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Please humour me and take this poll:

Do you and/or your spouse sleep with your watch on?  

  1. 1. Do you and/or your spouse sleep with your watch on?

    • Yes, I do sleep with my watch on
    • No, I do not sleep with my watch on
    • Yes, my spouse sleeps with their watch on
    • No, my spouse does not sleep with their watch on
    • Other (one or both do not use a watch, don't have a wrist, etc.)

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My dh and I were having a discussion in which he says he has never met anyone but me who slept (with or without) their watch on. I'm not saying which I do, lest I somehow skew results. I answered: gosh, have you slept with all of the population? ;) How do you know these things? Maybe I'm normal and joined by the masses? The only way to solve this silly thing is to do a poll!


SO... please answer if you sleep with or without your watch on, and please also answer if your spouse does (or doesn't) and gosh, I thank you! :001_smile:


UPDATE on post #71

Edited by specialmama
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I sleep with the side of my face on my hands, and having a watch digging into my face would nevery fly. I also think having something around my wrist while I'm trying to sleep would drive me crazy. Besides, I have a clock on the bedside table.

Dh doesn't have a watch (maybe he does, I really don't know), but if he did, he wouldn't wear it anyway.

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I have two alarms set on my watch; one for bedtime and one for waketime. I hardly ever go to bed or rise when one rings, however!




Also, before I got PRK done to my eyes, I couldn't read an alarm clock by my bed. But I could read my indiglo watch by putting it close to my face. I still wear it out of habit, I guess.


DH hardly ever wears a watch.

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I have needed to replace the battery in my watch for about two years, so I don't wear one right now, but when I do, I always take it off before bed as does my dh. I do have to have a clock or some other means of telling time close by because when I wake up in the night I MUST know the time. Not sure why, but there it is. :)

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I voted that I don't sleep with my watch on. I even take off my wedding rings because I've scratched dh in my sleep in the past. However, I *do* sleep with my watch on when he's not here. This is because I have terrible eyesight. When he's here I can poke him and make him tell me the time. :D

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I wear a watch at all times. I only take it off to shower, then it goes right back on. I can't stand to be without one. Also, my clock next to the bed is too bright and I need to cover it so it can't sleep. (I keep it there because it has a white noise making function that I can't sleep without.) I am quite neurotic about my watch and being on time!


My husband never wears a watch and it drives.me.insane. I just can't understand it.

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I never wear a watch. Don't know why, I just never have. Dh used to wear a watch when we were dating and in our early years of marriage. He used to take it off when he went to bed and put it on the nightstand. I think I must have rubbed off on him though because now he never wears a watch anymore.:tongue_smilie:

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Other. I used to sleep with my watch on. Especially when I had babies who were up at night feeding. That indiglo was really helpful in a dark room to know what time it was. When my last watch died, I didn't bother to replace it. I just grab my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time now.

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I had to vote Other. I am allergic to metals, so don't wear a watch.


Even back-in-the-day when I wore one to work (coated my wrist with either hydrocortizone cream or vaseline to make it though the day) it came off as soon as I got home.


So, no, I've never slept with a watch on.


HOWEVER.......while dh does not normally sleep with his watch on, if we are at a hotel, camping, or staying over at someone's house, he will sleep with it on; either just to keep track of the time and/or to use it as an alarm clock.

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I sleep with my watch on.

DH takes his off before bed.



I didn't used to sleep with a watch on. I started to when DS was an infant and I would get up to nurse him during the night and sometimes sleep with him in the bed in his room and I couldn't see a clock.


DH would like to buy me a "nice" watch but then I wouldn't be able to wear it to bed/in the shower, so I keep wearing this timex ironman watch. :tongue_smilie:

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