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This is NOT FAIR!!!!!

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So I turn 40 in August. And this morning I am getting ready and I am doing my usual routine when it hits me...I put acne cream on followed by some expensive wrinkle cream.




It is not fair. I should either have to deal with pimples OR wrinkles but not BOTH. Am I a younger woman dealing with the monthly acne or am I an older woman fighting off wrinkles? Looking at the two creams sitting on my make-up table made me realize that this is just NOT RIGHT.


Off to pout...

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Guest Cindie2dds
So I turn 40 in August. And this morning I am getting ready and I am doing my usual routine when it hits me...I put acne cream on followed by some expensive wrinkle cream.




It is not fair. I should either have to deal with pimples OR wrinkles but not BOTH. Am I a younger woman dealing with the monthly acne or am I an older woman fighting off wrinkles? Looking at the two creams sitting on my make-up table made me realize that this is just NOT RIGHT.


Off to pout...


Me too. It's not fair. At least if I'm going to get wrinkles I shouldn't have to put up with break outs too! :glare:

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Me too... but I'm going to get Laser hair removal for my chin. That's ONE thing I can fix! Oh, and Lasik for the eyes. I don't care if I may still need reading glasses, being able to see the clock in the morning without fumbling for my glasses would be a welcome change!

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Me too... but I'm going to get Laser hair removal for my chin. That's ONE thing I can fix! Oh, and Lasik for the eyes. I don't care if I may still need reading glasses, being able to see the clock in the morning without fumbling for my glasses would be a welcome change!


Read Amy's experience before you do Lasik. Read the comments too--about the consent form nightmare. I know it usually works out okay, but when it doesn't, it can be very bad! It is good to be informed.




Tracy (42 years old and showing it as well! :lol:)

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So I turn 40 in August. And this morning I am getting ready and I am doing my usual routine when it hits me...I put acne cream on followed by some expensive wrinkle cream.




It is not fair. I should either have to deal with pimples OR wrinkles but not BOTH. Am I a younger woman dealing with the monthly acne or am I an older woman fighting off wrinkles? Looking at the two creams sitting on my make-up table made me realize that this is just NOT RIGHT.


Off to pout...


I remember one time when I was a teenager (battling the usual teen acne) and I was having a conversation with my mother while she was putting on her make-up. All of a sudden I noticed she was using my acne cream to treat a pimple.


"Is that PIMPLE?" I asked. :001_huh:


"Yes," she said, "it never ends. Zits are forever." :001_rolleyes:


I was crushed. Here I thought that I'd probably turn 20 and have magically clear skin from there on out. Oh well... at least I was prepared for it early.

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Me too... but I'm going to get Laser hair removal for my chin. That's ONE thing I can fix! Oh, and Lasik for the eyes. I don't care if I may still need reading glasses, being able to see the clock in the morning without fumbling for my glasses would be a welcome change!



Do you mean electrolysis? I am doing that (finally), and although I've only had 4 sessions, I've already noticed the hair is much finer. Plus, I really like my aesthetician, so we always have a fun visit each time. :001_smile:

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I remember one time when I was a teenager (battling the usual teen acne) and I was having a conversation with my mother while she was putting on her make-up. All of a sudden I noticed she was using my acne cream to treat a pimple.


"Is that PIMPLE?" I asked. :001_huh:


"Yes," she said, "it never ends. Zits are forever." :001_rolleyes:


I was crushed. Here I thought that I'd probably turn 20 and have magically clear skin from there on out. Oh well... at least I was prepared for it early.



I didn't struggle with acne as a teen. Oh sure I had a zit here or there, but not much. I made a point though, never.ever poke fun at those who did. I don't believe in karma, but in that instance I figured I better play it safe. :tongue_smilie:


No such luck. Here I am at 41, a BODY full of zits and wrinkles, and moles, [ya know, the old crony type] and grey hair! It really isn't fair.


