...connections of an unusual sort to a baby - not a fetus - in the next book.


(Which, I really have to say, completely flipped me out. I think that's why I'm Team Edward.)


I'm pretty sure that the way they justify his "love" of Pants...er, Bella, is that he could smell the egg that would eventually be fertilized and grow up to be his soul mate. So I think that means he is in love w/ a fetus at one point. ;)

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Yes. :)


(You know. Peanut butter AND jelly. Cookies AND milk. Chocolate AND vanilla. Edward AND Jacob. I want to have my cake and eat it, too)!



So did Bella. :)


You Team Jacob people know how the story ends, right? You all know how the story ends and that there is no point to choosing a "team?"


I am not going tonight, and will, in fact, probably wait until I can get it on Netflix. The movies really are quite bad. Both Robert Pattinson and Kristin Stewart show all the personality of doorknobs in the movies. I can't figure that out AT ALL. I'm hoping that it's just how the screenplay was written, because I'm pretty sure Robert Pattinson is a better actor than he shows in these movies. I've seen a trailer for another of his upcoming films and he's at least capable of showing emotion, which he does not do in these movies and it's such a poor portrayal of Edward I almost can't stand it.


I watched the first movie before I read the book and dh and I agreed that the movie was pretty bad. Then I got sucked into the books and had to watch the second one too, LOL. I can, however, wait for rental on the 3rd and spend all that money on better acting! :D :leaving:

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LOL... yeah I just couldn't bring myself to pick. I've seen those shirts in the stores that say "Team Werewolf" and "Team Vampire" and whatnot and I keep thinking why hasn't anyone made a shirt yet that chooses BOTH of them? (Or have they, by now? lol)


My dds have posters that say "Team Switzerland" with a picture of each on it.

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I'm pretty sure that the way they justify his "love" of Pants...er, Bella, is that he could smell the egg that would eventually be fertilized and grow up to be his soul mate. So I think that means he is in love w/ a fetus at one point. ;)


Hmm...I don't recall anything like that from the author's words (and I'm unclear who "they" are). I understood that Jacob had a mad crush on her way before eggs were an issue.

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I watched the first movie before I read the book and dh and I agreed that the movie was pretty bad. Then I got sucked into the books and had to watch the second one too, LOL.


Me too, exactly!


I just got home from seeing Eclipse and am happy to report that it is soooo much better than the first two movies!!


Still not Oscar-worthy or anything - but a definite improvement!

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