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Trying hard not to overreact, and a prayer request

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My 6 yod went back to the doctor today, and she said that she wants to get dd in for an MRI of the brain as soon as possible. Her symptoms could indicate a serious problem, including a brain tumor. I made the mistake tonight of googling brain cancer in children (I know, I know, TERRIBLE idea, and I will not do that again), and of course it seems like dd has every possible symptom, and has since November. Prayers for dd as she undergoes the MRI, and for all of us as we await the results, would be so greatly appreciated.


:grouphug: You got it, Erica.:grouphug:

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Well, to give you some hope, I had something show up on my last MRI and they said it could be a lesion (cancer). It turned out to be something completely different.
:iagree:They had us really worried about my mom. She had a benign tumor that they were able to extract through her nose. Not a big deal at all.


Praying for you.

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Thank you so much, everyone. Knowing that so many are praying and wishing us well is truly a comfort. I had a good cry last night when I was alone, and I'm feeling less constantly on the verge of tears now. I'm waiting for the MRI center to call to schedule the appt., and we're going to a birdwatching field trip on this nice sunny day, so that will be a good distraction. I will post when the MRI is scheduled. Thank you so much again!

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Update: Still no word on the MRI being scheduled. I put in a call to the pediatrician this morning and hope to hear back from her soon, to make sure it's still being scheduled ASAP as she had told me. I am really worried about Libby (you all might as well know her name so that you can pray for her by name.) I feel that she has taken a turn downwards in the last week. Before, her symptoms were sporadic, and I had to look closely to see a pattern. Now, she has a headache, stomachache, and dizziness all day, every day, with no breaks. She doesn't want to get out of bed. She's still in there now, and would stay all day if she could. We went on a brief nature walk yesterday afternoon with friends, and she seemed to handle it for about 20 minutes, but after that she was exhausted, feeling dizzy, wanting me to carry her, etc. Today is beautiful and sunny and I offered to go for a short walk with her while she rides her scooter (her favorite), and she buried her face in the covers and said she couldn't. She keeps asking me when she is going to feel better and it's breaking my heart. She has a musical program she is going to be singing in tonight, and I am just praying that she will be able to do it. She's been practicing since last September and has really been looking forward to it.


I'm not sure what else to push for with the doctor. I'm just planning on talking to her and expressing my concerns, and asking if there is anything else that can be done. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them, and please keep the prayers coming. Thank you all so much! I'm not sharing this with many people IRL because it's too overwhelming right now. Once we know what's going on we'll share more. But for now it is nice to be able to vent here. Thanks again!

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Oh, Erica! Just keep calling. Be a squeaky wheel. Ask, "Is there anything else we can rule out?" Ask, "Is there a specialist you would recommend that we see?" Ask, "Have you been able to schedule that MRI yet? We can go today, if you can get us in."


I know you're polite and deferential, and you don't have to be *difficult*, but don't let them ignore you either. (And I don't mean that anyone would on purpose -- just that there are many things they must do, and it's easy for the quieter things to slip through the cracks.)


And I'll put in a plug again for a children's hospital over anywhere else, if there's one that's even possibly within driving distance. Our experience has been that the expertise, resources, and sheer understanding available at children's hospitals so far outstrip what's available elsewhere, that I'd drive across three states if I had to...

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Oh, Erica! Just keep calling. Be a squeaky wheel. Ask, "Is there anything else we can rule out?" Ask, "Is there a specialist you would recommend that we see?" Ask, "Have you been able to schedule that MRI yet? We can go today, if you can get us in."


I know you're polite and deferential, and you don't have to be *difficult*, but don't let them ignore you either. (And I don't mean that anyone would on purpose -- just that there are many things they must do, and it's easy for the quieter things to slip through the cracks.)


And I'll put in a plug again for a children's hospital over anywhere else, if there's one that's even possibly within driving distance. Our experience has been that the expertise, resources, and sheer understanding available at children's hospitals so far outstrip what's available elsewhere, that I'd drive across three states if I had to...


Thanks, Abbey. There is a children's hospital two hours away. In your experience, what would you recommend having done there? Having the MRI? Seeing a specialist? I have no experience with any of this, so I'm not sure what could be done locally, and what should be done at a children's hospital when possible.

