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How would you feel about a small annual raise?

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Hubby just got word today that the annual raise he is going to receive, er, uh, isn't really a raise at all...1%. It doesn't even cover the cost of their increased health care costs. So, I am battling with how to feel about it. How would you feel/act?

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Honestly, in this economy I'd be thankful for hubby's job and that he received a raise instead of a cut in pay or benefits. Many have experienced both situations or job loss this year.


Honestly? I'd be happy the news he received wasn't a lay off, a reduction in hours or a significant pay cut.


These days I would honestly be happy that it's a 1% raise and not a pink slip.







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Well, it guess it depends. What industry is he in? How are his co-workers being treated? Etc.


Honestly, in this economy, I think I'd be happy for ANY increase in salary. Dh makes a decent salary, but hasn't had an increase in two years. And, this year his health insurance decreased so that it feels like a pay decrease. And, with the increase in everything else- gas/electric, groceries - it's hard to keep up!!

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Honestly... I'd be glad he has a job at all. We've recently lived through three years living way below what we needed to live comfortably, and struggled to find the (great) job dh has now.

Not that living with tight finances is fun. :( I know. But speaking from experience, a limited income is better than no income.

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My dh received a significant pay cut, that has caused quite a bit of difficulty in our lives. There are no plans to restore his pay to previous levels.All of the salaried employees at the company received significant cuts.


I would be tickled pink by a 1% raise.


I would also be sure to tell dh how much I appreciated all of his hard work and his provision for our family. It is harder on them than it is on us.


Blessings to you and yours, Jackie

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Honestly, in this economy I'd be thankful for hubby's job and that he received a raise instead of a cut in pay or benefits. Many have experienced both situations or job loss this year.




My brother got a 20% paycut.


My father got no raise and the cost of benefits went up 28%.


My dh is thankful to have a job with benefits, even if the pay is still really low.

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Bless his heart, he called me and told me that he didn't want me to think he was a dirt bag employee.


Oh. That makes me sad.

Fathers/Husbands don't get enough credit for all they do for us, do they?

I am sorry your is feeling badly tonight.



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Thank you. I guess I feel sorry for him. Bless his heart, he called me and told me that he didn't want me to think he was a dirt bag employee. :tongue_smilie: I am struggling with my attitude (internally) and just want to lift him up.


Oh! You're good. Poor guy.


We didn't get any cost of living increases this year, and it's been hard. Now we're waiting for our benefits cut, waiting for the ax to fall. We are constantly reminding ourselves to count our blessings and not be dirtbag employees. Chin up! has become my motto because I really want to whine.

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Over here many of the high tech employees have had across the board 0% raises for a few years. Needless to say, our plan of moving to India so DH could really move ahead by leaps and bounds didn't exactly pan out!:tongue_smilie:


I would just chalk it up to the economy and not focus on DHs performance at all. This has nothing to do with him...everything to do with the state of the world right now.



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Thank you. I guess I feel sorry for him. Bless his heart, he called me and told me that he didn't want me to think he was a dirt bag employee. :tongue_smilie: I am struggling with my attitude (internally) and just want to lift him up.


Atta girl!! That's what he needs most.... your love and support.



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Dh has received 0% in raises for 3 years, plus our health insurance premiums have risen, and he has been asked to work MORE.


This sticks in my craw because dh works with the numbers; the company has been profitable, but has used the recession to squeeze more out of employees.


This is gonna get better, right, everyone???

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Agreeing with others. In this economy, I'm happy my husband hasn't received a significant cut in pay (although that is looming should things continue). Another school district just notified its teachers of an 11.5% cut in pay. OUCH! Very happy with status quo.


And yes, since so many teachers have been laid off and class sizes increased, hubby is working longer and harder, but we just keep our heads down and pray the ax doesn't land at our door.

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My dh received a significant pay cut, that has caused quite a bit of difficulty in our lives. There are no plans to restore his pay to previous levels.All of the salaried employees at the company received significant cuts.


