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It was funny. I don't *agree* with it, though. I wonder why this was on a Christian site? It was a political video not related to faith. I know Tim Hawkins is a Christian, but so are lots of people who aren't conservative Republicans. I wonder if political satire from a liberal perspective would be allowed?


This is a sensitive issue for me. I grew up believing that to be a Christian you basically had to say the "sinner's prayer", register as a Republican and then you'd be saved.

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It was funny. I don't *agree* with it, though. I wonder why this was on a Christian site? It was a political video not related to faith. I know Tim Hawkins is a Christian, but so are lots of people who aren't conservative Republicans. I wonder if political satire from a liberal perspective would be allowed?


This is a sensitive issue for me. I grew up believing that to be a Christian you basically had to say the "sinner's prayer", register as a Republican and then you'd be saved.


Someone lied to you. I'm sorry they did. :grouphug:

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It was funny. I don't *agree* with it, though. I wonder why this was on a Christian site? It was a political video not related to faith. I know Tim Hawkins is a Christian, but so are lots of people who aren't conservative Republicans. I wonder if political satire from a liberal perspective would be allowed?


I doubt it. I was just talking to my sister about this the other day.


This is a sensitive issue for me. I grew up believing that to be a Christian you basically had to say the "sinner's prayer", register as a Republican and then you'd be saved.


Sadly, I think this impression is becoming more true as far as many churches are concerned. I know many people who won't go to church because they feel unwelcome as a non-fundamentalist and my church isn't very conservative.


Weren't the Pharisees and Sadducees forms of Jewish "fundamentalists"? Didn't they teach separatism and legalism? Weren't they largely *political* factions?

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I guess I just attend churches who focus on truth and not politics. What a blessing!!


I should add that it hasn't been my experience that the pastor or necessarily church leadership are the ones who behave this way, it's in how the general congregation treats others and how they speak about politics. In fact, my pastor has spoken a few times from the pulpit about not being divided by non-doctrinal issues. And yet, you'd be surprised how many still make off-hand comments and it does turn some people away from the church.

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Never thought I'd see the day when I'd find conservatives unpatriotic.


Actually, I don't find it unpatriotic to speak the truth about where the nation is heading. Unpatriotic is turning a blind eye and calling it something it isn't. Unpatriotic is tossing the Constitution. Liberals hated to be called unpatriotic because they didn't support the war; and it's not unpatriotic to, with eyes wide open, be unsupportive of the direction my nation is heading and find a song that succinctly states it to be humorous. Actually, that is patriotism!!


I guess political satire is only okay for liberals?? Someone should have sent me the memo!

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Love, love, loved it...let that by my guilty pleasure of the day.




1. It's so darn funny because for those that DO believe in the underlying points he is making, it's a RELEASE! I have written to the President, my senators, been at town hall meetings...and still feel that none of them 'get it'...I am a constitutionalist and a conservative...robbing Peter to pay Paul is not what our framers had in mind. Paul should work and utilize the opportunity our country provides through protection of his freedom..not from 'sharing the wealth' and pandering to special interest groups.


2. I think many folks don't go to church because they don't want to hear what the Bible says, many want to pick and choose (just like an auto/life insurance policy) what they want...a good church will not create religion it relies on the Bible to find the answers..not what feels right. It's happening all around us...Lutheran churches are the perfect example....if they can't change the Bible they can change their interpretation of it...


Thanks for the laugh!!!


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Weren't the Pharisees and Sadducees forms of Jewish "fundamentalists"? Didn't they teach separatism and legalism? Weren't they largely *political* factions?


My understanding is that the Pharisees were conservatives, while the Sadducees were liberals (they didn't believe in the Resurrection or many other doctrines that the Pharisees did). Jesus criticized both groups very sharply, albeit for different reasons.



Mark 12

18And(AL) Sadducees came to him,(AM) who say that there is no resurrection. And they asked him a question, saying, 19"Teacher, Moses wrote for us that(AN) if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife, but leaves no child, the man[e] must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. 20There were seven brothers; the first took a wife, and when he died left no offspring. 21And the second took her, and died, leaving no offspring. And the third likewise. 22And the seven left no offspring. Last of all the woman also died. 23In the resurrection, when they rise again, whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife." 24Jesus said to them, "Is this not the reason you are wrong, because(AO) you know neither the Scriptures nor(AP) the power of God? 25For when they rise from the dead, they neither(AQ) marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. 26And as for the dead being raised,(AR) have you not read in(AS) the book of Moses, in(AT) the passage about the bush, how God spoke to him, saying,(AU) 'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? 27He is not God of the dead, but of the living. You are quite wrong."


