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Things You Think of From Growing Up (Fun Thread)

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*watching Mister Rogers, Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom. . .

*slap bracelets, jelly bracelets, banana clips

*Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake

*actually writing letters to people (not emails)

*a corded phone

*listening to books on *record*

*jelly shoes

*roller skating youth activities (church-related)

*riding my bike with no helmet

*not wearing seatbelts in the car (forget carseats!!)

*getting my first tape player

*wearing barrettes w/ ribbons on them


Wow, I'm really dating myself. . . LOL (can you tell I grew up in the 80's?)

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Hey, I still write letters. LOL.


*Banana seat bikes

*Corduroy pants

*Watching Empire Strikes Back in the movie theater.


*Ice skating on the pond.

*Walking down to the penny candy store & buying 100 tootsie rolls for $1.

*Holly Hobby curtains

*Playing house with my mini broom and ironing board.

*Playing records and 8tracks.

*The Carpenters

*Riding in the back of the pick-up down dirty country roads.

*Feeding the cows.

*Peanuts and coke (in the glass bottles)

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Fraggle Rock

crimped hair

wearing different color socks

Stiff high bangs

pound puppies

Inspector Gadget

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Archie comic books

Shirt loops shaped like hearts


Glo Worm & Friends

Micro Machines

My Child Dolls

Teddy Ruxpin

Side pony tails

I could go on and on....

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Cappin 'Roo

Breyer horses

Eating waffles on Sunday that grandpa made

Swinging on the coolest platform swing ever, also thanks to grandpa

Charging enough grilled cheese sandwiches at the club pool to get into trouble with dad.

Huge department stores at Christmas time in Birmingham

Hating to have my uncle babysit because he was a tough @ss that made us behave.


And when older.......

Elton John


Johnny Carson

Mountain Dew in glass bottles

My best friend smoking

Seeing how fast a Toyota would really go

The Dickory music store on the stip in Tuscaloosa

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Dawn dolls--my favorite dolls ever!

Kimba the White Lion

The Flintstones


Josie and the Pussycats

The Pink Panther (cartoon)

Get Smart

toe socks

Levis cords in lots of colors

Nancy Drew books

Little Women

Pippi Longstocking

Drive-In movies

Wuv's (fast food restaurant)

Pirate's World (now defunct theme park in Dania, Florida)

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*Jordache jeans, especially the ones with colored stripes or two-toned

*Kangaroo sneakers with the zipper on the side

*Laf-Laf fleece pullover jackets

*my pink 45rpm record player

*my jewelry box with the little ballerina in it

*Lisa Frank stickers

*feathered bangs

*Aussie hairspray

*Huffy bikes

*the plastic, wicker-like basket on my bike that I filled weekly with library books

*walking to the corner store for candy

*Pong, Atari, & the Commodore 64 computer

*family camping trips

*shucking corn daily in the summer with my grandfather

*Bickford's for dinner every Saturday night with my grandparents after church

*leg warmers

*Capezio shoes

*flourescent clothing

*The Electric Company, Sesame Street, Romper Room, Captain Kangaroo

*Tom & Jerry, Mighty Mouse, Woody Woodpecker

*waiting in line for 3 hours for my first Cabbage Patch doll

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the breakfast buffet at Bob's Big Boy

milk delivered to the door twice a week

thinking of rap music as "new"

renting vhs tapes

school dances with Miami Vice and Back To the Future themes

Great Space Coaster

Sassy magazine (and my 21 Jump Street poster that came from it)

when the Simpsons were part of the Tracey Ullman Show

saving my babysitting money for cassettes that got good reviews in Rolling Stone

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Sitting alone in the woods for hours reading a book in a tree hung with huge vines that served as a hammock.


Leaving the house all day and my mom not caring where I was because she knew we were safe.


Riding with friends on our bikes to The Cliffs to roll down the hills and climb back up


Riding a snow disk down Dorthea Dix Hospital Hill in Raleigh, NC with a 100 other people.


White House Easter Egg Rolls


Mountain Dew and Twinkies while watching Elvis Presley movies


Crying when Elvis died but not really understanding why he was so important, I just knew my Mom was upset.


Crying hard when Lynrd Skynrd's plane crashed and killed most of the band.


Sitting on my Dad's lap watching the Muppet Show

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Jelly shoes

Pig tails and side pony tails

Flourescent colors

Dirty Dancing (at 7 I had a thing for Patrick Swayze!)

Stand By Me (Will Wheaton made me swoon)

In-line skate woopla

Night games throught the neighborhood

Sleeping out on the tramp

Banana seat bikes


Tourtured mixed tapes for all the boyfriends (5th-8th grade! LOL)

Walk Like an Egyptian

Belinda Carlilse (oh boy did I want to be her!)

