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I'm. trying. not. to. be. offended...


I suppose you're after a heated, emotional conversation here. :001_huh:


I don't assume that you believe it is true, but I am curious as to why this is even asked.


Is a stay at home mom less ambitious?


Is a homeschooled child less privelaged?


I mean, of course not. Physical weight can usually be traced to a physical problem (thyroid et al) or an emotional one. Not one based on IQ or lack thereof.


The only reason anyone can probably come up with is that it isn't smart to overeat and under-exert oneself. Bad choices do not equal lack of intellect. Judging on the other hand... well that would be a lack of head and heart.

Edited by specialmama
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Judging on the other hand... well that would be a lack of head and heart.



Please don't attack me. I simply asked the question if people felt that way, would it be a justified feeling.


If you don't think it is a justified feeling, then just say why.


I don't think this thread has to turn into a personal attack session! :boxing_smiley:


But, like I said, if it is too emotional I can just delete it.

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You asked why would a person feel like someone who is obese is less intelligent than a normal sized person. Did someone else say or do something to indicate that was their belief, or why do you ask?


Evidentally in their mind it's a justified feeling, but I think it's pretty ridiculous myself. Honestly, for you to ask if their feelings are justified makes me raise an eyebrow. Maybe you could explain why you are asking this?

Edited by Jeanne in MN
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No, when something thinks like that, or speaks it, it is called prejudice. A particular obese person may be less intelligent than a particular thin person, (or vice versa) but not all obese people because the obesity itself is not related to intelligence. (Unless there is some scientific study somewhere that relates them- I would sincerely doubt that study though).

I don't think it is much different from asking are black people less intelligent than whites- for a long time many whites thought so.

Of course, those sorts of prejudices are rife in our society, so many people think these types of things- consciously or unconsciously.



a. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.

b. A preconceived preference or idea.

2. The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions.

3. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.

4. Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others.

tr.v. prej·u·diced, prej·u·dic·ing, prej·u·dic·es 1. To cause (someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally. See Synonyms at bias.

2. To affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act.

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Please don't attack me. I simply asked the question if people felt that way, would it be a justified feeling.


If you don't think it is a justified feeling, then just say why.


I don't think this thread has to turn into a personal attack session! :boxing_smiley:


But, like I said, if it is too emotional I can just delete it.



I am not attacking you. I did say that I don't assume you believe this. If your hackles were raised when I mentioned judging, well, how can I help that? :chillpill:

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If it is too offensive to ask then I will delete the question.


There could, perhaps, be an interesting conversation on the way our culture views obese people.


However, the phrasing of this question is offensive.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Why would a person feel like someone who is obese (a woman around 250-300 pounds) is less intelligent than a normal weight person? Would that be a justified feeling?


Curious as to your thoughts...


I'm sorry, but I just don't understand this post. You're asking us to give you our thoughts as to why someone would think that and if it is justified? It just seems so ridiculous. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to understand why someone would think that, much less whether they're "justified" in feeling that way.


My opinion is if Joe Schmoe thinks I'm smarter than another woman because I weigh 125 and she weighs 250, Joe Schmoe is an idiot.

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I'm sorry, but I just don't understand this post. You're asking us to give you our thoughts as to why someone would think that and if it is justified? It just seems so ridiculous. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to understand why someone would think that, much less whether they're "justified" in feeling that way.


My opinion is if Joe Schmoe thinks I'm smarter than another woman because I weigh 125 and she weighs 250, Joe Schmoe is an idiot.


:iagree: Perfectly said.



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I'm sorry, but I just don't understand this post. You're asking us to give you our thoughts as to why someone would think that and if it is justified? It just seems so ridiculous. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to understand why someone would think that, much less whether they're "justified" in feeling that way.


My opinion is if Joe Schmoe thinks I'm smarter than another woman because I weigh 125 and she weighs 250, Joe Schmoe is an idiot.


:iagree: Indeed.


(um, also, there is a duplicate thread that should probably be deleted.)

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This is actually a fairly common prejudice. I don't know why, which is what the OP is asking. It could as simple as people want to look up to persons who fall into certain level of attractiveness and there is a viewpoint that a person who is obese does not meet that level. Is this reasonable? No. The truth is in a job interview situation if all things are equal or even favor an obese person slightly in skill level a nonobese person will be hired over an obese person. A physical look is heavily valued in our society and that means persons who do not present a physical look it will affect some people's perception.


