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Curious--posting personalities

How closely does your posting personality on this site match your IRL personality?  

  1. 1. How closely does your posting personality on this site match your IRL personality?

    • My posting personality is an accurate picture of my IRL personality.
    • My posting personality is somewhat of a departure from my IRL personality.
    • My posting personality is a complete departure from my IRL personality.
    • Obligatory other. Feel free to explain.

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I am curious how much each of our "posting personalities" match our personalities in real life.


For instance, I am an introvert, non-confrontational, love to observe and rarely feel that I have something of such import to say that I would jump into a thread. (See the piddly number of posts I have? I've been a member for over a year and am on this site every single day.) (Note: I'll spare the details, but I learned to believe as a child that my thoughts and opinions didn't matter. As a result, I never developed thoughts or opinions on most things at all. It was (emotionally) safer that way. As an adult I continue to have to purposefully override those thoughts and to force myself to have opinions on things in the first place. I haven't matured enough (yet) to express many of my opinions in any setting much less on these boards where so many have such strong and out-spoken opinions on things.


All that to say that, yes, my online personality matches my IRL personality.


I'm curious how many of us might use the "safety" of virtual anonymity to post in a personality we only wish we had in real life.

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If we were all sitting around in a circle, facing each other in real life, I would never say a word. I do, however, say something here occasionally because it is virtual. I am very much an introvert.

I don't express opinions very much because my opinions are very, very strong and I have not yet learned how to express them appropriately or defend them; and I'm easily offended, I've learned.

So while I have an opinion, and a strong one, even in a virtual setting I've found that it's best to keep my virtual mouth shut lest I put my virtual foot in my virtual mouth, which would probably happen more often than not. :tongue_smilie:

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My posting personality is definitely my irl personality. Unfortunately, I tend to think out loud, so I don't feel I am missing too much by using my fingers vs my voice. The only big difference is the flow of conversation - I tend to be able to communicate better what I want to say by bantering back and forth, whereas here I just say something then read everyone else's responses to the op...irl, I would comment on the comments; here I don't do that often because the conversations involve so many other people. Although, to be fair, I am an introvert and many times will hold my words because I don't feel all that confident I know what I'm talking about compared to other people, which I do a lot here, too - it's how I learn things.

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I've had people who "met" me online first tell me that I wasn't at all what they expected IRL based on my postings. And it isn't just one particular forum or even genre of forums but a wide variety of ones.


I suspect that I come off as ditzy IRL because I've also had numerous people (men usually) who've said in surprise something along the lines of: "Wow, you're a lot smarter than you look!"


Gee, thanks! :glare:


I was a sorority chick and am still a bit of a girlie-girl, but I'm no dummy...

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I am who I am, but I'm a lot more likely to show it online or at home.


For example, who has ever vented about their kids or hubby or some jerk from the store on here? I have. And I chose NOT to IRL for whatever reason. So that is the sort of thing I thought of when I voted that I am slightly different online.


I think EVERYONE is slightly different based on the circumstances. I don't see how you couldn't be, honestly. I am one way with one friend but more careful with the next. I'm X with hubby and Y with my kids. Whatever.


But the difference is pretty slight. My personality, good and bad, is pretty much the same online and off or at this place or that. The temperance is slight, in my case.

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I think it's pretty accurate. I am bossy and opinionated in real life, too. :D


Ditto. :D


I think EVERYONE is slightly different based on the circumstances. I don't see how you couldn't be, honestly. I am one way with one friend but more careful with the next. I'm X with hubby and Y with my kids. Whatever.



I do agree with this. The main difference is that when you post here you are talking to everyone at once. You might be joking specifically with someone you know will get it but other people get all huffy about it.

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I am who I am, but I'm a lot more likely to show it online or at home.


For example, who has ever vented about their kids or hubby or some jerk from the store on here? I have. And I chose NOT to IRL for whatever reason. So that is the sort of thing I thought of when I voted that I am slightly different online.


I think EVERYONE is slightly different based on the circumstances. I don't see how you couldn't be, honestly. I am one way with one friend but more careful with the next. I'm X with hubby and Y with my kids. Whatever.


But the difference is pretty slight. My personality, good and bad, is pretty much the same online and off or at this place or that. The temperance is slight, in my case.

I agree. I checked off the same for all the same reasons you said slightly different :lol:

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I say it is a slight departure for me because I joke a lot in real life and this along with my typical sarcasm doesn't translate well in the written world. Other than that, I am pretty much who I am. There are a lot of times when I lurk much more than I post, because I know my responses aren't going to come across like I mean them. In real life, I wouldn't hesitate to voice an opinion.

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I said my online personality is a bit of a departure from my IRL "private" personality.

I'd say my online personality matches up fairly well with the "me" that most people see.


Introverted, choose my words carefully, reserved.


The private me (around hubby and closest friends) is likely to be more


Passionate about issues I care about, more chatty-cathy, impatient, boisterous (singing and dancing in the living room with the kids), little hot-tempered.


But by no means do I try to project a false personality. I think in public (and online), I just send to apply the filter a little bit more. LOL.

Edited by Daisy
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I'm curious how many of us might use the "safety" of virtual anonymity to post in a personality we only wish we had in real life.


