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What helps you clean FAST?

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My sweet mil is unexpected taking the kids to lunch and a movie tomorrow. I'l have 4 hours to myself.


I'm hoping to clean the house in those 4 hours. Don't tell me to go do something fun for myself or read a book during those 4 hours. Doing fun things and reading books for the past two weeks and totally shirking my responsibilities is what has gotten me to this point. I mean, I've been totally shirking. Totally!


Anyway, the house has about 2 weeks worth of clutter. There are only 1 days worth of dishes on the counter because dh has been doing them for me. But there is dusting and mopping and vacuuming and clutter piles to be sorted and just that general messy feeling that comes with 2 weeks of shirking.


What are your techniques for cleaning the house FAST? Like, it is a certain music? A certain mantra you say to motivate yourself? A certain style of cleaning? (like top to bottom in the room--cleaning the rooms in a certain order?) I don't want to waste my 4 hours. I want the house spotless before the kids are back, because we all know it's easier to maintain a clean home with kids than to clean it from the ground up with kids interrupting and needing things. (Which is part of why I've been shirking--just feeling that I start really getting going and then a kid has a problem that needs to be handled, and I lose my momentum.)

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Put all your supplies in a tool belt, and clean through the entire house (saves so many unnecessary steps). Clean from top to bottom. When you get the house clean, vacuum and wash the floors.


Some of the things you'll want in your tool belt:


magic eraser

bag for garbage

bag for things that need to be put away later

bag for wet cloths

paper towels (fold and put them in the pockets)

window cleaner

all purpose cleaner




I learned these tips from a Speed Cleaning video I picked up at the library. I've found it very helpful.


Enjoy your 4 hours!



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Put on loud, fast music.


ABBA, greatest hits. Clears the house of males in seconds flat, and I can clean like a dancing queen, super trouper, you bet!


I have found that recruiting the boys for a 15 minute tidy, to clear surfaces, and to put away small items that are lying around, helps me to get down to the actual cleaning much faster.

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I try to make myself clean one room at a time or else I'm like a chicken with my head cut off, darting in and out of rooms never finishing one task but starting 20. However, if a room, like the living room is full of stuff that belongs other places, I will take a basket in to the living room and pick up all the stuff that belongs in the kitchen for example. I will then unload that stuff into the kitchen quickly and return to the living room where I then gather all the stuff that belongs in the bedroom etc. I deliver it to the proper room but resist the temptation to put all of it away or I'll never get back to the original room. Once everything is removed that doesn't belong, I can quickly zip through the cleaning and repeat the process in the next room. If I go to the next room and it has living room stuff, then I will put that stuff away when I take it to the Living room because that room is already done etc. If I do this, then seeing the clean living room every time I pass by it gives me inspiration to keep cleaning.

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3 minute timer and focus on one specific task (e.g. Get all the dirty dishes to the sink. Empty the dishwasher. Pick up garbage. Etc.).


I like to listen to podcasts or energizing music while I do this. FlyLady in her FlyLady Tools podcast on blogtalkradio.com has a 1 hour super-fast-clean-because-MIL-is-coming-over podcast. :)

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I try to make myself clean one room at a time or else I'm like a chicken with my head cut off, darting in and out of rooms never finishing one task but starting 20. .....If I do this, then seeing the clean living room every time I pass by it gives me inspiration to keep cleaning.


I do the one-room-at-a-time thing, too. It's very, very handy because, as mentioned, it keeps you from getting distracted and half-starting a dozen tasks. I usually start in the kitchen because the dishwasher can run/handwashed dishes can drip dry while I'm doing the rest of the house.

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I would have the kids at least get their clutter out of the way before they leave the house. I don't mind cleaning, but I sure don't want to be a maid if the kids are over 4yo.


Unless she's taking all pre-schoolers, a lunch out and movie would motivate my kids to help pick up and clean before they leave.:001_smile:

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I go though the house and get the big 3 first: garbage, laundry, toys. Toss the garbage, toys in the bins, laundry started - or at least in a pile to sort. That's probably 80% of our 'mess' at any given time, so it's motivating to see fast results, IMO.


Then I clean the kitchen top to bottom, and do the room-by-room thing previously mentioned, with any remaining clutter.


I avoid doing bathrooms at all costs since DH will, but if I have to, I save those for last.:D

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I set a timer for 15 minutes & swap rooms every 15 minutes. By knowing I only have 15 minutes in a room makes me really focus on fixing the worst of the mess. After I have rotated through all the rooms I want to clean, I get out the vacume & zip through the rooms during the next 15 minutes, then I sweep & mop the hard floors last. This system doesn't allow for deep cleaning, but it gets rid of the "messies" & helps me to feel like I can handle life again.



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I agree with the poster who suggested caffeine. I also recommend talking on the phone. With a cordless to my ear, I walk around picking stuff up. This may only be true because I'm so nervous while talking.


I usually play Ramones or Bad Religion, if I have no phone calls, very very loudly. Once my six-year-old came out of his room, paused the CD player right after I hit play, and said, "Who is coming over?" :D

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I agree with the poster who suggested caffeine. I also recommend talking on the phone. With a cordless to my ear, I walk around picking stuff up. This may only be true because I'm so nervous while talking.