I would be tickled pink by a 1% raise.


Us too, exactly.



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I would be happy with any increase (which I know you have heard enough on here.) We own a small business, and out of all the small business owners I know, there is suffering across the board-we are struggling but at least still paying rent, while 2 friends of ours are struggling to the point where they can't even pay their rent and other friends of ours are down 50%. These are all businesses that were extraordinarily successful 2 years ago-things are just hard and they have taken awhile to catch up with some companies. I am sorry that your husband is upset (and I see how he would be) by the small amount of the raise, but unless he knows that the company is doing well financially and sticking it to the employees using the recession as an excuse then hopefully he can get over the disappointment (with your support) and realize that it is not personal.

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This sticks in my craw because dh works with the numbers; the company has been profitable, but has used the recession to squeeze more out of employees.


This is gonna get better, right, everyone???


IMHO, no, it won't get better any time soon. The only way that employees have much sway is through collective bargaining and unions have been losing ground for more than 40 years in the US. Real wages have declined since the 1970s in tandem with the dismantling of the labor movement. It would take a huge sea change in American culture to undo that trend, so I wouldn't hold out much hope for employees being treated better in the near future.

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.What he saw was that when someone gave notice that they were leaving, they were negotiated with. Most were so disgusted that they left anyway, but a few stayed with new raises and changes in position.


Yes, this is what my dh has been seeing for years at his workplace. Only most of them are only threatening to leave to get the raise or promotion. I have no idea if this is something new or what. Dh has only encountered it in this company (12 years here).


Dh and most of the guys he works with have gotten minimal or no raises for quite a few years now. I just tell him that I'm thankful he has a job - raise or no raise. Which is true. I also offer support for starting a search for a new job, if that's what he wants. As much as I love it here, I'm used to moving, if that's what he wants to do. It's up to him.


Dh actually got a raise and a promotion this year. Mostly because the company moved to a nearby city and his commute doubled. I doubt his raise even covers the extra gas. But we celebrated his promotion and made a big deal of it. He was happy. Guess we'll decide in the next year or so whether we'll be moving ... again. :tongue_smilie:

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I don't expect it to get better until badly behaving companies suffer for what they are doing. They will lose talent, and they will find themselves with unions they didn't have before, and eventually all of that will hit them in the pocket, which seems to be the only thing many understand, sadly.


The company my dh worked for 2 years ago is currently in their union negotiations. The union is not understanding that if they don't accept what is being offered (major increase in insurance costs as well as significant cuts in NEW HIRE wages) they will all be without jobs. It's that simple. DH wasn't part of the union, but he saw the writing on the wall, and is why he left. If he was still there now, he'd have no job, as they are only running one shift, with two supervisors (down from 12?). The company has learned that they can fight union against union and can shut down the most expensive plant in favor of overseas production. Salaried personnel were paying almost 10 TIMES the amount as this union for medical. It's a rough spot for these workers.


Where dh is now, things are still tight. There was a wage freeze, so his "raise" was only on paper. "Your raise would be x, however due to the wage freeze blah blah blah." Health care costs went up, just as they do every year. They are looking for a new hire. However what they are willing to pay is nothing compared to what some guys were laid off from at other companies. I guess they figure someone is going to be desperate enough to take it at some point, as most people like to eat and live indoors.

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Hubby just got word today that the annual raise he is going to receive, er, uh, isn't really a raise at all...1%. It doesn't even cover the cost of their increased health care costs. So, I am battling with how to feel about it. How would you feel/act?

It is better than the raise I got last year or the year before when I got a 10% pay cut. Hubby got no raise last year either, and he got 2 weeks of furlough. 1% may seem small, but it is better than a kick in the pants.

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Hubby just got word today that the annual raise he is going to receive, er, uh, isn't really a raise at all...1%. It doesn't even cover the cost of their increased health care costs. So, I am battling with how to feel about it. How would you feel/act?


Actually, I would be happy with that because my husband hasn't gotten a raise in 2 years. During that time, our health insurance cost went up, our car insurance, grocery prices, utilities and gasoline.


