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Is my blog that bad?


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I recently had a comment from an anonymous person saying,


"You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view."


I know I shouldn't care what others think. But, I got to thinking well if my blog is really that bad maybe I should just quite. I started blogging originally to connect with other home schoolers, and post my wtm weekly updates;). Since I had my ds four months ago I haven't been blogging as much about home schooling. But I had planned to start doing more of that. My goal was not trying to attract a lot of readers, it was just more of a journal of my day to day happenings as a wife, and home schooling mother.


Is it really that bad? http://gracefromabove.blogspot.com/

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Hey I know u from the Winterpromise boards!!!! Don't worry about it a blog is what you want! I go through phases where I am all into it then I neglect it for a long time. I like it cause my far away family can see things and sometimes to do the wordless Wednesday all though I have skipped that. I wouldn't quit and taking care of your new baby is the top priority have your blog as a fun thing and not a chore!!!

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The question is, valuable to whom? Clearly not to the anonymous commenter who doesn't stop to spellcheck his/her words ("form" vs "from"), but I don't think someone like that is your target audience.


Most people don't blog for a large reader base or for a political/social or commercial interest. They blog for themselves, as a chronicle of experiences or things they value, and that's just fine. If your goal is to keep a personal journal of sorts or to keep friends and family abreast of your activities and interests, your blog seems to be accomplishing that goal. It's a perfectly lovely blog for letting people track what's going on with your family.


If you want your blog to have a larger following or speak to a specific set of issues, you would probably need to narrow your focus and work on writing posts with more of a "thesis statement." Most people don't want or need to do that kind of blogging, though, and I'm not sure why "anonymous" would think that was your goal.

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I recently had a comment from an anonymous person saying,




I know I shouldn't care what others think. But, I got to thinking well if my blog is really that bad maybe I should just quite. I started blogging originally to connect with other home schoolers, and post my wtm weekly updates;). Since I had my ds four months ago I haven't been blogging as much about home schooling. But I had planned to start doing more of that. My goal was not trying to attract a lot of readers, it was just more of a journal of my day to day happenings as a wife, and home schooling mother.


Is it really that bad? http://gracefromabove.blogspot.com/



By the way I went to ur blog YOUR BABY IS SOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!

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Actually, I think anonymous is spam.


I occasionally get comments to my blog that are general blogging tips from total strangers who come out of the blue and have nothing relevant to say about the post.


Write it off. Don't think about it again. Your blog is beautiful.


I write my blog for me and just ASSUME you all want to read about it. LOL. :lol:

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I write my blog for me and just ASSUME you all want to read about it. LOL. :lol:


Haha, I love that! I didn't realize it might be spam. You are right though, my blog is mainly for me. I just got worried that I was happily blogging away making a fool of myself, lol:tongue_smilie:.

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The question is, valuable to whom? Clearly not to the anonymous commenter who doesn't stop to spellcheck his/her words ("form" vs "from"), but I don't think someone like that is your target audience.


Most people don't blog for a large reader base or for a political/social or commercial interest. They blog for themselves, as a chronicle of experiences or things they value, and that's just fine. If your goal is to keep a personal journal of sorts or to keep friends and family abreast of your activities and interests, your blog seems to be accomplishing that goal. It's a perfectly lovely blog for letting people track what's going on with your family.


If you want your blog to have a larger following or speak to a specific set of issues, you would probably need to narrow your focus and work on writing posts with more of a "thesis statement." Most people don't want or need to do that kind of blogging, though, and I'm not sure why "anonymous" would think that was your goal.

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Your blog is beautiful! Aw, cute cloth diapers! I remember getting excited about adorable cloth diapers...


And that comment is simply spam. People do this to get links to their sites, an unethical search engine optimization method. (I used to be a web programmer and know a lot about this.)


I look at all of my comments before they go live and if they make no sense they almost always have a link going to an unrelated site. I mark as spam. If someone has two previously approved comments, then their comment goes live immediately.