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Seriously, I would go to the children's hospital. When you tell them what is going on, esp with the doc wanting to have an MRI, they'll keep her til they figure out the problem. They'll be able to also observe her for a longer period of time in order to notice the extent of the discomfort, etc.


I would not hesitate.


In Sept 07, my daughter was having some odd symptoms. We called the doc, no big deal. Then something odd happened so we took her to the local hospital. The doctor gave us his opinion and prescription. We were to follow up with our family doc in 2 weeks. The following day, I really was uncomfy. That afternoon, my daughter, almost 15yrs old and not expressive AT ALL, was crying at Walmart. I dreaded the idea of driving to Dallas and stayng in emergency who knows how long, but I couldn't shake that somethign was WRONG.


We took my daughter in. They kept her! She could have died at any time. She WOULD have died had we followed the ER doc's advice. My daughter's life was saved by us going to Chldren's.


Hopefully your child's issue isn't so desperate. If it is something minor (like I described earlier in this thread), GREAT, but you and your child are stressed and that isn't good. You'll either have peace of mind or can be working on a treatment plan if you just go.


ETA: Two things....first, when you go, you just are really honest and FREE with information. SHARE everything. Don't minimize ANYTHING and don't make conclusions. JUST share FACTS and be CLEAR. They have all the resources all in one spot to figure out what is going on.


Second--Think worse case scenario for a second. Will you EVER forgive yourself for not advocating strongly enough for your kiddo if she gets worse or has a really bad situation? No, of course not. And yet, if you go and it's "nothing" then you what? spent up a little bit of time and frustrated a nurse or two or doc or two?


It was really this latter thing that got us when we were trying to decide, at 6pm, whether to go ahead to Children's just 24 hours after an uneventful ER visit AND talking to a nurse from our congregation AND talking to the nurse at our family doctor. It would STINK to sit up at Children's ALL night (and we were pretty sure it would be overnight by that time). It would stink to have doctors and nurses think we were overreacting. I felt so dumb telling the nurse we had taken her to the ER the night before. But I would have hated myself FOREVER had my little girl been severely hurt or died because I hadn't taken her. And it turns out, it WAS life or death in her situation. Her kidneys, liver, heart, everything were struggling by that time!


I don't mean to sound scary. It is VERY likely your daughter has something minor and will be FINE. But what if....


TRUST your instincts...

Edited by 2J5M9K
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My prayers are with you. My youngest son had a migraine headache when he was just over 3 and they had to do a CT scan because migraines are so uncommon in children his age. I was absolutely terrifed and I definitely know that feeling of fear. I pray that God will hold you both close during this time and that your daughter has something much different than a brain tumor and much less serious.

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Oh, Erica. I'll be praying for your sweet dd. The others are right - pack that child up and make the drive. Go into the ER if you have to. Just get her to a children's hospital.



Ria ETA: Are you headed towards Philadelphia? We are an hour away from both CHOP and AI Dupont. You are more than welcome to stay here if you need a place. If you need to get in touch, pm me.

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Exactly what the others have said, Erica: Pack her up and go to the ER at the Children's Hospital. Tell them *everything*. Do NOT minimize anything.


I wouldn't go to a regular ER, I would drive hours to the Children's Hospital. Is there anyone you can leave your boys with?


Once you're there, they will order the tests they need and call in the right specialists.

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Exactly what the others have said, Erica: Pack her up and go to the ER at the Children's Hospital. Tell them *everything*. Do NOT minimize anything.


I wouldn't go to a regular ER, I would drive hours to the Children's Hospital. Is there anyone you can leave your boys with?


Once you're there, they will order the tests they need and call in the right specialists.


Okay, I've talked to dh and we have a plan. We are going to take Libby to CHOP early tomorrow morning. I wish it could be today, because of the Saturday issue, but this program tonight is EXTREMELY important to her, and it would crush her to miss it. If it turns out to be nothing serious with her health, as it could and hopefully will, and she missed the program for this, I would feel really terrible. She ate a salad for lunch and seems to be feeling a bit better, so she'll be able to sing, I think. Of course if it were immediately life-threatening we'd be at CHOP this afternoon, who cares about the program, but I really believe in my gut that tomorrow will be fine. Dh is totally onboard with the decision to go, (if anything he is actually way more worried than I am!) and I have care set up for the boys. We also have friends in Philly that we can stay with if we need to. (Thank you so much for that kind offer, though, Ria, that was really nice for you to offer!!)