To be honest, we were doing better two years ago than we are now. I'm constantly reminded by people that we are lucky he still has a job. At this point in time, I would be happy with ANY raise at all.

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I own a small corporation. My income is about 75% lower than what it was last year. I have not given any of my emplyees a raise in the last 9 months. It feels horrible. On the other hand, none of them have received a reduction in income either.


I like to think the people working for me would appreciate a 1% raise if I could afford it, but maybe not.


I did have a part-time employee give me an ultimatum- give her a raise or she was quitting. I said give me your resignation, because I have plenty of people already working here who want your hours.

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I got a 2% increase this year....Not great, but as my DH likes to say "Better than a sharp stick in the eye" :D


As other previous posters have mentioned, I just feel grateful to have a decent job that allows us to have a roof over our heads, food for our bellies and surplus to go into savings.


Give your DH a :grouphug: and let him know what a GREAT job he has done regardless of the % amount that he received and how much you appreciate all that he does!



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Dh took a 15% paycut last year, never works less than 76 hours per week (he's salary and there is no comp time) - most weeks he works 90, and the company switched the non-executives over to a really awful insurance plan that saves the company money (they had record high profits last year when their competition was in decline) by charging the employee $188.00 more per month for excruciatingly less coverage than we had last year. He has also been informed that since he has been stuck managing a team of people from several countries with India being the most represented, he will no longer be given the U.S. Federal holidays off. This includes Easter Sunday. No joke...if he wants Easter Sunday off, he has to apply for a paid vacation day...we are still waiting to find out if he is going to get it. (He's not supposed to work Sundays anyway but he is always on call so if he officially doesn't want to answer his work phone during church, he has to apply for vacation.)


America, the next third world country!



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He has also been informed that since he has been stuck managing a team of people from several countries with India being the most represented, he will no longer be given the U.S. Federal holidays off. This includes Easter Sunday. No joke...if he wants Easter Sunday off, he has to apply for a paid vacation day...we are still waiting to find out if he is going to get it. (He's not supposed to work Sundays anyway but he is always on call so if he officially doesn't want to answer his work phone during church, he has to apply for vacation.)



Not to nit-pick here, but Easter is not a US Federal Holiday. My dh works Sunday nights, and was denied the day off as someone else already requested it. So we will deal, and have rearranged things. I don't know if he will be on call for that weekend, but someone has to be, just like every other weekend (even on US Federal Holidays). All businesses can't shut down.

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Hubby just got word today that the annual raise he is going to receive, er, uh, isn't really a raise at all...1%. It doesn't even cover the cost of their increased health care costs. So, I am battling with how to feel about it. How would you feel/act?


Everyone in my dh's company got a 15% paycut; same with where I work. So I would count your blessings!

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Thank you. I guess I feel sorry for him. Bless his heart, he called me and told me that he didn't want me to think he was a dirt bag employee. :tongue_smilie: I am struggling with my attitude (internally) and just want to lift him up.


Well did he get 1% and others get higher? If not, this is about the economy, not individual workers.

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Hubby just got word today that the annual raise he is going to receive, er, uh, isn't really a raise at all...1%. It doesn't even cover the cost of their increased health care costs. So, I am battling with how to feel about it. How would you feel/act?


I would be happy he got a raise. I think my dh got one or two small raises in the 8 or 9 years he was with his last company, and he doesn't expect annual raises at his new company (he's in an IT/tech field and is also in management). Our health care costs go up every year (we have to pay our own), we've had to keep raising the deductible on our major medical plan just to afford it. But I'm so thankful he has a good job, and that his company is doing well.

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Considering that MY husband's job is on the "cut" list and he will be out of work in July unless some political manouvering can save a list of 200 "critical" positions...... I'd be thankful to even HAVE a job. PERIOD. And, I'd be SO WONDERFULLY THANKFUL for a 1% raise!! Those few dollars would buy us a take out pizza once a month or let us get 3 movies from Netflix instead of just one.


