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S/O How many car accidents have you been in?

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I've been in 4.


Number 1: I was 7. A car ran a stop sign and hit our car. I was hurt (I was on the side she hit), but it didn't need stitches or anything.


Number 2: I was 16 and driving. I was stopped and making a left hand turn. I was rear-ended by another 16 year old. She got a ticket.


Number 3: I was 23 and vacationing in CA. A man tried to make a left hand turn from the lane on the furthest right. (Make sense?). I hit him. It was in a rental car and the man tried to lie his way out of it. It was horrible!!! He said I was going 55 mph (well over the speed limit), but my air bags didn't even deploy! I hate liars!


Number 4: I was side-swiped in a snowstorm. I went up over the curb. The guy never even stopped.


How about you?

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Just two.


One when I was 10. Someone ran a red light and hit the front of our car as we were going through an intersection. We weren't hurt, but my brother was a baby and my dad took his car seat out so I could stand out of the intersection and hold my brother. It started raining and a woman tried to convince me to get into her car with my brother out of the rain. I refused ("Michelle, never get into a car with a stranger!") so we stood there in the rain! LOL


The second one was several years ago. I was stopped at a light and someone rear-ended me so hard my radio flew out of the dash. Her license plate ended up under my van, almost between MY front tires. She was a shrew. Wouldn't say a word to me, wouldn't show me her insurance or anything until the police arrived, then tried to blame me by saying I'd slammed my brakes. Sadly for her, the assistant state's attorney was my witness (his car was in front of mine and he had the wherewithall to move into the intersection to avoid my van slamming into his BMW. Thank God.) So, given I had him as a witness for my side, she quickly shut up. She was cited, the officer gave me a copy of the accident form thing and since my van was still drivable (her car was NOT), I went home.

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2 -


I was rear-ended while I was stopped at a stop sign. Obviously not my fault.


My friend's car, which I was driving, was side-swiped by an aggressive driver. We followed and got the license number and called the police. When they had the court case, the guy turned out to the be son of a very big name in my area. The judge finally told him to shut up because every time he opened his mouth he was digging himself in deeper. Turned out he was driving with a suspended license, and had multiple citations of dangerous driving.

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What qualifies as an accident?


I've bumped a telephone pole while parking.

I've lost a catalytic converter cover by misjudging a soft shoulder while making a turn.

And I've backed into the same parked car twice while living in an apartment complex (causing 1 small dent).


I usually don't consider those things "car accidents", so I say zero. If anyone does consider those "car accidents" because they are accidents with a car, then 4.


And I've only had 1 speeding ticket that I still swear was not my fault (18 wheeler riding my rear). I've had my license for 16 years. I drive like a defensive old lady.

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I've been in three:


When I was 5, my Dad and I were hit while crossing a freeway intersection (yes, in 1972, freeways had intersections!) where I-90 curves past Beacon Hill in Seattle. We were in a lead-sled 1964 Ford T-Bird and weren't hurt at all. A semi pushed a little Honda (when they were brand new in the States) into us. I don't remember that anyone was hurt.


When I was 24, the rear tire on my 9 year old (and pretty worn out) Ford Tempo blew up while I was on a curve, going down a pretty steep hill, and I did a 180, ending up in a ditch. Mom and I got whiplash, but were released from ER same day. I was really sore for a while.


I was rear-ended on NE 8th in Bellevue, WA by a 16 year old kid while I was waiting a stop light. He wasn't going super fast, but my neck hurt for a few days.


My husband was hit by a car while he was riding his bike and was pretty messed up, but he's back bike commuting again... Does this count?

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I've been in 3 accidents:


One when I was a child. I was sitting in the front seat, no seat belt, and sitting sideways so I could talk to my Dad (he was driving) and my brother (in the back seat). A lady pulled out in front of us, and my Dad slammed on the brakes but still hit her. I hit my ear on the dashboard---not terribly hard, but hard enough that I remember how bad it hurt.


When I was 17, I was driving and looked down to change to radio or something. I rear ended a car that rear ended a pickup. There were people sitting in the back of the pickup, so I'm thankful no one was seriously hurt.