I don't agree. I happen to be an overweight woman who is very intelligent. It's just reality.

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Justified? No. I'm sure someone who's intellectually lazy could pretend to justify that by resorting to stereotypes or someone who's intellectually dishonest could pretend to justify it by use of tortured reasoning but ultimately it's a sham and really doesn't deserve any deeper discussion.


Besides let me resort to anecdotal evidence and say this...I'm 280 lbs and I'm the smartest person I know. :D

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I, myself, am close to 250 pounds:scared: I have felt that blanket statements about groups of people are wrong. I worry about discrimination especially age and weight discrimination in particular. The old saying goes that you cannot judge a book by its cover:001_smile: Obese people are just like everyone else. People should realize too that in our society is quite easy to end up obese and that our wiring makes it difficult to resist food. Also, once your body is heavier, it becomes more difficult to lose weight. It is not just a matter of willpower- there are many physical processes that try to keep us at our current weights. Of course, I hope to lose weight, but it is definately a struggle.

Oh, and by the way, I happen to be a very smart obese person- at least I used to be in my younger days, summa cum laude and all:tongue_smilie:

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Here's my reply from the other thread:

Justified? No. I'm sure someone who's intellectually lazy could pretend to justify that by resorting to stereotypes or someone who's intellectually dishonest could pretend to justify it by use of tortured reasoning but ultimately it's a sham and really doesn't deserve any deeper discussion.


Besides let me resort to anecdotal evidence and say this...I'm 280 lbs and I'm the smartest person I know.


I had a further thought. Sometimes people are either blessed with a trait like intelligence or think they are. They can be tempted to look for a reason why and it's pretty common for people to credit their virtues for why they're richer, smarter, healthier then others. Regardless of whether it's justified or not. I have a nice house because my husband and I are responsible. We have good kids because we're thoughtful parents. I'm healthy because I've got good genes. So on. And that's fine, if a little self-centered, as far as it goes but if a person isn't careful it can lead to trouble.


A person can start assuming that someone else is living in a run down house because they're irresponsible (a judgement I've made despite the fact that living in a run down house for years was part of how we afforded the nice house!), their kid is throwing a fit in the store because their bad parents (though maybe it's autism) and another person unhealthy because they just come from bad stock.


Then those assumptions start getting flipped into generalizations. Families in run down houses are irresponsible.


So from I'm smart and it's because I'm healthy and fit to she's not that bright because she doesn't take care of herself and is overweight to she's obese and so must be less intelligent.


It's a way of thinking that's self-centered but not self-critical in the least.

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I read the question and felt very annoyed and defensive because I know some very intelligent very fat people and get really sick of the prejudice that fat people face (and for the record, I'm not fat, but I guess most of us in America love someone who is).


So I did a google search expecting to find some good statistics on how weight is not related to intelligence. But I found some disturbing studies that indicate that it might be in some limited cases. Just for the sake of discussion I will throw these out.










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:iagree: I'll second this...


I'm sorry, but I just don't understand this post. You're asking us to give you our thoughts as to why someone would think that and if it is justified? It just seems so ridiculous. I wouldn't even waste my time trying to understand why someone would think that, much less whether they're "justified" in feeling that way.


My opinion is if Joe Schmoe thinks I'm smarter than another woman because I weigh 125 and she weighs 250, Joe Schmoe is an idiot.

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Yes, that is an offensive question. I am not overweight, but my best friend from the time I can remember has always struggled with her weight. She is now 30 years old and has been losing weight. However, even when she was heavier (and at her heaviest she was 350 pounds), she was still very intelligent. She is a nurse who is studying to be a Nurse Practitioner.


I would delete your question if I were you. I can't imagine why one would even ask such a thing. I can't imagine any good coming from the question itself and obviously you know that thinking someone is less intelligent because they are overweight is just ridiculous.

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I read the question and felt very annoyed and defensive because I know some very intelligent very fat people and get really sick of the prejudice that fat people face (and for the record, I'm not fat, but I guess most of us in America love someone who is).


