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What do you want for Christmas?

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Going all out in the Christmas posts, aren't we? :lol:

Finally, the *important* one...:D


I want shoes (new sneakers and loafers), a small boom box, new lamps for the living room, and some books. I also want new towels (bath) and a new purse (but I want to pick it out--Walmart quality would be fine) and I really need some new nighties and bras and clothes.


Boring, huh?

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What I WANT or what I'm going to ask for? :D


I'd love a new, fancy digital camera, but that isn't going to happen this year.


My real list is something like:


a portable firepit for the backyard and a supply of wood

a purple iPod


gift cards to B&N, JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, and the stained glass shop are always welcome.

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I always ask for the same thing: special coffee, biscotti, good tea, a pretty feminine romantic book (dh got me one on Tasha Tudor last year), a warm fire, and peace and quiet. Then I get to lay on the couch in my jammies, drink hot tea, and read. Heavenly.



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I'll say it -- MONEY!! But I'd also settle for a canon rebel too. I'm always very happy with whatever I get...very few times have I been like, huh? One dud was when my dad bought me a pink sweater in 7th grade (along with a pair of hunter green jeans...it was the early 90's). I'm usually pretty gracious, but I made him take me to the store to return those. Funny....I'd love a pink sweater now. :) Oh...another one was the first year I was dating my husband and his dad and step mom got me a HUGE sweatshirt with a Christmas scene on it. I was 22 and it wasn't even slightly my style (I liked thrift store vintage at the time -- still do). I did break it out during pregnancies though, so maybe they were onto something.

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A new bible (the cover is hanging on by a thread!)

a pizza stone

a new set of nice, sharp knives


What I REALLY want is to not celebrate Christmas at all. Personal conviction. However, being as MIL is very ill, and Christmas is very important to her, we will celebrate. Also, the dc can't help but know that traditionally, Christmas equals gifts; so they have the expectation of getting something, too. And of course, they really want to get mommy and daddy gifts, too.

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A new bible (the cover is hanging on by a thread!)

a pizza stone

a new set of nice, sharp knives


Thank you for reminding me of something practical I need. My old pizza stone cracked down the middle. I'm going to put in on our Christmas list.



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Thank you for reminding me of something practical I need. My old pizza stone cracked down the middle. I'm going to put in on our Christmas list.




I've never had one. Never. In fact, I only started making homemade bread this year. My family loves it, and I've heard ladies rave about their pizza stones on here. Now I want one. :001_smile:


Also, I usually ask for 'practical' gifts. I find that things I use in my everyday life I end up appreciating more than 'special' things I hardly ever use.

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I am really liking the gift idea of a quiet day. No errands. You know what? It's Christmas and since I've been so good this year, I want 3 days! No errands. Just hang out... cook IF I want to... have the children clean up and behave oh, so beautifully! What I would like the most out of that would be no errands. I go and go and go... in circles... taking these people places and picking them up. All within 5 miles. But, 7 of them ages 10-17 with different activities and all...


And I know that it's just a matter of days, if not hours, that I will start hearing, "Are we going to grandma's for Christmas break?" And I don't want to take them. I don't want to GO anywhere! Grandma is a couple hours away and the past few years a few of them have gone for a week. I just don't want that happening this year. I just want us to all stay home.


If I had to pick a different gift... I'd like an on-line writing course...

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I asked my husband for one of those automatic hand dryers like they have in restaurant bathrooms and gas station bathrooms. I am so tired of all my little ones dropping the hand towel on the bathroom floor instead of hanging it up after washing and drying their hands. I am constantly picking it up and replacing it with a clean one throughout the day.


So I started brainstorming how to get them to keep the handtowel on the towel holder, when it occured to me that an automatic hand dryer like we use in restaurants would eliminate the need for handtowels in the bathroom all together. It would also cut down on my ever growing mountainous wash cycle and eliminate the germs that come from a shared handtowel.


So practicality wins out and I want an automatic hand dryer for my bathroom for Christmas. I always try to find something practical every year that I can use in my daily life to ease up on my workload, it is usually homeschooling books or some cooking/baking apparatus. This year it is an automatic hand dryer to save myself from daily headaches and constant washing. Not to mention, cut down on the cold and flu germs that can originate from shared handtowels.

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I asked my husband for one of those automatic hand dryers like they have in restaurant bathrooms and gas station bathrooms. I am so tired of all my little ones dropping the hand towel on the bathroom floor instead of hanging it up after washing and drying their hands. I am constantly picking it up and replacing it with a clean one throughout the day.


So I started brainstorming how to get them to keep the handtowel on the towel holder, when it occured to me that an automatic hand dryer like we use in restaurants would eliminate the need for handtowels in the bathroom all together. It would also cut down on my ever growing mountainous wash cycle and eliminate the germs that come from a shared handtowel.


So practicality wins out and I want an automatic hand dryer for my bathroom for Christmas. I always try to find something practical every year that I can use in my daily life to ease up on my workload, it is usually homeschooling books or some cooking/baking apparatus. This year it is an automatic hand dryer to save myself from daily headaches and constant washing. Not to mention, cut down on the cold and flu germs that can originate from shared handtowels.



Oooh! I just saw a really cool version of this. You actually stick your hands down into the dryer and the blowing air kind of blows the water off of your hands as you pull them out. Kind of like the drive through carwash. It was very efficient and didn't seem to spray the germs throughout the bathroom like the traditional hand dryers do.


I hope your Christmas gift solves your problem.

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I'm feeling greedy this year.


I just expanded our living space from 950 sq ft to approx 2200 sq ft. I want furniture.


Of course, I don't realistically expect that our finances will be a position to spring for that by Christmas (have to fund the IRAs first).


I'll enjoy the puzzles, books, and music I usually get.

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A weekend away in a hotel, with a massage and room service and just an over all chance to start the new year with all my nerves reset to calm. It would be a gift to myself, the gift from others would be the free childcare for that weekend, of course that means I would have to wean dd before then, or maybe that would make her wean.

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Actually, as a combo bday/Christmas present. We have moved to a place where my morning walks are limited (by packs of dogs and snakes) and I can't go to a workout place/exercise classes (due to DH's schedule). And I really, really need to do something. The one and only machine at our old club that I liked was the elliptical.

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So far I know I want a blender (my last one's engine died but it was more than 20 years old). I also want diabetic socks (I don't have diabetes but do have nerve problems in my feet).


I have been asking the kids and they have only come up with the usual: DVds, cds, jewelry and clothes. My son's list is solely clothes.

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I really have not thought about it. I have been trying hard to listen to the children to get ideas for them. DH has me thinking about what I want for my 20th anniversary next spring(he wants me to look for an anniversary diamond but I am thinking more a new Thomasville or bassett kitchen table. He'll get me something very thoughtful and unexpected for Christmas, he's good at that.

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I want a saxophone, another Saddleback leather bag, someone to buy me all the things in my amazon shopping cart, a massage from someone who isn't too tired to do it properly, and a Jeep Wrangler.


What I am willing to settle for is much less. :D An amazon card, a trip to see my parents without it being -20 degrees, and a month without a ton of stress.

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I want someone to come clean my home and get rid of my clutter.


Oh, and world peace :)


I would totally settle for a quiet bath in which I am not interrupted a single time, nor do I have to yell through walls for people to stop doing whatever they're doing, and I won't have to listen to dh nagging the dcs.


A Nobel Peace Prize.


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