Rolling up my pants to show my socks, white sock over black on one side and black sock over white on the other!

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My list is going to be different from yours in some respects since I grew up in Japan:


watching Godzilla, Astro Boy and Moomin the Troll cartoons after school.


Playing dodgeball and kick the can with the neighborhood kids.


Always having to play Joseph in the Christmas pageant since I was taller than everyone else, including the boys.


Roaming around all over the town by myself for hours (someone else mentioned something like this).


Catching grasshoppers in the rice fields with the other kids but giving them to the others to take home for dinner!

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**ahem** Old Lady Alert Things I remember fondly from growing up in the 1960s.....


Seeing Mary Poppins in the movie theater, dressing up like Mary Poppins, owning a doll and the record

I still have and use a sterling silver Mary Poppins sugar spoon my dad got from collecting cereal box tops!!


Liddle Kiddle Dolls. I can still sing the "Lucky Locket Kiddle" jingle!!


Mini skirts and Maxi skirts. Psychedelic colors. Shiny vinyl purses.


Wanting to be either Peggy Lipton from Mod Squad or Susan Dey from Partridge Family!


The Beatles. The Beatles breaking up. The Carpenters and John Denver. The Jackson 5 and Three Dog Night.


Not being allowed to wait outside of the theater for my parents to pick me up after orchestra rehearsals because of all the hippies that lived in the park next to the theater...


My elementary school getting tear gassed by accident one day during war protests on the nearby college campus.


Dippity Do!


Go-go boots.


Every Apollo mission, and looking up at the moon in wonder at Christmas when Apollo 8 was there to check things out.


Not being allowed to stay up and watch Laugh In, but sneaking a peak anyway.


The original Star Trek series, and calling the kid down the street Mr. Spock because of his pointy ears...


Ohhh -- the Weekly Reader and ordering books from school (through Scholastic? They still do that!). I still have my paperback copy of The Railway Children that I got that way.


Buying 2 candy bars and a comic book for .25 at the neighborhood pharmacy.


My first transistor radio and listening to American Top 40 with it pressed against my ear!

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*riding my banana board down the big hill in our neighborhood

*going to the "candy lady" across the street for candy

*collecting "T"s at the golf course across the street from our house and trying to sell them to golfers

*mud wamping in the golf course during rainy season

*writing down ALL the lyrics to "Rapper's Delight"


*Cute shirtless long haired teenage boys riding by my house in a Trans-Am

*Discovering "alternative" music - Depeche Mode, The Smiths, The Cure

*Hearing "Feed the World" by BandAid over and over and over during Christmas time

*Commercials like the laundry product one that says "ancient Chinese secret"

*Listening to records backward to see if the devil had a hidden message inside

*Coleco Vision

*my Hello Kitty umbrella

*my Dorothy Hamill haircut

OK, I can go on and on...I loved my childhood. These fond memories make me remember the good 'ol days.

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baby alive

ballerina barbie

superstar barbie

inch worm

lemon twist

my mom's cabinet of canned stuff that i always had to stock when we came home from the grocery store

leg warmers

roller rinks with friends (why don't kids skate anymore?)

banana bikes

climbing the rope in the big yard across the street...even more jumping out of a tree with said rope and swinging like a maniac.

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Riding my bike to school, the ballpark, downtown, everywhere.


Riding my dog around in my bike basket.


Riding with my sister in her 1963 Valiant with push button gears.


Playing with the kids on my street until the street lights came on.


Having a party line (my first boyfriend was on our party line, so we would just decide what time to pick up the phone).


Riding in the back of my Papa's pick-up.


Turning in bottles for money to buy penny candy.


Skating at the skating rink with wooden shutters for windows.


My Baby Alive baby doll.


Sears toughskin jeans.

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Cape Cod

Skating at the pond

Riding my bike all over town

The drive-in

Creature Feature

Catching crawdads in the stream at the end of my street

AM/FM radio

T.V.'s with only five channels

Levi's 501's, a fisherman's sweater, clogs

Sal's Pizzeria


Don Kirshner's Rock Concert, American Bandstand & Soul Train... :D

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*My father's full length Broad away score singing in the bathroom

*My mother reading to us, playing rhyming games

*My neighbor's garden in the middle of the city; having the first strawberries of the season saved for me & my sibs

*My brother being in one cast or another, having stitches in the same corner of his head (daredevil!) three times. Hsi breaking in half every single crayon his Crayola 64 pack, back, because "Now I have 128!"