I now use a spam blocker, in less than a year, it has blocked over 18,000 spam messages!

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I enjoy your blog!! But if I didn't like it--who cares??? If I don't like it, I don't need to visit it!

My blog is not the best....The only time I remember to post anything is on WW...so mine has a lot of pictures. What is important is that I like it! I like to visit my own blog to see some of the fun pictures and read the nice things people have said about my pictures.

Have fun with your blog!:grouphug:

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If I ever have another I need those diapers :)


They are so cute aren't they?! It is becoming a rather bad addiction to try out new ones:D. I went from being a curriculum junkie to a cloth diaper junkie:lol:.

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Who cares what anon thinks. If they don't have the balls to sign their name, just delete them.


Summer, I just hopped over to your blog and enjoyed seeing all the colorful diaper choices (been a long time for me) and loved seeing your beautiful kids.

Do as Remudamom says: Delete the comment or ignore.

When you put anything in the public eye there will always be someone criticizing something. And it's very possible that it is nothing but spam.

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I've read your blog before and I like it- I need to get better about leaving comments. Your baby is adorable and I loved the cloth diaper pics. I used to be a major cd junkie but it's been about 4 yrs since my youngest potty trained. It's definitely addicting. :001_smile:


Don't feel silly, that's amazing, I wouldn't have thought to Google it either.


The blog is very cute, BTW.


I just spent a few minutes on your blog and marked it as a favorite:)



Thank you:)

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Actually, I think anonymous is spam.


I occasionally get comments to my blog that are general blogging tips from total strangers who come out of the blue and have nothing relevant to say about the post.

I think so too.


eta: I just saw the Google link. I wouldn't have thought to Google either, that's hilarious!

Edited by keptwoman
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The person who was so critical can't even spell, and uses terrible grammar. And they criticize your blog?? I really like your blog. The pictures are fabulous, and the topics are interesting. Anyway, a blog is whatever you want it to be, right? Don't change a thing.


Your kids are precious, and your blog has a nice, warm feeling!

Keep up the good work.



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I recently had a comment from an anonymous person saying,




I know I shouldn't care what others think. But, I got to thinking well if my blog is really that bad maybe I should just quite. I started blogging originally to connect with other home schoolers, and post my wtm weekly updates;). Since I had my ds four months ago I haven't been blogging as much about home schooling. But I had planned to start doing more of that. My goal was not trying to attract a lot of readers, it was just more of a journal of my day to day happenings as a wife, and home schooling mother.


Is it really that bad? http://gracefromabove.blogspot.com/

I went through much of your blog and thought it interesting. JMO

By the way I hope you talked to your Dr about the nurse. She needs to get in a profession that suits her personality like jailer or something.:tongue_smilie:

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I went through much of your blog and thought it interesting. JMO

By the way I hope you talked to your Dr about the nurse. She needs to get in a profession that suits her personality like jailer or something.:tongue_smilie:



LMAO...that is so funny:D:D:D. I totally agree. The nurse at my family doctor is one of the kindest woman I have ever met. She is so kind and always brightens my day when I go there. But, the nurse at the Pediatricians hates her job, and takes it out on everyone that comes in. I really wish I could take my son back to our family doctor, but because of his complications at birth we have to stay with the pediatrician until he is one year old.

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Haha, I love that! I didn't realize it might be spam.


I get some really random anonymous comments that if I think too hard about them, they almost seem like they could be about my blog (kind of like newspaper horoscopes and fortune cookies, you can personalize just about anything).


You are right though, my blog is mainly for me. I just got worried that I was happily blogging away making a fool of myself, lol:tongue_smilie:.


Aren't we all? ;)

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My blog is not really one in which I divulge personal thoughts and such. I post photos of scrapbook layouts and cards, websites I think other crafters would be interested in, and also homeschooling links I'm always sending people to. I also post some stuff about my family and photos for friends and family to see, but it's not a touchy-feely blog full of my life ponderings.

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