I can barely keep up with myself IRL. I can't imagine trying to keep up with a different personality online. I'm too weird online and for IRL friends. If it wasn't for this board, I'd have no adult other than my DH and mom to talk with at all. :)

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Yep...I am pretty much "who I am" online or otherwise. Sad to say, I really do talk too much, am pretty confrontational, have strong opinions and will argue them (sometimes to the extreme). I am also very Christian, though I did learn, through other members of this board, that I need to open myself up to guidance from fellow Christians. I am working on that! :) But, yes, what you see is what you get with me.

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I am more extroverted and bubbly in real life. I tend to be more to the point and yet not as talkative on here because typing takes longer and takes more concentration for me than firing off a comment aloud while simultaneously nursing a baby and settling a squabble, KWIM?


Also, I think I depend a lot on verbal feedback and body language IRL when in a conversation and there's an obvious lack of that online.



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In public, I'm a non-confrontational introvert who doesn't think she has anything worth-while to share most of the time. And that is pretty consistent with my personality here on the boards. I'm much more opinionated, talkative, and full of ideas at home (and with close friends). I'd say that is closer to my blog personality.

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I am more extroverted and bubbly in real life. I tend to be more to the point and yet not as talkative on here because typing takes longer and takes more concentration for me than firing off a comment aloud while simultaneously nursing a baby and settling a squabble, KWIM?


Also, I think I depend a lot on verbal feedback and body language IRL when in a conversation and there's an obvious lack of that online.




This is me--more bubbly in real life. I am definitely an intovert, though not a hermit. I can be pretty social, but here, for some reason, I am more serious and reserved--and I have no idea why! I promise I'm more fun IRL. :D

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I'd say that is closer to my blog personality.


That's interesting, Heidi. I've noticed this phenomenon on here before. Oftentimes (but not always!), when I click on a blog link I meet someone very different than I've gotten to know on the boards.



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Apart from the fact that I don't stutter in writing, I think my online personality is just the same as real life. I haven't the energy to maintain multiple personalities anyway.


Now you guys, well you guys are seeing me through a computer screen, rather than through ideas of (real or imagined) character flaws so conversations are much more enjoyable than with others in certain areas of my life (ahem, my extended family...) It's nice to hang somewhere that people aren't assuming the worst, and don't accuse me of having character flaws I don't have! I'm 30 years old. I know waaay more about my character flaws than anyone else ever will!


I'm always me, but the perceptions of me can very a lot, depending who is looking...




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I said that my posting personality is the same as my IRL personality. I've never been real good at faking anything.


I do keep my yap shut more on here than I would IRL. That's to preserve the peace and because I don't want to come off sounding mean. I'm not mean to people IRL and I don't want to accidentally hurt someone's feelings on here.

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I'm curious how many of us might use the "safety" of virtual anonymity to post in a personality we only wish we had in real life.


:D Me.


My personality is what it is, and it's the same everywhere I go. I'm an acquired taste: I'm direct (to the point) and have a dry sense of humor, neither of which translate so well over digital communication. BUT! The benefit of an online personality is that it's easier to reflect before posting, and to edit if called for. I don't always do that IRL, so in that sense I'm a gentler, kinder me online than I am in-person.


I take issue with certain personality types. There's one here that I can't decide if I'm more annoyed or amused by, but either way I can watch her show unfold and predict her comments and solicitations to the point of feeling psychic. Online-Eternalknot simply laughs or rolls her eyes, and moves to the next thread. IRL-Eternalknot would call this person out because she lacks impulse control when face-to-face with this type of insincerity and canned life experiences - not in a mean way, just a direct and unsolicited "I don't believe you are telling me the truth."


I'm much more self-moderated OL than I am IRL - not because I wish I were that way IRL, but because it seems like the more appropriate way to represent myself in this environment. Due to the media, there is no body language or tone of voice for the recipient to see I'm speaking matter-of-factly rather than confrontationally. Due to the nature of a virtual (rather than IRL) acquaintance, it makes more sense to filter my thoughts since I'm in 100% control of how much or little contact I have with someone else. I click, and you either appear or you go away. It's not like I'm going to knowingly run into you at the grocery store or baseball fields in town, you know? There's no need to for me to be so direct online, so I'm not.


So I'm still me, just the more socially "correct" version!

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Let's just say....you may not like the real me but that doesn't make the real me crazy. :lol:


Oh, I'm me. Like Pam in TX I am slightly different to different friends....to parents....XH....child....man who might be interested in me....but I am me.


I'm actually having an issue with this right now in my IRL life because I get confused about what is 'my business' vs. living authentically.

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My posting personality is very much like the real me, BUT only about 2 people irl know me that well. I'm extremely shy, which can come across as snobbish, unfortunately.


Well...& then there's the rest of my personality that nobody would believe anyway. I have a gift for description, & dh will tell you that that can be used for evil. Really awful evil. :lol: But honestly--who would ever believe THAT? Hehehehe.

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Pretty accurate here. I am not a big thread starter and only respond when I have something to say. Not a huge chit-chat person, but love meaningful conversations. I am a huge lurker - like in real life - listening and adding to a conversation when I get a chance.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, Ethel!:iagree:

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If we were all sitting around in a circle, facing each other in real life, I would never say a word. I do, however, say something here occasionally because it is virtual. I am very much an introvert.



This is me. People that I don't already know well make me very uncomfortable. I wish I could be more like I am online in real life.

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