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... to tell someone over thirty this, because I mentioned it to my college students and they looked at me as though I were a semi-senile dinosaur.


I just had to boast about not being in your target demo for this post ... yet! (Only a few days left, eek!) Though I did, in fact, go to an REM concert in college... ;)


I saw a positive review of the new album the other day, but haven't had a chance to listen yet.

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Oh!! I love REM! We saw them in concert in '89. They put on a great concert. Fun and full of energy. Stipe jumped up and down the whole time. He was great. And the Indigo Girls opened for them. One of the best concerts I have been to. Barenaked Ladies also puts on a fantastic show.


Thanks for the heads up. I will have to get that one for certain!

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I LOVE the new R.E.M. album. They're back!


I had to tell someone over thirty this, because I mentioned it to my college students and they looked at me as though I were a semi-senile dinosaur.





I'm all over that "over thirty" thing (actually well over it ;) ). And, I've been craving new music. Trouble is, I rarely know what to look for on iTunes. Just the other night, I was having a big debate with my teen over whether or not she could download the Explicit version of a song. Ugh. R.E.M. will do nicely, thank you!



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I just had to boast about not being in your target demo for this post ... yet! (Only a few days left, eek!) Though I did, in fact, go to an REM concert in college... ;)



OK, that's enough of that, young missy!!!! Those of us who just turned 40 might have to hurt you.11.gif

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I'm all over that "over thirty" thing (actually well over it ;) ). And, I've been craving new music. Trouble is, I rarely know what to look for on iTunes. Just the other night, I was having a big debate with my teen over whether or not she could download the Explicit version of a song. Ugh. R.E.M. will do nicely, thank you!




FYI Sometimes it says explicit next to a song and it doesn't necessarily mean that song is explicit, it may just mean that one of the other songs on the album is explicit. Hope that made sense.

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FYI Sometimes it says explicit next to a song and it doesn't necessarily mean that song is explicit, it may just mean that one of the other songs on the album is explicit. Hope that made sense.


Yes, I've noticed this too -- sometimes it can be pretty confusing...

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If you want new music, look to college radio stations and some public stations like, UTC in Chattanooga. Many you can listen to over the net. New music, like bks and movies, I never tier of exploring.


The old 42 yr-old dinosaur who has seen REM one too many times in my youth. :001_huh:

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I am someone who is not quite 30 and remember R.E.M.:001_smile:


I also remember when MTV played actual music videos so...


Thank you for the update...I need to check this one out!


I LOVE the new R.E.M. album. They're back!


I had to tell someone over thirty this, because I mentioned it to my college students and they looked at me as though I were a semi-senile dinosaur.



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I LOVE the new R.E.M. album. They're back!


I had to tell someone over thirty this, because I mentioned it to my college students and they looked at me as though I were a semi-senile dinosaur.




I know how you feel. My younger cousins keep me informed of new music I might like but at times they've never heard of "older" bands. :tongue_smilie:

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So, is music what keeps you going at 4AM? :D That and coffee? Lots of coffee?


Can I ask you what time you go to bed? :)




I LOVE the new R.E.M. album. They're back!


I had to tell someone over thirty this, because I mentioned it to my college students and they looked at me as though I were a semi-senile dinosaur.



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Oh that is awesome! Dh and I are huge REM fans. They remind us of college years. Dh has "It's the end of the world as we know it" as his ring tone!!


My favorites are




King of Birds

Radio Free Europe

Driver 8


Oh what am I saying....I love them all!!!!



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Yes, I've noticed this too -- sometimes it can be pretty confusing...



Let me be specific. The song was "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. The name of the group alone is almost enough to make me say, "No way!" but she insists that other upstanding kids in our community have this song. I looked at the lyrics online and found that the song uses the word d*mned more than once. I'm not too put off by that, honestly, for a 13 year old. But, somewhere else online, I saw a comment that the song (or, based on yours and Megan's posts here, maybe it was the *album*) is also littered with F-bombs. Ummm. I don't think so, missy.