[sighing with Ellie]

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I had adult acne until I switched to oil-free products. I really wish I knew about oil-free in my 30's. Once I switched over my acne went away. All the major cosmetic brands carry an oil-free version and it will be listed on the package.


No such luck with my wrinkles - still there and multiplying.

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I'm right there with you!


I've noticed a change for the better in my acne since I changed the way I wash my face. I wash with a warm washcloth morning and night, and use Cetaphil if I wore make-up that day. It's not completely gone, but it's better than it was a few months ago.


Wrinkles I could live with, but I just want the pimples to go away!

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I've not struggled with acne much in my life...until I started use moisturizer/wrinkle creams. I had to switch to pure aloe as my "wrinkle remedy". Vegetable glycerine soap helps too. No facial hair, well ONE is almost none. However I do have the under-eye bags and 80% gray. Since I'm almost 52 I guess I can't cry "not fair"...but I want to anyway.

I still feel like a girl inside....deep, deep inside.



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I'm right there with you!


I've noticed a change for the better in my acne since I changed the way I wash my face. I wash with a warm washcloth morning and night, and use Cetaphil if I wore make-up that day. It's not completely gone, but it's better than it was a few months ago.


Wrinkles I could live with, but I just want the pimples to go away!



Try pure aloe before bed at night, very soothing and calms/prevents break-outs due to irritation. My son saw improvement when he used cetaphil, even more when he X'd the washcloth, which can be an irritation.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

What I don't get is why my skin is dry, flaky, and pimple-y at the same time. Especially my forehead. This started about two years ago and it's driving me crazy.


Thank goodness facial hair is sparse in the women of my family. However, so is hair on the top of our heads. :-(

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a goatee.


Yay for me.

:lol::lol: oh...I almost choked on my tea!! I am in the same boat with you--but I also may or may not be getting a little mustache going--along with really wild eyebrows.:tongue_smilie:


Goodness--I sound rather frightening.:glare:

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I'm about to turn 55, and I still battle acne. Recently I discovered the benefits of cleansing products with tea tree oil. It is helping a lot !


As for wrinkles, I genuinely, truthfully, honestly do not believe that they are worth either noticing or worrying about. I don't think that I have any; however, I would not care if I did.

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a goatee.


Yay for me.



This is my new morning shower song!


That really stinks, and I know that I'll be in the same position in ten years. Ugh. I'm pretty sure Retin-A is good for both acne and wrinkles though. Maybe worth looking into?


I used Retin-A. It is MURDER on your skin! It basically burns it :glare:


I didn't struggle with acne as a teen. Oh sure I had a zit here or there, but not much. I made a point though, never.ever poke fun at those who did. I don't believe in karma, but in that instance I figured I better play it safe. :tongue_smilie:


No such luck. Here I am at 41, a BODY full of zits and wrinkles, and moles, [ya know, the old crony type] and grey hair! It really isn't fair.


[sighing with Ellie]


What is up with that!? I never had acne as a teen either!


What I don't get is why my skin is dry, flaky, and pimple-y at the same time. Especially my forehead. This started about two years ago and it's driving me crazy.


Thank goodness facial hair is sparse in the women of my family. However, so is hair on the top of our heads. :-(


I'm about to turn 55, and I still battle acne. Recently I discovered the benefits of cleansing products with tea tree oil. It is helping a lot !


As for wrinkles, I genuinely, truthfully, honestly do not believe that they are worth either noticing or worrying about. I don't think that I have any; however, I would not care if I did.



I use anti-bacterial soap (dial or safeguard) to remove make up, Tea Tree oil soap in the am shower, and Renew as my moisturizer. At night, if my skin is really dry, I use Vaseline. My Dermatologist told me to use it and it. is. amazing!!!! Everyone thinks it will make you break out, but it doesn't! I've also used Ponds in the past, but the scent drove me crazy. Differin Gel has given me good results. It doesn't burn my skin, but it seems to help the breakouts.