The last one was when I was pregnant with my oldest. I was driving home, turned on my signal to make a right hand turn onto my street and was hit from behind as I slowed to make the turn. The lady stopped, then parked in front of my house (we were just a few houses from the corner) while I went in the house and told my dh and called the police. Turns out this lady was driving without a license, and she was driving a rental SUV. I still have no idea why she stopped (she could've easily just kept going), but I'm thankful she did.

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Real wrecks (like where police came and all) - just 2. Wrecks where I messed up my car and had to have it fixed, more like 3. If you include fender benders and close calls (like sliding around the road, almost hitting a wall, and stopping short), try in the "up to about 10" range.


The most serious one was when a man pulling a boat pulled into the turning lane across both lanes of traffic in front of me. I couldn't stop...in fact, I was so young and dumb that I hit the gas and swerved slamming right into the boat motor. Lucky for me, the man was in his mid-80's and he had forgotten to pull the motor up for traveling (it was still down like when you are in the water). If it had been up, it would have gone through my face. I could have very easily died that day with just one variable changed.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I've only been in one as a driver. The other guy ran a red light and I couldn't avoid him. It was a pretty big mess, but no one was hurt. I had to show up at court, but didn't have to testify and his insurance paid for the repair and rental.


Dh and I were rear ended at a stoplight by a drunk gypsy cab driver in Caracas. It was right on the corner where the municipal police parked so we had plenty of witnesses. The gypsy cabbie was arrested, but he didn't pay us anything to fix my car.


I was in a fender bender with my dad when I was 7 and my mom was side swiped on the PA turnpike when I was 12.

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Only 3 that resulted in exchanged insurance cards, police reports, etc.


1. (driver) I was 18 and had been driving for a year. I was coming down a residential street (going the speed limit) and was t-boned by a 16yo kid coming out of his drive way.


2. (driver) I was 25 and in bumper to bumper traffic on an exit ramp heading off the freeway. A lady crossed all 4 lanes of traffic going 80+ mph and plowed into the cars behind me, shoving them into me. That one required a doctor's visit.


3. (passenger) Hubby & I had borrowed a friend's pick-up truck and parked in the bank parking lot. Some idiot women in an SUV backed right into the side of the truck. Yeah, that was fun dealing with the friend's insurance, our insurance, the lady's LOUSY insurance. Anyway, she tried to deny fault. I suggested our insurance get the surveillance tapes from the bank, and miracle of miracles, the lady decided to spill her guts.


I've never had an at-fault accident, thankfully.

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My dad turned left in front of someone and they hit my side.


I was hit from behind at a stoplight - my car was totaled.


Exactly a week later, I was hit from behind by a dump truck while waiting to turn left into school (to make up the exam I missed the previous Thursday because of the other accident!:lol:) I was driving my dh's truck that time.


My dh has been in 5, 3 not as the driver and 2 where he was at fault.

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I was the passenger in:

#1 my mom rear-ended somebody.

#2 Someone backed into Mom

#3 my mom rear-ended somebody.

#4 Someone ran into the side of our car. We were sitting at a stoplight and he was exiting a parking lot. He thought the space our car was occupying was vacant and tried to get in line at the light.

#5 Someone rear-ended my then stepmother

#6 A low rider pick up truck ran a red light and hit the front of our school bus on the way home. The force was bad enough that he bounced off the front of the bus and hit another car.


I was the driver:

#7 I was parked along the curb and sitting in my car. The car directly in front of me (also parked along the curb) decided to throw it in reverse without looking and backed into the front of my car. She tried to lie and said I was the one driving and rear-ended her! Too bad my car was switched off!

#8 I was sitting at the end of an off ramp at a red light. A car came up off the freeway and decided not to stop. He said he thought "I had already gone (through the light)".

Edited by bluemongoose
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#1- When I was about 10 my mom bumped someone. There was no damage and the lady didn't even take my mom's info.


#2- someone bumped dh and I in slow la freeway traffic. No damage/no follow-up.


#3- I bumped someone, no damage/no follow-up (hmm, I'm seeing a pattern here!)