*My father and uncle playing cards in the kitchen until late at night on Sat. (Strangely, the scent of their brand of cigs, Marlborough's, still makes me feel cozy).

*My sisters and I playing dolls , named Heidi and Nina.

*Ice skating at night in the city park with a warming house that sold hot chocolate

*Finally getting to wear pants to school (for a long time it was dresses or skirts only)

*Leave it to Beaver reruns in the afternoon

*Little House on the Prairie

*Planet of the Apes

*After-school Specials on topics I'd never thought about.

*Going roller skating, and remembering it changing from 'regular' skating with the lights on, when they would call backwards skate, forward skate, partner skate, to "Rock and Roll Skate" with a disco ball and darkness.

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  • Riding my bike everywhere without a helmet
  • "Freakies" cereal creatures on my bike spokes, with those spoke straws covering the rest of them
  • Waiting in line with my Dad for 4 hours to see Star Wars at the only theater in Seattle showing it. In the rain.
  • Grandma having BIG Christmas lights on her indoor Christmas tree that we were constantly warned not to touch because the lights would burn me.
  • My sweet grandma
  • Tacos on Saturday night and watching Star Trek with Dad while Mom cooked
  • Driving across the Mercer Is. floating bridge into Seattle and having to go around "the bulge" -- it was fun! (I learned later that the bulge was an absolute death trap with cars plunging into the hole in the middle because they were going too fast :001_huh:)
  • Playing flashlight tag in the summertime
  • Toughskins pants (I never was allowed to have the jeans) from Sears
  • Getting my first pair of jeans from The Gap in 1979 - HUGE deal for me
  • Going to private Christian school for 12 years and the excitement surrounding every holiday celebration - the Reformation Day play, Christmas pageants, etc...
  • Children's musicals at church
  • Going to church EVERY Sunday night
  • Singing hymns
  • Watching movies and TV shows in black and white and not thinking twice about it
  • The Banana Splits on TV after school
  • "After School Specials"
  • Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids
  • Waiting all year to get a candy cane from the choir director after singing in the Christmas pageant
  • Getting to have Ginger Ale at Christmas time
  • My Mom decorating our house SO beautifully for Christmas. It was truly special. We lived on an acre with tons of cedar, pine and fir, so my Dad would cut lots of boughs for decoration. Our home smelled absolutely wonderful. It's such a bummer living in the desert now with a fake tree. I bought a Mrs. Meyer's pine scented candle and scent diffuser and it's helping...some...
  • Blue Christmas lights outlining our entire home. I still have this strange pull to blue Christmas lights, but DH hates them...so nope...
  • ETA: thouught of more....this is TOOO fun. I haven't even had breakfast yet!!! (But I did feed the kids)
  • Longing for "A Smile" brand ice cream cone pants at The Brass Plum at Nordstrom
  • Sneaking the teeniest bit of my Mom's blue Estee Lauder eye shadow...like she didn't notice :)-
  • "Tinkerbell" perfume (not the fairy...it was a kid's brand)
  • "Village" brand lip gloss in the flat tin with the sliding lid
  • Lip Smackers when they were around the first time.


ETA: LaurieNE: I just read your post after posting...I laughed out loud reading your After School Special comment...SO TRUE! We had the same thing at our skating rink...did they do the "Snow Ball"? I HATED that b/c I never got picked. Started with two skaters who got to pick partners; they split apart and picked partners, etc...

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*Climbing Trees

*Exploring the woods for hours at a time

*Biking all over the neighborhood

*Captain Kangaroo in the mornings before school

*the colored stripe screen before tv came on in the morning

*Happy Days and Laverne and Shirley Tuesdays

*Watching Batman and the Monkees after school

*Judy Blume books

*Nancy Drew

*LIking Sean Cassidy and Leif Garrett when I was too young to understand what liking a boy even meant lol

*Owning Sonny and Cher dolls

*Thinking Donnie's purple socks was the coolest thing

*Commericials having same people: Mr. Wipple from Charmin, Rosie from Palmolive, and the lady who did the coffee.

* Playing hours with Fashion Plates and Light Bright and Spirograph

* Roller Skating

* American Bandstand, Solid Gold

* Watching old movies on TV: Elvis, Frankie and Annette, Tarzan, and Shirley Temple

* Eagles Take it to the Limit and Lynerd SKynerd Mr. Saturday Night Special being the most played songs on the juke box at the hamburger joint

*Buying Hamburgers or footlong hotdogs 3/$1

*Wonder Woman underoos and making my own "invisable plane"

*My pride and joy. My Tuesday Taylor doll and penthouse

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I remember hearing my mom complain about gas being 77Ă‚Â¢ a gallon...


Barbie and the Rockers...


