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Introductions Please!! Newbies and Regulars!

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I am Rebecca and was on the boards here several years ago but have only recently rejoined. I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 13 years. We have three sons- 11 in 5th, 10 in 4th, and 7 in 1st, we also have a 5 year old daughter starting K. We are wrapping up our third year homeschooling. We started after our school district decided to do away with neighborhood schools and split families up into several elementary schools. It has been a blessing that we never expected.


My husband is a master plumber and I run our web-based sales company. I work 60 hours a week between the office and manufacturing but am able to work out of our home. We currently live in Colorado but are planning to move to Indiana within the year.

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I'm Jennifer, mother of 2 (11 yo dd and 8 yo ds) and wife to John. I used to post (rarely) on the old boards as "Jennifer in FL". We have moved so much in the past few years, (we're no longer in Florida -- back in Texas now) that I decided to just post where I knew I'd be -- "on earth". :tongue_smilie:


I've homeschooled my dc almost the whole time (dd had a 1 year stint in a private classical school a few years ago). This fall our dc will be entering a UMS type environment (2~3 days at school, 2~3 days at home). Since I'll be giving up quite a bit of control (and work), I consider myself to be giving up most of my homeschool duties. I'm excited about the dc's new school -- it's best, given the circumstances (husband's extensive travel, etc.), but it's a little sad too.



I love the General Board, even if I do mostly lurk!

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I am a former teacher with six children and another one due in August. My children's ages are 8 (boy), 7 (boy), 5 (girl), 4 (girl), 3 (girl), 1 (boy) & I'm due August 2008.


I've been visiting the WTM boards for years, but didn't join up until this year.


We use an eclectic assortment of curriculum. I follow the Classical philosophy, and am currently on a quest to find the best curriculum out there in all subject areas, that can be used with a variety of children.


I decided I didn't have enough to do after undergoing a move, settling into a new house and area, keeping up with my family's needs, and expecting a new baby:001_smile:, so I recently started an online business. I made the decision because what I discovered that will continue to help my homeschooling endeavors tremendously, was too good to keep quiet about.


I am very happy that we finally have great weather here after a long winter, and am fully intending to use the time before the baby's birth to explore the new area we're in.

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I am "Diane in CO" and have two boys age 6 (almost 7) and age 4 (almost 5).


We would like to homeschool someday but currently have DS 6 in PS and DS 4 in a special ed preschool (he has speech difficulties).


My DH of 13 years will be starting his PhD this fall at UNM while I continue to work f/t. Our hope and plan is that we will have our sons out of PS within two years.


I have mainly lurked on WTM for the past 4 years, but have occasionally posted both on the old boards and on this new one.


I really enjoy coming here to learn new things and will probably be a more frequent poster when we are actually homeschooling!

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I'm Megan and I live outside Boston. I was homeschooled for 6th grade, when I demanded my parents pull me out of school. They told me to go do my homework or something, so I went back a week later with a 20-page typed curriculum of everything I wanted to do that year. So they went with it. My father was actually on the school board at the time, so it was pretty easy to get approved! Back then homeschooling was VERY fringe and I think there were rumors that there was something "wrong" with me so my parents had to keep me locked up at home. We moved the next year and I went back to public school, and then went to a private high school.


While in graduate school I started tutoring kids, and fell into a niche specialty of tutoring homeschooled kids, mainly high school kids in history and writing. Then I got a kind of weird job as a full-time private tutor to the homeschooled children of someone rich and semi-famous. That was surreal. (I'm not allowed to name names, so don't ask.)


Now I have a 10 month old, and I plan to homeschool her. I don't tell anyone that! We'll see how it goes. I'd like more children down the road, too. I really love the WTM curriculum, and have read the book cover to cover. Right now I'm also doing lots of research in a Froebel preschool and kindergarten experience. We go to church, but it's a very liberal church and I'm not sure I identify myself as "Christian." I like the social aspects more than anything. I am only interested in a secular education for my children.


Oh, and I also talk a lot, which translates into writing a lot :001_smile:

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Hi, my name is Kelly. I have been married to my dh for almost 8 years (and forgotten our aniversary 3 times!). I have a ds, 9 from a previous relationship and we have ds 4 and dd 3.


I myself was homeschooled for 11th/12th grade in one year bcz I hated school (both public and private). My 9yo ds was homeschooled (1 1/2 years), public schooled (1 1/2 years) and came back home this year. 4yo ds (turned 4 in Feb) seems to be "gifted" and is currently reading on a 2nd grade level. It is mostly because of him that I have joined...I never quite know what to do with him:confused:


As a family, we have choosen to educate at home because we try to be "strength based" in our approach to life. My husband read Now Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and we felt that those same ideas should be applied to our kids in their education - esp. as we realized that we had a really bright one on our hands.

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My name is dawn and I'm 35. I have three children (as you'll see below). My husband and I have always wanted to homeschool (we talked about it before we got engaged!) and we're now on our way as we're doing some "preschool" with our oldest. I have a degree in Social Studies Education (don't boo ... it was certainly part of what caused me to want to homeschool!) from the Ohio State University. We're Christians and intend to school "classically."


