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Worst movie

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The worst movie I saw this year was The Soloist. I was very excited to see it after enjoying the book, but it was such a let-down!


I didn't think it captured the spirit of the book at all, and I though Jamie Foxx did a terrible job. I think if you took a mildly talented high school kid and told him to act the part it would have looked the same. Bleh

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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The Watchmen (big disappointment)

Towelhead (and I love Aaron Eckhart, but this was truly an awful film)

Taking Woodstock.... boooooooring!


Hi Jenny;


I have stated elsewhere that I am usually atypical in my movie faves.:001_smile: I posted below that I didn't like Night at the Movies 2 although I had friends who did (huh).


I didn't see the other two on your list, but I really like Watchmen. I couldn't recommend it to my friends because of the nudity but I thought the storyline was sound. Everyone I mention this to looks at me like I have lost my mind. :lol:

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Wow, I'll have to think about this one...


I saw a few on previous posts that I watched and thought they were awful - The Soloist and Margot at the Wedding.


I didn't think Night at the Museum 2 was as good as the first one, but I thought it was okay. My kids didn't ask me to buy the DVD, so I guess they agreed. :001_smile:


I remember seeing another movie about a wedding that was terrible... I think it was called Rachel Getting Married or something like that.


I watched Funny People and I Love You Man the other night and hated them both.


Oh, there was a really bad one that I saw with David Duchovny, called The Secret.


... I'm sure there are many more that will come to me later. I'd have a hard time deciding which was the absolute worst, though.

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Originally Posted by LuvnMySvn viewpost.gif

Up. I walked out about halfway through and even getting that far was difficult for me to endure.

Wow, really? I would put this as one of my favorites of the year. What a beautiful love story.


See, it started out OK (a bit sappy but whatever) but the point I'd had enough was with the "talking" dogs and then the bully dog. I don't know...that was just too much for me. That's when an OK movie turned stupid and I couldn't sit another minute and watch it. I don't even know the ending. I've only walked out on one other movie (Bee Movie...ugh) which annoyed me as much as Up did.

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The Ugly Truth. Horrid, the only redeeming part was when Gerard Butler would slip into his Scottish accent. That was about 30 seconds total.


:iagree: This was the first movie to come to mind. Oh, also, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past....absolutely HORRID!!! Both movies were ghastly disappointments. All I wanted to do after viewing them was go home and take a shower to get the filth off. Ack. :tongue_smilie:

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Mine would have to be The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Uggg!


Wasn't that a horrible ending? I'm glad I didn't read the book. :(


Burn After Reading. Should have been titled Burn After Watching. Yuck.


:iagree:, that one was really bad.


See, it started out OK (a bit sappy but whatever) but the point I'd had enough was with the "talking" dogs and then the bully dog. I don't know...that was just too much for me. That's when an OK movie turned stupid and I couldn't sit another minute and watch it. I don't even know the ending. I've only walked out on one other movie (Bee Movie...ugh) which annoyed me as much as Up did.


I really enjoyed Up; but I couldn't stand The Bee Movie, either.

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:iagree: This was the first movie to come to mind. Oh, also, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past....absolutely HORRID!!! Both movies were ghastly disappointments. All I wanted to do after viewing them was go home and take a shower to get the filth off. Ack. :tongue_smilie:



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The Ugly Truth. Horrid, the only redeeming part was when Gerard Butler would slip into his Scottish accent. That was about 30 seconds total.


:iagree: This was the first movie to come to mind. Oh, also, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past....absolutely HORRID!!! Both movies were ghastly disappointments. All I wanted to do after viewing them was go home and take a shower to get the filth off. Ack. :tongue_smilie:





I don't understand why Katherine Heigl keeps lowering herself to do movies like that. Did you see Knocked Up? It may have been worse. :glare:


Ghosts of Girlfriends Past was stupid, but I can't say I was really disappointed. I knew it was going to be stupid. But that's what all my GF's wanted to see, so I went along anyway.

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Hi Jenny;


I have stated elsewhere that I am usually atypical in my movie faves.:001_smile: I posted below that I didn't like Night at the Movies 2 although I had friends who did (huh).


