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and now on a light hearted note......

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I've been wanting to ask this question all day long.


What's one thing you literally refuse to do?


I refuse to grow up. :D I can't believe I'm almost 46 and still act like a kid. I always ask my hubby, "Do you think I'll EVER grow up?" His response, consistently, is....... "I hope not!!!"


I like to act like an idiot to make people laugh, and to make myself laugh.


I have aides in the house helping out with mom almost every day (thank God my Dad took out long term health insurance!!! I could NEVER do this alone!) I like to come down all ready to leave the house, with lipstick all AROUND my lips, just to see the faces the aides will make. :D I can't help it. I'm just a goof ball.



And watch out if I haven't slept. Then I'm REALLY goofy.


Sure I'm serious when I need to be, but....




So, what do you refuse to do?

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LOL! Too funny! I love the lipstick trick and I just might try it out some time!

I refuse to watch most movies in the drama catagory. I don't care if they won an Oscar. I don't care if it's really, really, really good and I should watch it. If it's sad....forget about it! I was tricked several years ago by The Family Stone. I love Diane Keaton and figured, heck, the previews look like a riot. I was a puddle on the floor by the end of the movie and it upset me for days and days. The worst part? I made my honey sit through it because I thought it would be so funny. He hates dramas more than I do!

Now, give me a Will Ferrell or John Candy movie and I'll bring the popcorn AND candy!

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Now, give me a Will Ferrell or John Candy movie and I'll bring the popcorn AND candy!


I LOVE Will Ferrell and LOVE comedies, but can NOT recommend Step Brother.


About the lipstick, I once put bright red on and kissed hubby all over his face while he slept. And then didn't tell him about it when he awoke. I laughed so much that I probably........ had to change my...... um..... undergarments.


He laughed, too when he went to the bathroom.


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Work outside. I hate outside on a personal level. I love nature through a window or a picture though. Outside is full of crawly, creepy, slimy, sticky, flying, slithering, hissing critters! :scared:


but you have those WICKED CUTE little lizards down there!!! :001_smile:


I used to have a very unhealthy fear of bugs. The mailman came running inside my house once because I was yelling at the top of my lungs. He thought someone was hurting me.


I was trying to kill a bee.


Moving to the country has REALLY taught me not to fear bugs. But initially I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE. (Saying it like Gilda Radner here!)


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Y'all are cracking me up!


I refuse to let go of my "country-ness". Some call it Redneck, but I only accept that as a term of endearment, not a put down. I am FAR from WT, but don't care if others think I am. SO WHAT! We only live once and I am comfortable in my skin! The other medical staff at the hospital where I work call me "country", but I promise you I have been invited to mingle with more cultures and races since embracing my country-ness than in all my prior years. I cannot tell you how many times I get asked:


"Can we come visit your house sometime?"

"Will you bring us some fresh killed (bacon, pork chops, deer, etc)?" They are all ABOUT my organic meat...if it was legal to sell it, I could make some cash!

"How many miles from your nearest neighbor are you?"


and many many more. I LOVE IT! Sometimes I have a crowd gathered at work just asking me funny questions that seem so normal to me but to others they are awe inspiring. :rofl: Like when they found out my 10 year old (at the time) had harvested two hogs all on her own. Wait until they hear her latest hunting plan.

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but you have those WICKED CUTE little lizards down there!!! :001_smile:


I used to have a very unhealthy fear of bugs. The mailman came running inside my house once because I was yelling at the top of my lungs. He thought someone was hurting me.


I was trying to kill a bee.


Moving to the country has REALLY taught me not to fear bugs. But initially I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE. (Saying it like Gilda Radner here!)



I call myself country but I fear greatly ANYTHING that stings. Flying insects and scorpions. I do a scorpion check every night before I get into bed and my DH rolls laughing. He is not the one who got 4 stings in one moment by not checking well enough. That was a RUDE awakening! I had to stand back while DD killed a wasp earlier. LOL...I would have killed it had she not been there, but she is scared of NOTHING!

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Who makes up these RULES anyhow, :confused:??


I will wear boots in the summer, any color combo that I like, and I will wear white anytime of the year I please.:D:D


(such a rebel,:lol:)

Edited by bkpan
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Y'all are cracking me up!


and many many more. I LOVE IT! Sometimes I have a crowd gathered at work just asking me funny questions that seem so normal to me but to others they are awe inspiring. :rofl: Like when they found out my 10 year old (at the time) had harvested two hogs all on her own. Wait until they hear her latest hunting plan.


WOW. Your daughter DID THAT? :svengo:


You really ARE a redneck!!!!! :smilielol5::smilielol5:


I left CA, where I was always dressed perfectly, down to the high heels, which were TOTALLY unnecessary and made me about 6 feet tall! Anyway, I moved to the country and...... changed. I still like to look nice (people are usually shocked that I live on a farm because I always go out with make-up on, hair done, decent clothing although sometimes very relaxed clothing) and all. BUT, when my cat died in the pool and I resuscitated her twice, all I had time to do was throw on my MUCK BOOTS. Forget that I had my sweats on THAT I HAD SLEPT IN, and didn't brush my hair OR put on any make-up. There was no time! I had to rush to the vet.