Some books I like are WTM (obviously), Wisdom and Eloquence, and Dr. Perrin's booklet about Classical Christian Education. I'd like to like Teaching the Trivium, but it seriously bores me to tears ... I'm sure I'll refer to it often in the coming years. Dr. Perrin's booklet helped me tie ideas from WTM and W&E together. I really like the idea from W&E about scoping and sequencing from 12th to K, then finding curriculum that fits what you want to teach. I'm in the enviable position of being able to work toward a goal like that since I don't have to do "K" for 2 more years.


Otherwise, I like to read and play with my kids. I don't like housework (understatement of the year). I like to make parenthetical comments (probably too much ... oops there I go again). We live in Central Ohio where I was born and raised.


I've enjoyed reading (particularly the K-8 board) and look forward to getting to know you all better.

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...although I've been mostly lurking for 2-3 years now. I hope to become a bit more involved here (while trying not to let it rule my life more than it should!)


My husband of almost 13 years & I have 2 boys, ages 9 & 3. I've been homeschooling from the beginning. A friend recommended TWTM back when our oldest was a toddler. After a lot of research, I naturally & enthusiastically fell into into the homeschooling life.


TWTM was starting-point for me, but the boards have helped me & our homeschool develop into what it is today. I have the WTM boards to thank for the ideas to ponder, the confidence to do branch out, and the courage to do my own thing.


I am one of those people who LOVES to plan, tweak materials, and combine programs, often to my own detriment (our greatest strengths are after all often our greatest weaknesses!). It is easy for this planning to get in the way of my main goal as mother/teacher (discipling, mentoring, educating, and just enjoying my kids), but I'm working on that...


I really appreciate this place. I rarely leave without some new idea implement or approach to ponder. You all are an amazing group of people. I hope my humble experience can help those of you starting out even a fraction of the extent that you seasoned ones have unknowingly helped me.

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I have been on the boards just reading them for the last several years. I am in my 7th year of homeschooling and have gotten some of the best ideas from this board. I have 2 boys, one who wants to homeschool forever and one that thinks lunch, recess, and the school bus sound great.....

This is my first post...

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Hi, I'm Charlotte. We live in KY. I am homeschooling DS, 10 years old (almost 11) and DD, 7 years old. We started homeschooling when DS started 1st grade. He did attend preschool and kindergarten at a christian school. We will soon be starting our 5th year! Wow! I love homeschooling and am so thankful to God for the journey He's brought us on! It is my plan to hs all the way thru high school for both kids.

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I am a stay-at-home homeschooling mother to 6. Ages 17dd, 14ds, 10ds, 8dd, 6dd, and 4dd. We have been homeschooling for 9 years. I have always enjoyed coming to these boards for information. These ladies are LOADED with all kinds of great info. From curriculum to gadgets to health. You could probably have any of your questions answered here quicker than you could google it. :001_smile:


Dh and I are working on our 19th year of marriage. We were lifelong residents of central VA recently transplanted (as of 2006)to the middle of nowhere, aka WV. The rednecks have met the hillbillies. :D A strange but funny combination if you ask me.

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I'm pretty new at homeschooling (just finishing kindergarten with ds). So we're still in formation in terms of style, though leaning heavily toward classical with some sprinkles of Charlotte Mason.


I have a wonderful husband who runs two businesses out of our home--he owns a recycling collection business and is also an archtitect. So a lot is going on at our house. I won't even mention that we are beginning a house church... :)


My son is 6 and quite a delightful boy. My daughter is 2.5 and so, so sweet (I can say this because she is not yet 3!).


In my former life I was a book editor and loved it. I'll probably pick it back up when the kids leave the nest--someday when I have blocks of time to myself again.


Love these message boards--thanks for all the willingness to share experiences and give advice. I need all I can get.


Grace and peace to everyone.

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I am working my way through the 20+ pages of this thread. :tongue_smilie:

I thought I'd post my intro since its at the top of the page at the moment.


I'm Pam. I've posted rarely on most of these boards, but am a regular at the special needs board and sale/swap board. I read WTM in 2002 and was sold on the classical method of hsing.


We use TOG, starting our 2nd rotation this fall. I am history-challenged. TOG is my lifesaver. My sig line shows other curricula used by our family.


My dh and our 6 boys live in a beautiful part of the country. The Ozarks of AR. My dh is the pastor of a smallish Baptist church. I have had 6 early miscarriages due to an inherited blood clotting factor that isn't that rare! Our 3rd ds has an unknown reading disability (still searching). Our baby has a PDD-NOS dx.


Thank you all for being so willing to share your minds, experience and hearts.

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My name is Peela, I have two kids, ages almost 14, and 12, girl and boy. Hubbie works from home, here in Australia. We have a great lifestlye, love it here, grateful to be able to homeschool. We are secular.

I have always been drawn to the Classical end of the homeschool spectrum, but I have been constantly shifting and evolving over the 5 years we have homeschooled. I don't adhere to any one way of doing things- I am eclectic and have no loyalty to anyone but my own inclinations. I have always strived to simplify and keep the essential in mind. I have been a curriculum junkie, but I am glad I have seen a lot of what is out there. It's less interesting to me than it used to be.

