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Do you ever wonder about who we have on the board with us?

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Have you ever wondered if we have anyone Uber Famous that hangs out with us? There are so many celeb homeschoolers, and I figure they can't just go to the corner homeschool store to chat up the fellow hsers there, coupled with the anonymous nature of the boards, I wouldn't be surprised.


Is it possible to post from prison?


I wonder how many people here don't even homeschool, but pretend/elude to just to hang out. I know there are people who are in various stages of hsing (from still having infants to college grads), but I wonder if there are people who really have no interest but still feel drawn here anyways.


I wonder about who is posting from countries where it is illegal to homeschool and hideout during the day (I know of at least 2) so this one of the only places they can safely chat.


I wonder if there are more men here than we think :)>.


I wonder if there are people who are here only to advertise their products (posting how Won.der.ful the curriculum is) and tearing down the competitors.


I wonder if there are people with multiple accounts, who post under different names to cause trouble or to just have diversity from their own life.


I wonder how many people say they are something or someone they are not, just to live in a different world while here.





Anyone else ever wonder who are friends are?

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I wonder how lonely we all are who spend so much time on here.


:D I'm not one of the lonely, although I know many have shared that they are. I am just one who likes to chat and read about peoples lives. I don't read a lot of fiction because...well it is fiction. I like to know real people, or at least as real as we are all on here. I think I am a sociologist at heart, I like to see how people work and interact. I guess every one's posts here are like little short stories to me, it is interesting to see how everyone else lives and reacts to situations.

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:D I'm not one of the lonely, although I know many have shared that they are. I am just one who likes to chat and read about peoples lives. I don't read a lot of fiction because...well it is fiction. I like to know real people, or at least as real as we are all on here. I think I am a sociologist at heart, I like to see how people work and interact. I guess every one's posts here are like little short stories to me, it is interesting to see how everyone else lives and reacts to situations.


I don't read much fiction, either. Real people's lives are much more interesting, even if they're not always well-written. :)


I don't consider myself lonely. Most of my irl "socialization" :tongue_smilie:takes place once a week, and I'm good with that. And some weeks I'd rather skip it, but I try not to. I prefer the flexibility of dropping in and out on the internet and, occasionally, the telephone.


I have wondered about celebrities here, lol. Not that I'd want to out them. I just think it's cool to realize they could be sitting here, hanging out with all of us, in their pajamas, worrying about the same things we worry about.

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Famous people...yep, every once in a while she posts here...and hey, she also advertises her newest products here, but I don't think I've ever seen her bash the competition (but sometimes her very polite reviews don't help them either, lol)....yes, folks I'm talking about the UBER famous Susan Bauer.


After that who else could we possibly need!



ConnieB....or am I? :lol:

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I'm really Angelina Jolie.


Either that or a 40-year-old man in Attica. Can't decide which.




IRL, I'm famous enough that I've bumped into people who've "read" me. That doesn't count for much, though. Authors' lives are WAY overrated.

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I don't really think much about it until there is a troll outbreak. Then I get a little freaky. There was a troll issue years ago where I was so shocked she was full of baloney that I think I stayed away from the boards for nearly a year after that.


Never really thought about famous people, though. Don't they just hire tutors and call it homeschooling so they can go on being "famous"? In which case, they wouldn't need us. :D

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Wait, we have another celebrity.....see, when you think of these people as just "friends on the Internet" it's hard to remember that they are actually bonafide famous folk.


REE DRUMMOND (aka Pioneer Woman). I sent in a suggestion that my library order her cookbook......and lo and behold they already had AND there were already 4 people ahead of me on the holds lists....and it's not even released yet! (comes out October 27). Oh, and just now when I went to verify how many people were ahead of me....yes, I'm number 5, but there are now 11 holds!! And I thought they only had one copy on-order, because I was thinking 3 weeks x 4 people it would be next year before I see this book....and now there are THREE copies.