Why didn't anyone tell us it sucks to get old?!:lol:

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This hasn't happened to me yet (though I'm due) but when my sister turned about that age I remember the same thing happening to her. BUT she also got some strange hair growth around her ankles that she called her "fur cuffs". Lol. At least she had a sense of humor about it. I hope I do so well.

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a goatee.


Yay for me.


...and add peach fuzz to MY facial malady list.


Yep - the hormones hit me BAD about a year ago. I broke out with a MAJOR acne burst -- worse than anything I ever experienced as a teen. I started the acne.org regimen and I'm clear about 75% of the time now. Still get them at mid cycle and period time, but not 35 separate breakouts anymore (yep, I counted them one day and cried...) perhaps 5. Try it out... (I tried Philosophy's acne system different Neutrogena combos, lots of stuff and it was the only thing that worked for me).

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I got some but have been afraid to use it. One of the listed side effects is acne. :glare:


Have you had a good experience with it?


Wonderful product, it is pricey and not suggested for ladies with roseacea. For me it is just great and no acne. Now if I could find something to fix the fact that my formerly pert backside is morphing into my thighs below. AAAAGH. I know, I know ,walk or swim....

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I have 3 words for the folks suffering from acne: apple cider vinegar. Here are the reviews from users on acne.org:



I use Bragg's, applied full strength with a cotton ball morning and night. It's done wonders for the acne that has been on my chin for the last 12 years or so despite trying nearly every other product under the sun. And it's so cheap!

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I have 3 words for the folks suffering from acne: apple cider vinegar. Here are the reviews from users on acne.org:



I use Bragg's, applied full strength with a cotton ball morning and night. It's done wonders for the acne that has been on my chin for the last 12 years or so despite trying nearly every other product under the sun. And it's so cheap!




But, then don't you go to bed smelling like salad?

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I have 3 words for the folks suffering from acne: apple cider vinegar. Here are the reviews from users on acne.org:



I use Bragg's, applied full strength with a cotton ball morning and night. It's done wonders for the acne that has been on my chin for the last 12 years or so despite trying nearly every other product under the sun. And it's so cheap!


Acne on your chin for 12 years? Are you sure it's acne? My dd has a breakout problem on her chin and right around the mouth, nostril area, and sometimes under the eyes. This started when she was very young and nothing we tried worked. Finally got her into a dermatologist and found out it wasn't acne at all. It's Perioral Dermatitis, which mimics acne but is treated differently. It sometimes needs antibiotics. Could be why the vinegar mix worked so well for you?


And yeah, I'm right there with you ladies... right down to the goatee. :001_huh: It's my dirty little secret, though. I keep it shaved *constantly*, and do so in private. Hopefully no one has noticed. :tongue_smilie: I'd like to find a better alternative, though. I get SO tired of using the shaver on my face Every.Single.Day. :glare:

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I'm part of the club too.


I use a Neutrogena face cream for wrinkles and blemishes. :tongue_smilie: It's not harsh and seems to work.


No hair on the face, but as a pp said, not much on the top of my head either. I've had to change my hairstyle so the very thin patch is less noticeable.

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As I read your post Heather I just kept thinking "but she has a daughter!". Two amazing , devoted sons and a daughter.


I sympathize with the irony, but you know it's worth it.:grouphug:


How are your kids anyway?


I KNOW! She is AMAZING!!! :D I am nearly 40yo with pimples, wrinkles and an infant...who knew? :lol: I am so amazingly blessed. She is sweet and a really easy baby, growing like crazy, babbling, just started eating rice cereal...such a big girl! The boys are smitten and fight over who gets to hold her!

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It is not fair. I should either have to deal with pimples OR wrinkles but not BOTH. Am I a younger woman dealing with the monthly acne or am I an older woman fighting off wrinkles? Looking at the two creams sitting on my make-up table made me realize that this is just NOT RIGHT.


Off to pout...


Tell me about it. Yesterday I was going over a paper with my preteen daughter with the beautiful porcelain skin and she looked up at me and said, "Mom, the skin on your face looks terrible.":ack2:

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