Saturday morning USA Cartoon Express (remember The Biscuits, those cute little dogs? No one remembers them, LOL)...


My pink Huffy bike with the huge seat...


Stirrup pants and jelly shoes...


Big, funky earrings...


Lots and lots of hairspray...


Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High books...


Jem is truly outrageous! Truly, truly, truly outrageous... (can you hear the song in your head? :D)


As a teen, looking for loose change in the car and on the ground to use for gas money...


Beastie Boys and Supersonic... even then I didn't like rap :glare:


Cyndi Lauper... and every girl named Cindy started spelling their name that way...


Dirty Dancing in the movie theater... and my mom had a big poster of Patrick Swayze hidden in her closet...


Hearing on the radio that Jon Bon Jovi was getting married... I cried as if I'd ever had a chance...



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-taping Casey Kasim's America's Top 40 on my tape recorder...my boys thought that was crazy we had to do that "way back then"...they are so used to Ipods, XM radio...etc

-popping tar bubbles on the sides of telephone poles(ok, so we got a little bored on those summer days!)

-selling Koolaid at 5cents a Dixie cup to neighborhood boys(actually I gave it away to the cutest boy down the street!)

-playing Black Panther at dark with friends

-riding bike to library across town and back without worrying if something would happen to me!!

-toe socks

-red, white and blue go-go boots

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*watching Mister Rogers, Little House on the Prairie, Wild Kingdom. . .

*slap bracelets, jelly bracelets, banana clips

*Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake

*actually writing letters to people (not emails)

*a corded phone

*listening to books on *record*

*jelly shoes

*roller skating youth activities (church-related)

*riding my bike with no helmet

*not wearing seatbelts in the car (forget carseats!!)

*getting my first tape player

*wearing barrettes w/ ribbons on them


Wow, I'm really dating myself. . . LOL (can you tell I grew up in the 80's?)


I was born in 1981, and everything fits me exactly except for the no seatbelts/carseats, as I used both. I don't get why you wouldn't have used them. Was it just that your parents didn't require you to? I mean, it's not like they didn't exist.

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My parents did not require us to. In fact, they thought it shouldn't even be the law to wear seatbelts, but was unnecessary "government interference" into people's lives.


We rode sleeping in sleeping bags in the back of the station wagon, we rode on the back dash of our grandparent's car. . .we even had a car accident where my dad hit a dear and all of us got slammed into the seat in front of us (quite hard I might add). . .And still, no seatbelts. As kids, we didn't think much of it.

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I remember many of the things already mentioned. I will add:


*wonder twin powers....activate*

The Waltons


All in The Family

Charlie's Angels

The Love Boat

Fantasy Island



8 track cartridges

Leif Garret

Andy Gibb



Pop Culture:

Pop Rocks


Buffalo Sandals(one of the ugliest sandals ever. And I am not only saying that just because my feet were too narrow to wear them)

Jou Jou Jeans

Nothing coming between Brooke Shields and her Calvins

Riding my baby blue 10 speed Schwinn everywhere

Parents took us to the drive in in our pjs. We slept in sleeping bags in the back of the wagon while our parents got to watch a movie.

rotary phones

the cable remote used to be connected to the tv by a really long wire

My first hand-held hair dryer- A conair that had to weigh about 5 lbs. I think my mother may still be using it.

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There were NO seatbelts in the back seat of the station wagon we had when I was a kid. My parents must have bought that car in 1963. We would climb in and out of the back seat into the far back of the car or into the front seat -- all while the car was on the freeway!!


Ahhh, the memories of red vinyl bench seats in Albuquerque summers!!!

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I am 52,


I loved:

weekend barbecues and watching Lassie and The Wonderful World of Color

Girls Scouts, merit badges, the uniforms!

showing my grandfather that Fruit Stripe gum really had stripes. He was amazed!

making hundreds of dress for my troll doll

riding my bicycle everywhere and feeling very free

My MaryBelle Gets Well doll


Going to the movies in a theater for the first time to see Mary Poppins with my dad (my mom was handicapped and things were not accessible then); there was an intermission!

going to Disneyland; my dad had been one of the original steam train engineers and they let him drive and made special arrangements for my mom to ride.

my crayons melting in my special Seattle World's Fair bag on the HOT drive home.

learning to back the car out of a parking space very young. My mom got her license when I was 7, but there weren't handicapped spaces yet. I could get the wheelchair in and out of teh car and pull in and out of parking spaces. I felt SO important about this.

exotic had-me-down clothes from my cousins.



I think it is interesting that the older posters don't have as many brand name or product-related memories.

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I am 52,



I think it is interesting that the older posters don't have as many brand name or product-related memories.