Yep...Ree is definitely a celebrity in our midst. And to think I knew her when she just had a simple little website that she posted her recipes and photos of Marlboro Man. Of course she doesn't know me from a hole in the wall, lol, but that's not important right?

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OK, confession time. I am actually a very famous person who is cleverly disguised as a run of the mill homeschool veterinarian mom. Oh, well, the jig is up....but now you will have to figure out who I am!:lol:

Angie? Is that you?! :D


Oh wait, not enough kiddos for that one.

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Well, one night I dreamed that I was preparing for a visit the next day from Spy Car and his wife and son, when the secret service showed up at my door. They needed to scope out the place to be sure it was safe. In the dream I had this terrifying conversation:


Secret Service Man #1: "Ma'am, I need to tour your home and see exactly what foods and beverages you plan to serve tomorrow."


Me: "Um. Okay. I bought some Mike's and...."


SSM #2: "Is it in the original packaging, ma'am?"


Me: "Well, it's in the bottle, but I took them out of the case."


SSM #1: "At what store did you purchase these beverages, ma'am?"


Me: "The outlet grocery store down the road.... Why are you asking me all this."


SSM #2 to SSM #1: "Bob, do you think she really doesn't know, or is she bluffing?"


SSM #1 to SSM #2: "It's possible she doesn't know. But who doesn't know who Spy Car is?"


Me: "Excuse me. Are we talking about the Spy Car who home-schools his little boy? I mean, he's just Bill, right? Spy Car Bill, dear Bill?"


SSM #2: "She doesn't know."


SSM #1: "Ma'am. Mr. Murray is a very well known actor. Are you not aware of his work?"


The dream went on, apologies from me, since I don't watch TV, and finally I had to wake myself up because it was so confusing and upsetting. I figured, though, that the dream was more an indicator of my spending too much time here than any kind of warning or premonition that Spy Car was actually Bill Murray. Other than that, it never occurred to me to wonder if there were any famous people here.


As for the other wonderings, I do marvel at the sampling of conservative thinking on the board. You're quite diverse, you people over there on the right. But mostly I just dip in for the education intel and home management support, and then go back to my very boring life.

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I do wonder if there are some better know homeschoolers on the board.


I also know there is at least one poster who has more than one username.


I don't worry about it too much but I definately think there are more lurkers/posters that don't homeschool than we realize.

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And, I thought Spycar sent his kid to a Jewish school? I was sure I read that on some thread, somewhere around here.


LOL. No, my son goes to kindergarten at an extremely fine public school here in Los Angeles (those are few and far-between). So we are really (really, really) fortunate.


It's not a "Jewish" school, it's just got a fair proportion of Jewish students.


Mrs Spy Car spends a lot of time as a "class mom" and he and I spend a fair amount of time "extending" his education. So these boards have been, and I'm sure will continue to be, an amazing resource for us.


Why just yesterday, I needed more simple experiments for the "mad scientist" (he's in that phase) and I put out a thread and received wonderful suggestions that he will love. So unless you throw me out, I'm staying :D





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Maybe I shouldn't mention that Bill Murray doesn't get secret-service protection? :D




How would I know that? I don't own a TV! But, heck, you might get secret-service protection. After all, I have no idea who you really are.


And you're always welcome to come over for some Mike's.

Edited by Nicole M
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Never really thought about famous people, though. Don't they just hire tutors and call it homeschooling so they can go on being "famous"? In which case, they wouldn't need us. :D


Yes, I just can't imagine Angelina and Brad checking in daily to discuss homeschooling issues. If anybody logs in from that house, it would be the tutor. Mommy is busy being beautiful and rich.

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I remember a while back someone did post that they had been in a high profile spotlight type career at one time. Who knows who really is on here or any other board for that matter.


LOL most of the time as long as I get good advice for whatever I am dealing with I am okay with the "who knows" factor. However on another board I have been downright freaked out by some who post there!