Nowadays I am enraptured by Charlotte Mason ideas, and AO/HEO. I am determined not to burn my kids out academically, to keep educating them how I want to, to have a literature based education, and to give them a good foundation. I try to keep our schoolwork hours down and their lives interesting and broad. They are such lucky kids, with blessed lives. Dd13/14 is heavily involved in Scouts and that seems to be the dominating social force in her life.

I do have a life outside homeschooling nowadays :001_smile: as I am in two music bands. I sing and play keyboards. We play spiritual music from around the world, pretty upbeat. Although not Christian, dh and I are both deeply spiritual.

My other interests are walking (alone, usually), knitting socks, reading, and I am considered a computer addict by my family, although I don't miss it if I am away from it for camping or whatever. :001_smile:

I have been on these boards, on and off, for about 4 years. I like the new format because I find it less addictive and time wasting :001_smile:

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We have 2 dc, a 10 yo dd and an 8 yo ds. Been hsing since the start (whatever and whenever that was!). My dh farms, I'm support services. We use WTM with adjustments. Try to keep it classical but made to fit. Like using SOTW, Singapore Math, LfC and a lot of memory work. Both kids like music - one does piano, one violin. No homework.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been posting on WTM for about 3 years, since ds was 3.5 and beginning to read.


We live in the South, in a pretty townhome. The neighborhood is our backyard!


My dh is a computer programmer, Asperger's, and is always reading and learning something.


I am ADD, energetic, friendly. I used to love to read, but lately I haven't found as much that interests me, sadly.


We love documentaries and learning shows of every kind, the Internet Movie Archive, and old fifties social programming stuff.


We enjoy and own over 170 board games, though we don't play them much these days.


We are Reform Christians- but not necessarily of any particular denomination either- just that the doctrines of the reformers are very important to us.


That's it!

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my name is Traci,............and I am a homeschooler. :D Live in the Pacific Northwest, have pretty much homeschooled the whole time, except when my oldest was 4 and went to a really small preschool. Have been schooling now for seven years using TWTM approach. I also coordinate a coop in our area.

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I have 4 littles - 9,6,3,1 and have been homeschooling since the oldest was about to start kinder. I wasn't planning on homeschooling but realized that I was trying to teach her everything that I thought she should learn in kindergarten before she actually got there. We have a school district with a lousy reputation and I just didn't trust them to teach her anything!


I am a music person. I am currently starting up a Kindermusik business and teaching natural childbirth classes. I've been married 12 years and live in So Cal.


I used to hang out on these boards alot and took a break for some time. I'm trying to limit my computer time and I get so sucked-in here that it's hard to escape.



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Hi everyone,


I'm a new homeschooling mom... just started in March '08, and loving every minute of it! I'm so glad I found this forum -- I have already learned so much, and I've only been hanging out here for a couple weeks!


I wish I had done this (homeschooling) sooner, with my older children, but I am treasuring every day I get to spend with DS10. I am looking forward to our first full year together next year.


I dabble in graphic design (more on the desktop publishing side of it), and I'm active in various ministries at our church (women's ministry team member and youth drama director). I've been married for 20 years (plus a few months) to a military man, and we've been blessed with some awesome assignments that have taken us around the world. We are currently in the States, living in the South. We have three children; the oldest is in college, my middle child is in high school, and I'm homeschooling our youngest.


Looking forward to learning more and more every day through this forum! (But also trying not to spend too much time in here... boy, it's easy to get sucked in, and the next thing I know it, it's dinnertime!!) :D

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My name is Laura; married for 20 years to Wayne. We have three sons: 18yo, 14yo and 12yo. All have been homeschooled from the beginning.


We belong to an awesome co-op, where I teach Geometry and Physics. We have been very eclectic in our homeschooling methods and curricula over the years. I'm investigating options for next year.


I used to follow baseball fanatically, but don't have the time for that anymore. I do enjoy watching most sports, and I'm looking forward to the Olympics this summer. I like to make pop-up greeting cards, but I don't get to do that much anymore.


My dh, who is older than I, is in the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. He is now fully retired, so I tutor math to make a little money.

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I've got soon-to-be five kids (one is still baking) and we've always homeschooled. Our oldest is almost 8 and we have 3 more ages 6, 3, 1, and a new baby in the next month or so. I resisted reading The Well-Trained Mind until about 8 months ago due to the well-meaning advice of some unschooling friends. Their reviews were unfavorable because I guess they feel it's too structured. I read it and loved it! We don't do everything, but I'm very happy with the changes we've made in our schooling. We just finished SOTW Ancients and will start Middle Ages this fall. :)

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Fun thread! Nice to "meet" y'all. I'm Julie, living in the mountains of North Carolina with hubby Matt, five great kids (ages 2 to 9), three cats, and a beagle. We do classical homeschooling a la WTM. It has been a challenge, but we're pluggin' along. We're all musical; I play the piano, 3 oldest kids take both piano and string (violin, cello) lessons; dh plays euphonium, string bass, and has a singing voice that makes my heart melt! :001_wub: He was my high school sweetheart; although we've been married only 13 years, we've been "going together" more than twenty!


