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Rear End Writing

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Can I just vent a minute?? Writing that is on pants is big pet peeve of mine. I seem to be fighting it all the time. I had to go against the grain and tell my daughter's cheer team that she would not be wearing shorts with Cheer on the butt (back when she was 6-7!). Of course it helped that I worked for the organization and now they sell more discreet shorts, which are very popular.


Now, I enrolled my daughter in a Christian dance studio. We go to the first day and the instructer for the preschool kids is wearing shorts with the word BackSpot on her rear. Everytime, she bent over I wanted to puke. Now I don't want to control what people wear by any means. However, one of the reasons I sought out a Christian studio was to have a bit more modesty.


The only good thing that came from it was my dd (10 yo) finally realized why I don't allow it -the only thing you could focus on was her rear end.

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Oh, I so agree.

Once, my dd commented that she thought a pair of shorts were cute. They had writing across the bottom, so I asked her what she thought people would look at if she was wearing them. She got it. She was only 7, and she got it.

Now, I think some young girls would be thrilled to call attention to their booties--there's such a "sex it up!" type attitude among some teens here. I'm thankful that dd is still relatively modest. (But she's only 9, and it's hard to keep that message on the down-low.)

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I hate that too. It only focuses attention where guys already are too focused anyway.


And with my rear end...the last thing I'd want to do is call more attention to it! lol But even when I was tiny...I still was too self conscious about my body to care to have my butt being "read". It seems like girls today just lack a lot of the self consciousness that used to be taught to us girls. Same thing with the thong sticking out of your pants...ugh...



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We've had the rule for a long time here also, that there is no writing on the rear-end. Only once has it turned into a big deal and that was with a softball team that had shorts with writing on them, but it blew over fairly quickly.


I did have to laugh though one time because I was caught being a bit inconsistent with my own rule! My little guy at the time needed some shorts outfits (he was about 18 mos) and I found two little one-piece outfits with a baseball theme. Bought them and then was called on it by my 11 yodd. Sure enough, there was writing across the bootie - "Home Run" that I hadn't noticed when I purchased it. We decided that it was o.k. in his case but my daughter smiled about it when the outfit came out again this year for my current 18 mods. :lol:

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I once tried to gently tell a friend why my 6 yo dd would NOT be wearing those type of shorts. The friend's dd had several pairs "cutie" "sweet" etc...


My point was that it attracted attention to a young girl's bottom & that is not what I wanted for my dd.


Friend's answer? I was reading too much into a pair of shorts. :confused:

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The thread title sounds like the weirdest homeschool writing (composition) program I ever have heard of ! I could not imagine what the topic possibly could be, so came in to read.


I thought it might have been a writing program/theory that began with the finished composition in mind?!?! Like copying an essay's style???

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I often wonder do the parents (moms) realize that they are inviting eyes to look at the bottoms of their daughters. Even at a young age, it is conditioning and getting them used to the idea of such clothing... when they get older, they will still be inviting eyes to look at their bottoms... and they may not like "the person" who is looking.


It is advertising. It makes me sad & we do not allow it.

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I once tried to gently tell a friend why my 6 yo dd would NOT be wearing those type of shorts. The friend's dd had several pairs "cutie" "sweet" etc...


My point was that it attracted attention to a young girl's bottom & that is not what I wanted for my dd.


Friend's answer? I was reading too much into a pair of shorts. :confused:





I am baffled by the clothing choices some parents make for their young girls.

I HATE those pants/shorts/sweats with writing on the behind.

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I often wonder do the parents (moms) realize that they are inviting eyes to look at the bottoms of their daughters. Even at a young age, it is conditioning and getting them used to the idea of such clothing... when they get older, they will still be inviting eyes to look at their bottoms... and they may not like "the person" who is looking.


It is advertising. It makes me sad & we do not allow it.


The creepiest part is that there might be p3rv3rts looking at the little girls already...and those words just seem to say---look!

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:lol::lol::lol:Love it!


What gets me the most is the 40 something or older women in sweatshorts with "Hottie" across the rear. Really????