So I did a google search expecting to find some good statistics on how weight is not related to intelligence. But I found some disturbing studies that indicate that it might be in some limited cases. Just for the sake of discussion I will throw these out.












I was thinking that an INDIVIDUAL could improve his thinking ability if he was thinner and more fit, mostly because of improved blood flow to the brain. Also I know that I do more when I weigh less (less TV, more energy, more physical activities, more interactions with others) and increased activities is stimulating to the brain and intellegence.


I had not considered the effect across a large population.

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No, I don't see how anyone would correlate obesity to intelligence. I can say that it has its challenges with certain jobs. Whenever my husband hires an obese person, he cannot keep up a decent work pace. He breathes very heavily and cannot tolerate the summer heat as well as the non-obese people. One man who interviewed began breathing heavily just walking through our living room. So, though I would never question their intelligence, there is a question of how well they can handle the physical labor required in the job my husband offers.

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Wow. I'm unclear how you feel this isn't offensive. A blanket statement or question about obesity and intelligence is very hurtful. I'm not considered obese but my poorly functioning thyroid makes it difficult to lose weight. Am I smarter when I lose 20 lbs? Am I less intelligent when I gain 30?


It would be very helpful if you gave a reason *why* you asked this question. Are you obese? Someone you know? If you have a personal reason for asking then the question doesn't seem as hurtful. But if you encounter a heavy person and just assume that they are not as smart then that is a problem. That's called prejudice.


I don't mean to sound harsh. But I worry about some of the more sensitive people on this board. A young woman/man who has alot of weight and lower self esteem could be hurt by reading your question. I would ask for this thread to be removed.

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Wow. I'm unclear how you feel this isn't offensive. A blanket statement or question about obesity and intelligence is very hurtful. I'm not considered obese but my poorly functioning thyroid makes it difficult to lose weight. Am I smarter when I lose 20 lbs? Am I less intelligent when I gain 30?


It would be very helpful if you gave a reason *why* you asked this question. Are you obese? Someone you know? If you have a personal reason for asking then the question doesn't seem as hurtful. But if you encounter a heavy person and just assume that they are not as smart then that is a problem. That's called prejudice.


I don't mean to sound harsh. But I worry about some of the more sensitive people on this board. A young woman/man who has alot of weight and lower self esteem could be hurt by reading your question. I would ask for this thread to be removed.


I'm guessing the OP heard someone else mentioned it and wondered if many others feel that way. I don't think the OP believes it, and quite frankly, I have a hard time understanding how anyone could believe that.

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I'm surprised at all the calls to remove this thread. Why is asking the question so offensive? We can discuss religion on this board but not weight? I am NOT agreeing with the premise of obese=stupid, I'm just shocked that it's apparently too politically correct to even mention.

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... I have a nice house because my husband and I are responsible.... And that's fine, if a little self-centered, as far as it goes but if a person isn't careful it can lead to trouble.


A person can start assuming that someone else is living in a run down house because they're irresponsible (a judgement I've made despite the fact that living in a run down house for years was part of how we afforded the nice house!)


It's a way of thinking that's self-centered but not self-critical in the least.


This is so true! DH and I chose to rent through the housing bubble and wait until it popped to buy a house, meanwhile saving as much as possible. The result is we are living far below our means, and people are stunned by that. Then they draw all sorts of conclusions instead of just asking us what's up with it. It has been very hard on my pride, and has made many, many people uncomfortable.


We now know the ones who love us, though! I've heard a lot of folks who bought at the top of the bubble say they haven't anything in the bank account. That has kept me focused, but I have been sorely tempted on a number of occasions to just go buy something that matches the norm, Thank God dh is as sane as he is! :001_smile:

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Why would a person feel like someone who is obese (a woman around 250-300 pounds) is less intelligent than a normal weight person? Would that be a justified feeling?


Curious as to your thoughts...


You really don't want to know my thoughts. Seriously. I can't believe someone would even post such a question.


And, as for discussing weight not being PC, Take out "obese" and substitute it for, oh, pretty much anything, such as "Muslim," "Black", "Christian", "Asian" or any other label that incites prejudice and then ask yourself again why the question is offensive.

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You really don't want to know my thoughts. Seriously. I can't believe someone would even post such a question.