The most important thing in our lives is our Christian faith. We are sinners saved by grace. We try to think, speak and live as our Savior does. Matt and I are doing our best to teach the children to love God with their whole heart, and their neighbors as themselves. We have found parenting to be exhiliarating, frustrating, and the most incredibly fulfilling adventure we've ever had. We've homeschooled for five years, and it's just getting better!

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Hi, I'm Erika. I've been homeschooling from the beginning now for 8 years. My oldest is 13, then 11, 7, 5, and almost 1. I've actually been visiting these boards on and off for probably 4 years now, just silently gleaning. I haven't spoken up, but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed you guys:)

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I attended public school for K-1, Christian for 2-4, public for 5-6, and Christian for 7-12 with some dual enrollment at the public school for advanced math and science. I was largely dissatisfied with the education I received, even as a 12-year-old child! Since I was academically gifted, I was used as a teacher's aide most of the time as I had already mastered the material in being presented in class. Most of my real education came from the extensive reading I did during school hours after I finished the inane worksheets, after school when I hung out at the library, and late at night when I devoured books by lamplight. I knew how to play the games to get through school (though I was bored silly), but I wanted something more!


Had I known about homeschooling at the time, I would have begged my parents to do it! My mom is a Christian school teacher herself, and it wasn't on her radar either. It wasn't until age 18 when I went to college that I met homeschoolers and decided that I would definitely be teaching/guiding my own kids at home! My best friend and I (who had gone to public school exclusively) did extensive research on homeschooling, and I started frequenting homeschooling message boards. I was a source of great amusement to my peers, who thought I was strange for thinking about stuff like that so early! I have always been a "planner", so it was natural for me to start planning for my future kids' education.


Fortunately, I met a like-minded man. He attended public school exclusively, and was extremely gifted. Unlike me, he refused to jump through the insipid hoops and thus wasn't well-liked by his teachers. He was much too active, sarcastic, and down-right creative for their mold. He embraces the idea of homeschooling enthusiastically.


Even my mom has come to agree that I should homeschool! She was dubious at first, but since I've been planning and talking about it for 8 years now, I've won her over. I'm now 10 weeks pregnant w/our 1st child, and won't have to convince her that I won't be warping my kid when I don't turn him/her over to the state at age 5. Now I just have to convince my in laws!:glare: Or not, since we don't care what they think!


I've been teaching jr. high math this last year at a Christian school (my degree is in accounting), and it has definitely reinforced my decision to avoid institutional school. I thought it was hard stomaching this as a student, but it's even worse as a teacher because I agonize about how much better things could be for a lot of these kids if they learned at home! I am often frustrated with the limitations of compartmentalized 45 min. subjects and having to teach to the middle of the class with a bit of differentiation to keep the outliers challenged or get them through.

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I'm Amanda and I'll be homeschooling my ds, 9, next year. He attended ps for kindergarten and a classical Christian academy for the past 4 years, but I've wanted to homeschool for a while now. This is the first year that things have worked out so I am able to, and we are both so excited! I'm a single mom and I work at home as a medical transcriptionist, and I also teach a few CE classes a year for our state pesticide section. I know it is going to be tough juggling all of these things but I'm really looking forward to spending time with my son and being more involved in his education. We're going to be using TOG, MUS Epsilon/Singapore, Latin Road to English Grammar, VCR, and whenever I can find the perfect fit, something for science. (Probably just make it up as we go :)

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I guess I'll add mine!


I have a 12 dd and a 10ds, and we're in our 6th year of hs'ing here in NH! How time flies. I'm too anal to be much of anything but a scheduled, curricumum-ed type, though I try to encourage them to finish early and pursue their own interests. We use Singapore, Foerster's Algebra, Science Explorer, Latin Prep (finished with Latin for Americans), Fix-its, SPelling Power and Spell Doctor, cobbled together history, Grammar Key... and lots of other stuff here and there!


In my spare time, I teach community college classes (statistics, mostly), ride my bike, draw, and practice Spanish.


Thanks to all who post here regularly and are so helpful!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I met my dh 22 years ago and married him 20 years ago this summer. We went through college married - grad school too (I am an inactive tax attorney). We are Christians and I LOVE to read Romans and Revelation (and the rest too, but those really grab me!)


I am a mom to three (somewhat wild but sweet) boys (11, 8 and 5) and a baby girl (2 years but still MY baby forever!). We have three horses, a puppy and various creatures in a terrarium. I started out strictly classical, but am relaxing a bit as time goes on as I have found that it is hard to keep up with studies while running after all these people and pets.


I exercise regularly but hate it, I love to read (don't we all?) and LOVE my garden. I also love to take pictures (Nikon D80) and frame them (no time to scrapbook!). I am way into healthy eating and passing this onto dc much to dh's chagrin. I love margaritas and homemade salsa and chips (store bought!).


