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Who else is waiting for the big snowstorm?

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We're in Va and haven't had a significant snowfall in many a year. Lucky for me, I also get to work this weekend (nurse). Should be big fun! They're calling for 12 inches in the valley to 2 feet in the mountains!


:rant: I just went to the store to p/u some coconut and was blown away by the people! Come on people, at worst it'll be a couple days you won't go out! You won't starve! It really bugs me when people wig out because of a little snow. They already let school out, not a flake has fallen mind you. I don't get it. I was raised around snow, so this just bugs me. :rant:


So who else is waiting for the snow?

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WE are! Yippee! We love the snow and are so overdue!!!


Just hoping ds18 is safe--he'll be coming back late tomorrow night from a wrestling match in Delaware.


Oh, and prayers would be nice for my other son, who is going to see Avatar tonight about 8 miles from here and driving back very late (after 1am).

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We're also in VA waiting on the storm. I still want to run get our groceries this afternoon once my youngest wakes up rather than wait until tomorrow like we usually do. It's not that I mind driving in the snow, but my van needs new tires so we're going to play it safe. Besides the kids will want to play in the snow tomorrow not run around town with Mom.

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We're waiting. But I guess I'm just no cautious enough. I never run out to stock up on food. We make do with what we have, which at the moment isn't much!


But the roads are never that bad after a day or two so I don't think we'll starve.


We are supposed to drive up to Northern Va, this evening and come back Sunday, those plans may be cancelled though. We'll see.

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We're waiting here, too! Kids are thrilled! We aren't right in the center of the storm where the forecasts are up to 20". Only up to 15" here! :D


DS19 is home from college and we do not have any shopping to do! Good thing, since the store shelves are probably empty by now...


It looks like we will have a white Christmas for the first time in quite a few years! :001_smile:

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Oh my, the snow is coming down here!! It started about 30 minutes ago...we're south of Roanoke...and is already accumulating. I had to make a mad dash to the post office with the last Christmas package, and it had piled up on the road within that 10 minutes! We may get 18 inches, which is amazing since we usually get ice.

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I think we may actually get this one. It has been coming down hard and fast for about an hour now and we have about 2 inches on the ground (in just that hour). It is a whiteout in front of my house - I can't see across the road.


I'm pouting. Can you tell? Can you blow it a little West, please?

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I needed groceries anyway, but we went at 8:30am instead of after school, and it was definitely busy.


I'm from the Rockies, and the whole thing cracks me up though. People where I came from didn't get worried unless the storm was going to drop over 3 feet. Here ANY snow causes a panic.

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Yup, waiting here! Our 19 yo dd is on her way home from college in Indiana. Thankfully no snow in PA so she should be fine. Have to take 15 yo dd to DC tonight and tomorrow to perform in the Nutcracker. Hope the Metro runs smoothly tomorrow! That could be an adventure! We also have friends with a son getting married on Sunday. Been praying it all goes smoothly for them.




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Curious where in VA all of you are. I'm about an hour south of Roanoke, and it didn't begin snowing until 2:00--it's 3:15 now, and we have a good inch on the ground. Wa-hoo!!!! I've been dreading it, but it's kind of exciting now that it's here!


I'm supposed to work tomorrow, and the more it snows, the more I can relax that I won't have to leave the house. :hurray:

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Well, it's been snowing for 1.5 hours or so. Everything's getting covered pretty good. Can't see the roads though. Dh won't leave work early, "cause he has too much to do". :glare: He lets everyone else leave though.


Gosh, I haven't seen a white Christmas in over 10 years!:D Too bad I gotta work this weekend.

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I'm from the Rockies, and the whole thing cracks me up though. People where I came from didn't get worried unless the storm was going to drop over 3 feet. Here ANY snow causes a panic.


Gail, I didn't remember that you were from the Rockies. Where? I'm from CO (Littleton, and later Colorado Springs) moved here 2.5 years ago. For us, the difference is that we were suburban in CO--it snowed and it was kind of fun to take out dh's 4WD to the store, going slow, getting out. It took 5 mins. to get to Walmart in the snow.


We're in the sticks in VA. It takes me five minutes to get down my little one lane (thankfully paved) road to the real street. It's curvy, hilly, twisty everywhere. It's 20 mins. to town on a good day. I lose power here, and I lose my well pump (not to mention that I don't have a fireplace here either).