And, as for discussing weight not being PC, Take out "obese" and substitute it for, oh, pretty much anything, such as "Muslim," "Black", "Christian", "Asian" or any other label that incites prejudice and then ask yourself again why the question is offensive.


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Wow. It never occurred to me that this question would hit such a nerve for so many people. Talk about a Hot Button issue!


Dh's millionaire banker uncle once told me that he would never hire an obese person because their weight indicated to him that they had a problem with impulse control and judgement. I fear that his thinking may be covert but fairly common in our society. Regardless of whether it is incorrect.


Whether or not thinking the obese are less intelligent is justified, I think there are probably a lot of people who do believe that. As to the reason why, I suspect it is merely based on insecurity and misunderstanding, like most other prejudices. Rather than pummel the OP, how about discussing ways to help counteract such silly thinking?

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I'm surprised at all the calls to remove this thread. Why is asking the question so offensive? We can discuss religion on this board but not weight? I am NOT agreeing with the premise of obese=stupid, I'm just shocked that it's apparently too politically correct to even mention.


I would agree with you if the question asked if people have encountered prejudice in regards to obesity and intelligence. But it was asked if *we* think a heavy person is less intelligent. That isn't really a topic for conversation. Yes, you can discuss religion on this board. But threads that are hurtful will be removed. You can't call a certain religion a name or make comments about how their religion is wrong-or less intelligent.

Edited by Pajama Mama
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Originally Posted by SolaMichella viewpost.gif

You really don't want to know my thoughts. Seriously. I can't believe someone would even post such a question.


And, as for discussing weight not being PC, Take out "obese" and substitute it for, oh, pretty much anything, such as "Muslim," "Black", "Christian", "Asian" or any other label that incites prejudice and then ask yourself again why the question is offensive.


:iagree::iagree::iagree: I think that if OP had given more info for clarification as to why she is asking this question, then perhaps it might not be offensive (depending on circumstances though). For example, if she has experienced prejudice due to being overweight, then asking the question would not be so offensive. Just my two cents.


I also want to emphaisze that I would not wish obesity upon anyone since it is a very difficult condition to overcome. I know this from personal experience.

Edited by priscilla
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Hmmm. My guess is the OP had someone in her life say something like this and wants to know *why*.... she asked:


Why would a person feel like someone who is obese (a woman around 250-300 pounds) is less intelligent than a normal weight person?


That's how I read it... that someone in her life made a comment like that - either directly to her or about someone else...


I don't think the OP is actually saying this is HER feeling - I can't imagine anyone actually coming here and stating THAT, y'know? I think maybe it was someone in her life and she wants to know what makes a person like that think in that way...what makes them tick, why someone would have that opinion, etc etc...

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So I did a google search expecting to find some good statistics on how weight is not related to intelligence. But I found some disturbing studies that indicate that it might be in some limited cases. Just for the sake of discussion I will throw these out.











Fascinating. Thanks for posting.

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As a former Morbidly Obese person (Now I'm just obese) I can attest to the stereotypes. It's pathetic. I have to wonder how a person who weighs 300 lbs can be 'invisible' to the average person. And if we can be invisible, I guess we can also be stupid. It is NOT fun. But I have not lost weight because of that (OK, confession time...it was weight loss surgery). I lost weight so that I would increase my chances of seeing my kids grow up.


There have been studies done (and I think there was a documentary done several years ago) about the differences between the ways fat & skinny people are treated. I would not be surprised that people (in general) think fat people are stupid. Because of course, we are also lazy, sloppy, and have NO self control.


The self control issue bugs me. Fat people have no less self control than that skinny thing that takes 10 smoke breaks a day. She's just more fun to look at, and therefore more respectable. Oh, and what about the closet alcoholic that you're working with. At least I can drive with my impulse control issues. And I'm not at danger of killing a carful of innocent people. And while I'm not beautiful, I'm not killing my family with 2nd hand smoke. I'm just killing MYSELF. Maybe I made a conscious choice to turn to comfort foods instead of alcohol or cigarettes. Maybe I am smarter than you think!


And why do people turn to these vices? In my case, there are a host of VERY unhappy/beat you down type of moments in my life, not totally excluding my parents. I was 'fat like mom' when I was a size 12, mom was a size 20, infertility snatching away my ultimate dream, being an only child and NOT meeting their expectations, having ADD in an OCD household, etc. And chocolate didn't reject me or make me feel like a failure, at the time, anyway.