I grew up near the beach but now live in the mountains (sigh). I do love the mountains, but there is something that pulls me to the beach (could be a lunar tide thing...)


I come here often to glean advice and laugh/cry along with the rest of you. I remember reading all about Peek A Boo's last pregnancy when I was on bedrest for my baby girl - these boards made that bedrest bearable! So, hello and I hope this finds you all well as we finish one year only to begin planning for the next!


Curriculum used this past year:

R&S Grammar (5th grade)

FLL (2nd grader)

Saxon Math 6/5 and 3

TOG Year 2 (heavily tweaked!)

Saxon Phonics 2 (2nd grader)


R&D Science (biology series)

My own spelling regimen for 5th grader

Artist: Mary Cassatt

Composer: Handel

Shakespeare: Hamlet and Pericles

Plutarch for Children

Suzuki Piano lessons for oldest two


Teach Your Child to Read in 100 (seems like 1000) Easy (says who?!) Lessons for 5ds - hope to finish with him before I am 100.


Younger children play, and they play and they play...



Next year's curriculum?...stay tuned!



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I am new to all of this. Hope I am writing in the right place.


Anyways, I have been homeschooling my dd (10) for the first time this year. It has been rough. She was in public school thru the third grade. I recently got married and my dh decided I should stay home with dd and new baby girl. So I stopped working as a reg. nurse and here I am.


We plan on homeschooling all of our kids, dd (10), dd not quite (1) and another baby on the way. I also have a step-son (7) that stays with us during the summer. He goes to a private Christian school in WA, but I plan on doing some summer school stuff with him too.


Anyone have any words of encouragement? I could use some. Has anyone taken their kids out of public school?



Kris in Oregon

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Hi! My name is Terri and my family includes: dh, dd 13 and dd 5. We moved to NC last year from Oregon and this was also our first year homeschooling. We took my oldest out of PS in Oct. We spent alot of this year making connections in the homeschool community in our area. (there are ALOT of homeschoolers in this area) and adjusting to our new path. We went really light in the school work this last year and spent the most time trying to fill in the gaps of dd education. (I was amazed how much she did not know considering she always got good grades). I am very excited to start are first full year and am spending alot of time putting together a plan and picking curriculum.



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Anyone have any words of encouragement? I could use some. Has anyone taken their kids out of public school?



Kris in Oregon


Yes, I took my eldest out of public school (aka ps) after Gr. 2 (my dh was into ps at first). It did take some transition time, since much of her love of learning academics had been squelched. However, my "baby" was 3, so I was in a different phase of parenting. I did hardly any preschool with ds that first year, and not much the second year, either. Instead I read a lot to him and encouraged his interests instead. However, my eldest is a very challenging child in many ways, although very wonderful in others. We're all very happy with homeschooling now, and dd wants to homeschool high school as well (which is good, because it's what she's going to do!)


Since I don't know how many still read this thread, you may wish to post this question separately as there are others on the board who have done this with great suggestions.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello gals,

I've been lurking here for a few weeks now and thought I had better introduce myself. :lurk5:

My name is Mandie. My husband is Adam, we have 3 kiddos, Dd 8, ds 5 and ds 3 (almost 4). We have homeschooled from the start. I have read and love TWTM (I keep it on my nightstand);). Although we do not stick to a rigorous Classical Ed. We do implement a lot of their recommendations. For instance we study Latin, and practice dictation/narration. We also like to study science and history in a sequential/chronological order. We love books on tape and listening to classical and other types of music. Dc are blessed to have a father that knows how to play and teach piano.

Right now I am agonizing over dd's math. For 3 straight years we have used a different type of math programs for different reasons, Abeka (used in K-5 and 2nd gr, MUS for 1st and Saxon for 3). I really wanted to stick with Saxon, but the more I read about it the less confident I feel about it. Oh well, I may post about it and then again I may not. I do know that it will work out in the end.

I love the laid back atmosphere here and love that so far I have not seen flaming. Everyone here seems to argue/debate respectfully. One of the many benefits of classical training: the art of arguement. :D


That's it for now. Looking forward to getting know you gals and guys.


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Hello there! Just joined. I've started homeschooling (mostly unschooling) my ds since last year, but very little stuff. We're doing more this year, and I decided to join this really cool forum.


My son is going to be 5 on September 2. In my neck of the woods, September 1 is the cut-off date so everyone laments that he won't be able to go to Kindergarten until next year.


The truth is, we've already been doing K for a while now, and he's definitely on target, if not ahead in most areas. He's known his colors, shapes, letters and numbers for a long time now, and he's very interested in writing letters and forming words with letters.


Here's what we're doing for our more official Kindergarten:


Book of Time (DK)

Poems for the Very Young

Science Factory Chemicals and Reactions

MCP Math K (we're finishing it, so perhaps will either go to MCP Math Level A or Singapore EarlyBird Math or 1A -- he's taking the placement test today)

Peak with Books

My World and Globe

Italic Handwriting Book A

Tanglewood's Really Reading Program

Tanglewood's recommended readers


anything else will keep you posted. I love designing our own curriculum so far! :001_smile:


I also have a daughter who's 11 months old. She loves to imitate her brother, for better or worse. I've known and have been dating my husband for almost 12 years, and have been happily married for eight of those years. I'm 31, but most people think I look like I'm 21. I have a passion for learning, look forward to homeschooling my children and plan on getting my graduate degree (not sure Master's or PhD yet) in Developmental Psychology when the my eldest is a teenager most likely.

