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What's an appropriate name for your school?

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Based upon the daily activities of your school what should it REALLY be called? :D I love the creative names many of you have, based upon the passions of your educational goals. We are technically Wakefield Academy and to me that conjures up images of a smart, orderly, exclusive educational facility.


I was answering another thread and I realized my son comes to school without a shirt and shoes for most of the time. He doesn't like to sit still, we live in a veritable nature study lab, and we are always getting distracted by something. So really we should be...


The Tarzan School for Adventuresome Boys. Maybe I should change the name. :lol::lol:

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We are the Celtic Learning Project on good days- on others we should be Miss Jenny's Home for Wayward Children and I think that would be a "nice" name for it. We've got two crazy guitar playing teens, 2 in the middle who will wander away at a moments notice and a preschooler who wants to catch toads all day long.

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Funny thread :D


Our official names are: St. Albert the Great Academy (for ds14) and Four Trees Academy (for dd12).


In real life, we might be called the Grooming Optional School of Dissatisfaction or the Inmate In Charge Asylum. I think they want to drive me over the edge some days.



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Our name on paper is Grace Classical Academy. Our name today should be either "Food Fights R Us Academy" or "When will these boys EVER learn to lift the lid before they pee Academy!" Or, better yet, as their soccer coach calls them "BAM Academy!" (That's twins Ben and Sam combined, as all they ever do in soccer is run into each other!)



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In real life, we might be called the Grooming Optional School of Dissatisfaction or the Inmate In Charge Asylum. I think they want to drive me over the edge some days.




Grooming Optional!


For my youngest, Bathing & Grooming Optional Academy. Or Academy of Vociferous Skepticism and Doubt.

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Let's see. I think it depends on the day, and sometimes the child. But the Grooming Optional one would definitely fit ;) As in optional from my dc's POV, not mine.


Some days it's Horrormones Academy, others it could be Grumps R Us or Complainers Anonymous (can you tell what kind of a day we've been having?).


It could also be Punsters Pre-College Academy (no obvious pun ignored), Annoy All Alive Academy, L'Ecole du Lollygaggers (I apologize to all Francophones, but I wanted the allliteration), Krazy Kindergarten, Bookworms Boardingschool, etc, etc.


Perhaps Draconian Math Academy, since we do a lot of math. Mostly, if I were to have a name, I pick Lastname Academy because finding titles is always a challenge for me.

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Lately things have been going well so our name on paper of Fawkes Academy is good.


But dh will soon be out at sea for deployment and I'm sure many days will be more of


Can I just get 3 minutes of peace Academy

Well you all sit still Academy


and then toward the end of the deployment it will most likely be

Thank God your dad gets home in (insert number here) days Academy.

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The Sprawling Girls Academy




That's cute!


If nothing changes around here over the next three years, we'll be the Couchtop College. Dd loves to lie on top of the sofa, or even better, on the mantlepiece. I'll have to put a stop to that when she gets heavier, but she's only 2 now :)



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Our homeschool is named And There Was Much Rejoice Academy. "And there was much rejoice" is actually said sarcastically without enthusiasm and is a quote from Monty Python, but I have only had a couple of people pick up on that.

This is actually a pretty accurate name for schooling my older two. My middle ds used to respond with this quote with fair frequency and that is why it was chosen.

Although, my oldest ds could have Frequently Frustrated with the Community College Professors Academy on his transcript this year.

Little ds could have Numbers Fly Like Pigeons Academy (courtesy of Carl Sandburg) any day of the week and occasionally Mathematics of Perpetual Motion and Non-stop Talking Academy.



This is fun-


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My older dd had music lessons three times a week, (1 hr drive each way), and for two years she did pre-professional ballet as well (1 hr drive each way)....so she did most of her schooling in the van to and from lessons. She said her school should have been named:


Van School


My younger dd has five cc classes this semester, as well as a volunteer job at the public library 6 hours a week, along with music lessons and drama at the cc.....so she is rarely at home. Her school should be called:


Neverathome Academy

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Too many days I'd have to say it's Flying by the Seat of Our Pants* Academy. :glare:


*even though mommy really did plan and prepare


Fly By The Seat of Our Pants School -- that's just what I was going to say! And the part about mommy really planning and preparing -- not so much. That's what I mean by flying by the seat of our pants! We just do some stuff, and let life lead the rest.

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I heard of a school with the initials SHESH and thought I'd steal it but add an extra E:

SHEESH Academy

It's what I'm muttering under my breath all day long, "sheesh".

Our motto is: "Can we do a shortened day of school today?"

Our uniforms would be the same outfit for 3 days in a row (including underwear).


This was fun!

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The Tarzan School for Adventuresome Boys.





Love it!


There is or was a poster here who used to call her school ("on not so good days," I think she put it) the such-and-such Correctional Facility. I still laugh over that one.


ETA: Oh, Judomom, that's YOU! I just went back and read the entire thread. I love that...

Edited by AuntieM
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