And for the record, at 250 lbs, I tested for, and gained entry into Mensa. Unfortunately, i didn't have it tatooed on my forehead :glare:.


Bottom line is we should NEVER stereotype or judge people until we have walked a mile in their shoes. You never know WHAT has caused them to be the way they are.



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Hmmm. My guess is the OP had someone in her life say something like this and wants to know *why*.... she asked:




That's how I read it... that someone in her life made a comment like that - either directly to her or about someone else...


I don't think the OP is actually saying this is HER feeling - I can't imagine anyone actually coming here and stating THAT, y'know? I think maybe it was someone in her life and she wants to know what makes a person like that think in that way...what makes them tick, why someone would have that opinion, etc etc...



I'm a little shocked by the responses here. Perhaps we could give the OP our support and exercise a little faith in her question, read between the lines, maybe? :confused:


Now to the question-


It's sad that there seems to be a prejudice against overweight people be it voiced or thought. I have a friend who has been obese her entire life, for a lot of reasons, too numerous to outline here. I love her for who she is inside. She deals with a lot of prejudice both in the work place and socially. For some reason as our society acknowledges that there is a greater number of overweight people and is trying to tackle many of the underlying issues the bigots come out of the woodwork. I really don't think you can come to an understanding with that kind of person unless you share the same misguided belief.



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Hmmm. My guess is the OP had someone in her life say something like this and wants to know *why*.... she asked:




That's how I read it... that someone in her life made a comment like that - either directly to her or about someone else...


I don't think the OP is actually saying this is HER feeling - I can't imagine anyone actually coming here and stating THAT, y'know? I think maybe it was someone in her life and she wants to know what makes a person like that think in that way...what makes them tick, why someone would have that opinion, etc etc...




This is how I read it also. Imagine if you were overweight, which I am, and someone has treated you this way, which they have , and you were so hurt you just wanted to know "Wow, how could people be this way?" I think the OP maybe was just coming here for a little support.

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I agree, I don't thinkt he OP was judging. She was just posing a question for discussion.


I am obese. 5 years ago I was not. I am treated VERY differently today than I was back then. In general seem to respect people and hold in higher regard those that are not heavy. For a lot of people, seeing one overweight= a slob with too little of mind to exercise self control. If they have too little of mind for that, they must be stupid all around. Of course it is unjustified, and of course it is not true. However, it is the way many people treat those of us who are overweight.


In one of my classes I was taking recently, it talked about a study done that concluded in the business world, people who were overweight were 85% more likely to be passed over if a thinner applicant had adequete skills for the job, even if the overweight person was better qualified.

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Interesting links. Thank you for posting. It serves as additional motivation to lose weight after I'm finally not pregnant anymore.


I'm surprised at all the calls to remove this thread. Why is asking the question so offensive? We can discuss religion on this board but not weight? I am NOT agreeing with the premise of obese=stupid, I'm just shocked that it's apparently too politically correct to even mention.


I'm a little shocked by the responses here. Perhaps we could give the OP our support and exercise a little faith in her question, read between the lines, maybe? :confused:





I'm actually more offended by the responses than by the question asked. I just hate it that people are so quick to assume evil intentions. Why not assume she had a good reason to ask the question but didn't know how to word it well?


I assumed that she asked the question because she really wanted to know why someone would think that. I assumed that she wasn't saying that anyone here thought that but that perhaps we'd have some thoughts about why that belief was held by some people. I assumed she had a good reason to ask the question.


As far as to why people think obese people aren't as smart, I'd think it is has to do with "obvious" lack of impulse control. I can see that same thought applying to alcoholics, smokers, gamblers, and any other vices. The difference is that obesity is easiest to see. Smoking is visible some of the time and the other two can be hidden for years. My guess is that it is easier to see it that way than to remember that some obese people suffer from a medical problem either causing or contributing to the obesity and others have other issues contributing to the obesity. Most wouldn't deliberately choose to be obese.

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I quickly scanned the responses you got.


My opinion?


Weight makes no difference to a persons intelligence. Anyone who thinks so is very ignorant!


It's like asking if someone who is in a wheelchair is less intelligent.


