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I always see the same people posting to these threads....


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I think it just all depends upon your sleep schedule, ages of your kids, your time zone (it's not even 9 am here, we start school at 9), how many chores your kids and hubby do, if you have hired help of some sort (I have a yard guy), if you have a schoolroom (our schoolroom is separate from the rest of the house, so, I don't generally do chores during the day), there are so many factors!

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Wow. LOL, I'm wondering if YOU have tips for US! I'd love to complete it all... I think that's what us regular posters are doing wrong, we're sucked into this black hole of internet for far too long and avoiding some of our responsibilities IRL. I for one, use the internet as a break, or a treat of some sort... or just to escape responsibility. :tongue_smilie: Not good. Keep your good ways, my friend. Do not let us tarnish you! Turn around and RUN from here before it's too late and your house looks like mine, complete with 7 piles of dirty laundry and no homecooked meals in 3 days! :lol:


:iagree: :001_smile:

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Especially the long controversial ones.


I have to ask, how do you all have time to homeschool?


Am I missing something? Is there some trick?


It takes me almost ALL day to homeschool my children, keep my home clean and cook meals.


How does everyone have so much time to be on the computer? I would really love to know this. I want to get all my stuff done and play on the computer too.


Any tips would be great!


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You mean I'm suppose to be doing something else with my time? No!!! Say this isn't enough already.


Seriously, I go in spurts. Right now schooling is taking my free time so I'm not on too much except maybe at lunch, after supper, at night, etc. But, when I'm looking into something new I'm here all the time.


I consider ya'll friends.

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LOL. I've actually found that I spend as much time here when I only read as I do when I post.

There's plenty of threads on here that I read, but would not post an answer on (I'm getting better ;) ). I get more news from the hive than anywhere else. If Patrick Swayze's death wasn't posted here I wouldn't have know :(

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The crock pot is our friend. I never was into the crock pot, but this year it's been totally different. I have to drive my Dd an hour each day and having something cooking saves me that time. If I'm not using it that day and I have an extra 5 minutes I start something for dinner so I don't have to do it all in one shot.


I learned very early on that I cannot do everything and have time to do what I want, and then I get resentful. I had three children in (almost) one year (10 days short) and when they were toddlers I got to the point that I knew I couldn't be everyone's maid all day. So I started teaching them to clean up. Now, at 6, 7, 7, and 10 they clean their rooms, put away their laundry, sweep their rooms and organize all of their school work on their shelves. They fed the dogs. They match socks, make their beds and pick up all the toys in the house. My 14 yo undoes the dishwasher, does all her own laundry, walks the dogs, and washed the walls, cleans the baseboards and touches up the paint when needed. (she loves painting-go figure). I cook, vacuum and mop and do laundry. The three year old princess tells everyone what to do.


We also are up at 6am and schooling at 7 am till 9:15 when I have to leave to get Dd. Those two hours are GOLDEN.


Right now I should be writing and judging. But I'm having one more cup of afternoon coffee.

Edited by justamouse
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Interesting question. I remember thinking that about a certain poster on an Attachment Parenting board at one time. She had a lot of kids, including infants, and yet she put up thousands of posts. It made no sense to me. How could she homeschool, attachment parent and still be in front of a computer pretty much any hour that I logged on?


I do waste, I mean, spend more time here than I can really afford. When I come to my senses, I'll go on hiatus for a few days. Right now, at this very minute, I should be solving the dinner problem. I'm going to eat well; I'm going out for my friend's 40th birthday party. But these poor people who live with me...they will want food, too, it seems.

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Dual monitors, my friend. :D


I do my photo work on one and read the boards, check my email or pull up accounts on the other. My son sits at the desk beside me to do his school work.


Nice set-up. (I wish I could keep my desk that clean.) Are you a sports photographer?

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I have one child -- a 9th grader -- and a very small apartment. Apt takes less than 1.5 hrs to clean weekly. Hubby and son pitch in on chores and cooking. Son is a dream to HS -- nowadays, he is more independent. Instead of crocheting while he works, I sneak in here to the forums! LOL. And of course, late at night... when everyone is asleep. If you'll note most of my posts for controversial topics is during the 3am slot. :D


Hubby comes home to a homecooked dinner, clean house, educated child... but the only thing I WISH I really had time for was to get a better haircut, makeup, etc. No time for that. But everything else looks really good!!! LOL

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:iagree:with Christy B and Paula, the Elegant Lion. A) I only have dinner to cook and not even that always. My children are teens or older and they need minimal help. I certainly don't teach them all day. I help when necessary and in certain subjects. Except for two days a week where I am in co-op teaching and coaching an Odyssey of the Mind group and another day when I am babysitting youngsters while my kids play soccer, I only spend at most two hours a day on their schooling. I don't need to watch them read. I don't need to stare at them while they practice Spanish on the computer.


Like Paula, I have insomnia at times,too and also I am up for a few hours often, unfortunately, before they get up. My dh travels frequently and attends meetings at very early hours at other times and if he is up, that usually means I won't sleep anymore that morning. However, I am not waking them up at 5:30 am.


Like many others stated, I check back a number of times and not necessarily for all that long. Often I will check back while I am waiting for pages I need for the classes I teach to load or while I wait for a response back from someone that I need to proceed with some project.


Then finally, I am like another poster whose name escapes me right now but she is married to Wolf. I have chronic medical conditions that often preclude me from more active pursuits when I am not feeling well. I can read, type, listen and watch. Scrub floors is a very different matter and needs a lot more energy. I save my energy for essentials like laundry,

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Dual monitors, my friend. :D




I do my photo work on one and read the boards, check my email or pull up accounts on the other. My son sits at the desk beside me to do his school work.


