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Everything posted by MagistraMichelle

  1. We utilized VP's Online Academy last year for our older son (9th gr). He learned a lot and actually enjoyed the class, though it was rigorous. I am planning on having dd (6th) take some classes next year. I am thinking Latin and maybe History. But the Memory class is a possibility. We are expecting our 6th during the Christmas Holiday and I think it might be wise to 'outsource' some classes. I am curious about others experiences with different online tutorials... :lurk5: Michelle
  2. Our children do not attend youth group anywhere. Without getting into a lot of detail I will share that there is lots of literature out there that will do a much better job of explaining than I would. A good one is Family Driven Faith by Voddie Baucham. Michelle
  3. Both. She exercised her rights in bad taste. Michelle
  4. Weird and creepy. There must be a logical explanation. Maybe someone else will have and idea...
  5. Haha, without reading the other responses I will say, yes, all the time! My oldest dd will plead with me for different things and I often oblige. I kind of like it that she wants something special from me. But then again, if she was always begging I might become irritated :smilielol5: I bet you make a mean carrot cake, and now I am thinking about begging you for a recipe....
  6. I lost a friend a couple years ago over the way a situation was handled. It was a painful loss indeed. I have seen it over and over. Women become friends, then later the friendship goes sour. Usually both sides are hurt and feel betrayed. I am not saying every friendship ends like that, but that it happens way too often. I have friends that I have known and loved most of my life. But, I have lost some friends I cared deeply about, sometimes for an unknown reason and sometimes because of a disagreement. I just don't see this in males friendships. In fact, rarely if ever can I recall this happening. Is it because men don't put their heart and soul into friendships like women??? I don't even think it is that. But they just don't take things to heart the way women do? I don't know. It perplexes me though.:confused: What are others thoughts on this? Michelle
  7. Yowza!!! That is not a friend. With 'friends' like that you don't need enemies. Really. Sounds like you are right, she is controlling. A couple of years ago I had a 'situation' with a 'friend'. Our friendship is over and done with. I won't share many details publicly because she has done things in the past that were disconcerting in regards to joining a group I was a part of and hiding or not 'divulging' it to me. It was very odd at the time but it is clear now what her intentions were. All that to say, I was very hurt and I did consider her my closest female friend. I tried to resolve it with her, but we got nowhere. I finally had to let it go. But man was that ever painful. I still see her and I am no longer bitter but I am very careful about what I tell her. I wish the best for her. But I know she will never really know how hurtful that was to me. You need to draw a line, a nice big BOLD line. I wouldn't respond. But being who I am, I would keep the email for future reference, just in case. And keep up with the circle. Just keep all that happened private. If anyone asks, be the bigger woman and tell them "We have some differences of opinion." Leave it at that. But don't be shocked if there is some gossip. It sounds like she isn't afraid to spout her opinions and belittle you to others. I am sorry. You will get through and be better for it. Michelle
  8. That is encouraging! I am so ready to go to Costco a slap down $300 for a top loader that works but I would like to be talked out of it and get something nice....of coarse it needs to work though;)
  9. Oh man do I understand that stress. Dh is a Mechanical Engineer but the company he worked for lost funding so he took a job in sales. It was feast or famine for a looooong time. It is finally steady and we are so blessed. Hang in there, it is tough at first, but it can happen... Michelle
  10. I was contemplating buying one since my Calypso is dying a slow and painful death. But, the repair man says to save my money and buy a top loader/agitater type. He is not impressed with any of the front loaders. I am curious what the consumers opinion is on this? We have a larger family and do so much laundry :blink: I really need a washer I can count on... Any insight is greatly appreciated!!! :bigear: Michelle
  11. That's hard, I really enjoyed the Ancients but the Middle Ages may be my #1 fav. Michelle
  12. Thanks for all the great advice. I have wanted to get him help but ds is refusing to 'talk' to anyone. He says he doesn't need it. Despite the fact that it seems as though we have only given out harsh punishments, we haven't. There was much more involved than just getting the book. We simply connected certain behaviors to the book. Forgive as I didn't go into the details of all of that. This isn't 'new' behavior. As I said, he has struggled his whole life with moodiness, irritability, etc. However it has stepped up considerably since 12/13. He isn't using drugs because he can't get them. He has no money as what he earns goes into a savings acct and he can't get to it because of this very problem. But I believe his goal is to use drugs because he said so in his journal. The alcohol isn't available what so ever, so he can't partake of that. He is close to his father. They go to the gym early every morning he is in town. One the weekends we all hang out and go do things together as well as work around the house. He is close to his older sister and they often go do things together. I spend time with him alone too. We have a couple of TV shows we watch that nobody else appreciates, and he looks forward to us hanging