I usually play Ramones or Bad Religion, if I have no phone calls, very very loudly. Once my six-year-old came out of his room, paused the CD player right after I hit play, and said, "Who is coming over?" :D


I usually do my grocery shopping with Bad Religion or Everclear playing on my iPod. :-)

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ABBA, greatest hits. Clears the house of males in seconds flat


How interesting; this is exactly what works in my household of males! :D That and opera, but opera doesn't help me clean as fast.


I usually try to get the males in question to clean up their clutter off the floor before I do a mega-clean. That's partly because I'm 7 months' pregnant and can't bend :D but I think I'm going to keep that habit going... forever.


I also try to set the timer for 15 minutes otherwise I get sidetracked and suddenly get the urge to deep clean my linen cupboard when I really should be mopping all the floors.


As far as dusting goes, I discovered these orange-scented cloths (I think they're made by Pledge). They grab and hold the dust so well, and the smell is so gorgeous that suddenly dusting is a pleasure - almost :tongue_smilie:

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I notice I clean fast when I am really angry. I had an argument with Dh the other night. I vacuumed and cleaned like the wind until I calmed down :001_smile: :glare:


Yup, me, too. But I have to be really, really angry.


The mantra that works for me is "______ will be here in _____ days/hours/minutes!!" :D

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Ok, it boils down to this:


Have a rockin' argument with the spouse over a cup of caffeine about getting the kids to pre-clean their stuff before they go


Unplug the computer


Put on loud, fast music, preferably ABBA, the Ramones, or Bad Religion, but NOT opera


Get a basket for misplaced items and tool belt of supplies, including Pledge dusting cloths,


Call an acquaintance to invite them to dinner and talk nervously about the argument while cleaning


Be educated while cleaning: Do math in my head by counting down how long until said aquaintance comes to visit, while listening to Teaching Co Lectures


Spend 3 minutes per task, 15 minutes per room OR do an entire room all at once. My pick.


Start with trash, laundry, toys and then the kitchen. Save the bathrooms for last and hope DH does them as penance for arguing with me earlier.

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Lectures from The Teaching Co. Otherwise, I get distracted!


If I want to do a thorough clean and I have a little more time, I listen to an audio book. I work at a university managing a small performance space. The sound booth gets disgusting during the school year (students!), and during the summer months my job is basically to "babysit" the space while conference groups are in there. One day this summer, I had a marathon day where I was not required to run lights and sound (it was a yearbook camp, and they came and went, no actual production) and I listened to the entirety of Pride and Prejudice in one day. That booth had never been so clean, and perhaps never will be again. And, oh! What a great way to spend a day.

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First, I'd have the kids pick up all of their clutter before they leave....toys, clothes, etc.


Then I'd do a clean sweep of the house and put away all clutter.


Then, I would do one task at a time. I'd probably start with the kitchen and do the entire kitchen, minus vacuuming the floor.


Then I'd move onto the bathrooms. Do the whole bathroom, minus the floor.


Then I'd move onto dusting the entire house.


Then I'd move onto vacuuming the entire house (do kitchen and bathroom floors now).


And finally, any odds and ends like wiping windows, etc.


Oh, and I'd be throwing in loads of laundry in between it all. I can usually clean my house in about 3 or 4 hours if I can work straight through.

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What makes me cleaner faster?


Not having my dh home making a mess.


He is between jobs right now and the mess one person can make in a day is unbelievable.


Oh, no kidding. My husband works nine months, and is home in the summer. He took our youngest camping this week, and it's just been me and the 17yo; blissfully quiet, hardly any dishes, and what I cleaned stayed clean! I hadn't realized until this week that his "help" with the boys during the summer, just... you know... isn't. ;)

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Ok, it boils down to this:


Have a rockin' argument with the spouse over a cup of caffeine about getting the kids to pre-clean their stuff before they go


Unplug the computer


Put on loud, fast music, preferably ABBA, the Ramones, or Bad Religion, but NOT opera


Get a basket for misplaced items and tool belt of supplies, including Pledge dusting cloths,


Call an acquaintance to invite them to dinner and talk nervously about the argument while cleaning


Be educated while cleaning: Do math in my head by counting down how long until said aquaintance comes to visit, while listening to Teaching Co Lectures


Spend 3 minutes per task, 15 minutes per room OR do an entire room all at once. My pick.


Start with trash, laundry, toys and then the kitchen. Save the bathrooms for last and hope DH does them as penance for arguing with me earlier.

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ABBA, greatest hits. Clears the house of males in seconds flat, and I can clean like a dancing queen, super trouper, you bet!




This is hilarious! I usually rely on Patsy Cline as I gather my supplies and Bruce Springsteen for an energetic finish (an odd mix, I know), but I am going for ABBA next time!!!


Clear the house, indeed!

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Without having read the thread, and off the top of my head, here's what would help me go faster:


A deadline!

Music, preferably loud and sing-alongable

Laundry baskets so I don't have to leave a room to put anything away until I'm done with the whole room

A basic game plan (as in, stand in each room for a few minutes today and think about how to attack it)

A list of things I want to accomplish in each room

My Roomba, to clean the floor while I move on to the next room


And yes, I agree that guests due to arrive shortly are my biggest motivator :lol:


Good luck!

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make a list of the most important things you want done

get the kids to clean up their clutter before they leave

drink a red bull

start in the kitchen and work your way out

bring all the supplies you will need, plus a bin or bag for misc. kid things and one for you to sort through later

don't leave the room until it is done

take a water/bathroom break at the end of each room and get going on the next most important room

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