UGH....I saw a 50+ woman in the grocery store the other day wearing short-shorts with the word.....


wait for it......



plastered across her rear end in big block letters. :001_huh:


I threw up a little in my mouth. :ack2:



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The thread title sounds like the weirdest homeschool writing (composition) program I ever have heard of ! I could not imagine what the topic possibly could be, so came in to read.


That's what I though too.:lol:


I completely agree with the comments on this thread. My girls don't like the look and don't wear those type of shorts.

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I once tried to gently tell a friend why my 6 yo dd would NOT be wearing those type of shorts. The friend's dd had several pairs "cutie" "sweet" etc...


My point was that it attracted attention to a young girl's bottom & that is not what I wanted for my dd.


Friend's answer? I was reading too much into a pair of shorts. :confused:



LOL Was her pun accidental or intentional I wonder? I think that is the point, EVERYBODY reads too much into a pair of shorts when there is writing across them. Hence the hyper focusing on that specific body part.

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UGH....I saw a 50+ woman in the grocery store the other day wearing short-shorts with the word.....


wait for it......




plastered across her rear end in big block letters. :001_huh:


I threw up a little in my mouth. :ack2:




Oh dear gracious, that's just horrid. :ack2:

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UGH....I saw a 50+ woman in the grocery store the other day wearing short-shorts with the word.....


wait for it......



plastered across her rear end in big block letters. :001_huh:


I threw up a little in my mouth. :ack2:




It can only get worse when you find "Juicy" written on shorts at Kohl's in the kids size 7-16 area. With skulls and crossbones to boot.

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I wonder what women from 100 years ago would think about T-shirts with writing on the chest.


You know, I don't wear t-shirts with writing on them for this very reason.


There's a great shirt at Voice of the Martyrs; the 'this shirt is illegal in 52 countries' shirt. I'd LOVE to have one of those, but I won't. Because the writing on the front of the shirt goes right across the chest. It's too bad, too, 'cause I love that shirt. If only the writing were all on the back. :)

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I don't even have girls and I hate the rear writing, too. I feel sooooo sorry for all of you with girls. Having to constantly deal with fighting against this trend of turning such young girls into sex objects. I don't understand how parents of tiny girls (6 or 7) don't GET that grown men are staring at their kid's rears when they wear writing on it.


Of course, any day now, my little boys are going to start becoming aware of all this, and I'll have to teach them how to cover their eyes. UGH!! How do you teach boys not to objectify women when everything in this world about women is immodest (advertising, movies, etc.)?


I hate all of this.:sad:

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I was just wondering the same thing. Why is writing across the front of a girl's shirt ok? How is it any different?:confused:



It isn't.


I don't even have girls and I hate the rear writing, too. I feel sooooo sorry for all of you with girls. Having to constantly deal with fighting against this trend of turning such young girls into sex objects. I don't understand how parents of tiny girls (6 or 7) don't GET that grown men are staring at their kid's rears when they wear writing on it.


Of course, any day now, my little boys are going to start becoming aware of all this, and I'll have to teach them how to cover their eyes. UGH!! How do you teach boys not to objectify women when everything in this world about women is immodest (advertising, movies, etc.)?


I hate all of this.:sad:


Me too. And I live in South Florida where bodies are very much visible most of the year. Sigh. It does really seem like an uphill battle, but one that needs to be fought just the same. I'm lucky I guess because my 12 yo dd is kind of quirky and she's not a real "girly girl" who is into fashions and looks and all that. But she is big into manga and anime and I worry about those images as well. Not only how scantily clad they are but how pencil thin they are too. It's just so sad how women are not allowed to just BE WOMEN and be celebrated as such in the world. Every where you turn the images of women are so distorted. :(

Edited by Ibbygirl
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It isn't.



Me too. And I live in South Florida where bodies are very much visible most of the year. Sigh. It does really seem like an uphill battle, but one that needs to be fought just the same. I'm lucky I guess because my 12 yo dd is kind of quirky and she's not a real "girly girl" who is into fashions and looks and all that. But she is big into manga and anime and I worry about those images as well. Not only how scantily clad they are but how pencil thin they are too. It's just so sad how women are not allowed to just BE WOMEN and be celebrated as such in the world. Every where you turn the images of women are so distorted. :(


I agree that it isn't different...it's just more accepted.


