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Awkward moments...

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Did you ever have one of those moments where you wish you just didn't say or do something? Perhaps it was completely inappropriate, or you were hyper or maybe the other person's brain was melted and transported to a spaceship in a small green vial?




I have too many of those moments!


Here's an odd one that happened today and I can't stop feeling like a doofus. Not because I said anything wrong per se, but it went completely over their heads.


On Facebook, I have this family listed as friends. The dd is 13 and well, as to the age, she thinks she's all that, but really, she's a few fries short of a happy meal. Anyhow, she posts this picture of herself wearing a surgical mask and clothing, to show how her day of "follow dad to work" went. I comment "Looking good!" She replies "LMAO!!!" A male friend of hers says "tut tut!" to which she replies "what does that mean?" Her dad pipes in "ya, tut tut! LOL" and she puts in 3 comments, all asking what they're talking about. I let a few days go by. Nobody says anything. So I pipe in about the history of tut-tut, being a horse command for hurry up, and how now it means loving disapproval, or "hush now, we'll hear none of that." I ended with a joke suggesting that perhaps her friend meant the latter, and perhaps her dad meant the former. Add in an LOL for good measure and hit REPLY.


You know what? They don't get it. :001_huh:


The friend replies "ummm ya, thanks LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL" and she replies "ya... um... okay, sure." and the dad even laughs and says "LOL okee dokee then!"


So I deleted my comments.


Maybe I shouldn't have commented at all, but nobody was telling her what it meant! Then they all act like I'm stupid or something, when they're the ones not getting it. :001_huh:


Goes right along with those times I just cringe or jump and talk to myself because of a stupid thing I said. Like if a waitress says "enjoy your meal" and I say "thanks, you too!" :tongue_smilie:

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HUGS :grouphug: Trust me sister, you are NOT alone. lol My brother has a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor which is fine, I get it, but he just moved up to New York this summer and now pretty much my all of my conversations with him are via Facebook and well, let's just say the sarcasm and dryness doesn't always translate so well over the web. I can never tell if he's being serious or not anymore because I can't rely on the tone of his voice or his facial expressions anymore and I constantly feel like a dummy asking him, "are you being serious or are you joking?" I honestly don't know. I swear, I think "are you being serious?" is said more often than hello. hehe If that starts becoming a catch phrase of his I'll be really lost. :eek:


LOL about the waitress. I say that all the time too. Or when I leave a shop and they say, "Thank you and come again" I'll say, "Thanks you too." :blushing: hehe

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I know what you mean. I don't think any comment I've ever made on Facebook gets the response I want. I don't think my humor translates well online or something. :tongue_smilie: And yet, other people successfully communicate back and forth with "ya" and "lol". (I'm not saying I don't use lol, it's just that it seems like that's all they say! And it drives me crazy when people type "ya", not "yeah". And it's "tomorrow", not "tomarrow". Okay, Facebook spelling rant over. :lol:)

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I'm the queen of awkward moments, lol. When my grandfather was in the end stage of cancer and was being transported to the hospital, I called out to the EMTs "Don't drop him, guys!"

Turns out, humor doesn't always lighten things up! :tongue_smilie:


I seem to be pretty far out of the loop on the latest slang, so I Urban Dictionar-ied "tut tut". I'm still not sure exactly what the girl's friend meant by it but, if I were her father, I'd have my eyebrow raised pretty darn high after reading that! Let's just say I won't write the third given definition here. :001_huh:

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All. the. time.


My problem is mostly because I tend to blurt out too much personal information. Like someone might ask me a simple question and I give way too much of an answer. I always feel like an idiot later. :glare:


I better stop now before I do it again...


Yes.:001_huh: Later I always fee like a moron!

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Okay, I get the tut tut, but what does LMAO mean? :tongue_smilie:




Laughing my a** off.


It's FB. If you want to generate comments (and I know you don't), type something like, "Does the toilet paper go OVER or UNDER?" and most of your "friends" will go crazy.


What I can't stand are the comments that say things like okaaaayayyyyyyyy, or yesssssssssss, or seeeeeeeeee yooouuu laterrrrrrrrr. (Maybe it's just a broken keyboard, I don't know.)

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Laughing my a** off.


It's FB. If you want to generate comments (and I know you don't), type something like, "Does the toilet paper go OVER or UNDER?" and most of your "friends" will go crazy.


What I can't stand are the comments that say things like okaaaayayyyyyyyy, or yesssssssssss, or seeeeeeeeee yooouuu laterrrrrrrrr. (Maybe it's just a broken keyboard, I don't know.)