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My general rule for the internet is "nobody is who they claim to be."


Oddly, I feel that that rule for the most part doesn't apply here.


Maybe it's because I'm on here, and I am who I claim to be (at least as far as you know:D), so I ascribe that same behavior to others who I "meet" here.


A couple of notable exceptions have proven me wrong, so I guess I should assume that there are others here who aren't.


So which of you "moms" are actually a sweaty, middle aged guy sitting in a dark room w/dirty dishes piled up around your screen?


On second thought, given the level of glamor and excitement of a typical homeschooling mom's life, who would ever pretend to be one of us?

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I wonder how lonely we all are who spend so much time on here.


I'm sure there's some of that, but for me, during the day while the kids are doing their work and I don't want to distract them with cleaning or such, I power up the laptop and have fun. :D At night, dh and the boys often times will watch something that bores me to tears so again, I usually come here.


I'm not lonely. In fact, I wish I had more quiet time at home.


And to the OP - did you figure me out? I'm a famous celeb. I'm just wondering.



Honestly, it certainly appears that many/most homeschool. But it's weird as just last night I was wondering if people in prison could get online and post! Isn't that weird???


I have thought about it. Once I belonged to am equine forum and someone actually started to search me out IRL. I honestly forget the details but dh called the moderator of the forum, who expressed concern for my situation. We made sure my name and email addy didn't come up under a google search, but I notice it now does because I frequent this place. Siiiiiiigh. I don't like that.

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So which of you "moms" are actually a sweaty, middle aged guy sitting in a dark room w/dirty dishes piled up around your screen?


On second thought, given the level of glamor and excitement of a typical homeschooling mom's life, who would ever pretend to be one of us?


:lol::lol::lol: Isn't this the truth?! As I sit here still in my PJ's!


Interesting thread as I hadn't thought about these things. I suppose I can be pretty naive about things though...

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I don't want a real-life encounter with the secret service, thankyouverymuch.


They are actually very nice people. Not scary at all.


We photographed a fund raiser a few years ago at which a Very Important Politician was the speaker. The secret service had to inspect all of our equipment once we had everything in place. They were very respectful to us and so nice to our boys.

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Well, one night I dreamed that I was preparing for a visit the next day from Spy Car and his wife and son, when the secret service showed up at my door. They needed to scope out the place to be sure it was safe. In the dream I had this terrifying conversation:


Secret Service Man #1: "Ma'am, I need to tour your home and see exactly what foods and beverages you plan to serve tomorrow."


Me: "Um. Okay. I bought some Mike's and...."


SSM #2: "Is it in the original packaging, ma'am?"


Me: "Well, it's in the bottle, but I took them out of the case."


SSM #1: "At what store did you purchase these beverages, ma'am?"


Me: "The outlet grocery store down the road.... Why are you asking me all this."


SSM #2 to SSM #1: "Bob, do you think she really doesn't know, or is she bluffing?"


SSM #1 to SSM #2: "It's possible she doesn't know. But who doesn't know who Spy Car is?"


Me: "Excuse me. Are we talking about the Spy Car who home-schools his little boy? I mean, he's just Bill, right? Spy Car Bill, dear Bill?"


SSM #2: "She doesn't know."


SSM #1: "Ma'am. Mr. Murray is a very well known actor. Are you not aware of his work?"


The dream went on, apologies from me, since I don't watch TV, and finally I had to wake myself up because it was so confusing and upsetting. I figured, though, that the dream was more an indicator of my spending too much time here than any kind of warning or premonition that Spy Car was actually Bill Murray. Other than that, it never occurred to me to wonder if there were any famous people here.


As for the other wonderings, I do marvel at the sampling of conservative thinking on the board. You're quite diverse, you people over there on the right. But mostly I just dip in for the education intel and home management support, and then go back to my very boring life.


They didn't ask you about your crock pot?

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