Grrr! I wish my desk was that neat. Does it stay that way or did you neaten to take the picture? ;) I think I will start a thread about desks.

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I am #40 in postings so I guess that's a lot. Most of the people in front of me posted more in the beginning whereas my post count has just increased dramatically in the last six months (even though I am an old timer and have posted consistantly). My secrets are:


I don't cook


I don't clean


I don't sleep


I don't watch tv (expect for dvds occassionally)


I have health issues that sometimes prevent me from doing much more than sitting. So if I am not reading or watching a dvd then I am here.


I only have one high schooler left at home and she is pretty independent.


When my kids are home they are usually in here with me. This is where they read, do homework, hang out and talk to mom.


I post a lot late at night and then only when my hubby is out of town. So you may see lots of post for three or four days and then none for a few days.


I read the controversial threads but rarely post in them. I ask a lot of questions and then offer advice when I can. I come here for support and encouragement and I try to offer the same. I like to share the joy and whimsical moments in my life when they happen as well.

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Grrr! I wish my desk was that neat. Does it stay that way or did you neaten to take the picture? ;) I think I will start a thread about desks.


It's an old picture, but it usually stays that way. I don't work well with a messy desk so I am constantly straightening, recycling papers, shelving books that get left here, etc. At the moment there is a small stack of 8x10 prints on top of the scanner, several business cards at the base of the larger monitor and someone's book (Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles--must belong to Jeffrey) at my right elbow.


She photo shopped it... ;)




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But being able to do both! That is the question of the thread. I know there are people on here doing it all. How?


I know people that have extensive blogs and also get everything else done. And are on forums.


Its not just the time, but also being able to concentrate to read and type while your children are in the house.


After reading this thread, I really think multi-tasking and delegating are key. Both of which I haven't been doing.


Or reading after hours at night.


I guess I disagree with you... I don't think anyone *is* doing it "all". Some of us spend more time on the computer than you do... by necessity that means we spend less time on something else-- maybe it's housework, maybe it's exercise, maybe cooking, watching tv, scrapbooking, whatever. We all have the same number of hours in the day, and those who spend more time on the computer are spending less time on something else. Nothing wrong or right about that necessarily, just the way it is.

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Some of us have our computer sitting on and in a public area of the house. And we multi task, checking in on certain threads on a regular basis. Also, when nursing or watching over schooling children, we keep our minds occupied by interacting with other adults online or reading up on the latest issues.

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A lot of my internet time is currently happening while I'm nursing or acting as a bed to my little one. I have an extra large homemade boppy. I place the hinge of my laptop on the boppy and the edge on the child and read/type away. Madelynn is my second child to grow up with a laptop on top of them a good amount of the time.

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My child is a supa-genius and doesn't need my help with her work. And, I have a tiny house that I can lift by one corner and shake all the dirt out of. :lol:


Not really.


I'm single (no husband to take care of).


I'm homeschooling one child (who's in 7th grade, and therefore doesn't need my attention for everything.)


I have a laptop (so I can be close to said child, in case she does need something).


I don't have tv (so, no time spent watching it).


I don't scrapbook/stamp/knit/crochet/exercise (so, no time spent on those).

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That would be nice. I have often wished for a concrete and steel kitchen with a drain in the center of the floor so that I could just hose down the room at the end of the day.



My Aunt had a drain in her kitchen floor and her kitchen floor was concrete back in the 70's. She was a reading addict and a horrible housekeeper (bugs, urine smells, and sticky floors). He gave up and just put in a drain. When he was sick of the dirty floor he actually did hose it down. She was a crazy lady. Interesting though.

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Well I have no tips - I am in the same boat as you... But I have discovered a few things from friends who post a lot on various forums.


They read faster than I do - sometimes not really reading but skimming.

They type faster that I do. They type more accurately than I do - correcting less (oh that's time consuming.)


They are more knowledgable than I on certain topics and research/read a lot more than I do. So they know where to site the sources and they think through things quicker than I. They already know what to say whereas I would have to think it through.


They are in a different season than I - when the kids are little ~ it's hard. I don't get on much and post because I simply don't have the time to.


And some do neglect things to spend time on the computer.


Having a lap top does help - I love my - it's a recent addition. But I find myself popping in the WTM for 5 minutes here or there are various times when I am waiting for something.


I think there are a variety of reasons/situations that contribute to it. As for me, I don't know that I will ever be able to post a lot.


Oh and there are my friends with blackberries who post/read all the time because they always have it with them.


And some get notifications and only read those threads - they spend less time just searching.

Edited by Steph
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I skip those in bold type. Especially the exercise. :D


but you'll live longer without those super thin thighs. :lol:


The computer is part of the reason it took me about six months to read "The Iliad". :001_huh: Of course, I never would have attempted it without this message board. :grouphug:

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Honestly, it is an addiction and itis a bad on. I always finish school with my kids - but my house is not nearly as clean as I like it, and cooking supper is not exactly something I do regularly. I *wish* I had the willpower not to spend as much time on the pc. I have thought of disconnecting the internet all together.

Don't do it. You're talking crazy!


Where's a nifty white jacket when you need one? :lol:

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I've often wondered the same thing. :)


I think the most reasonable answer is that we are all over the globe and most folks check on threads they've posted to before school, during lunch and other breaks, and after school.


So, while it's lunch time for me, it may be after dinner for someone else.





That would be me. Also, I often read and post from my BlackBerry when I'm on the go and have down time.

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