That's it for me! Dh has been in 3 car totalling accidents + 2 more moderate damage ones. I think only 1 was his fault. He spends a lot more time on the road than I do

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I've been in 4



- I was 12 - my parent's car was rearended

- I was 15 - my parent's car was run off the highway by someone driving too fast on ice. No damage to their car and they kept going, our car got a few bumps

- I was 16 - driving when an older man made a left turn in front of me. He blamed it on me and it was a long drawn out fight over who was right. Cops ended up writing the report so it favored me so that helped. He couldn't see his left turn light because of the sun. My junker of a car was totaled. His just had the bumper ripped off. Busy intersection and no one would stop to be a witness for me.

- I was 18 driving to school when a 30 year old woman was racing another student from my highschool and lost control. Hit my car just right and managed to knock out the support that goes between the drivers door and windshield totaling the car.

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Hmm. 9. Yes, that sounds bad.


I was 6 (driver) I was playing in the car, which was parked on the street, on a hill. Somehow, I got it out of park & it started rolling. I turned it into the vacant lot next door somehow:confused: and it crashed into a tree. I wasn't hurt at all, my friend hit her head on the windshield but ended up being okay.


I was 16 (driver) driving home late, from my boyfriends, in the fog. We lived in the country, and I went off the road a bit, grass was wet, somehow lost control, spun around and the rear end hit a tree. Car was totaled.


I was 20, my fiance was driving home after bar time, he was fine, I was not. I fell into his lap, he lost control, the car went into the ditch and was damaged.


I was 22, driving to work in the winter, the roads were super icy and as I went up a hill that my job was on, I somehow sideswiped a car that was parked there.


I was 24, I had the right away and a car pulled out and hit me in the passenger side.


I was 25, and rear ended a guy pullling out from a stop light. We were both in a hurry, no damage was done, so we didn't call anyone.


I was 27, following a lady through the green arrow, it was raining, she slammed on her brakes, and I rear ended her. She did call the police.


I was 29, it was winter, horrible roads, I had almost made it to work, when a semi truck pulled out in front of me, I had to slam on the brakes, and ended up in the ditch. Minimal damage, but police were called.


I think the last one was that dh hit a deer a few years ago (less than a mile from our driveway, and we were actively watching for them!), there was damage, and we called.


It looks really bad with them all listed here. Notice that now that I am older and more mature, my stats have gotten much better.:D


Oh, when I had a red Camaro (all through my 20's) it was stolen by two 13 year olds and was in a high speed chase before I got it back. There was damage.

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1) I was 17 and had had my license about 2 weeks. I was stopped because the people in front of me were turning into a subdivision. A lady wasn't paying attention and slammed into the side of me near the back which spun me and so she hit the front of me also.


2) A few years back, I was driving home from work (mall) and was going just under the speed limit. I came over a hill and slammed into the back of a car which was going just a couple miles per hour IN THE LANE on the freeway. They thought they had heard something wrong with the car so people were walking beside the car to try to hear it from a different perspective. I hadn't moved over because I saw the people on the side and there was an 18wheeler beside me.

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I've been backed into twice. Once by a 90yo man, who then pulled forward and backed into me again. LOL


Another time I was stopped at a red light behind a truck. He decided to go another way so he backed up....and into me. LOL It was Christmas Eve, my car didn't look injured, so I had him sign a statement saying "yes, I backed into her at a traffic light" because I knew no one would ever believe me if he lied (!) and we both went on our way. I had his info just in case, had my car checked the next week and all was fine.



I barely bumped a car on the freeway one time. Traffic had been stopped due to a bridge lift. We were all speeding up together. We weren't regular speed yet an all the cars were still close to one another but distance was gaining. The car in front of me STOPed. No warning, just from escalating speed, to nothing. There wasn't anything in front of her, I never knew way she stopped. It was of course my fault but I didn't get ticketed. I have always wondered why she decided to come to a complete and sudden halt in the middle of a bridge in rush hour traffic.

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rA couple newby mistakes of turning left and timing wrong.


A couple not paying attention and not stopping in time and bumping people from behind. thankfully kind people twice who made sure I was okay and we all went on our way. and once when the person in front of me kept inching forward and stopping several time waiting to turn right. He called me within and hour wiht 3 estimates and a "What do I plan to do about it" I gave his info to myt insurance company and I that was that.


I was pushed off the road by a semi but my camry held it's own and stayed on the median.


and last buy not least a rhinosaurus yes that's right....a rhino at lion country safari came up to our car and brushed his tusk up and down the side several times.