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Here's mine:

DH and I have been married 11 years and have a 20-acre farm and vineyard in Virginia. We have 4 kids, a son age 9 1/2 and 3 daughters ages 7, 4 1/2, and 2 (in a month). We both work full-time: I am a Web developer for our local library system and he is a network administrator for our local library system.


I love WTM and have been rereading it every year for 5+ years. We homeschooled briefly at the beginning of last year, but it was overwhelming because I tried to do absolutely everything (too too much). We are in our local PS after trying a couple private schools (one was great but too too pricey for a family with 4 kids).


We read, garden, do lots of scout stuff, attend a catholic church, play at the river, and try to have lots of fun in pretty packed days. I am very happy about these new boards and glad that I can still be part of them even though we are not doing daily homeschooling. I certainly have the homeschooling spirit, even if the reality did not happen for us.



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I didn't know this was here when I posted my intro on 6/8/08, so I'll copy and paste it here. I did recieve many wonderful suggestions on the art plea below - thank you!



I thought I'd offer up an introduction. About 3 years ago, I used to post on the old board. For about 2 years before that, I lurked and gathered information, then couldn't help myself and participated in the boards. Then, I kind of dropped off, but still, whenever I needed information, these forums were the first place I looked, and inevitably found what I was looking for (and then some). The support and knowlege in this forum is invaluble.


Now, nearing the end of this school year, for some reason I can't explain, I'm pumped to start planning next year. Pumped? No, obsessed, actually! So, once again, I turn to these boards to reap the info and plan curriculum. And once again, I'm sucked in!


We are entering our 4th year of homeschooling the twins, 9y ds/dd. Both went to a private school for the first few months of 1st grade, but it wasn't working out for any of us, so at Thanksgiving they came home for vacation and never went back. It was the best move we've made with our children. We use Singapore Math, SOTW, going back to Voyages in English for this upcoming year, Rosetta Stone Italian (and a tutor), Spelling Workout, and rely heavily on WTM recommendations for the rest of our studies. We've experimented with various Latin programs and Writing Strands. We are also looking at adding an additional language (deciding between Mandarin, French or Spanish classes offered to hs'ers at the local college in the fall). Planning to use some of the Critical Thinking Co programs for logic next year (or perhaps even this summer - I've already ordered them!). Need desperate help with art classes.


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I’m a little late finding this thread. I’ve been posting here for a few months and just saw a link to this thread….


My name is Lara and I’ve been married to Todd for almost 5 years. He retired last year after 20 years active duty army. We also moved last year from Northern VA to his last duty station in Northern NY.


We have 2 little ones ages 1 and 3. I have a 12 year old dd here and he has 2 boys 13 and 15 that live in CA.


I went from a high paying software job to heeding the call 3 years ago to raise my little ones. It’s been a big adjustment financially but the daily joys far outweigh the loss of income. Now that DH retired from the army we are both doing real estate from home. He has a license and I support his contacts and put together creative investment deals where traditional solutions don’t fit.


Since dd was born 3 years ago I’ve been leaning toward a more natural life style.

My meals changed from take out and microwave to cooking from scratch. I’ve taken more of a pro active role in the health of the family. We even had dd#3 as a home birth. I’m blessed to have such a supportive DH.




My 12 year old was always in private school. She is ADHD and has always tested very high on standardized test but struggled with organizational issues. When we moved last year I was spending more time trying to coordinate with her teachers and school to get work turned in. As much as they felt she should be responsible it just wasn’t going to happen at the rate they expected. I saw her self esteem and confidence drop even further. She’s a prolific reader and retains a lot of information but all of the focus was on her lack of organization.



My 3 year old is an inquisitive little book worm so I had started looking in to homeschooling when I came across the WTM. A light when on and I knew I was on to something. I thought I was planning ahead and had over a year to get rammped up before starting with the 3 year old.




It became evident that is what the 12 yr old needed ASAP. Over spring break in 2007 we began homeschooling.


I’m just starting a blog to document our journey. I will be updating soon…




feel free to email me for any reason. I haven’t met a lot of home school families in the area and I’d love to chat with other WTM hs’ers.


Looking forward to talking to you



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Hi! I have four kids. A 17yo(dd), 14yo(ds), 8yo(ds), and a 4yo(ds).

I have been homeschooling for about 12 years and love it.

My oldest two went to a private school for the last two years because of health problems I was having. They are back home and doing great.

I have been on these boards since 2002 I believe, when my df gave me the book, TWTM.

Don't think I could have made it through homeschooling without these boards!

