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While the board's away, the mice will. . . . .

What was your reaction to the board being down?  

  1. 1. What was your reaction to the board being down?

    • Aack! I can't function!
    • Wow, did I ever get a lot done. Thinking about a board break.
    • What? The boards were down?
    • The always populare other

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I panicked a wee bit. :001_smile:

I'd had houseguests and so not much schooling or forum-checking for a full week. Today was our first day back to our usual routine, so did a little panicky double-take when I couldn't get on WTM after so looking forward to it. But then I calmed down and we got a lot done!

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I managed to get a lot done. Laundry folded that had sat all week and just kept piling higher, dishes done, grocery shopped, didn't start school until 1 but was done by 4 with 3 kids...so I think I will be taking a break during the school week or at least during the day time when I should be doing all of the above.:tongue_smilie:

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I realized I might have developed a ::::ahem:::: dependency problem...:lol:


Totally! :svengo:


I'm one of SWB's followers (that sounds creepy ;) ) on Twitter, so I eventually knew what was happening (kind of). BTW, congratulations to Bob and his wife. Twins! That would do me in. :)

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My husband and I are not on speaking terms right now (ok, he keeps talking to me but I won't talk to him), so I immediately assumed that Mr. Computer Geek did something to the computer to spite me. Since I was also having trouble connecting to my email account it seemed like a reasonable assumption.

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I spent 45 minutes trying to figure out if it was just me and if I could find another way in. Then I actually taught the kids ;) then I again tried to log on, repeat, over and over. Posted to my facebook that was going through withdrawl. Checked the boards from my folks. Thought maybe their computer had a way in mine didn't. Jumped for joy when boards were back on and now I am here. I need these boards to function. EVen though I am working hard on not going online to them during the school day I need to know everyone is out there just in case I need a mental health break for a bit kwim.

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My husband and I are not on speaking terms right now (ok, he keeps talking to me but I won't talk to him), so I immediately assumed that Mr. Computer Geek did something to the computer to spite me. Since I was also having trouble connecting to my email account it seemed like a reasonable assumption.


Oh, my! I'm trying not to laugh, but that sounds just like something I would assume during one of my non-communicative spells! It just so happens that we ARE speaking today, so it didn't occur to me!


I hope you two get back on track soon!



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I googled it, checked facebook, farkled, googled it again, and again, again. Finally it began to down on me - the board's down dopey. So, I went to cook dinner - after checking facebook again (hey, you never know when someone's gonna post something on your wall right?)

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Thankfully I had a busy running day. However, it didn't stop me from trying to log in during in and outs throughout the day. I actually really needed on here today to get an address and name for a money order, so I was bummed that it was going to take an extra day. Tis all oky-doky though. I have had board addiction on another forum and haven't contributed there for a few months...so I know seperation is possible (but who'd want to!!).

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I usually have set times during the day that I check online stuff (here plus email, Facebook, newspapers, Twitter, etc), and I noticed a glitch but thought it was my internet since I couldn't get Yahoo to load either. Saw SWB's Twitter update re the server being down and thought, "Well, that explains the boards. Wonder what's up with Yahoo." But that's about as much thought as i gave it.


Now, 6 months ago, I would have been more panicky; however, I realized at that point I had internet issues, so I fasted for a bit and now have that part of my life under a bit better control... a teeny bit, but a bit.

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I was kind of bummed. When after 5 HOURS of trying to get DD through her schoolwork (which if she'd stop goofing off would take less than 2), I assigned homework and took half an hour for myself before going to bed. This resulted in tears, bemoaning that "It's not fair!", etc., all because I told her she wasn't to turn on the TV until said homework (3 addition problems and a handwriting worksheet) and putting away dishes was done.


I really wanted to come on here and vent. I read a few threads on MDC and checked email instead.


Tomorrow I have to go to bed earlier...it's not going to be fun.

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I voted 'other' ONLY because I got up at 6:30 a.m. and left the house by 8:00 and didnt get back until 6:30 p.m. I tried to log on at 6:30 while drinking my coffee and must admit to feeling mild panic, but since I was gone all day I wasn't as bothered by it as I normally would have been.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Not for the boards being down, but because I figured I was doing something wrong, LOL.


I see I'm not the only one with a guilt complex. ;)


I thought maybe I was on time out.

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