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bloggers with 5th-8th graders?

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I find myself impatient with posts about diapers and breastfeeding and all the neat things to do with a four year old. :tongue_smilie: Not that I didn't love that when I was there. But I no longer am.


I want to hear from parents who are struggling to strike the perfect balance between protecting their 9-13 year old's playful innocence and teaching them to be mature, responsible, involved little people, moms who are making daily decisions about whether to get ahead of her kid in pre-algebra today, or get ahead of the laundry and the dishes.



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You can come to my little ole blog! I find the blogs that talk about all the cool stuff to do with the little ones kind of sad. I think because either I get sad that I don't have any kids that age anymore or I feel like I didn't do enough cool things with my now-getting-older kids and I have somehow deprived them. . .


So I'm right there with ya!

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I have two boys in this age bracket. I have a 9 year old and an 11 year old. I am going through a struggle right now because I feel as if my 9 year old's innonces was robbed this summer. He was on a summer select soccer team and the coach would curse like a sailor. It was terrible. :w00t:


I don't know how to handle this. I am having issues. I am praying and seeking God about it.





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I'm new at this, and I love reading everyone's blogs to see what y'all are doing! I get so confused, there is just so much out there, and I find myself second guessing EVERYTHING!! But thanks for all the blogs, and here's mine, just thought it would be a good idea to keep one to help me keep track of things.




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Thank you everyone! I had Four Squares and HMS Indefatigable in my aggregator already, and now I have the rest of you. I hope you post everyday. But not all of you everyday. That would be a bit much.


LOL - I'm on break this week so everybody else do your stuff! I'm going camping for a week. No computer. Internet withdrawal. Eeeeeeeek.



(It's OK. I can do this. Last year the shakes wore off after 48h......)

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I have a 5th grader but am not hip enough to have a blog.:tongue_smilie: I don't know how people have time to actually homeschool, do neat things, AND talk about it. I love browsing certain blogs but they are mainly about food and cooking. I am becoming very domestic lately and it is showing in my search engine.

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It's a long story but the upshot is that I took it down.


I was sorry to see that! I found it several months ago as a 3rd or 4th generation link from another homeschooling site and was so glad to have found someone else using LCC whose resources I could peek at.

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... Our homeschool blog was set up for the purpose of reporting out to my son's grade 6 supervising teacher. It served as an electronic portfolio of my son's work. Here's the link:




Our little homeschool is morphing once again this year as we're flying solo as independent homeschoolers without provincial oversight. I think our blog will continue to be an e-portfolio of sorts, but the "flavour" of the blog is likely to change.


I intended to periodically update our blog over the summer ... Ha! ... I should have known better!

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  • 10 months later...
You remind me to serve all ages with my blog. Thank you. I'll be sure to post about my older dc too. Thanks.



:iagree: Once again, I find myself agreeing with Tina :D



I also have all ages & stages, but don't often blog about my middles. Link's in the siggie line - I'm about ready for a "blog makeover" - and I'll remember to put some info about my olders, as well.


One of that harder things about blogging and having olders? They - um - can actually READ your blog. So I might not be so apt to post about struggles or tough decisions, b/c they'd see it and it might not have a positive effect.


As a principle, I try not to post anything negative about my kids - complaining, etc - but kwim? I couldn't post about "Dealing with talking with _________ about s*x". It's harder to blog and not embarass kids of a certain age, kwim?

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