Not a broken keyboard. My sister (and less often my ds) do it all the time. They are roughly the same age (15 & 16.)

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Did you ever have one of those moments where you wish you just didn't say or do something? Perhaps it was completely inappropriate, or you were hyper or maybe the other person's brain was melted and transported to a spaceship in a small green vial?


One time I went to the grocery store late. The guy bagged my groceries and told me to "Have a good night." I replied with "Nighty-night!" :001_huh:.


Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.

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Really I think you might have taken it too personal? You know them better than me tho.


I got the impression they were laughingly noting that your personality was showing as my dh puts it. ;)


I do it all. the. time.


A friend on fb asked what to do with wife on their date nite.

I listed 10 things.

Turns out it was a tongue in cheek thing bc um he had designs fir her all ready. Tmi for me!


It seems the entire world makes sex jokes that I step in obliviously.


And my tendency to spout odd bits of info such as you did is often found amusing to others. Like knowledge or the pursuit of it is something to make fun of?

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All. the. time.


My problem is mostly because I tend to blurt out too much personal information. Like someone might ask me a simple question and I give way too much of an answer. I always feel like an idiot later. :glare:


I better stop now before I do it again...


Oh dear. This is me. I have this mental image of myself trying reel my words back in and shutting my mouth. Mine stems from being introverted and forcing myself to talk more in social situations.


I also say "you're welcome" when no one has thanked me :001_huh:.


FB is full of landmines to embarrass yourself. I do it ALL the time.

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I had a facebook faux pas recently that was similar to yours - I'm just glad to hear I'm not alone!


A friend had started what turned into a long and (I thought, anyway) groan-inducing thread revolving around puns about "poking yourself". (OK - everyone here knows that there is a "poke" feature to reach out to friends on FB, right?)


I was around the 15th response and said, "Sounds painful to me - like some of these jokes :)"


By the end of the day there were 4 responses along the lines of "Wow." "Lighten up." "We're just trying to have a little fun here." The kindest one was light hearted: "Sounds like someone has a little poke envy." And these were all people I don't know from Adam! I guess my attempt at humor just fell flat.

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One time I went to the grocery store late. The guy bagged my groceries and told me to "Have a good night." I replied with "Nighty-night!" :001_huh:.


Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.


can't count how often I've done that!


Or said, "where's the baby?" and look around the room for her only to have someone point out that I'm holding her. The mom of many equal to not noticing your glasses are on your head.


Yesterday I served a sippy cup to company. They asked for a glass of milk while we were talking and I just functioned on auto pilot.

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Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.

Love it!:lol:



I do stuff like that all the time. I have realized that I have a very strange sense of humor that most people with a pike up their rear don't like.

I've gotten to the point in life, that well. this is me. If you don't like it, I'll apologize. But I also know with absolute certainty I'm having more fun then you.

Edited by Parrothead
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Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.


I love this! I want an invisible entourage too!


This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D

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One year I was at my MIL's and we were getting ready to have dessert - pie. I went in the kitchen and asked her for a pie server, she handed me one of those handled cheese slicers where it's somewhat triangle shaped and I - thinking she had grabbed the wrong thing - handed it back to her and said, this is a cheese slicer....she got VERY huffy and informed me "that's how we DO!" It took me a couple minutes to *get* that she uses this cheese slicer thingy as a pie server.....d'oh! She clearly thought I was being rude and I just misunderstood.


My dh is such a sport cause now he sports the phrase "that's how we DO!" for any weird oddity our family does lol....

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I had a facebook faux pas recently that was similar to yours - I'm just glad to hear I'm not alone!


A friend had started what turned into a long and (I thought, anyway) groan-inducing thread revolving around puns about "poking yourself". (OK - everyone here knows that there is a "poke" feature to reach out to friends on FB, right?)


I was around the 15th response and said, "Sounds painful to me - like some of these jokes :)"


By the end of the day there were 4 responses along the lines of "Wow." "Lighten up." "We're just trying to have a little fun here." The kindest one was light hearted: "Sounds like someone has a little poke envy." And these were all people I don't know from Adam! I guess my attempt at humor just fell flat.




I have stumbled into land mines when I don't know my friends' friends. Or parents, in one embarrassing case.:blush5:

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Goes right along with those times I just cringe or jump and talk to myself because of a stupid thing I said. Like if a waitress says "enjoy your meal" and I say "thanks, you too!" :tongue_smilie:


Or the cashier at the store will say "Have a nice night!", and I say, "You're welcome". :confused:


Yep, I make mistakes like that all the time, too. I'm glad it's not just me, LOL. :tongue_smilie:

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I love this! I want an invisible entourage too!


