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"Different" boy names?

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One piece of advice from a good friend....


Play this game with the names that are liked..... Ask a group of people to say the first thing that pops into their head when you mention the NAME.


EX... say WYATT... people often say Earp


Ex... say Sydney... people often say Australia....


This might help!

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Guest Katia
How about Quentin? I have a cousin by that name. Haven't heard of any others.




This reminds me of the soap opera Dark Shadows that I used to watch as a little kid; Quentin was the vampire, LOL. :001_smile: Guess that dates me.:D


Anyhow, I like:


Dylan (pronounced Dillon)









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My favorite boy name is Cole; dh hates it, so it will never gets used.


Ds's middle name is Sirius. I have a friend whose son is Neo. (As an aside, if Neo'd been a girl, she'd've been Bellatrix.) When I was pg with dd2, we talked about Thrace and Orion both.

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Old Surnames make great boy names.... Flannigan, Hannity, Bailey, Kaylor, Mayner, Lee, Jackson, Smith, etc. Look at the names of families in the babies family tree & draw inspiration.


I love Angus for a boy but was never brave enough to use it. Also love Duncan & Colin... but I have an ancestry that ties to Scotland.


These aren't heard on every corner but aren't as "different" as Dwizzle.


Oh, several nice young men in our area are named WILSON.


My great-great-grandfather was named Angus Duncan. Scottish, of course.



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My 8 year old is named Fionn.


Fionn mac Cumhaill (Irish pronunciation: [ˈfʲin̪ˠ mˠak ˈkuːw̃əːlʲ], English: /ˈfɪn mə ˈkuːl/) (earlier Finn or Find mac Cumail or mac Umaill, later Anglicised to Finn McCool) was a mythical hunter-warrior of Irish mythology, occurring also in the mythologies of Scotland and the Isle of Man. The stories of Fionn and his followers, the Fianna, form the Fenian cycle or Fiannaidheacht, much of it supposedly narrated by Fionn's son, the poet Oisín.


Ewan was on the list for our youngest, but Dad vetoed it. He got Owen instead.


I still like Ewan. Liam is another favorite.

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We have a 12yo Harper across the street. He's a sweetheart, and it's a great name. (But I have a dd named Flannery, so Harper is probably out for us, boy *or* girl.)



I don't think we can do Harper as our PM is Stephen Harper. It would be like naming a child Obama :)

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I don't really like the name Ephraim, but I think it's one of those old-fashioned boy names that's coming back into style, perhaps because the likelihood that it will be girlified is pretty low. Once people start naming their dds with boys' names, the parents of boys tend to start looking for more masculine names.


There are at least five Ephraim Bacons in my family tree. It's a very... colonial name.

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These are some of the names that were on our short list when I was pregnant with #3 ( which was a girl...lol)


* Harper

* Hudson

* Harvey

* Jackson

* Finn

* Miller

* Harrison

* Griffin

* Campbell

* Mason

* Cooper

* Logan

* Tyne

* Baxter

* Sultan

* Callum

* Cailin

* Bayley.

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Toss the baby names book and pull out a good old atlas instead. Surely there will be all kinds of old town and city names that are terrific name possibilities. Then they can enjoy a family vacation! A friend of ours named her son after an old French town that her dh drove by often on his work commute. It's unusual and appreciated by those who hear it.


Also, once she finds one that sounds good, she should look up the meaning of the name... wouldn't want a cool-sounding name to backfire because it has an undesirable meaning.


Yes, but avoid naming a child after the place of conception, if at all possible. :tongue_smilie:

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My son's named Kellen. Love it. Watched a movie when he was little, about an Irish family, and one of the boys was named Malike (mal-uh-kee), and of course, loved that too. BTW, I also like Ilishe (Irish, girls, eye-lish).

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"I have a Graeme! (Insert silly virtual high-five here...) "


I'm high-fiving back! Woo-hoo!! :lol: Do you often have to spell it or prounounce it for people?


Most of the time when I mention this name, people want me to say it twice. I've never known any Graeme's, or Sullivan's, which is my other favorite boy's name.


I think I'm destined to name kids with "What was that?" names. My older dd is Kenzie, which most people hear as "Mackenzie," and my younger is Piper, which people hear as all kinds of things, from "Paper" to "Hyper." Now honestly, who would NAME a kid HYPER?!!:tongue_smilie:


I loooooooove this thread - so many fabulous names!!!

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I'll admit to not having read all the posts. DH and I like uncommon names, but names that have been heard of before. Some of the names on our boy's list include:


Desmond (DS' name)

Graeme/Graham (would have likely been DD's name if she was a boy)


























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  • 2 weeks later...
"I have a Graeme! (Insert silly virtual high-five here...) "


I'm high-fiving back! Woo-hoo!! :lol: Do you often have to spell it or prounounce it for people?


