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Automatic or Stick Shift?

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I am pre-shopping for a new car (hopefully within the next year I will purchase or if my car gives out before then).


It is several thousand dollars cheaper if I go with a stick shift.


I last drove a stick shift about 20 years ago. I loved it! But it has been so long that I will need to find a driving school with stick shift cars to practice. I don't know anyone who has a stick shift.


Do you have automatic or stick? Which do you prefer?

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Curious but why do we like stick shift? I love it too although I am horrible on a clutch and hill stops can be iffy.


I haven't driven a manual car in so many years either. I would simply go to a several used car lots and ask to drive their cheapest manuals. Don't say that you are just using them to practice manual driving but rather you are considering manual drives for a future purchase.

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I think stick is just more fun. You also have more control about when to shift. I know that when I drive an automatic, they shift later than I want to and I'm yelling, "SHIFT!!" at the car, so I prefer to avoid that.


However, when ds was in a preschool program and I had to wait in car line to pick him up, I really coveted an automatic.


As long as you're not waiting in a lot of lines, I'd go with stick. (Our next car will be stick.)

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automatic van

manual truck

manual car


dh decided on a stick because he can work on the transmission himself [easier!].


we have the van cuz....well, it was the cheape$t option for transporting all of us, and we got a heckuva deal on it.


I'm fine driving either one, but we will insist our kids can drive a stick.

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Automatic here. Never learned to drive a stick.

Ds20 got his Jeep for a dollar and had to learn to drive a stick--poor thing. His automatic processing disorder makes it hard for him to get to automaticity in a number of skills--driving a stick is a real challenge, but hey, it's one he's willing to master for the chance to have his own car! lol

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I have driven an automatic at times, but I'm happy with our stick shift. It's an easy way to save some money. I live in Seattle, which has lots of hills and lots of traffic and I don't wish for an automatic.


I will always be grateful that I learned to drive on a stick shift.

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Given a choice, I always choose a stick. It gives so much more control, especially in bad weather. When we ordered our Outback, we had to special order to get a stick, but I'm glad we did. It's the best snow car ever! We've since bought a Honda Odyssey, and no stick was available, so we had to get automatic. We kept the Outback, though, and I still love that car!


My very first car (a 1973 Ford Pinto) was an automatic. Every car since then has been a stick. I can't wait until my kids are grown, and I don't need a van anymore, so I can go back to a stick shift! :o) (hmmmmm, maybe a Porsche Boxter!) :D

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We have both. The stick is fun to drive and gets great gas mileage. However, it stinks to drive in stop-and-go traffic. I like my van for stop and go stuff and for ease of driving. It's just not as fun. So, it depends on what your goals are. Also, I much prefer manual transmissions made by either Honda or Toyota. They are easy to drive and seem to have fewer problems. I have had TERRIBLE luck with American made sticks. Hard to drive and trouble-prone (like 2 clutches in one year.) BTW, our manual is a Pontiac Vibe (same as the Toyota Matrix so it has a Toyota design.)

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Yeah if you have to deal with a lot of stop-and-go traffic, automatics are handy, but I do miss driving a stick shift. I want my kids to learn how to drive one, and I want one again eventually. Unfortunately, I don't know when that will be because vans don't come with stick shifts and my kids are going to be way too tall to fit into anything but a full-size car, and there's no point getting a stick with that, either. *sigh* :)

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I just got a stick after driving manual for 20 years. It came back within minutes, literally.


I'm with Cheryl. Once you learn stick, you never forget....kinda like riding a bicycle. ;)


My dad insisted I choose stick shift when I took driver's ed because he said that if I could drive a stick, I could drive anything. He was right! I still enjoy driving a stick, but seem to have given in to the easier way for the past several cars.




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I have an automatic now because a stick shift wasn't an option on my car. I LOVE driving stick. I am used to my automatic now, but I never feel like I'm really driving and getting a dead battery is no fun either. It's not like a stick where you can put it in second, have someone push the car and get her started again. Nope, with an automatic, you're just dead in the water. :(


Jennifer (missing her stick shift. sniff)

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I grew up driving a stick shift and prefer to drive one UNLESS I'm in the city and have to start and stop frequently. Then it's a bit of a hassle. Our current vehicles are all automatics, partly because we drive in the city a lot, and partly because I went and married a city boy who has little experience with a stick and is not comfortable driving one.

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I will never buy an automatic car! ....and you speed more because you have nothing to do.


um, it's not the transmission that does it. :D


I can reassure [maybe?] all y'all stick-lovers that of the 4 speeding tickets I received this past year between May and November, 3 of them were in our manual transmission car. :mellow:


(i usually drive the automatic van. dh usually drives the little manual car)




[is that actually "reassurance"? :lol:]

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Everyone should have the experience of driving a stick. We have had both. As several have said, "It is just like riding a bike".


Much easier to multitask with automatic. (Oh, that's right we don't really do that while driving. Well, sometimes.)

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Also, I much prefer manual transmissions made by either Honda or Toyota. They are easy to drive and seem to have fewer problems. I have had TERRIBLE luck with American made sticks. Hard to drive and trouble-prone (like 2 clutches in one year.)


Our Dodge Ram truck is a '96-- i think it's got over 300K miles; original clutch.


and as dh would say: "that's even w/ you driving it." ;)


dh had a Chevy s-10 automatic truck before we got married. After replacing the automatic transmission twice in as many years, he snagged a manual transmission from the junk yard and replaced the automatic transmission w/ a manual. No other problems after that. [Till his new bride totaled the car.....]

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Given a choice, I always choose a stick. It gives so much more control, especially in bad weather. When we ordered our Outback, we had to special order to get a stick, but I'm glad we did. It's the best snow car ever! We've since bought a Honda Odyssey, and no stick was available, so we had to get automatic. We kept the Outback, though, and I still love that car!



I'm looking at an Outback! I have a Subaru Forester but am thinking of switching to an Outback.


I grew up in snowy Connecticut and hate driving in the snow. My Subaru is the first car I feel comfortable driving in the snow with. And I often think if I had a stick shift how much even better it would be in the snow.

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If I could get a minivan with a manual transmission I would!


:lol: LOL this is so me! When we were car shopping after hurricane Wilma deposited a royal palm tree on our old car and demolished it, we were looking at SUV's. I looked at so many and every dealership I went to I kept asking, "Do you have one that comes in a stick shift?" lol I don't know why they don't have more SUV"s with sticks. Of all the ones we looked at I think only two had them with manual transmission and they were both too small for my husband's ol' giraffe long legs. Had to settle on an automatic transmission. :crying: Next car we get though, I told dh already, I want a stick! :)

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I eat in the car between kids' extracurriculars, plus I like to play DJ with the radio/iPod :) I learned on a stick, but haven't looked back since I switched to automatic!


When I had a stick, I had no problems eating fried chicken while driving :tongue_smilie:. The next time we actually purchase a car, it will be a stick (the car I have now was given to me).

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Everyone should have the experience of driving a stick. We have had both. As several have said, "It is just like riding a bike".


Much easier to multitask with automatic. (Oh, that's right we don't really do that while driving. Well, sometimes.)


Yeah, how would I be able to flip through 30 radio stations inside of 45 seconds for an entire trip if I have to shift gears? :D

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