Acts 23


6Now when Paul perceived that one part were(J) Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, "Brothers,(K) I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. It is(L) with respect to the(M) hope and the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial." 7And when he had said this, a dissension arose between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided. 8For the Sadducees(N) say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all. 9Then a great clamor arose, and some of(O) the scribes of the Pharisees’ party stood up and contended sharply,(P) "We find nothing wrong in this man. What(Q) if a spirit or an angel spoke to him?" 10And when the dissension became violent, the tribune, afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him away from among them by force and bring him into(R) the barracks.

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My understanding is that the Pharisees were conservatives' date=' while the Sadducees were liberals (they didn't believe in the Resurrection or many other doctrines that the Pharisees did). Jesus criticized both groups very sharply, albeit for different reasons.[/quote']


Sorry, I went back and added Sadducees because they were the ones who favored a literal interpretation of the Torah. I didn't mean to imply the two factions were the same.

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Sorry, I went back and added Sadducees because they were the ones who favored a literal interpretation of the Torah. I didn't mean to imply the two factions were the same.



Yes, and I should have added that there really isn't a one to one correspondence to liberal and conservative - naturally it is more complicated than that. Another interesting thing is that they were opposite politically - Sadducees favoring the ruling class/Hellenic Jews, while the Pharisees were more populist and anti-Hellenic.

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Didn't you get the memo from Nancy Pelosi? Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.


snicker, snicker..... :D


I just think Tim Hawkins is funny. He has a video about homeschoolers that I think is funny too. OH, and his video about Chick-Fil-A sung to the tune "Yesterday" had me in stitches. Lighten up ladies! I think it is pretty well known around here that I am very conservative but I even laugh at...gasp...Stephen Colbert sometimes. YIKES!!!!!

Edited by Heather in NC
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After watching a lot of clips on YouTube, we bought some of his videos from his website for a birthday gift. Good to support a talented comedian, especially when you don't have to censor every other word! :tongue_smilie:


My favorite song is the fire ant song, but you might have to buy the video to see it. Well worth it for anyone who has boys!

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ftr, I think that video is funny regardless of the political party in office at the time. It would have been just as funny a few years ago. Politics is politics, I guess I am cynical about both sides of the fence. :D


:iagree: And the humor of that would stand with conservatives or liberals in office...it's about too much govt. control and how we're supposed to smile and accept it. This has been building and building since, what, the Great Depression? I'm afraid that govt. ownership of our lives knows no party lines. :(

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:iagree: And the humor of that would stand with conservatives or liberals in office...it's about too much govt. control and how we're supposed to smile and accept it. This has been building and building since, what, the Great Depression? I'm afraid that govt. ownership of our lives knows no party lines. :(




This is NOT a Republican versus Democratic issue.

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And the humor of that would stand with conservatives or liberals in office...it's about too much govt. control and how we're supposed to smile and accept it. This has been building and building since, what, the Great Depression? I'm afraid that govt. ownership of our lives knows no party lines. :(


:iagree: Oh with these points and I agree w/the points Tim Hawkins makes in this video. And if you mosey on over to his website, you have to check out Cletus Take the Reel. Pretty funny stuff.

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And if you mosey on over to his website, you have to check out Cletus Take the Reel. Pretty funny stuff.


I was jammin' to Smells Like Birthday Cake (I'm a Seattle girl, what can I say?). But I was DYING watching the Homeschoolers video. Now THAT was funny. I loved the homemade computer and child-surgeon and lawyer...although, to be stereotypically correct, the Mom did look a little bit too cool with her stylin' braids and bandanna...

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ftr, I think that video is funny regardless of the political party in office at the time. It would have been just as funny a few years ago. Politics is politics, I guess I am cynical about both sides of the fence. :D


yeah. it's not so much that it's funny -- i can't say i laughed -- but the worst part about the fact that the Gvt CAN is ..........the Gvt DOES.:glare:

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  • 4 weeks later...
It was funny. I don't *agree* with it, though. I wonder why this was on a Christian site? It was a political video not related to faith. I know Tim Hawkins is a Christian, but so are lots of people who aren't conservative Republicans. I wonder if political satire from a liberal perspective would be allowed?


This is a sensitive issue for me. I grew up believing that to be a Christian you basically had to say the "sinner's prayer", register as a Republican and then you'd be saved.


You need to visit an old fashioned working class Irish Catholic neighborhood! :lol:

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