I do, but I don't much care. Bookish sorts recognize it because of the author Graeme Base. We did the family name thing with our oldest, but I'm glad I didn't with the other two...looking at my family tree now, the names I like the best are the unusual ones. It can be boring climbing through six generations of Johns, Jameses and Williams. Besides, since all three of our children wound up with old English names, (Will, Rosemary, Graeme), they still dovetail. I only wish we'd thought to nickname my oldest Liam while he was small and agreeable. My dh goes by Bill, and I do get sick of the wrong person yelling, "What?" when I call.

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My 2 year olds name is Atticus (and we got all sorts of compliments on his name) and we are thinking of naming our due-in-October son Ephraim.


He's 2 already?? I remember when you were considering his name! I'm sure that was just 6 months ago!


Anyway, unique boy names...Hmmmm. Location names can be different, if you refrain from using the popular ones (like Austin, London, and Paris). Or, last names of people in the family tree. Or, use royal titles as a first name (Baron, Caesar, etc.)


HTH a bit.

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Well, my dh (an archaeology/history major) *really* wanted to name our son after the great Hittite king, Suppiluliuma (pronounced, as best I can tell, 'Shu pil ooli oomash'). I said, "Great thinking, honey. No."


The funny thing is, though, that 10 years later, dh met the husband of someone he works with - they got to talking, and it turned out that this man (an archaeologist/anthropologist) *really* wanted to name his son after the great Hittite king, Suppiluliuma. Dh's colleague's wife apparently said, "Great thinking, honey. No."


So, your sister could stand with Sup....'s mother as the only other woman in history to allow such a thing! (Well, there was also a Sup... II, but your sis would still be in a VERY exclusive club!)

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I liked Caedmon, or Griflet, but never got to use 'em. :)


I have a friend who named her son "Olórin" (Gandalf's elvish name). Another friend recently named her youngest "Zen". I've known several Dantes, Romeos and Ashers.



Do you know if your friend and/or her son has any trouble with people understanding the accent mark and actually using it? DD has a Tolkien-Elvish name, and it properly has an accent on the first syllable, but it tends to get left off when people type it. I've taught DD to include it when she writes her name, though.

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I have a friend who named her son Rhett. I also like Colin, you don't hear it much in the US.




Colin is very common here in the Midwest. I guess unusualness depends on where you live. :)


Some unusual names I really like are: Anderson, Wyatt, Wilson, Clayton, and Grayson.

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Our son's name is Malcolm (a family name) and we've had many comments on how unusual it is. We also considered Angus (another family name), Oliver, and Oscar. My sister named her boys Wesley, Maxwell and Owen.


When we were stationed at Camp Lejuene, I got used to hearing unusual boy names like Diesel, Rocket, Gunner (not Gunnar), and Semper (as in Semper Fidelis). One of my husband's coworkers named his children after Marine Corps bases and battles.

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Here are a couple I didn't see in the list:


Angus --- we met an Angus on a hiking trail in the Teton's last year, quite different.


Then there's Calvin and Dexter, my niece's boys names --- I just think of Calvin jeans and Dexter shoes whenever I hear their names.


Then my nephew had a son born a few days PRIOR to Michael Jackson's death. The baby was already named Jackson ----- hmm, I wonder how many folks are going to be asking him if he was named after MJ?

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I always liked the boys names





I have a Jude. : )


He was very close to being Julian, which I also love, but I have a crazy uncle Julian... So dh was not in favor of that one!


I've got a London and a Ransom as well for middle names. Out of all the names we have chosen, Ransom is probably my favorite.

Edited by Old Dominion Heather
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:DI completely forgot how unusual my own DH's name is! He is Tedrick! We have never met another. I wonder if he is the only one with Tedrick as a first name. I have heard of it as a last name, though not met anyone with that either. He was called Teddy as a boy but now goes by Ted. I just love it and hope someday to have a grandson with that name. I am totally willing to bribe my kids to do it!

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I love thinking of baby names! Here's a few that crossed my mind when we named our last (who is a boy):


Cyrus (think Cyrus the Great - my daughter ended up using this one for her snake Webkinz instead - ha!)


Galen ("Chief" on Battlestar Gallactica - his character first name was actually Galen. The meaning has something to do with a medieval medical healer scientist guy - can't remember. DH was wondering if it sounded too much like "Gay" and then the kid would be teased when older. It really grew on me though, and almost made it to the top of the list!)


Duncan - means darked skinned warrior


Auric - means golden


Merrick - means something like warrior god of the sea;



Oh there were more! I can't remember now. He's 2 and it seems like so long ago! Good luck to your sister (inlaw??)! And to you, auntie! :-)


- Stacey in MA

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