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How to Know if You're on Ignore (Or I Must Have Internet Bad Breath)

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Well that makes me feel a lot better! :lol: Since my avatar is actually a picture of me, I guess I'm fairly forgettable to others.;):lol:


I totally get what you mean about familiarity though.


You're not forgettable! I've only ever met on Ronette in my lifetime so your name jumps out at me, and you look a lot like a neighbor of mine.

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What really stings is when you PM someone, trying to be encouraging and kind, and they don't bother to respond.


I have a long ignore list, but most of the people on it don't post here anymore, anyway. I wish we had a "selective" ignore list. Some people are only irritating on certain topics. Otherwise, they're fine. :lol:


THAT is funny!:lol:

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It has happened to me more than once, with differenet threads and different situations.


When the OP responds to every.other.post. but mine.


These are threads that ask for booklists, sympathy for a tough situation, sharing about hard times. They are NOT contensious situtations where I offered dissenting advice.


Then the OP thanks or "hugs" or responds to everyone but me.


Good thing it's just a message board, right?


You're not on my ignore list. I save that for truly insufferable jerks, some of which have been thankfully banned now, so I guess my list is partially redundant.


I am on another board with the ignore feature where you can see how many ignore lists you are on, but you can't see whose ignore list, specifically. There is an interesting little bar at the top of the main page of that board listing the top 20 most-ignored posters. It's always the usual suspects.

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I am on another board with the ignore feature where you can see how many ignore lists you are on, but you can't see whose ignore list, specifically. There is an interesting little bar at the top of the main page of that board listing the top 20 most-ignored posters. It's always the usual suspects.


That would be pretty interesting to see here, it could help any who feel that everyone is ignoring them feel better when they don't see their names with a ton of ignores next to it. Then again it could cause some esteem issues when someone was in denial of how people saw her suddenly realized 500 members have her on ignore lol

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I don't think I've said anything that would make me ignore worthy around here but I've had the same experience as you, OP.:grouphug:


Somedays I think, "Did I forget to take off my invisibility cloak today?";)





LOL SAME here. But I am also a member of the invisible club IRL too :D

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Huh? I'm sorry. Did you say something?

(7 pages and no one's said that yet? We must be sluggish today.)



LOL SAME here. But I am also a member of the invisible club IRL too :D


Me too - IRL & here. But it's okay, since I prefer invisible. I have trouble keeping you all straight anyway. I have enough trouble w/real people, let alone a bunch of avatars. :D


And for the record, I don't have anyone on ignore. I just manually ignore you by staying away from the treads where I know otherwise sensible & likeable people are going to say doltish things. :lol:

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I've been off and on with reading the boards lately. To top it off, I'm often 'parked' here, with the window open but nobody on the puter for days, lmao!


I've also accidentally deleted PMs before reading them :o Yes, I *am* that special, I've accomplished that.

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You're not on my ignore list. I save that for truly insufferable jerks, some of which have been thankfully banned now, so I guess my list is partially redundant.


I am on another board with the ignore feature where you can see how many ignore lists you are on, but you can't see whose ignore list, specifically. There is an interesting little bar at the top of the main page of that board listing the top 20 most-ignored posters. It's always the usual suspects.


That is hilarious.:lol:




My ignore list is empty.

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And just who will get the honor of being the thread killer on this one?:lol::nopity:

I've killed lots of posts this week and wonder why I bother to start any as well. I'm certain I'm on an ignore list, I really am a nice person even if I do have a monotone voice and don't sound like I'm from Happy Valley.

I was thinking today about starting a thread pretty much like OP and thought I'd be ignored on that too. I think I have read posts from almost everyone who has posted on this thread even if I don't agree with what you say/write.

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It has happened to me more than once, with differenet threads and different situations.


When the OP responds to every.other.post. but mine.


These are threads that ask for booklists, sympathy for a tough situation, sharing about hard times. They are NOT contensious situtations where I offered dissenting advice.


Then the OP thanks or "hugs" or responds to everyone but me.


Good thing it's just a message board, right?


Just FTR, I don't have you on ignore!

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I must have missed the thread-killer thread -- I must not be the ONLY paranoid one around here! :tongue_smilie:


I think I'll need to rewatch the movies to say something witty in Gollum-speak. hmmm...perhaps this weekend we will have a Lord of the Rings marathon.


