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What year did you discover the boards?

What year did you discover the boards?  

  1. 1. What year did you discover the boards?

    • 1999/2000
    • 2001
    • 2002
    • 2003
    • 2004
    • 2005
    • 2006
    • 2007
    • 2008
    • 2009/2010

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I remember it was 04 because that was the fall the kids went into 1st grade. I had been researching homeschooling the fall prior to that, but for some reason I hadn't known about the forum until they went to school. From all the info here, the decision to go ahead with homeschooling became a lot clearer, and they came home at Thanksgiving break. I rarely posted on the old forum. Sometimes I did, though, usually just to ask a question, and then I took a break for about a year (or maybe less, I don't exactly remember), came back, and the forum style had changed to this one.

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I found TWTM book and boards in the fall of 2004. I had a membership to the old boards but only asked a couple curriculum questions because I found it difficult to follow the old format. When I came in 2008 to ask a question, I found the format changed and rejoined.

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I have been guessing at this for years, but I think I figured it out.


Hunter was born in January of 99, so Jeffrey's kindergarten year was fall of 99 to spring of 2000 (I remember walking Jeffrey to school with Hunter in a stroller).

It was the summer after his kindergarten year that I decided to homeschool. I would have read TWTM early that summer, put it on the shelf for a few months (it was scary!), then returned to it sometime in late in the fall or early in winter. That's when I went searching for more information on JW and SWB and found the boards.


There you have it. I've been around here since Oct/Nov/Dec of 2000.



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I have been guessing at this for years, but I think I figured it out.


Hunter was born in January of 99, so Jeffrey's kindergarten year was fall of 99 to spring of 2000 (I remember walking Jeffrey to school with Hunter in a stroller).

It was the summer after his kindergarten year that I decided to homeschool. I would have read TWTM early that summer, put it on the shelf for a few months (it was scary!), then returned to it sometime in late in the fall or early in winter. That's when I went searching for more information on JW and SWB and found the boards.


There you have it. I've been around here since Oct/Nov/Dec of 2000.






My memory is just as circuitous. I first read WTM soon after it came out, but never came to the boards. I checked it out repeatedly (we were on a Debt Elimination Plan) and I finally bought my own copy in 2004 (of the 1999 edition) and we took a trip to WI to visit dh's family. I took WTM and the Rainbow Resource catalog with me to research in the van. Somewhere in Iowa I saw the link to the forum, and when we got to the in-laws house I looked it up and asked a question about Spelling Power (I've got no idea why I was worried about spelling at that time). Oh, and I also discovered that a new edition of WTM had just come out, which frustrated me completely because I waited 5 years to buy it and new there was no way I'd be able to buy the updated edition. All that to say...using the math in that story I had to of found the forums in 2004.

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That took way too much brain power to figure out. I think it was '07. It may have been '06. We started hsing in '06, but I don't think I found these boards till the end of that school year. I started out at the HS review boards, and I think Daisy mentioned these boards. I found the boards before I found the book!

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I'd say 03 or 04. It was quite possibly 02 but I'm not sure. I've gotten to where it feels like stuff happened a year ago and then when I put it all together I realize it's been more like 2-3 years! I guess that's what happens when you start getting old!! :tongue_smilie:


I used to love the old boards and how people would stay up until the board switched to see if they could be the first poster on the new board! This is the one place that I still visit regularly after all these years. Most of my "lists" have come and gone, but the WTM boards are a constant.

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October of 2004, as soon as I found the link in the WTM (revised) that I'd bought and was pouring through. I remember the political "discussions" from just before the election :tongue_smilie: It seems like they shut the board down for a bit because of it (although they may have just blocked a few IPs).

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I posted 2005, but it could have been late 2004. We started homeschooling in Sept 2004. I was lurking before the board switched over, but didn't post. I think I joined when the board switched but I might have just before.

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Okay, trying to think this out.


Shortly (which is a bit of a fuzzy time period itself) after I started visiting here, I met a woman off the board. My oldest at that time was about 9 years old and I'd guess it was Spring based on what tiny bit I remember of our first visits. So I'm guessing Winter/Spring 2002 as I had moved into that house in Dec 2001. I'm positive I didn't visit here before Oct 2001. So it was sometime in there. I'm just gonna put 2002 for the year.

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Well, I remember purchasing TWTM soon after it came out and spending every free moment reading it and making notes and planning. :D Then I purchased any core book Susan recommended but when I tried to implement the classical approach with my dd, I struggled. . .badly. I found this forum and registered but didn't do much other than lurk (I think that was back in 2000).When I realized that my daughter wasn't responding to the classical approach and that I certainly wasn't up-to-speed either, we backed off and I spent a few years just trying to find our place. I would visit the old boards occasionally to see what was new and maybe look at the buy/sell section but I don't think I ever posted because I didn't feel qualified.


Fast forward to Feb 2008, I rediscovered this forum and was astonished at how much had changed! I also was excited because my middle ds was ripe for the classical approach and so was I! I reregistered and have been blessed by all the wisdom shared on this board.

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I put 2008 but I forgot that before the change in website I had combed through the old board for curriculum ideas. It was challenging as I didn't know how it worked and the format was cumbersome. I never posted on the old board. I really like the new board.

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MIddle age means people you know start dying. I "mark" this century as "before so and so died, but after such and such". So, late 06, well after reading the book. We had started K4 in August with EB math and Kumon work books. I was looking for reassurance, and went to the website. What a delight I found.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I've been here since just before the major troll was exposed. I had never posted on a message board and didn't know what a troll was. It was quite a bit of drama, and an education for me. Plus I got the feeling I was being watched and evaluated by the other long term members. Alphabet Pam befriended me and made me feel welcome. I miss seeing her here.

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I used to love the old boards and how people would stay up until the board switched to see if they could be the first poster on the new board! This is the one place that I still visit regularly after all these years. Most of my "lists" have come and gone, but the WTM boards are a constant.


:iagree: I remember this, too! I can't remember exactly when I found these boards. It was after I read the first edition of TWTM. I think I was still living in our first house, which would be anywhere from 1999-early 2001. My eldest was a toddler at the time so I just lurked for the most part. I was just gathering information for my future life as a homeschooler :tongue_smilie:. I used to take notes! I think I asked a total of 2 questions on the old boards (under a different name). Life got busy for a while and I didn't have much time for message boards of any kind, lurking or otherwise. When life became calmer again I checked back and found the format had changed. I signed up a few months later and decided I could begin posting since I was actually homeschooling children :lol:.

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