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I have 5 kiddos, this is our 18th year of homeschooling. My oldest is in college in KY, the 2nd will graduate in the spring. I am also homeschooling a 9th grader, 3rd grader and K/1rst grader. We are committed classical educators with a lot of CM influence. It's easier to have classical as a theory than implement it imho :001_smile: but I continue on with high hopes! This year we are using Omnibus, Apologia, IEW, Poetry, CC, Saxon, ALAbacus, LC, etc. with tons of reading thrown in.

We live on 10 acres in the wilds of SD after living in IN, CT, CA, OH, and NM. I have 2 masters degerees, neither of which have I have used to produce much income, but I had a lot of fun getting them. My dh is also very over educated but he actually makes money with his degrees :).

I am incredibly blessed to be able to stay home with my kids, to teach and mentor them. It is a good life:001_smile:

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Hi, my name is Kelly. I am married to my dh Kris and we have three kids: Bekah (7), Ales (5) and Katrina (3). We live in Iowa and this is our second year homeschooling.


I'm trying to use all free curriculum this year and am having fun with it. I'm the type who likes to create our own stuff and if I buy curriculum I'm sure to toss it to the side within a few weeks.



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Hi! I'm a homeschooling mom of two and have been married to my wonderful and patient husband for 21 years. I used to post on the old board from time to time but it's been awhile now. I didn't know that the board had been switched to a new format - and I love it! :D


As I said, I have two kids: a son who just started attending a public school college prep charter high school. He hasn't been to school in 6 years, so this should be interesting. It was his idea, and so far he's done all his homework but balks at any assignments that ask the kids to express their creativity. For example, his freshman English teacher wants the kids to bring magazines and collage materials to class on Wednesday of this week to decorate their journals, and to bring something that symbolizes themselves to decorate the classroom walls. He hates this kind of assignment. It was like pulling teeth to get him to choose things to bring to class. Ah well. He's also dysgraphic, and has a terrible time with writing. That being said, he did finish his first writing assignment early, and with a good attitude. It was his idea to go to high school, and we said we would support him as long as he does his work, and maintains a good attitude overall. I guess it would be too harsh to expect him never to complain about high school. :lol: With the exception of not wanting to decorate his English class notebook, he's doing well.


My dd is a 7th grader this year. She will continue to homeschool at least through the 8th grade. We live in California, and my dd homeschools through a public school homestudy program (as did my son). She goes to enrichment classes for 6 hours per week over 2 days. The classes are set up so that all the kids go at the same time on the same days, so they bond with their teachers and friends. It's nice. We are allowed to use any curriculum we choose to use. Some people there are practially unschoolers, and some are very structured. Most of us fall somewhere in between. I've been an "in-betweener" truth be told. This year, my dd and I want her to be much more structured. Here's our plan so far:


Language Arts: Time4Learning 7th grade/History Odyssey - finish Greece and Rome in Ancients Level 2. Then work through HO Middle Ages, Level 2.


Math: Time4Learning 7th grade + Key Tos


Social Studies/History: History Odyssey. We finished Ancients Level 2 up to Ancient Greece. California requirements for 7th grade include studying history from Rome through the Enlightenment. We will also be including the study of Ancient Greece prior to beginning the Rome unit, since we didn't complete it last year. We'll then work in HO Middle Ages, level 2.


Science: Weekly science workshops and homework from homestudy program.


Art/Music: Weekly art workshops at homestudy program. Piano lessons with mom.


P.E.: Dd is a serious ballet student. She will have 12 - 14 hours per week of dance at her ballet studio. In addition, she will have a weekly P.E. class at her homestudy program.


Foreign Language: Uh....here's where I really have a hard time being consistent. When she was 8 - 10 years old, she took weekly small group French classes. Once her ballet schedule ratcheted up, she quit French, and I will admit that I haven't kept up with her French studies as I had planned to. We own Rosetta Stone Spanish Level 1. DS hated it, but Dd may like it. I'm thinking of having her do that, even though she'd prefer the French version.


Latin: Looking at Cambridge, but still deciding.


Nice to be back. :001_smile:

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Hello to everyone. I've posted a few times, but never formally introduced myself. I am just beginning to hs my kids (we finished our 8th school day today). I'm just at the point of trying to remember why, why, why I'm not just kissing them goodbye and relegating their schooling to someone else.....Oh, yeah, PS totally failed my ds (now 8) for K & 1st grade and I don't want to go back to work full time to afford the local private classical school.

Anymahow....I'm an RN, work part time for Agency at various hospitals (all ICU). Dh is pilot and is only home about 12 days per month in 2-3 day spurts. He is a lot but more gung-ho about hs than I am (he even "subbed" 1/2 day already). I'm also working on my Masters degree online.


ds8 - Saxon3, FLL3, Spelling workout, HWT, SOTW3. I just started having him look up a topic from our set of encyclopedias (old, the library was getting rid of them), reading it and copying one sentence. Geography dowloads from Enchanted Learning.

ds6 (7 in Oct) - Saxon2, FLL 1st grade, HWT, SOTW3, OPGtoReading

also just ordered Noeo science Chem for them (they're begging for science). Have Prima Latina (they did this last year in school) but can't seem to work it in.

dd4 will be in actual preschool 3 mornings per week. her goals are to learn to read & learn to tie this year. My goal: not to strangle her when she starts whining and pestering the boys. I have to figure out how to hs the boys at the library for 1.5 hrs each AM while dd is in preschool 'cuz we can't drive all the way back home from town.