Oh I forgot about the lady who I was in front of not paying attention andthinking she is going to hit me and she sure did that I hit the car in front of me and he hit the car infront of him. Her insurance paid for all of us.

Edited by lynn
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1 and I'm 43.


It happened when I was about 19, on an icy highway, and someone spun in front of me. I hit her and she went upside down into the ditch. Fortunately we both walked away, although my dad could have killed him since it totaled his car. :001_huh:

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1 and I'm 43.


It happened when I was about 19, on an icy highway, and someone spun in front of me. I hit her and she went upside down into the ditch. Fortunately we both walked away, although my dad could have killed him since it totaled his car. :001_huh:


I love your new avatar.:D


I have been in six. I was born in 1964.


1st - My mother was driving in traffic on the NJ Parkway and was hit from behind.


2nd - This one was two days after the first. My mother was stopped at a red light on the way to the beach. We were hit from behind once more.


3rd - I was 26 when the worst one happened to me. I was driving a Toyota. A 68 Ford Mustang turned left into my lane and hit me. Crushed my car. I would like to tell you about it, but I have little or no memory of it and for several days before and after the accident. There were witnesses at the scene who saw the driver turn left into my car that is how I know. I was blessed that the witnesses stopped. My engine ended up on my lap, and my knees were pinned into my car. If I had not worn my seat belt, I would have been split in half the police officer informed me.


4th - I was stopped in traffic due to an accident. A driver hit me from behind.


5th - I was a passenger. My bf at the time was driving us home from Boston when a drunk driver hit us from behind. Our bumpers locked together. My bf hit his break, his emergency break, and put our car into reverse, and the drunk driver still had us doing 90 miles per hour. We spun and spun and spun around and around and around. It seemed to go on forever. We almost turned over several times. I remember seeing the grass through the passenger side window. Yes, the car was on it's side spinning while it was still attached to the drunk's car. Some how it flopped back down the correct way.


6th - Another stopped at a red light waiting for it to turn green accident.


Lesson learned is to never let me in your car. You might get hit from behind.;)


Wait! I was in 7 accidents. A friend of minne was backing up and hit another car.

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Accident # 1. My dad was taking an older model pick-up truck (I'm 42 folks so this was REALLY old because I was 6 at the time) for a test drive - he had just done some engine work on it for a customer. A man ran a stop sign and plowed into us. Though I had a seat belt on, there were no shoulder harnesses so I hit the door. My shoulder was x-rayed but there was no fracture. It was very sore.


#2 age 7, A drunk driver coming home at 8:00 a.m. from his party and driving without a license because he'd been convicted of drunk driving THREE OTHER TIMES, came across the center line when my grandfather was passing him. Grandpa had to head for the ditch in order to prevent the collision. The drunk did not correct his trajectory and hit a mailbox then careened into the ditch ahead of us. He was not arrested or given a ticket! So, don't ask me who he knew in the police department. My grandmother, ever the drama queen, though not one single person was hurt, felt the need to pop dramamine and valium for three days due to her "nerves". We were on vacation and she medicated herself into a real stupor which was a very disappointing BUMMER for us. She was otherwise a perfectly wonderful grandma but about once every five years she just had to have a "nervous fit" as we liked to say.


#3 About five years ago, a woman ran a stop sign at rather high speed. Thankfully, I was in my Chevy Beauville van which is a lot like a tank for strength. I saw her coming through with my peripheral vision, swerved and gunned it; she only hit the back. I had one big dent and a twisted bumper/fender - what is the one in the back? It just about ripped the entire front off her mini-van or should I say, her dad's mini-van. She was angry, angry, angry when I called the police. She figured since Michigan is a No-Fault insurance state, we didn't need a report. I said, NO WAY! For one thing, we had a deductible which her insurance would be required to meet. For another, it was hard to say if we might later on determine we were injured. I wanted proof that it wasn't my fault. She decided that she was just going to leave the scene since her van did start because she was late for a real estate showing. I reminded her that I had already written down her license plate number and also had taken a picture of the accident scene with my cell phone, her face included. This really ticked her off! She sat in her car fuming until the police arrived and then told them I was making a mountain out of a mole hill. The officer told her to pipe down or else! I am not certain what the "or else" would have been but I was kind of rooting for her to keep shouting just to find out.


