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What are your plans for this weekend?

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I actually have no plans this weekend. I actually have no specific plans for today other than school for the kids. It feels strange because there is always somewhere I need to go or something I need to do. I guess I could plan a deep clean of the house. Well, maybe clean one or two rooms but not the whole house. I've been kicking around the idea of repainting the hall bathroom and kitchen, but that sounds like alot of work. I could just lounge around all weekend, but that feels too strange when I could be up and DOING something. :D


So, what are your plans this weekend?

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I am actually semi-excited. Tomorrow my two teens will be attending a day-long program in Boston so they are out of our hair. I shall be taking my twin girls and nature-lovers to a David Sibley class where he is going to talk birds and nature-drawing. I am psyched actually as they had been wait-listed. Thet just love to draw and birds so this is oging to hopefully be a wonderful event. Plus I get to attend sans toddler so I might actually sit and enjoy the class (without hopefully falling asleep in my bliss!).


Sunday is another busy day where the kids have to go somewhere AM and then PM. It gets stressfull no matter whether I take them or dh does and is one of those days where you might be home, but you feel too restless to start anything plus the toddler is depending on you since the siblings are all out of the house!

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It's a usual weekend: soccer games, baseball games, a scouting event, and a birthday party. Mass on Sunday.


We took today off, just because. The weather is beautiful and this weekend kicks off our local school district's Spring Break - we're going out and about today before the mad rush of next week! I had plans to clean out the pantry and cupboards, but ... eh. I'm lounging until noon, then taking the kids to lunch and a movie :)


I vote you lounge, too, if only so I don't feel like such a slug for not getting around to my own household to-do list!

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Today we are doing our St. Pat's theme pockets. Tomorrow Ceilidh has a cheerleading competition. Sunday night she is going horse-back riding with a friend of my brother. Otherwise the boys will simply be off playing with friends while I clean the house, work on packing, plan their party, declutter, and whatever else I can squeeze into this weekend.

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I just had an epidural inj in my back so I plan to lay low this weekend. I am off work for a week so I hope next week I will be up an on my feet again.


I have been in a lot of pain for the past 2 months so we haven't done much school. I may spend the weekend doing some catch up if dd11 is willing. We have been doing just the basics so I hope to come up with a fun project to incorporate some tie-ins to fill in some gaps.

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Usually weekends are devoted to riding lessons for my daughter and general un-fun cleaning, dog-washing, errands. But she is turning fourteen and on Sunday afternoon we're driving up with her best friend to Disneyland -- it's a total surprise and she won't know about it until we get in the car to pick up friend. Will stay overnight (benefit of homeschooling) and play all day Monday before coming home. We do something like this maybe once a year, so I'm excited.

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We're getting ready to go to Des Moines for the boys' basketball semifinals. If we win today, we're going back tomorrow for finals. The opposing team (assuming we both win today) has Harrison Barnes, who many consider the nation's best high school player. Should be fun to watch.


Sunday we go to the Wisconsin Dells for a few days.


Busy weekend.

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The weatherman has predicted some very nice weather, so the family will be outside cleaning, trimming, pruning in an effort to get ready for spring. As for me, I will be inside with the box that was delivered to my door yesterday. It contains MCT, and I want to be ready to go on Monday.

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What is a shamrock shake?


Must be March at McDonald's. They do Shamrock Shakes every year....they are green and minty, altho I do not believe I have ever had one, it's tradition for lots of folks.


We have no plans. Our youngest son's wedding was last weekend. They are back from their trip to Chicago and need to finish moving into their newe apartment this weekend. Hubby has to work tomorrow so I guess i will be on call with the Yukon to help deliver boxes.


Hopefully tonight we are getting together with friends for our friendly Pinochle game.


Now that we are officially empty nesters, it's kind of wierd, quiet, love it and hate it all at the same time.

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My girls are sick! Boo Hoo. I had plans to visit my sister and her kids, but not anymore. I hope to keep my dinner plans with another homeschooling mom for Saturday. I can't believe my 10 year old still gets the croup so badly. We are all exhausted from last night and not looking forward to tonight.

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Probably nothing exciting to most people. We are going to make another batch of homemade ice cream. The plan is to finally find a name for the baby, we'll see how that works out. Finish and file our taxes. Color my hair. And finish getting everything we need for the new baby.

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This afternoon I am cleaning and going to buy new glasses and bowls because I'm sick to death of running out of them before the day is done! In a few hours I plan to have more glasses and bowls than anyone has a right to own. Tomorrow my dc have a chess tournament out of town, and I have to stay here and work :mad: so dh is bringing them. I may take a couple hours in the afternoon and go see a frivolous movie, though. On Sunday the dc and I are going to my parent's house to celebrate my sister's 36th birthday (and dh is staying home to work).

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Hey, I went there for a retreat!


Well, now, that's kinda cool, eh? Did you enjoy it? It's going to be COLD!! (overnight; we stay in cabins on the adjacent property) I'll see our very own Patty Joanna this weekend; yay!

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Pretty low key weekend for us here.


Going to try and get some time out in the yard this weekend. I need to dig up some dirt, fix it up to plant my live plants that just arrived today! :)


Gonna do a typical weekend tidy and prep school lessons for Monday. Gonna go to Church on Sunday. Oh and set our clock forward on Saturday before bed.


Hmm..Oh and I will be seam ripping velcro tabs on some diapers all weekend long too...gotta replace the tabs for a customer.


I am hoping to complete that on Saturday so I can enjoy Sunday without having to do that work.

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Oh two more things to fit into my already full schedule this weekend. Sunday morning dd has cheer practice, and in the afternoon I have a meeting with someone to sign up as a discovery toys rep. I can't wait. Their new line up is amazing and I just might be able to sell enough toys to bring in a little extra money.

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A lot! Pinewood Derby tonight, then SAT tomorrow AM for oldest, cello rep for middle ds, first Little League practice for youngest, then 13 yo going to friend's Bar Mitvah. And, I'm working tonight! Sunday is AFS in home interview for oldest, after church in AM and library and groceries in afternoon. Whew!

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Dd (13) has a dance competition this weekend. It's local, so no heavy travelling. Her solo and duet (modern) are Saturday, and she's in 5 group numbers on Sunday (1 contemporary, 1 tap, 1 hip hop, and 2 jazz). We'll be there from like 10am to 7pm both days.


Today I go through all the costumes, shoes, and accessories. Dd is getting a mani-pedi and eyebrows done and I need to pick up some bobby pins and hair spray.

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My older son has "State A's". This is the final swim event at the state level for year-round USA swimmers. Thankfully, it's in town. My younger son, concurrently, has 3 soccer games (2 of them out of town). So we will all be running in all directions this weekend! Think I'll go fortify myself with a nice glass of tawny port to get ready......

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It's one of those too-firmly-packed-for-my-taste weekends here.

My older son takes his first SAT tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, the only testing site available when he registered is in North Seattle, quite a drive from here at 6:30 AM.

My younger son and husband are immersed in the start of Little League season, and this weekend happens to be Field Clean Up weekend. That means our Saturday afternoon will be spent raking infields, plucking weeds, cleaning up bleachers and score booths.

We will go to church on Sunday morning, then to a pre-season game for the Little League team. Thankfully, my husband arranged to host it at our football team's indoor practice facility, so at least we won't be sitting in the rain on Sunday afternoon.

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