Thing was that I forgot about how bad I looked and I walked down the street to get a coffee after watching the vet resuscitate the cat a couple of times. We were finally sent home and when I saw what I actually looked like while walking around town..... well.....




guess what? In CA I had to jump into a lake to save my life! I saw some CUTE little piggies and just HAD to try to get near them! Well, out comes WILD BOAR MAMA and she tried to attack me! Thank God I was near the water, I jumped right the heck in! My brother and boyfriend were SO mad at me.


People get worked up over the littlest things. Honestly, is it necessary?



BTW, cat lived but has a serious head injury due to oxygen deprivation.


Sadly, I can SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO relate to her.

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I refuse to buy anything for a logo. I don't buy clothes, cars or housewares based on what brand is it. I buy them for function and comfort. I don't buy Coach bags. I will happily pay a hundred for quality, never a penny for a logo.

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I refuse to eat seafood. Of. any. kind. And I'm from San Francisco. And, no, I'm not allergic. So please stop telling me how delicious it is, and how I should just have one teensy bite. I said "NO THANK YOU!":cursing::ack2::leaving:


how about pickled herring? It's quite yummy. Honestly, you'll love it.


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I think she's saying she won't drive on I 40. I live in Texas but we drive I 40 often to visit family and there's always an accident. They seem to be fatality accidents too.


sweetie, I think you're confused. I don't think that's what she was saying. Please go back and reread her reply.




sorry, but along with refusing to grow up, I refuse NOT to be obnoxious.


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I refuse to grow up, quit being sarcastic, and I refuse to believe that my writing is not worthy of publication.


I also refuse to cut my hair short ever again. I look like a poodle with it short.


I refuse to stop cranking the tunes in my cars. Foreigner's "Double vision" was blaring as I pulled in the drive last night.


I refuse to be normal. My family and I have our own drummer and that is the beat we march to. :D

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I refuse to go camping. I require indoor plumbing, electricity, and air conditioning. :D






And I mostly refuse to wash dishes. I figure we have 4 able-bodied kids and 2 almost ready to do it too kids...THEY can wash the dishes since i do the cooking and I buy the groceries that their ever-hungry bodies eat.


I also refuse to take out garbage...that's what teen boys do or make beds except mine and dh's.


I refuse to put down a good book when i am reading for pretty much anything.


I refuse to volunteer to do anything that will take me away from my main tasks of wife, homeschool mom, partner in dh's business. This was a hard one.


I refuse to give up my daily walk...even if it interferes with something really important except if the weather is yucky...then i refuse to take my walk:D


This is fun...

I am feeling very liberated...




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I refuse to eat seafood. Of. any. kind. And I'm from San Francisco. And, no, I'm not allergic. So please stop telling me how delicious it is, and how I should just have one teensy bite. I said "NO THANK YOU!":cursing::ack2::leaving:


ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gross! Stop tryingt o tell me something is GOOD!


I refuse to buy anything for a logo. I don't buy clothes, cars or housewares based on what brand is it. I buy them for function and comfort. I don't buy Coach bags. I will happily pay a hundred for quality, never a penny for a logo.





WOW. Your daughter DID THAT? :svengo:


You really ARE a redneck!!!!! :smilielol5::smilielol5:


guess what? In CA I had to jump into a lake to save my life! I saw some CUTE little piggies and just HAD to try to get near them! Well, out comes WILD BOAR MAMA and she tried to attack me! Thank God I was near the water, I jumped right the heck in! My brother and boyfriend were SO mad at me.




Yes, my DD did that. She does a lot that grown men don't do. She is our little "huntress". See, if you had her with you you wouldn't have had to jump in the lake because she could have taken care of that Momma sow. :D The piggies are cute but they grow into big, menacing, crop destroying, baby deer killing PESTS.

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I refuse to read a book with movie photos on the cover.

I *really* want to read Revolutionary Road again, but the only copies I can find these days have Kate and Leo on the cover.

Sure, I want to see the movie. I adore Kate Winslet, but she's a movie actor, not the character in my book!

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I will not eat left-overs. Won't do it. My MIL haas learned at 15 years that I am not interested in re-eating Thanksgiving dinner the next day.

DH loves leftovers. The boys will happily warm up cooked food. But I hate it with the fire of thousand suns.


I'd rather cook a new meal.

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But I am actually even more terrified of snakes than I am I40. Of course I am actually terribly terrified of both, but snakes 1st and I40 2nd.