This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D


:lol::lol:I literally did laugh out loud when I read this one. That Walmart checker is probably still telling that story when they are comparing crazy customer stories.:lol::lol:

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I'm the queen of awkward moments, lol. When my grandfather was in the end stage of cancer and was being transported to the hospital, I called out to the EMTs "Don't drop him, guys!"

Turns out, humor doesn't always lighten things up! :tongue_smilie:




This is my speciality as well. And I would have said EXACTLY the same thing. OTH, a lot of people are dull, literal, or wet blankets.

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I love this! I want an invisible entourage too!


This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D


:lol: Thanks for the laugh.

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And I'm quietly embarrassed that i didn't know 'tut tut' is current slang. I always think of it as something Mary Poppins would say, lol!


Sheesh, I'm gettin old.


I think it's lame when parents like the dad in the OP, try to act like teens. I get staying in touch, but no need to act just like the kids.

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And I'm quietly embarrassed that i didn't know 'tut tut' is current slang. I always think of it as something Mary Poppins would say, lol!



Isn't it Winnie the Pooh with the balloon and bees. Christopher Robin walking around underneath saying, "Tut, tut, it looks like rain."


I'll stay away from Urban Dictionary for this one!

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These examples made me laugh. At least you all are funny with yours. I usually get on my high horse and tell my opinion about some subject. Then, I get home and change my mind, and can't believe I spoke so passionately about a subject I knew nothing about. SUPER embarrassing, and idiotic! :o:crying::blush5::blushing: My only hope is that my friends have grace for my social ineptness.

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My problem is mostly because I tend to blurt out too much personal information. Like someone might ask me a simple question and I give way too much of an answer. I always feel like an idiot later.


This is me, too. I hate it!


Or said, "where's the baby?" and look around the room for her only to have someone point out that I'm holding her.


I did this when I was nursing my oldest in the nursery. I looked around trying to find her (she was a young toddler) and panicked when I couldn't find her. I asked where she was and had three adults looking for her and panicking for about 5 minutes before we found her. The funny thing was that it didn't occur to me that it was weird that I wasn't standing up to look for her too.


Asking an adult guest, "Do you need to go potty?"


Telling the doctor, "My tummy hurts."


Oh my! :lol:


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D



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:lol: let me say that my fear this morning was coming here and seeing that nobody replied to this post, that this post was totally inappropriate and I was the only one who experienced that. Now that would be an awkward moment! :lol: Thank God I'm in good company! :lol:


I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:

Edited by specialmama
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OTH, a lot of people are dull, literal, or wet blankets.


Hey - I resemble that remark! (Which is why my jokes often fall flat. People who know me think I can't possibly be joking, and for those who don't know me? Well, I just can't recognize a stupid or inappropriate joke!)

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:lol: let me say that my fear this morning was coming here and seeing that nobody replied to this post, that this post was totally inappropriate and I was the only one who experienced that. Now that would be an awkward moment! :lol: Thank God I'm in good company! :lol:


I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:




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I love this! I want an invisible entourage too!


This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D

:lol::lol::lol::lol:--I just laughed so hard, my stomach hurts. My mother thinks I'm NUTS!

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Telling the doctor, "My tummy hurts."



I once had my kids' new pediatrician refer rather too friendly-like about "where the poop comes out" (and telling me that sometimes he has some blood come out when he goes -- ?!) and it was just too much for me. For that (and much more significant reasons, like their evil nurse who yelled at me --?!), I just went back to the old doctor.

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:lol: let me say that my fear this morning was coming here and seeing that nobody replied to this post, that this post was totally inappropriate and I was the only one who experienced that. Now that would be an awkward moment! :lol: Thank God I'm in good company! :lol:


I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:


Yup, that's pretty much my internal dialog!


I sympathize with the poster who said they're introverted, forcing themselves to interact and making these mistakes.

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did this last month, except she was NURSING, not just being held by me! In a room full of people who haven't let me live it down!



Yes!! I did that too--in front of my whole smart-alec-y family. It was 4 years ago, and it's still dragged out everytime there's a silly story moment. :blushing:

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I love this! I want an invisible entourage too!


This thread reminds me of the time I was throwing a kids' birthday party. The theme was 'cats'. I thought it would be cute to serve cake and ice cream in double sided cat dishes, bought new and washed.