Many people cannot help their weight, or maybe, maybe they are perfecetly HAPPY being overweight, does it make them less intelligent? NO!


Is a super skinny person less intelligent? A short person???


I just do not get this question...:001_huh:

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I think obesity is the new smoking. When I was a kid people didn't judge smokers the way they do now and I see that changing for obese people now too. A general line of thinking that the obese person is responsible for their ills (diabetes, heart disease, etc) because of their choices is becoming more pervasive in society - just like there is little sympathy anymore for smokers that get lung cancer. Just an observation.

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Sorry. My above post was more for shock value.


Seriously, though, why has this gone on for 4 pages? People think all sorts of odd things in this world. You either agree. Or you disagree. It doesn't change the other person's opinion.


i don't think the OP's question is offensive. I do think it's a silly question.

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I think obesity is the new smoking. When I was a kid people didn't judge smokers the way they do now and I see that changing for obese people now too. A general line of thinking that the obese person is responsible for their ills (diabetes, heart disease, etc) because of their choices is becoming more pervasive in society - just like there is little sympathy anymore for smokers that get lung cancer. Just an observation.


I agree that people are seeing it like that. And to some extent, it is a choice. Sometimes it is not a choice. I am really overweight now, yet I have made NO changes in the way I eat and have eaten for my 33 years on this planet. I have the same activity level. It is just as I get older, apparently my metabolism changed and I am getting fatter. I am MISERABLE changing my eating. I am happier being overweight. So, did I CHOOSE for my metabolism to slow down?

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I am not sure what you meant by your question, but it sounds like an assumption is being made about the way people think that I don't think you mean to make. Will you put more thought into it and re ask your question?


I personally do not think that about obese people. In the past, when we owned a deli, I did have some awful thoughts about an obese woman we employed, but I think she brought it on herself because I never had those thoughts about other obese people who worked for us. I did not think this woman should be serving food because she was somewhat repulsive in her appearance. It was an intimate relationship because she worked for us for 10 years and I was probably a little too close to the situation. My dh always took the high road though, knowing she was the breadwinner in her home with a disabled dh, a needy extended family, and always on the verge of bankruptcy, barely making it. He saw her needs over her appearance. I still don't think it was a wise business choice, but it was a wise choice valuing the person over our own business.


As repulsive as she looked, I was amazed that over her 10 year span in our employment no comments were ever made by us, our friends, our customers or our employees. I only talked about it with my dh and my mil and rarely at that. The main problem I had was that she didn't seem to always bath, her belly would hang out at times (we took care of that with a whole body apron), and she had sores on her arms and legs that I believe were due to horrible eating habits, making it difficult for me to stomach the food she made; but she was always treated with respect, making the wording of your question a bit off the mark by the observations I have made with how other people treated this woman.

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Hmmm. My guess is the OP had someone in her life say something like this and wants to know *why*.... she asked:




That's how I read it... that someone in her life made a comment like that - either directly to her or about someone else...


I don't think the OP is actually saying this is HER feeling - I can't imagine anyone actually coming here and stating THAT, y'know? I think maybe it was someone in her life and she wants to know what makes a person like that think in that way...what makes them tick, why someone would have that opinion, etc etc...


Yeah, I get that--but why would it matter why someone thinks that? At some point things just don't need to be analyzed. Why do some people think Elvis is still alive? And she did ask if someone would be justified in thinking that. NO, they would not.

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Take out "obese" and substitute it for, oh, pretty much anything, such as "Muslim," "Black", "Christian", "Asian" or any other label that incites prejudice and then ask yourself again why the question is offensive.


I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.

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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.

Even if this somehow made the question less offensive, how could you tell by looking at a persons which is the case?

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I am not talking about obese because of medical issues, but because of a choice to overeat. That does not equal skin color...one does not have a choice in that area.


Religion is a choice and is a basis of discrimination; I noticed you left that aspect out of my original statement. I stand by my stance. Your question, as you phrased it, is offensive because you're asking if it's ok to think obese people are stupid, based on their weight. Are Muslim people stupid based on their belief? Are Christian people stupid based on their belief?


If you wanted to discuss stereotypes and prejudices against obese people, then you should have said that. Asking if it's justified to believe obese people are unintelligent is, well...an inflammatory and offensive question.

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