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It has been snowing and sleeting here all day. Right now we are getting hammered by snow; it's one step from whiteout conditions. Very unusual for this area. The temp has dropped 5 degrees since 8 am.


Even my NH born children are starting to be a little impressed. :001_smile:



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I think the crowds are as much due to this being the last weekend before Christmas as the incoming weather. Several of my friends took off from work early this afternoon to go finish up their last minute gift shopping because they felt they might not be able to tomorrow if we get the snow predicted.


We live a fairly prepared lifestyle all the time, due to many things, not the least of which are steep dropoffs, curvy, unpaved gravel roads, and a 30 mile trip to town. Earlier today I instructed dd that we would be doing the PPF clean up (possible power failure). It doesn't take much ice or heavy, wet snow to bring down limbs and we are at the very end of a looong stretch of line, so we frequently lose power in situations like these. So we get the laundry caught up, vaccuum, clear the floors of any tripping hazards that would be dangerous in low light, I've got food ready that can be cooked/heated up on the wood stove and everyone's cold weather gear ready. When dh gets home here in a little while, he will fire up the tractor and haul a load of wood to the porch.


I'm not worried about the actual amount of snow. We are supposed to get a goodly amount of freezing rain though, which is always dangerous to travel. And as I mentioned, our power goes out just about any time there is much inclement weather. I don't prepare because I am scared. I prepare so I don't have to be scared. I know that come what may, we will be warm and cosy, have plenty of food, and that our animals will receive good care.

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We are waiting here in PA, it is not suppose to start though until after midnight. We are on the cusp of the 10-20 inches, so maybe just 5 or 6? I never get too crazy excited with the kids because I feel like most of the time it is a total let down. My ds can't believe when I tell him stories about when we had 3 and 4 ft around here before he was born.

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We're in the Piedmont Triad area of NC and it has been coming down in big, fluffy flakes here since about 11:45. I think we probably have about 2 inches on the ground at our house. Our area overall is supposed to get 6 to 12 inches, and we live on the northern side of the region so we may get toward the higher end of that prediction.


We've lived here for 15 years and I think, if this ends up being as much as is forecast, that this will be only the second time we've had this much snow in those years. I remember one other big blast of snow a year or two after we moved here.


DH and DD got off work early because of businesses closing. They are at Costco now doing our regular weekly shopping. DH just texted me to say the store is practically empty. There were news reports earlier that people were out Christmas shopping...but I'm thinking most of those folks have probably skedaddled on home to get off the roads.


My son and I have been in a spazzing fit of excitement today...waiting for and then watching the snow. :lol: He was born here so he doesn't remember snow being commonplace in Illinois.

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We are in the mountains of Western North Carolina, almost to Tennessee. This is the heaviest snowfall we have had since we moved here 7 years ago. I'm guessing we have about 10" right now and its still falling. I'm glad we are all inside and warm. I took it as a sign I should bake.

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I am so unhappy about this. My dh is supposed to be flying in. His one flight is cancelled. I have no idea when he will be home. I HATE SNOW. I will be very happy when he retires from the AF and I never live in snowland again.


Navy. grrrr. he just booked flight #3 (first 2 were cancelled) for first thing in the a.m.


We were having a conversation about where to settle down when all this moving is over... I suggested the desert. And I wasn't kidding. And that was before I knew this storm was coming!

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Navy. grrrr. he just booked flight #3 (first 2 were cancelled) for first thing in the a.m.


We were having a conversation about where to settle down when all this moving is over... I suggested the desert. And I wasn't kidding. And that was before I knew this storm was coming!


Well, I'm in the desert of Southern Nevada, and I just finished cleaning the patio so we could do school outside in the warm sunshine. too hot to do that in the summertime, but perfect for it today.

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I'm going to pretend I'm at your house...


Well, I'm in the desert of Southern Nevada, and I just finished cleaning the patio so we could do school outside in the warm sunshine. too hot to do that in the summertime, but perfect for it today.


We'll definately have a white Christmas, and getting more snow, but our blizzard was last week.


Stay safe eveybody. Sip coco, and curl up with a good book.

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We're right on the border of much and little... but since DH cut wood again this morning to take us through the weekend, and he's actually off all weekend (and not even on call), he's sure we'll probably only get a little. :glare:

We normally do our grocery shopping on Friday mornings - skipped it today due to the craziness we know to expect.

BRING ON THE SNOW!!!!! I'm ready to try out the sleds on the hills!

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