While alone at Walmart the cashier noted that I was buying 12 cat dishes and said, "Wow, you must have a lot of cats" I said "oh no, I'm having a kitty cat birthday party" She looked at me like 'oookaaay'.


It wasn't until later I realized she thought I was throwing a party for cats!! I wonder if she ever tells anyone about the crazy lady having a party for her cats and all their cat friends.:D


That's the funniest thing I've read since the cold wax hair removal post. :lol::lol::lol:

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oh my goodness - I haven't laughed like this in days. Hallelujah for this thread - it's helped me find my sense of humor again (I've had surgery a few weeks ago and it's been nothing but downhill from then and now my allergies are killing me, so I'm sick on Christmas Eve and a Big Old Grinch).




My one story I'll share is from my teenage days. When I would leave the house, one of my parents usually walked me to the car and would say bye to me. We'd hug and say goodbye and "I love you." before I'd drive off anywhere.


So, a guy I went out on one date with - I'd met him at his house (I usually wanted my own car as a means of escape on a first date, lol) before we went out. We drove back to his place and I was getting into my car. He said goodbye, we hugged, and I said "Love you too!"


:001_huh::001_tt1: I couldn't get out of there fast enough and turned him down for a second date. I just couldn't face him again after that. And I was soooo paranoid forever afterwards that I was just going to blurt out "I love you" to some random stranger.



My problem is mostly because I tend to blurt out too much personal information. Like someone might ask me a simple question and I give way too much of an answer. I always feel like an idiot later.



This is totally me too. I come home sometimes and just want to bang my head against a wall and wonder What on Earth I was thinking just blabbing on to someone like that. :001_huh:


Oh dear. This is me. I have this mental image of myself trying reel my words back in and shutting my mouth. Mine stems from being introverted and forcing myself to talk more in social situations.



I have that same mental image! ROFLOL! I literally try to visualize the words coming back! Too bad it doesn't actually work. I'm also an introvert and just don't seem to have a natural-born filter as to when it's "too much." When I get going... I just keep on going and going.... and going... :001_huh:



I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." "well pastor, you know how that is...." While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing!


I am just totally cracking up. Especially at the SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! heh!!! Yep - I've totally been saying that inside my own head while my mouth keeps on going anyway! LOL


I've actually emailed apologies for something I said that I worry about afterwards was taken the wrong way. I go into lots of detail with my apology, send it and immediately regret sending the apology - wondering if I just made it even worse!


Argh! DH says I just need to not worry about it, that everyone sticks their foot in their mouth sometimes. I just go way over my allowed Quota, unfortunately! :tongue_smilie:

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One time I went to the grocery store late. The guy bagged my groceries and told me to "Have a good night." I replied with "Nighty-night!" :001_huh:.


Another time I ran in to Target to pick something up. I was in a huge hurry, paid for my purchase, and then announced (kind of loudly) "OK, boys, let's go!". The only problem with that was I was all by myself :lol:.




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I just remembered another one: lol... our pastor tried to call us one evening this past summer and I picked up the phone then hung up without saying hello (by accident). When he called back a minute later I laughed and said "sorry, I don't make it a habit to hang up when a pastor calls. I know how that turned out for Jonah!" sooooo.... a little bit of forced laughter based on my totally inappropriate comparison of me to the prophet and him to God *sigh*... and then he asks what I'm so busy with, as I was huffing and puffing. Without thinking I just blurt out "Oh my mom and step-dad are flying in tomorrow morning and they'll be staying in our bedroom. Just parent-proofing the place. You know, hiding the mushy couple devotionals and massage oils and... things...." :001_unsure: "well pastor, you know how that is...." :blink: While inside I'm screaming at myself "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP YOU FOOL SHUT UP NOW!!!" and I just can't! Oh, the mouth is an evil thing! :lol:


I am laughing so hard, DH asked me what I am reading. Kids looking at me like I am nuts. Thanks for the laugh.

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My one story I'll share is from my teenage days. When I would leave the house, one of my parents usually walked me to the car and would say bye to me. We'd hug and say goodbye and "I love you." before I'd drive off anywhere.


So, a guy I went out on one date with - I'd met him at his house (I usually wanted my own car as a means of escape on a first date, lol) before we went out. We drove back to his place and I was getting into my car. He said goodbye, we hugged, and I said "Love you too!"


:001_huh::001_tt1: I couldn't get out of there fast enough and turned him down for a second date. I just couldn't face him again after that. And I was soooo paranoid forever afterwards that I was just going to blurt out "I love you" to some random stranger.




:lol: hilarious!

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