So, how can you find out for sure? I couldn't find anything conclusive when I searched the lyrics online. The band is described as hard rock -- not a genre dd gravitates toward, thankfully, but she apparently heard this song at a friend's and liked it. Oh the trials of parenting teens. ;)


Sorry for the diversion, SWB!



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Let me be specific. The song was "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. The name of the group alone is almost enough to make me say, "No way!" but she insists that other upstanding kids in our community have this song. I looked at the lyrics online and found that the song uses the word d*mned more than once. I'm not too put off by that, honestly, for a 13 year old. But, somewhere else online, I saw a comment that the song (or, based on yours and Megan's posts here, maybe it was the *album*) is also littered with F-bombs. Ummm. I don't think so, missy.


So, how can you find out for sure? I couldn't find anything conclusive when I searched the lyrics online. The band is described as hard rock -- not a genre dd gravitates toward, thankfully, but she apparently heard this song at a friend's and liked it. Oh the trials of parenting teens. ;)


Sorry for the diversion, SWB!




Is there an non-explicit version of that song? Because my dds have it on their i-pods, and even made me watch the video, they love it so much (I was horrified, but in the way I used to horrify my own mother). I noticed some words (like d*mn), but not the f word.


Maybe my hearing's going? No, surely, they wouldn't have me listen to that if it had that word in there? Off to check their i-tunes!

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Well, I just listened to it, and I didn't hear anything other than d*mned.


You can listen to it here - http://www.last.fm/music/My+Chemical+Romance/_/Welcome+to+the+Black+Parade


Don't watch the video! It's AWFUL! :glare:


Bleh, I can't stand My Chemical Romance.


Maybe you can turn her onto The Decemberists instead. They are a better band. Of course, some of their songs are equally...err...offensive I guess would be the best word, but they have some pretty clean songs as well.

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The other day at the hospital 37yo little me was talking about the session of group therapy I had just sat in on with my 29yo supervisor, and I had said, "and those two love to talk on top of each other, but C opens her mouth, utters one syllable, and the room goes silent. You'd have thought she was E.F. Hutton or something!"


Which got a solid :001_huh: from my supervisor.


I had to turn to the 40-something counselor in the room and a couple of nurses, and say: "E.F. Hutton?" to which all three replied, "People listen!"


It's not the most wonderful thing, feeling slightly prehistoric, but at least there I'm not alone. Hang in there!

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I'm looking forward giving it a listen---


Life's Rich Pageant is still one of my favorite albums.


My nieces (19 & 23) think their ancient aunt is 'wicked cool' with her old school phat collection of alternarock. It's 'wicked cool' alright until they remind me how old they were when an album was released. That I do not need to think about. *sigh*

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Like everyone who lived in Athens in the 90's, I have Michael Stipe encounter stories. He used to come to the movie theater where I worked (and Kenny Rogers! but I guess he doesn't have a new album out). Once he ordered chocolate covered raisins, which are so not vegan.

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Let me be specific. The song was "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance. The name of the group alone is almost enough to make me say, "No way!" but she insists that other upstanding kids in our community have this song. I looked at the lyrics online and found that the song uses the word d*mned more than once. I'm not too put off by that, honestly, for a 13 year old. But, somewhere else online, I saw a comment that the song (or, based on yours and Megan's posts here, maybe it was the *album*) is also littered with F-bombs. Ummm. I don't think so, missy.


So, how can you find out for sure? I couldn't find anything conclusive when I searched the lyrics online. The band is described as hard rock -- not a genre dd gravitates toward, thankfully, but she apparently heard this song at a friend's and liked it. Oh the trials of parenting teens. ;)



Hm, interesting. I've liked that song when I've heard it on the radio... ;) So I looked up the lyrics, checked it on iTunes and watched the video before I came back to post to you. I wouldn't actually have any problem with it at all -- the only "profanity" is the word ****ed, and it's used to mean what it means, not as a swear, so that doesn't seem inappropriate to me. I believe it's a song about how the living cope with being left behind (and the video employs the dia de los muertos motif to explore that); how do we "carry on" when those we love have died? When our innocence ("when I was a young boy") and joy ("to see a marching band") are intruded upon by death ("the black parade"), how do we "carry on"? When we know it won't stop ("the rise and fall / the bodies in the streets"), how do we honor their memories when we're broken inside? Or do we try to join them -- is that what they would have wanted?