out alone and talking. But I don't get out alone with him as my husband does. I think I will give up my knitting night and grab a bite to eat with him or maybe catch a movie, or whatever he wants. Despite all this I still do not think he feels loved and valued. Not sure why. We have had so many heart to heart talks that it amazes me he is acting this way. I guess I am coming to the conclusion that this is a deeper psychological issue. My husband not traveling isn't an option. It's a job requirement. In this economy, I am grateful he is able to provide for us at all . We have insurance and our son will get help because of my husbands work. Christian counseling isn't going to help this boy. Someone suggested he get guitar lessons from a trusted, respectable man.....well he was. He was taking lessons from our pastor. In return for lessons, he would mow his lawn. But, that was cut off due to the obsession with the guitar and Nikki Sixx and not EVER finishing his schoolwork. Add to that he is mean to his siblings and threatening to me. He has been given ample time to correct his shortcomings and regain some independence. No, I do not think he is suicidal. If I did, I wouldn't be asking for help here. He would have gotten help. But this causes me to wonder if he will be. So, this lights a huge fire under me to get in asap with a psychologist. I don't know if we can change his direction, but I will die trying. This was the first child I pulled out of ps after two months in Kinder because he was sinking, emotionally. I am not willing to just sit by and watch him go down in flames. I have to say, sadly, that he is not the only hs young man I know who is having major issues. I am seeing problem behavior all over. I think certain boys get to a point where being home with mommy is not a good thing. They get bored and they are questioning life and beliefs and mommy isn't going to cut it anymore. He is one of those. I could name quite a few, all moms I have spoken to at length to. Most have already 'lost' their young men to the world. They are devastated and I don't want to be there in a few years. So, I will find him some medical help. I don't expect it to be easy. Thanks much, Michelle
  13. I lose control everytime. Then I get depressed because I didn't exercise self control. But I do some ideas for my next convention... 1. Make a list of what you need. 2. Make a list of curriculum you want to see in real life. 3. Add up what you need then add a little extra for 'fun' stuff and bring that amount in cash. Don't forget cash for food, drinks, and snacks because you will need that too. Do not bring bank card, credit card, or checkbook into convention. :p I get so weak at them. It is as though I will never again get another chance to purchase homeschool supplies! Good luck, may the force be with you! Michelle
  14. Grandma didn't know he bought the book because he hid it in his pants. But she isn't super involved with my childrens life because of other issues. However, we were not in a position to be picky either. In fact, we were downright desperate. I appreciate the kind words and suggestions. I am going to do a little research for some local resources. Thank you ladies;) Michelle
  15. Wow, after reading all the replies I think I might delete my thread. I mean, gosh, there were some harsh words. So sorry Lolly. I have a sweet, sensitive daughter who would have been destroyed as well. Keep her driving though, because she needs to overcome this hurdle and she will in time. I have sat in courtrooms where judges behave like demigods. It is rather disheartening. Michelle who was an EMT and married to a peace officer in a former life.
  16. Yep, you read that right. Our 15 yo wants to be a rockstar and try cocaine. I can't believe I am posting this in a public forum but desperate times call for desperate measures. Background info...ds has always been a moody, sensitive child. He doesn't make friends easily and struggles a lot with expressing himself. Being sensitive, he often feels as though others don't 'like' him or are 'judging' him. He struggles with his studies and ends up in tears of frustration very often. 18 months ago, our daughter was born with Hirschsprungs Disease. Of coarse, there is no way to know this before birth so she was transferred to a hospital an hour away to get the level of care she required. It was touch and go for a couple weeks. We stayed across the street from the hospital in special housing for families of critical patients. During the time we were in the hospital my mother came and stayed with the children who at that time were 17, 13, 7 and 4. This particular son was 13. On one occasion my mother brought all the children to the mall where my ds begged to hang out at a bookstore. He was alone there for about 45 minutes before my mom came back to get him. Apparently he 'bought' (though I can't be certain of this) a book with his gift card. The book he bought was a biography about Motley Crew. He had this book for 7-8 months before we found and seized it. I was horrified at the content. It made me sick. My son received a thorough education to say the least. In fact, I did myself just from reading parts of it. He learned all about drinking in excess, drugs, sex...oh yes. Very 'wholesome' reading indeed. He came away with a mad desire to be just like one of the band members, Nicky Sixx. In fact, my son is obsessed with this guy. We dealt with the whole thing as best we could. We removed his clock radio, we stopped guitar lessons, we removed his bedroom door, we didn't allow him to stay home when we had errands he had no desire to accompany us on. In short, we sort of tomato-staked him. He didn't appreciate it, but oh well. We thought he was improving and he was, just not in the way we thought. He was improving his sneakiness, his lying, his ability to deceive. We found his journal