Uh huh. We watched the first one last Friday, so tomorrow night ...

"you don't have any friends."

I posted lovely photos of butterflies, my precious. Would you like to see them?

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I swear there's some kind of selective hearing gene connected to that Y chromosome. Some day they'll "discover" it and I'll be right there saying "I told you all about that years ago! Gah!". :lol:


Really? I'll have to go check it out, but who knows, maybe I'm a social group killer too and no one will want to participate once I join! LOL:lol:


ETA: I checked it out and it looks that they already had a social group killer! LOL There hasn't been any activity for a while.

I think I'm almost the one, but someone else posted a 'hello' to echo through the empty caverns I left behind me...

You're not on my ignore list. I save that for truly insufferable jerks, some of which have been thankfully banned now, so I guess my list is partially redundant.


I am on another board with the ignore feature where you can see how many ignore lists you are on, but you can't see whose ignore list, specifically. There is an interesting little bar at the top of the main page of that board listing the top 20 most-ignored posters. It's always the usual suspects.

That would give some panties a whole new twist. What kind of board is it, if you don't mind my asking (crockpotting, vaccinations, circumcision, lol, sorry, joking joking!)?

That would be pretty interesting to see here, it could help any who feel that everyone is ignoring them feel better when they don't see their names with a ton of ignores next to it. Then again it could cause some esteem issues when someone was in denial of how people saw her suddenly realized 500 members have her on ignore lol

I imagine at least some of the people on that list quit (to resurface under a new name) and the rest revel in it.

Don't worry....very few people respond to my posts too!!

Just replying, because I remember reading some of your posts and wanted you to know that I do read your posts. Sometimes, there's just no reply necessary (you hit the nail on the head, iykwIm).

I've been off and on with reading the boards lately. To top it off, I'm often 'parked' here, with the window open but nobody on the puter for days, lmao!


I've also accidentally deleted PMs before reading them :o Yes, I *am* that special, I've accomplished that.


Awwwww. Btdt.

And just who will get the honor of being the thread killer on this one?:lol::nopity:

I've killed lots of posts this week and wonder why I bother to start any as well. I'm certain I'm on an ignore list, I really am a nice person even if I do have a monotone voice and don't sound like I'm from Happy Valley.

I was thinking today about starting a thread pretty much like OP and thought I'd be ignored on that too. I think I have read posts from almost everyone who has posted on this thread even if I don't agree with what you say/write.


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Guest Virginia Dawn

I've never "officially" ignored anyone, I've never reported anyone, but I have felt ignored or maybe just invisible or misunderstood. I just figure that's the nature of such a large group. It's hard for me to weed my way through so many personalities and opinions to find some that resonate. If I was in a real group this size, I would probably find my way into an obscure corner.


When some nice person comes along and gives me a virtual smile, it is very pleasant.


Here is one for you. I hope your day is pleasant. :-)

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I don't have anyone on ignore. I do tend to respond more to people I recognize. You are one of those people. I would say that there are about 100 people on the board that I recognize. I know their avatars, a bit about them, their general POVs, how long they have been around, that sort of thing. Then there are others that post something that catches my attention and I look to see who it is and it is someone I have never seen before and they have 1000 posts and I ask myself how the heck that happened. Apparently I don't pay quite as much attention as I like to think I do. I guess we all have to filter a bit or we would be overwhelmed with info.


As far as the thread killer thing, about once a week I go through my previous post to check and see if there is new info or responses or someone I need to respond to and I am very frequently the last person to post in that thread. I don't know if that means I am a thread killer or if I just have to have the last word. I would assume the first but my hubby would probably say the later. :tongue_smilie:

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That would give some panties a whole new twist. What kind of board is it, if you don't mind my asking (crockpotting, vaccinations, circumcision, lol, sorry, joking joking!)?






Technically, the forum is for the members of a certain farm-related organization, but much like this "homeschooling forum," topics of discussion have far less to do with farming than you might think.

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Huh? I'm sorry. Did you say something?

(7 pages and no one's said that yet? We must be sluggish today.)





