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Netflix tv SERIES suggestions?

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We are going to end up with an extra tv after this move. I don't want to get another cable box, but would like to have tv in the treadmill room and we do have an extra dvd player. I was thinking this would be a good time to catch up on some of the tv shows we missed the last few years being overseas and before. I figured I'd finally set us up with Netflix and start with season one of something.


Don't suggest Lost. I got through season 1 and 2, then missed so much, that I refused to watch any of it starting half way through season 3. The rule was then that there was no catching part of show here, or pausing on a rerun while flipping channels! I think I've seen about a grand total of 5 minutes since season 2! The current plan is, when the husband finishes this new residency program, we are then going to sit down TOGETHER and watch Lost from episode number 1 on! (Yes, believe it or not, this is an actual long term goal for us! LOL!) So Lost will have to wait for another 3 years!


Also we already own/watched all the Battlestar Galatica, so that is also out.


I have seen some Big Love two years ago before we left and liked it. I also got to see House in the last 6-8 months and like that.


So suggestions other than Big Love and House?

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I watched NCIS (season 6 I think) and Jericho while working out. I was so addicted to both of those shows that I was riding our recumbant bike for 1-2 hours everyday! I also watched the first season of Heros, but thought it was a little gruesome.


Can't wait to see the other replies becase I need to get back on our bike.

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You may like Firefly. It's a western set in space and the lead actor is fantastic, as is the guy who plays Jane.


We're on Netflix and have been meaning to check out Heroes to see if we like it.


In a fit of nostalgia, we watched a couple of old Muppet Show DVDs.


Erica in OR

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NCIS and Big Bang Theory here. I didn't like Scrubs through several seasons, but it grew on me and gets me laughing in spite of myself. The Office is quirky and fun. And Monk.

Of course, I still love the reruns of Cheers and Everybody Loves Raymond. Guess you can tell I'm usually looking for some stress relief. :)

Have fun!

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Mad Men!!!! Also I love the Poirot series...but they are more like mini movies. House is fantastic and The Long Way Round and The Long Way Down were both amazing. Also any of the nature programs like Planet Earth, Life of Mammals, Life of Birds, Blue Planet, Etc. I loved Rome as well...although not for everyone if you have issues with nudity or language.

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Monk... Maybe we're too picky, but it's the only show that's been on recently that we've cared for. But then again, we hardly watch any TV outside of the History, Science, Travel, or Discovery channels... I get bored too easily with 'normal' TV. Monk, however, was quite cute...

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There are lots of wonderful costumed drama adaptions to enjoy! Masterpiece Theater did all the Jane Austens last year, and did a great job with Dickens' Little Dorrit this year (stars Matthew Macfayden). They are available now on DVD.


And there are 3 seasons of Robin Hood (first 2 are out on DVD; final season just ended in England on BBC). Co-stars Richard Armitage. :)


We also enjoyed the new Robinson Crusoe series on NBC last year.


We've gotten many good series at our local library, to help our kids "catch up": old Get Smart, Gilligan's Island, Hogan's Heroes, etc.


Magnum PI and early MacGyver episodes have definitely NOT aged well!


Netflix also carries most of the Teaching Company instructional videos.


Have fun! Watching TV indoors is about all you can do in this heat! :lol:

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Here are a few... I've tried to keep it mainstreamish. I've seen many of these and others have been highly recommended by friends. I'd resisted Arrested Development for the longest time -- it just looked dumb -- much to my later regret. All of these should be available on Netflix.



Arrested Development

The Wire

The Office (American)


Pushing Daisies


Flight of the Conchords




True Blood


30 Rock






The IT Crowd

Coupling (racy, but hilarious)

Prime Suspect

Dr. Who



Black Adder


The Office (don't watch Season 2 unless you have the special handy)



Vicar of Dibley

Ultraviolet (the miniseries, not the movie of the same name)

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Definitely try Firefly. :) I adore that show and am still irritated that they canceled it. :glare:


Vicar of Dibley

The Office (British Version, since it's complete)

Extras (also has Ricky Gervais from the Office)

Horatio Hornblower




miniseries that are definitely worth watching:

The Forsyte Saga

Band of Brothers (a must-see)

Taken (Steven Spielberg)

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Freaks and Geeks~this is an amazing series, must see.

Lie to Me



If you liked Battlestar Galactica you'd like~


Babylon5-invented the long story arc BG used so well


Firefly-space western, a little rough at first but like most things Joss Whedon is worth holding on for the charcters and humor once the cast gels


If you like fantasy, LOTR type stuff, Legend of the Seeker on Hulu is a fun way to pass the time.

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Foyle's War

A Touch of Frost

The Last Detective



Rosemary & Thyme

Jeeves & Wooster

Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett *sigh*

The Jewel in the Crown

Bramwell (first two seasons )

Our Mutual Friend

Berkley Square


We actually got hooked on Upstairs, Downstairs but it is probably not everyone's cup of tea. ;)


Not British~


Globetrekker series, especially the ones with Ian (hilarious) and Megan

The Simpsons :leaving:

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Wow! That is quite a list! Some of the American stuff I've never heard of, some of them I've heard of, but we never got feed of them overseas.


Is Vicar of Dibley the one with the woman who was part of Absolutely Fabulous? There was another woman who wrote or produced or did something for Ab Fab with the actress that Edwina. (not Patsy, she wasn't actually in the show, just involved with it somehow) I think they were a writing team. I loved Ab Fab!


Thanks everyone!

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Is Vicar of Dibley the one with the woman who was part of Absolutely Fabulous? There was another woman who wrote or produced or did something for Ab Fab with the actress that Edwina. (not Patsy, she wasn't actually in the show, just involved with it somehow) I think they were a writing team. I loved Ab Fab!
Yes. Dawn French is half of French & Saunders, and AbFab was based on a skit which appeared in one of their shows. Dawn was too old to play the daughter in the series, so Julia Sawalha was cast in her stead. They're brilliant women, absolutely brilliant.
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actually, I've just recently been told about it and have been told they have everything. But, I don't know what everything means. I'm wondering if any kid's shows, reality series or Food Network cooking shows are on NF? Is there somewhere you can search? Thanks...

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