I didn't see the other two on your list, but I really like Watchmen. I couldn't recommend it to my friends because of the nudity but I thought the storyline was sound. Everyone I mention this to looks at me like I have lost my mind. :lol:


I'm not sure you are the only odd man out on the board. I watch a ton of movies, and my taste rarely matches the majority here.


Dh & I really wanted to like The Watchman, Jackie Earle Haley, was the best part. Many of the movies others hate here, I really liked. Burn After Reading is not a great film, but if you got what they are trying to say, it's really painfully funny at times. Slum Dog Millionaire was kind of like a Indian Disney(ish) feel good film, again not the best but far from the worst. Sunshine Cleaning has to be on my top ten for the year; small gem of a movie. Loved Fargo & Rachel Getting Married, but hated Margot at a Wedding. Up was great, as was Religulous (but then Bill was preaching to the choir, so I would be surprised if many here liked it). :lol:

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Wow, I am really surprised to see that so many disliked Burn After Reading. My brother hated it but everyone else in my family loved it and we have watched it many times and laughed out loud each time. We are just weird I guess.


We did watch one truly horrid movie which was absolute torture to finish but I can't even remember the name of it. It must have been so bad that I blocked it out entirely. It was one of those movies where there were so many questions that you thought for sure that they were going to tie them all up in a grand finale, only they didn't. It was on video so it must have come out last year.

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This is really sad that I'm posting this one because it is obvious it would be stupid, but here goes: Year One. I didn't finish it. I love Jack Black and thought it looked funny. WRONG!! Extremely blasphemous, and even without that negative it was just. too. stupid. for. words!!!


What a deeply intellectual movie to have chosen, huh? ;)

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I agree, UP was the worst movie of the year for me (we didn't see many movies). We stayed for the whole movie but it was a real struggle to get the kids to stay in their seats.



That is the only kids' movie I've seen in a while that I chose to purchase. My kids loved it and so did I. Weird!! :lol:

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Wow, I am really surprised to see that so many disliked Burn After Reading. My brother hated it but everyone else in my family loved it and we have watched it many times and laughed out loud each time. We are just weird I guess.
I must be too... I saw it twice in the theatre. :D


I didn't see any truly horrible films this year, but I'd like the 5 minutes of my life back spent in a theatre with that horrible Kid Rock video for the National Guard. Whoever decided Portland was an appropriate market for this must have been inebriated at the time. I'd also like the time back spent sitting through the Chipmunks "Squeakwel" preview shown prior to The Fantastic Mr Fox (a film my kids and I loved so much, we saw it three times).


If anyone is looking for a good kids' film, we all loved Ponyo. While not Miyazaki's best, it is still miles above the drek that passes for children's films these days. Though I could have lived without the Jonas and the Cyrus. <sigh>

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Wow, really? I would put this as one of my favorites of the year. What a beautiful love story.


I think that they way they promoted the movie before it came out was misleading....after the movie, my boys and I thought it was not near as good. Very sad in a way and the way they end kids' movies these days...last 15 minutes drawn out.

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The worst movie I saw was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I was furious that I wasted over two hours of my life watching it. My dh thought it was a fantastic movie. I thought it was just stupid.


I was very unhappy with Body of Lies. It was very good all the way through until they ended it without actually ending it. I would actually have been happier with it if it had been a terrible movie, because then I wouldn't care that I don't know how it ended. Who was telling the truth? Was anybody telling the truth? What happened next? Very frustrating.


District 9 didn't have an ending either, but I didn't care for the characters, so I didn't care that it didn't have an ending. My dh thought it was fantastic.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Slum Dog Millionaire was kind of like a Indian Disney(ish) feel good film, again not the best but far from the worst. Sunshine Cleaning has to be on my top ten for the year; small gem of a movie. Loved Fargo & Rachel Getting Married, but hated Margot at a Wedding. Up was great, as was Religulous (but then Bill was preaching to the choir, so I would be surprised if many here liked it). :lol:


Thanks for the information. I have Slum Dog on my mental to watch list. You are the second person who has mentioned Sunshine Cleaning so that goes on the list too. I loved Fargo but haven't seen the others.


I see so few movies and most feel like the same thing over and over again.

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