I have recently met I40. It does have some interesting twists and turns (We used it to get through AZ from Flagstaff to Seligman.). Dh was driving, and I made it a point to be sure he saw EVERY SINGLE speed limit sign. They are there for a reason! That was my contribution. :D


Give me a nice FLAT road any day. I do like Route 66 though. Nice and friendly little towns along the way (most of 'em anyway--watch out for the police in Peach Springs :tongue_smilie:).


Oh and I do not do plumbing repairs. No way. I will do the yardwork, drywall repairs, paint and trim work, build simple bookcases, loftbeds, install laminate flooring and hope to even learn to do tile someday, but NOT plumbing. I don't much care for electrical work either.

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but you have those WICKED CUTE little lizards down there!!! :001_smile:



Ew.. ew... ew !!!! Run away!!


My house is set way off our residential street and is surrounded by trees. And I mean lots of trees, bushes, and a creek. Ew!! I loved the look of the house when we bought it. It was so peaceful looking. But I've found the indoors to be more peaceful than the outdoors. :tongue_smilie:

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Ew.. ew... ew !!!! Run away!!


My house is set way off our residential street and is surrounded by trees. And I mean lots of trees, bushes, and a creek. Ew!! I loved the look of the house when we bought it. It was so peaceful looking. But I've found the indoors to be more peaceful than the outdoors. :tongue_smilie:

I am so JEALOUS!

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I refuse to grow up. I refuse to NOT pursue my shocking passion of crime, physiology, disease, pathology, and death. (SO inappropriate for a Christian lady!!!) And, I refuse to let my children run wild. :D

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I refuse to:Be silent in the face of injustice. Permit rodents to live if they come into my home.Give up carbohydrates . Talk without my hands on my Slovakian /Lebanese hips while tapping my foot . Four things I refuse to do, not just one ,I guess DH had it right when he renamed me The Czarina.

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I refuse to check pockets before washing clothes. I will wash your clothes, dry them and put them away but i will not check your pockets.


I also refuse to wear a watch. I haven't worn one in 20 years, it's my own little protest against living life tied to the clock.

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I refuse to stop making sand castles. I can make interesting ones now!


I refuse to stop listening to The Muppets. I want to visit the Rainbow Connection.


I refuse to stop watching airplane shows on tv, especially air craft carriers. I dragged my entire family to the airplane museum today. And watched airplanes take off for half an hour. It was amazing.


I refuse to eat lettuce or melon. Bleck!


I refuse to wear high heels. I fell down in the store the last time I tried some on.

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I refuse to check pockets before washing clothes. I will wash your clothes, dry them and put them away but i will not check your pockets.


I also refuse to wear a watch. I haven't worn one in 20 years, it's my own little protest against living life tied to the clock.


Oh this is SO me! I 'say' after washing dh's hands free for the second time in as many weeks. "That's like $30 to replace" Um, yeah, well, empty your pockets. I gather, wash, dry, fold and put away...everyone can check their frickin' pockets!


I have the same attitude toward the watch as well.


I also refuse to clean up barf (I saw that one mentioned as well).


I refuse to touch my sons' lizards. Ack! I'm letting you keep them, can't you just be happy with that?


Another seafood refuser here.


I guess I have nothing original to add as the lizards go along with an aforementioned 'creepy crawly' refusal :p


Oh oh..I refuse.....to become my mother. ;)

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Yes, my DD did that. She does a lot that grown men don't do. She is our little "huntress". See, if you had her with you you wouldn't have had to jump in the lake because she could have taken care of that Momma sow. :D The piggies are cute but they grow into big, menacing, crop destroying, baby deer killing PESTS.


I do hope you knew I was kidding! I was actually VERY impressed! :001_smile:

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I refuse to give in to fear.


If I'm afraid of something - that's probably what you'll find me doing until I'm not afraid of it anymore. Last weak, I picked up a 20 lb. snapping turtle with my bare hands! I've killed copperheads and water moccacins with a hoe - if the men can do it, so can I. My son is teaching me to fire his pistol. I've been afraid of weapons all my life. After that - I will conquer something else! (BTW - for those of you who are afraid of bugs, If I were you, I'd start a collection, make a real pretty display box and go searching for specimins where ever I could find them. I would CONQUER my fear of bugs that way. But I don't have to collect them, I just smash them between my fingers. :lol:)


I refuse to believe I can't.

Except spell - I KNOW I can't spell, but I can do ANYTHING else!


I refuse to give up.

There are some things I've been working on personally for MY WHOLE LIFE! I won't quit, I WILL overcome!


I refuse to let ANYTHING stop me from having fun.

I don't care what anyone thinks about me. If it looks fun, I'm there. Who cares if I'm 45, overweight and a dork. It's my life and I'm not going to miss out on ANYTHING because of what anyone else thinks.


I refuse to cover my legs when it's hot. I don't care what you think about my viens or scars or ugly knees. I'm hot and I'm wearing shorts!

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