That's true.


I thought of some more "old poster" memories


- I remember getting our first black and white television. We got it so that we could watch the moon landing. (Boy, that dates me!)


- I remember getting our first color television set. We felt so decadent.


- if you turned on the radio it seemed like all the stations (not that there were as many stations as there are now!) played the Beattles.

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* Watching Little House on the Prairie, The Walton's, Laugh-In, and The Carol Burnett Show on a black and white TV that got 3 channels

* Dad going up on the roof to adjust the antenna

* Milking our milk cow every day after school

* Playing hide and seek in the barn

* Bell-bottom corduroys and mini skirts, then later jeans that were too long and rolled up

* Sleeping in the back of the station wagon on trips

* Eating at picnic areas at rest stops when traveling

* Very few people had AC in their homes or cars

* Rotary dial phones, dialing only 5 digits for a local call, and party lines (Does anyone else here even know what party lines were?)

* Thinking that McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken (it wasn't KFC then), and TV dinners were great treats

* Riding the Greyhound bus to Baltimore to visit my older sisters

* Watergate salad and Watergate cake (yum!)

* Making Chex party mix from scratch - it didn't come in a bag back then!

* Riding a one speed bicycle

* Visiting my brother in the hospital after he accidentally shot himself in a hunting accident, then him coming home in a body cast; realizing much later that the almost fatal accident may have saved his life because he got his draft notice while he was in the hospital and if he'd gone to Vietnam and died I wouldn't have remembered him at all because seeing him in the hospital is my first memory of him

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*Squirt gum

*Mustang GTs

*Flicker razors

*Charlie's Angels (original with the big hair)

*Cassette tapes taking over the 8 track market

*Few people owned color television sets

*sharing a MacDonald's quarter pounder with cheese, fries,small coke with my sister and feeling privileged and full (we were teenagers)

*Long & Silky; Short & Sassy shampoos

*skates with skate keys we kept on a string around our neck after buckling them onto our Keds.

*popping the road tar bubbles when it was really hot with our bare feet - must have tough toes!

*Dittos Jeans - I soooo wanted a pair of those, but mom thought they drew attention to the wrong spot :D

*high-waisted pants (being short waisted, these came to just below my booKs (which I really didn't have at the time)

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I think it is interesting that the older posters don't have as many brand name or product-related memories.


I remember getting our first television with remote control. It had a cord attached to the television. It only had buttons to change the channel and control the volulme.

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The road trips in the station wagon! Piling pillows and blankets in the way back (as we called it), getting our nest all cozy with snacks, books, and board games with my older sister. Oldest sister had the whole backseat. She was a real pill so we left her alone and enjoyed the way back! Only we had black vinyl seats in Albuquerque.

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Oh yeah. TV. We had a black and white as long as I was home. I think I was grown and gone before they got a color set. I remember waking up and going in to find my mother watching Twilight Zone or Outer Limits or Peyton Place or Raw Hide or Bonanza or Marcus Welby MD. She watched TV, knitted, and read books while watching TV and waiting for my father to get home when he worked swing shift.


And Adams Family and Get Smart. I loved Adams Family. We were allowed to watch more TV in the summer, so we saw reruns.


And every afternoon between 4:45 and 5pm we had to get off the subdivision streets because all the dads were coming home from DuPont (in carpools). That was our 'rush hour'. :)

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THe moon landing, standing outside and staring at the moon in wonderment.

Visiting my college cousins when I was 12 and seeing a sit-in on their campus.

Driving to San Francisco and visiting Haight Ashbury to see the hippies.

Driving to Mexico each month, playing on the beach, shooting off firecrackers.

Walking home from school each day for lunch.

Reading constantly and riding my bike to the library for more books. Reading at night and scaring myself.


Driving to Palm Springs through the desert with a canvas bag on the front of the car. When the car got hot, we stopped at the only place for miles, a restaurant. A scrawled sign said, "No n------ allowed," so my dad and I walked to a creek to fill the water bag. He told me that if anybody was not allowed that meant us, too.

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American Bandstand - every Saturday morning


Baby First-Step


Penny Bright


Dark Shadows - every afternoon 'soap opera' type show


Suzy Cute and accessories


Roller skates with keys


crinolines under our Sunday-best dresses


hats and gloves worn on Easter Sunday to church


Candy cigarettes


washing our hair once a week - then 'setting' it on rollers and sleeping on them....hoping your hair would be dry in the morning


Rolling our hair on soup cans


The Avengers


Watching Bobby Kennedy's funeral on tv


getting central air-conditioning installed in the house (that wondrous, new thing) when I was 13yo

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