Me too - IRL & here. But it's okay, since I prefer invisible. I have trouble keeping you all straight anyway. I have enough trouble w/real people, let alone a bunch of avatars. :D


And for the record, I don't have anyone on ignore. I just manually ignore you by staying away from the treads where I know otherwise sensible & likeable people are going to say doltish things. :lol:



LOL Michelle, glad I am not alone :D Maybe we should get together, both being Buckeyes and all.

Invisible has advantages!

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LOL Michelle, glad I am not alone :D Maybe we should get together, both being Buckeyes and all.

Invisible has advantages!


Go Bucks! (They're playing right now!) O-H!


(And yes - being invisible does have advantages - you learn a lot when you're not noticed.)


So I'm from central OH - what area are you in?

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I doubt anyone has me on ignore. I don't think I say too many controversial things, except maybe that You're So Vain was before my time.


I've only ever ignored one person who was just so over the top insulting to SWB I couldn't stand it anymore!

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I doubt anyone has me on ignore. I don't think I say too many controversial things, except maybe that You're So Vain was before my time.


I've only ever ignored one person who was just so over the top insulting to SWB I couldn't stand it anymore!


I think I remember that. [Not that you ignored them, but that person.] Crazy :001_huh:

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I've posted on a lot of forums, and this is the first one where I've ever been added to anyone's ignore list! And I know that because 1) someone posted on my thread to tell me that a bunch of people PMd her and were now ignoring me and 2) someone else (who was posting on said thread) started another thread appreciating the ignore feature and referencing said thread. So... I'm not really surprised when any of those people don't respond to my posts on other threads.


But I most certainly do not have bad breath! ;)


Now here's my question for those that ignore people... how can you not click to read once you know the offending person has posted? I could just never handle that kind of suspense. :lol:

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Geez you lot are an insecure bunch. Internet bad breath indeed! I know that when my posts are ignored, it's simply because you have all been stunned by my exquisite beauty, incisive intelligence and eloquent prose :lol:

LOL! That reminded me of something a friend posted on facebook:

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, good grief, look how smart I am!
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I guess I'm out of it.... I didn't even know there was such a thing as an ignore list!

I have to say that I pay more attention to what is said (and respond to that) than I do to who said it.

By the way, I don't think you have bad breath at all. In fact.... is that chocolate on your breath? An early Easter bunny perhaps?

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Most of the time, I generally only respond to the original poster. I often don't have time to read through a whole thread so I'll have to come back later in order to accomplish even part of it. My post is generally dead last, at the bottom of the thread......sigh......


I don't use the ignore feature at all.....

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Most of the time, I generally only respond to the original poster. I often don't have time to read through a whole thread


That happens to me! I think, I'm not reading 12 pages about (xyz topic that was mildly interesting enough to read the first page but not to continue). A thread can easily balloon 10 or more pages between my visits to the board.

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I've posted on a lot of forums, and this is the first one where I've ever been added to anyone's ignore list! And I know that because 1) someone posted on my thread to tell me that a bunch of people PMd her and were now ignoring me and 2) someone else (who was posting on said thread) started another thread appreciating the ignore feature and referencing said thread. So... I'm not really surprised when any of those people don't respond to my posts on other threads.




NO WAY!!!!!???!?!?:blink:There is a secret gossip ring going on via PM's?! I had no idea. People only PM me to buy or sell stuff. That's too much!


It is also fun when you post something and get no response. Then three people down, someone posts the same thing and people act like they have NEVER heard that or considered that before. LOL. It tends to give me a complex. Then I wonder if I am a lot more controversial or snarky than I intend to be and if I have a huge ignore list hanging over my head. ;)


Oh well.


This happens to me all the time. 20 people will tell someone how right they are, when I've already said that on page 1:001_huh: I start to get a complex, and then realize how silly I'm being:lol:

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Just ducking in here to say you ladies are still making me laugh!


Remember that line that Glenn Close movie:


"I'm not gonna be ignored, Dan!" (OH MY! I just had to imdb it b/c I can never remember the name --- it was Fatal Attraction and it came out in 1987! Where does the time go???)

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I don't think I've said anything that would make me ignore worthy around here but I've had the same experience as you, OP.:grouphug:


Somedays I think, "Did I forget to take off my invisibility cloak today?";)


Now ladies, we all have choice about how to consider this. You can either wonder if you're being ignored or you can think of it as having said something so brilliant that you stunned the whole room.


I'm all for the latter--much gentler on the self-esteem. :D

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