Be Thankful for your Blessings, Small they may be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dh is self-employed. If he doesn't work, he gets no pay. No sick days, vacation days, house burning or going to funeral days, no rasies (unless he works more hours) , no retirement. We've paid our own health insurance since he seperated from the military.

We know others in his field who are losing clients left and right due to co-pay changes, lay-offs,etc. My dh works a "rural route" and along with having lots of freedom, he has the folks he contracts with begging him to open up more days.

How is America becoming the next 3rd world country? (I'm not being snarky) We are competing with a global market so we are sharing more of the pie, along with more of the complexitites of that. We are still a world leader (just look at the Olympic scoreboard).

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I did want to thank everybody for their wonderful advice. We talked about it for a long while last night, and I even read him the responses from this thread. I could see him physically relax when the thought that it wasn't *him* but the *economy* was mentioned over and over. I really felt happy peace :), and was so thankful that he stopped beating himself up over it. This morning we are both happy and thankful for his job with a company that tries to be wise (they do not have any debt). Now I am going to try and stay focused on positive things I can do (bigger garden, less trivial curriculum buying) to help us stay balanced. Thank you again~

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Not to nit-pick here, but Easter is not a US Federal Holiday. My dh works Sunday nights, and was denied the day off as someone else already requested it. So we will deal, and have rearranged things. I don't know if he will be on call for that weekend, but someone has to be, just like every other weekend (even on US Federal Holidays). All businesses can't shut down.

Oh and don't forget that Christmas is on a weekend this year. I work weekends. My company's Christmas holiday is the Friday before Christmas. I have to take a vacation day to get Christmas off, but there are only three of us on the shift and one of us has to be there. So somebody is working Christmas. But it is our job. We understood this when we took this shift. Irks me every time a holiday is not a holiday, but nobody makes me work. I suck it up and put my smile on.

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I have a HUGE list of documented reasons why America is slowly being transformed into a third world country - no not this minute, these things don't happen over night - but yes the march toward has been stepped up. In many respects, we may have passed the point of no return.


The list and the sources is very long so unless a concensus of those who disagree with me really want me to post it, I will not do so because the post would take up a very large amount of space.


And yes, I am very sorry I referred to Easter as a Federal Holiday. I know it is not....DH worked until 10:30 last night and had to be up at 3:00 a.m. for a meeting two and half hours away that began at 6:00 a.m. He was exhausted and I was worried about him so I got up with him. I got busy doing other things and had not yet downed my usual half-pot of coffee when I wrote the post. I'll remember not to do that again. Coffee is a must.


He does work all of the Federal holidays, he is not entitled to the days that the off shore team gets because he is not Hindi or Muslim, he is on call every Sunday and routinely puts in 5 hours but usually two Sundays per month, he does manage to straggle into church late, he is on call for all of the Christian holidays and commonly works on Christmas Day, and as of today, he still has not been approved to take a vacation day on Easter. Even if he is approved, that doesn't mean he won't work, it just means the off shore team will not be able to schedule him to work. However, he will still have to be on call and could be required to work if they have a problem. The hours will be docked from his vacation left even if they call and he can't avoid work. These are the hours my brother works though for a different firm. As a matter of fact, these are the hours and terms under which most of our friends and relatives work and is not indemic to one company. This is common. Everyone is terrified to take sick leave. That doesn't sound like a first world country to me.


We may not be serfs yet, but that is where this whole thing is headed unless some sort of sanity can be achieved. I am not convinced that it can.


I can provide specific sources of economic information about where the U.S. economy, infrastructure, and way of life are headed if desired.


Faith (It may be a couple of days before I get back with you. DH needs me to do some things for him so I may not be checking the boards.)

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We're the self-employed family. Our only raise comes if dh is able to raise his prices. Which he can't do because he'd price himself out of business because of all the 1% raises, paycuts, and layoffs. He could work longer hours but he's pushing his physical limit already. Part of the snowball as it goes downhill. :glare:

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