a couple months ago and it confirmed that he has been up to no good. He got into my husbands alcohol (many times it appears and enough to be inebriated). He tried smoking tea leaves (this was funny in a way, but really not a good sign). I was not shocked, my husband was floored. He couldn't believe our son was doing all this. There have been a few incidents as well. Actually, many incidents. He has physically overpowered me. He has gotten in my face and held his fist up as though he was going to hit me, but he didn't. When I told him to do it, then he would go to jail he told me "I will tell the police you hit me first, then you'll go to jail". These things happen when my husband is out of town (which is weekly). He is behind on his schoolwork. Dh isn't home daily so he can't keep a firm grip on him and besides that Dh doesn't even know where to begin with this child. He pouts the entire time we are at church or in any social setting for that matter (hangs his head, has a scowl on his face, doesn't engage/talk to others). He has no friends, NOT ONE. Despite the fact that we socialize often. He sits in the corner if we force him to attend the hs teen activities. He makes a spectacle of himself. We have decided to put him in Private School next year. One reason is for him to have accountability to someone other than mommy. The other is because socially, he is a total duck. Plus, I figure he might actually learn something if it is someone other than dh or myself. I don't know. I am at my wits end. I keep thinking that maybe we should find some boys camps that would engage him physically and have him so tired he can't do anything at the end of the day but sleep. As it is, he spends one day a week with a close friend who is a carpenter. He is learning a lot but it is only one day and requires an hour of driving to get him there (which equates to 2 hours total). I really don't want to put him in private school but I just can't take anymore fighting, arguing. Or at the very least, I would get a break during the day and so would my littles who have seen way too much already. Any suggestions from 'those who have gone before'? Michelle
  17. My 15 yo ds is giving me gray hair. He is a moody, lazy, unsocial, unmotivated, grouchy young man who I am afraid will end up on the streets one day. Not because we will send him there but because he thinks he wants to live a 'rockstar' life. In fact. I don't want to high-jack the OP so I will start a new thread for this one. But I am eagerly reading all the responses here because I am desperate. Not 'getting desperate', but DESPERATE. Michelle
  18. Last Sunday we were talking about planting a garden. Dd8 says "Let's plant corn!" Daddy "I think it's too late for that". Dd "You plant corn when the Ash Tree leaves are no bigger than a squirrels' ear". :rofl: I think maybe she has read a little too much Little House on the Prairie.
  19. In my experience an allergy can make you throw up. I would imagine it is yeast because gluten is in most every bread product. My Daughter cannot eat gluten. She gets bloated and has terrible stomach pain if she does. My youngest is allergic to milk and will throw up, break out in welts and turn blue around the mouth if she has any dairy. My older daughter is lactose intolerant and will get a tummy ache if she has dairy. The difference between an allergy and intolerance is obvious. An intolerance will not cause breathing, throwing up, swelling, welts/hives, etc. I would at the very least look into a scratch test for yeast. It is pretty painless and will give you immediate answers.
  20. WOW, that is certainly not right at all. My first thought was seizures. Can you get a second opinion? Maybe do a little digging around online.... Our daughter has Hirschsprungs Disease, and we have had many moments with her doctors where I thought I might lose it. Although they we fantastic during her critical stage, oftentimes they would almost pooh pooh my concerns. They learned pretty quickly that I was not ignorant and would not have my concerns pushed aside. We have had to change doctors a couple times but she is getting the very best care. I confess, I am rather impatient with that type of behavior from anyone, regardless of their profession. I have found doctors respond best to me when I am firm, specific, and direct. Often times I bring my husband to appointments as a show of 'force' when I have been pushed around a little. We agree to insist when we believe it is necessary. The one thing I have stressed to all of her doctors is this, we are partners in her health care. We want a doctor who will trust our observations and respect that we have the final decision. In turn, we seek out their expertise and education. This has made a good relationship where we can trust them and the treatment they suggest. I am sure we will have issues in the future but I refuse to be bullied by anyone. It doesn't sound as though your childs doctor respects you and your right to advocate for your child. Don't be afraid to look elsewhere. I am so sorry I can't offer you something in regards to your daughters specific symptoms. I am sure you will get to the bottom of it. Don't give up. You are not failing her, you are just not getting answers from the people who should have something to offer you. Michelle
  21. I have been a lurker for many years. I meet Susan in 2003 at a conference we organized in Sacramento. She was such an inspiration to me. I read the WTM in 2000 (maybe 2001). I might be aging myself a bit ;) I have a daughter that graduated two years ago, a son in 9th, daughter in 5th, son in 1st, an 18 mo. old and one due in Dec. I have found that deviating from my original plan is disastrous. Michelle
  22. Sadly, these things happen. Children get into things very quickly despite our watchful eyes.
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