#4 Same year as above - I went to the bank to make a bank deposit and a car came racing around the corner going "out" the "in" which was clearly marked from the driver's direction as "Do Not Enter". She smucked the front of the car and did about $1500.00 of damage (little Saturn here not a nice big chevy van). She called the police but they refused to respond saying that it was private property and they do not respond to accidents on private property unless someone is hurt. I was NOT happy. Seriously, so someone crashes at the bank but if everyone manages to jump out of the way, there will be no police report????? Anyway, there were a couple of witnesses and the young lady was very apologetic and called my insurance agent to assure him it was her fault. Thankfully it all worked out.


That's it for me. DH was hit by a guy running a red light at 45 miles per hour. The driver was trying to beat a "turn light". The crash was nearly head-on - dh saw it coming and tried to swerve since there was no one in the lane next to him. He couldn't get out of the way but it caused the impact to be slightly to one side which probably saved dh's life. Both vehicles were completely totaled and dh climbed out through the window. The guy was quite abrasive but the police arrived promptly and he quieted down. Dh has permanent soft tissue damage from the seat belt and has residual pain though chiropractic and massage have helped. The bad thing is that DH thought he felt fine and didn't go to the hospital to be checked out though the very prudent officer warned him that, when in shock, one might not feel pain now but will definitely feel it later. Because he didn't get the pain documented with 24 hours of the crash, the car insurance will not pay for the treatment as pain related. So, since our medical insurance does not pay for chiropractic or massage therapy, we have to foot the bill out of pocket. The insurance agent told me if he had gone to the hospital and then maybe to a chiropractor the next day, that this would have established that he was having pain related to the crash. Sigh.....live and learn. Of course, DH hates to clutter up an ER if he isn't seriously in danger.



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Sore subject...:glare:


As a child, maybe 7 or 8, I remember one accident. I was with my mother, sitting in the front seat. I didn't have a seatbelt on and we were rear ended. I busted my lip on the dashboard, and from that point on ALWAYS wore a seatbelt! lol. My mom laughs about it now because she says she had gotten out to exchange information and when she walked back up to the car I had my seatbelt on all on my own.


When I was 16, a friend and I were headed to NC from MD (I was driving) and while at a stop I was rearended by a truck going 60+miles an hour, which shoved me forward 25 feet into another car. My neon was totalled, and I ended up being in PT and having back surgery for 18 months.


Just a few weeks later when I had gotten a brand new car, (My first new car!) I was rear ended while in traffic, and the guy took off down a side road. I was... ANGRY! lol.


When I was 18, just a few months after I was released from PT, I was crossing at a stoplight (I had the green light!) and was hit by a huge work van going 55 miles an hour on my passenger side. Luckily I was alone, but I again ended up in PT and having MORE back surgery. Car was totalled.

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hmm. never counted.

1. rear ended at a red light by a middle aged man at 16, minor damage.

2. t-bone crash in a storm. A very elderly lady pulled out from a stop sign on a side road a short distance in front of me as I was traveling down a highway at about 60mph when I was 19. Significant damage to both vehicles. An ambulance came for the elderly woman, but I believe she was just shaken up.

3. I bumped (rear ended) a truck in front of me in a turn lane. (He suddenly stopped right after we got a green turn arrow, and I didn't notice.) Did no damage to his car. I got a little dent in the bumper. It was not reported. In my 30's

4. I backed into dh's car in the driveway. about 40 yo. I take NO responsibility for this one. I had told him several times not to park there!:lol::lol::lol:

5. I was rear ended on Christmas Eve's eve while stopped at a red light. The poor couple was in a real beat up old car on their way to Walmart to buy their kids Christmas. I only had a small scratch on the bumper because they almost were able to stop. I told them to go on. No report filed.

6.t-bone again. A car did not notice they had a red light. I was making a left turn with a green arrow. (I had sat through the entire red sequence.) They hit me at about 65. This one was serious.


adding a couple

5.5 Ran into a deer on the interstate. Surprising amount of damage done. Actually, the deer ran into ME. Seriously.

5.7 Hydroplaned while going down an interstate on a mountain. Did 3 or 4 360s and slammed into the cutout side of the mountain. Just a dent in the bumper. I truly thought death was imminent. No injuries. Not even a bruise.