My eyes opened to this issue when I was about 16 or 17. I had a Mickey Mouse shirt with a poorly placed hand. It went into the garbage after a guy told me, "I want to shake Mickey's hand."

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I was just wondering the same thing. Why is writing across the front of a girl's shirt ok? How is it any different?:confused:





Our culture is desensitized, isn't it?

I do own sweat shirts with Eddie Bauer on them.

Before long writing on the rear will mean nothing and styles will digress even more to obtain the shock factor.

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:iagree: with all the above. Here is my confession, though...:blush:



I realized just before soccer season started last year that dd had no sweatpants and I grabbed a pink pair at The Gap. (Which does speak a little to how pressed for time I felt, because I usually get sports gear second-hand, but, I digress.) I did not look them over. When dd put them on...of course! It had GAP on the tush! :svengo: It never entered my mind to check for that! I really *hate* that trend and have chucked several sweats and shorts that came to us second-hand with "soccer" or "cutie" or "work it" on the but. But I did let her wear it for the season at practice because I was too lazy and/or cheap to get another pair.




What about the sleazy little girl Halloween costumes? You know, that are supposedly a "cat" or a "bunny", but look straight out of Dress-Up Fantasy Playmates? Ears do not a bunny make, kwim? Every time those catalogs start coming, I'm amazed afresh that there is a market for sz 7 s&ex-kitten wear.

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UGH....I saw a 50+ woman in the grocery store the other day wearing short-shorts with the word.....


wait for it......




plastered across her rear end in big block letters. :001_huh:


I threw up a little in my mouth. :ack2:






OMG!! I think I just spit Diet Dr. Pepper on the keyboard! My first thought was, "Aww, the poor dear is incontinent....why would she advertise it?"



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What about the sleazy little girl Halloween costumes? You know, that are supposedly a "cat" or a "bunny", but look straight out of Dress-Up Fantasy Playmates? Ears do not a bunny make, kwim? Every time those catalogs start coming, I'm amazed afresh that there is a market for sz 7 s&ex-kitten wear.

:iagree: I was going to add that to this, but went back and actually read the thread (as oppossed to reading just the 1st and last pg like I often do). I don't know if it is because I have a daughter now, but the catalog we got in the mail had a can-can dancer (think Victorian Mulan Rouge type) costume for 5-7 yrs old in it! This was on top of the I Dream of Genie see-through numbers for infants! Grrrrrr.....

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Of course, any day now, my little boys are going to start becoming aware of all this, and I'll have to teach them how to cover their eyes. UGH!! How do you teach boys not to objectify women when everything in this world about women is immodest (advertising, movies, etc.)?


I hate all of this.:sad:


My attempt is to teach them to tell the difference between a girl who wants to be treated as an object (a pet, a toy, a child) and a woman who wants to be a partner. We've had occasional long conversations about how some girls try to elevate their status by collecting boys as admirers and about how girls with this way of evaluating their self worth will also drop a boy in favor of someone that they think gives them more status (older, cuter, more popular, willing to go further, etc).


I used to think that I had it made because I had three sons and wouldn't have to worry about what boys would be coming around. Then I got a good look at the dress and behavior of teen girls. I swear that some of them are actively trolling for the attention of whatever boys they can attract. Parenting teen sons is going to be a lot harder than I imagined when they were cute toddlers with dump trucks.

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What about the sleazy little girl Halloween costumes? You know, that are supposedly a "cat" or a "bunny", but look straight out of Dress-Up Fantasy Playmates? Ears do not a bunny make, kwim? Every time those catalogs start coming, I'm amazed afresh that there is a market for sz 7 s&ex-kitten wear.


Last year an 8 yo boy at my daughter's school dressed as a pimp for halloween (big velvet hat, gold teeth, dollar-sign sunglasses, etc.). Why on earth would they even MAKE that costume in kids sizes??? I've also seen "French Maid" costumes in kid sizes, which is truly sick.



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I have a funny story from a friend who is an English teacher. She and another teacher were commenting about this trend of wearing shorts with writing on the back. The other teacher said, "I don't need a word, I need a paragraph or a short story to cover my behind." :lol: It's only funny because I can relate!

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