It's "profound" in the way that I think young people often appreciate. It allows them to question the goodness and purpose of the world and their place in it.


I can't speak for any of the band's other songs -- but I find that one interesting at least. I like the melodic parts especially.


Since writing the above, I skimmed a couple of reviews, which also proved interesting. But I haven't listened to the rest...

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It's "profound" in the way that I think young people often appreciate. It allows them to question the goodness and purpose of the world and their place in it.


I can't speak for any of the band's other songs -- but I find that one interesting at least. I like the melodic parts especially.


Since writing the above, I skimmed a couple of reviews, which also proved interesting. But I haven't listened to the rest...



...but, YOU ROCK! :001_smile: Thanks for this analysis! And, gardenschooler, for linking the song. We're not much into music videos here, so no worries on that front. Now, someone please tell me, why does iTunes list both a "Clean" version of the song and an "Explicit" version? Does the clean version delete the word d*mned? If so, I'd have to agree with abbey (from what I remember of the lyrics), it's too bad because it is used appropriately.


Looks like we'll have a new song in our collection soon. Thanks gals.



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Now, someone please tell me, why does iTunes list both a "Clean" version of the song and an "Explicit" version? Does the clean version delete the word d*mned?


The way I understand it, iTunes lists clean and explicit versions of whole *albums*. So let's say there's an album of 12 songs, 2 of which meet whatever the criteria are for "explicit". The entire *album* is listed as "explicit", as are *each* song on that album (even though only two really are). So they release a cleaned-up version of the album (only altering those two songs), and so now neither the album nor the individual songs are marked "explicit". Really, ten of the songs are identical on both albums -- it just depends which album-version they were tied to.

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Like everyone who lived in Athens in the 90's, I have Michael Stipe encounter stories. He used to come to the movie theater where I worked (and Kenny Rogers! but I guess he doesn't have a new album out). Once he ordered chocolate covered raisins, which are so not vegan.


Me too. I wonder if we were at the same theater! :) The one at the mall? Why can't I remember the name of it? But I do remember wearing an awful uniform of navy blue pants, a red checkered long sleeve shirt, and a vest.


My encounter story is with Peter Buck from R.E.M. He was coproducing an album for the Vigilantes of Love in 1992. My then husband played bass for one of the songs. I was 20 weeks pregnant with my first child and we had to run by the studio to pick up my DH's bass. We had just come from the doctor and had ultrasound pictures and knew our baby was going to be a girl. I was so excited I was just showing the pics to everyone around me. At one point, I handed them to a guy and the lead singer of VoL, Bill, came over and said, "Oh I see you met Peter Buck." I nearly died! I moved in slow motion taking the picture away from him and apologizing profusely with my face turning red. He laughed and said it was cool and the pics looked really cool. So then I said something stupid like, 'It would make a great cover for an R.E.M. album, huh?' Egads! LOL

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The way I understand it, iTunes lists clean and explicit versions of whole *albums*. So let's say there's an album of 12 songs, 2 of which meet whatever the criteria are for "explicit". The entire *album* is listed as "explicit", as are *each* song on that album (even though only two really are). So they release a cleaned-up version of the album (only altering those two songs), and so now neither the album nor the individual songs are marked "explicit". Really, ten of the songs are identical on both albums -- it just depends which album-version they were tied to.


I don't really "get" why they'd tad a song when it's the album they're really identifying. But, at least it helps me know what to expect.



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Me too. I wonder if we were at the same theater! :) The one at the mall? Why can't I remember the name of it? But I do remember wearing an awful uniform of navy blue pants, a red checkered long sleeve shirt, and a vest.



It was the one at the mall! I'm guessing from your kids' ages that you were there before me, though (I worked there 96-97). The uniforms were different by then, but no less awful.

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