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#1 -- When I was about 10 years old, my sister & I were in the car and my mom was driving us to the grocery store. We were on a quiet residential street, and mom stopped behind the car ahead of us, which was turning into a driveway. Another car rear-ended us. No one was injured.


#2 -- A couple of years later, my sister & I were in the car and my mom was driving us home from my grandparents' house. We were about to drive onto a bridge over the interstate highway when another car (driven by a drunk driver) came up the exit ramp but didn't stop at the end of the ramp. He hit our car in the front/side. The car was totaled, and my mom spent a few days in the hospital with a concussion. My sister and I had bruises, but were otherwise uninjured.


#3 -- A few years later, my mom was taking me to play practice after school. We were stopped at a red light. When the light turned green, my mom saw that there was a pick-up truck that was not going to stop after his light turned red. But the driver of the car across from us didn't see the truck and pulled into the intersection. The truck hit her car and propelled it into ours. Our car was totalled. My mom was uninjured, but I had a strained muscle in my back.


#4 -- A few years after dh & I were married, I was driving home from work one day (in a compact car) and was struck head on by a loaded 18-wheel gravel truck when the truck jackknifed and crossed into my lane. I was seriously injured and spent a month in the hospital. I told that story in this post a few months back.


#5 -- Two years later, I was driving home from work one day and I was in a minor fender-bender at a busy intersection. No one was injured in that one. I hope it was my very last car accident.

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Wow. OK - I'll play. I was driving in all of these.


1)When I was 17, a car made a left hand turn into the drivers side door. No injuries. Other driver at fault.


2)While I was in college, a car rear ended me while we were in a right turn lane waiting for the light to turn green (there was oncoming traffic, so I couldn't right turn on red). Other driver at fault. No damage, no injuries.


3)Sometime in my 20's, a car cut me off by pulling into my lane from the right hand lane. I hit my brakes and then spun through the intersection (7 lane road intersecting with a 5 lane road), ending up 1/2 in a turn lane, 1/2 in a travel lane, someone in the travel lane didn't see me and hit in the drivers side back fender, caught the bumper & tore it off, damaging the passenger side fender and creasing the side of the car up towards the roof. Car totaled. No injuries. The car that pulled in front of me left the scene of the accident. Police determined he was at fault (there were witnesses that stopped and talked to the police). My insurance covered the accident through the uninsured motorists clause as it was caused by a "phantom vehicle" which was assumed to be uninsured. The vehicle that hit me was covered under the same clause on their insurance policy.


4)When I was in my late 30's, I rear ended someone. Minor damage to their car, significant damage to mine, but it was repairable. No injuries. My insurance company paid. This is the only accident I have ever been in that was my fault.


5) About six months after accident #3, I made a left hand turn w/a green turn signal. Someone didn't stop at the red light and T-boned me. Again, significant damage, but car repairable. No injuries. The other driver's car insurance paid. The body shop people were amazed that I was "back so soon?"


6) I was stopped at a stop sign, waiting for traffic to clear so I could make a right hand turn. An opening came, I took my foot off my break pedal and the car behind me rear ended me before I could get my foot onto the accelerator. Minor damage, no injuries. The other driver's insurance policy paid.


7) I was in a left hand turn lane stopped at a stop sign. One car in front of me. They were over the white line. A fire engine coming back to it's station needed to make a left hand turn onto the street we were on. They motioned for the guy to reverse because they didn't have room. I looked up in my rear view mirror to see if I had room to back up and the car in front of me backed into me. He didn't check to see if he had room. No damage to my car this time, no injuries, no insurance claims filed.


8) I was driving a rental car on Thanksgiving night. While waiting at a stoplight, in a right turn lane for oncoming traffic to clear, I was rear ended by a car driven by a teenager. Hole in the back bumper on the drivers side. No injuries. The other driver's insurance company paid.


All of this is to say that God is good - with this many accidents I have never had an injury more serious than a minor cut from glass & have never had to go to the hospital. I am very grateful!

Edited by TechWife
To add an accident!
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