I am totally overwhelmed.....I am on this site constantly and have gotten SO much good info, but I still have trouble deciphering the initials for everything (for example, what is TOG?). I've cried every day thinking I am NO WAY a good enough mom to do this hs thing. Then I get on here, lurk around, get some encouragement and suck it up for another day.

Thanks for listening. I feel better already.

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I've been not married to my partner for 6 years. The beastie promised me a ring, then stopped believing in marriage and didn't think of telling me! Anyway, if we'd done the whole wedding thing we wouldn't have been able to afford the kids, so there's the bright side! We have a dd, Raziya who is 17 months, and I'm 19 weeks with #2. I hang around here because I'm a Capricornian nutter who likes to have a plan... Not sure where I tripped over the idea of homeschooling, but I have a fairly workable (though obviously flexible) plan for start to finish already. Us Capricorns are just like that. My goal is to convert dh into a homeschool advocate instead of just letting me do it because I want to, by the time Zia is school age. Not that it matters, but I think it is a fun thing to try and do to him. :D

We're bringing the kids up bilingually in English (der) and Auslan, because dh is half deaf. He's currently teaching Auslan, but has lost his optimism with the education system and will be throwing it in at the end of the year. So, I will quite likely be moving from central Victoria (Australia) to some place else when I'm about 36 weeks pregnant. He had us move around the corner when I was 36 weeks with Zia and that wasn't a lot of fun. I think this is an unpleasant habit so I refuse to have any more kids. (Ok, I'm kidding, that's not the real reason. We can't afford more.)

We do SCA in our spare time, and dd looks too cute in her new (not terribly well made) winter garb! It's probably a good thing that my dressmaking skills aren't so crash hot. I accidently made my winter garb about 10 sizes too big, which means I can actually fit my baby belly under it. I'm currently feeling rather impressed with myself because I've finally warped my tabletweaving loom after procrastinating for months. Now I've boasted about that, I am going to go and start weaving or I'll feel like a real lazy bum, even though none of you will know :) It's to be a belt for my brother for Christmas. Gotta get started, because I also want to do a hook rug for dd. I like to handmake her something for Christmas.



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Married to DH, a Chicago public high school English teacher, for almost six years. We have DD1 who is days from turning 5yo and DD2, who is 20 months old. We live pretty much in an area of Chicago called East Lakeview, about 3 miles north of the Loop and a few short blocks from the Lake. We're excited about homeschooling because so much is just outside of our door here in our Urban Oasis.

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Dh and I married 33 years (34 this June); one baby in heaven due to miscarriage; have always homeschooled ds (a cancer survivor who recently relapsed and is currently undergoing very intense chemo; he's incredible - bright, witty, sharp - I could go on and on, but won't!); Christian homeschool using eclectic approach.


Just recently happened upon this site and thoroughly enjoy it, learn a lot, but don't post much because posting is hard to do (!) or else someone else has said so much better what I would have said.

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I didn't even know there was this thread, so here I have been posting for a couple months without properly introducing myself. I think most have figured out from my siggy I am a single mom of 4 kids. I separated from my husband 7.5 years ago. In that time he has barely seen the kids(only 5-6 times total), but thankfully decided at xmas time to start paying child support which means I can stay home and hs the kids without worrying about working at the same time. The younger 2 kids were conceived with the help of donors. This is our 3rd year homeschooling, but really our first year focusing on academics. Our first year the focus was on behaviour and emotional health(the kids were seriously messed up), last year the focus was basically survival and adjusting to a new baby while caring for the others and dealing with PPD.

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Hi!:D I am Melody and have been homeschooling for 11 years now in South Alabama. I have three sons -22, 18, & 10.


We have an eclectic approach to homeschooling -my main influences are Charlette Mason and Ruth Beechick. I am seeing the need (for me) to be a tad more structured in recent years though. I have what we are using in my sig.


There are not many homeschoolers in our area so I love this board for support. :grouphug:


Only DS 10 is left at home.- he is a joy and a pleasure - natured like his sweet dad- (after homeschooling two rascals natured like me!) DS is very bright, loves to draw, play the drums, guitar, and LOVES video games which I try to keep to a bare minimum.


I have wonderful husband who is my best friend. I also have a cute grandson who will be 2 next week.


I am studying to become a Doctor of Naturopathy and should graduate by the end of the year (I hope!) I love to study the Bible, read, sew, can, raise chickens and milk goats, am dreaming of building a cabin deep in the woods, and spend WAY too much time on the computer- though I am learning to stay away a bit!

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Hi! I'm new here but have been using WTM for 7yrs. After teaching several years in public schools, I really appreciate WTM!


My dh is wonderful and we have 3 great dc. Dd12, dd11, and ds 7. The girls take dance, piano and riding lessons.


We live on a small ranch and have cattle, dairy goats, dogs and cats.



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