Thank you so much everyone! I'll update soon.:grouphug:

Edited by Erica in PA
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I wish it could be today, because of the Saturday issue


If it makes you feel better, when we had the issue described on page 7 of this thread, it was a Saturday night. Even with a Saturday night/Sunday morning situation, they were able to get my daughter stabilized and going into the right direction. She went into full remission by Nov (orig situation was Sept).


Children's Hospitals are always ready :)

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Thanks, Abbey. There is a children's hospital two hours away. In your experience, what would you recommend having done there? Having the MRI? Seeing a specialist? I have no experience with any of this, so I'm not sure what could be done locally, and what should be done at a children's hospital when possible.


Erica, get in your car and drive there, walk into the ER, explain what is going on and that your daughter is worsening RAPIDLY. After a few particular situations with my punkins I don't think I can ever live more than a couple of hours away from a children's hospital. Go. They are a great asset and will see her IMMEDIATELY. Take some books, water bottles, DVDs, whatever misc. stuff you might take with you for a day in the park (plus maybe a comfort item for her) and go.



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When DD was very young she had to have an MRI for what could have been a very serious problem. Thankfully it was nothing. May it be so for you!


I would recommend that you sit down today and list your observations by date or rough timeframe. That way when you see the doctors you can be very clear and coherent without having to think on your feet too much.


I would not wait until morning to go to the children's hospital, personally, but wonder whether you could go and come back before the recital, or maybe leave right from the recital to go there. But this is YOUR decision, and the singing does sound like it's very special to your family. Still, the worsening of symptoms and the lethargy is quite alarming to me. I wonder whether this has gotten worse so slowly that everyone has gotten kind of used to it. It sounds urgent to me at this point.



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I would recommend that you sit down today and list your observations by date or rough timeframe. That way when you see the doctors you can be very clear and coherent without having to think on your feet too much.



This is very good advice! It can be so overwhelming to try to remember all the details and not leave out anything important when going over something like this...


If you're not planning to go in till tomorrow, then taking this afternoon to pull together a timeline of the symptoms (and what you've already checked out -- like the trip to the optometrist, etc) would be a good idea.


Also right down any questions you have, so you don't forget to ask. And be sure you take a notebook and pen with you, so you can write down everything anyone says. If they're going too fast, say, "Excuse me, can you hold on a second while I get this down?" or "Could you spell that for me?" Inevitably the stress in a situation like that makes it hard to internalize all the information coming at you. Notes can be very, very valuable.

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If it makes you feel better, when we had the issue described on page 7 of this thread, it was a Saturday night. Even with a Saturday night/Sunday morning situation, they were able to get my daughter stabilized and going into the right direction. She went into full remission by Nov (orig situation was Sept).


Children's Hospitals are always ready :)


Emergent issues are always dealt with, even if more personnel must be brought in-absolutely. I don't want to leave an impression that an emergency wouldn't receive care. However, there are just simply fewer people on the weekends and that's just the way it is.

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If she were my daughter, I would drive to the Children's Hospital tonight. If you arrive after midnight, they are generally less crowded. If they plan to admit her, you want her near the top of he list for a bed. Often there is a wait for beds, and you just have to sit in the ER. They discharge children in the morning, so if your bed request is in first thing, your wait should be shorter. At least this has been my experience dealing with my son's multiple admissions.


You should get excellent care at a Children's Hospital and find just the right specialists. Hopefully it will be nothing.

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If they plan to admit her, you want her near the top of he list for a bed. Often there is a wait for beds, and you just have to sit in the ER.


I do agree with the idea of going late tonight in order to get the first bed tomorrow if there is a wait. We spent all night in the ER though they did move us to a private out of the way area once they knew they were going to admit her. Because of the wait list on the Nephrology unit, they put her on another unit first, but thankfully we were there only long enough to admit and eat. It was a nice unit, but it was nice to get to our "new home." She had a very nice private room on the Renal unit.


ANyway, all that to say that it is possible that you'd end up waiting a whole extra day if she were admitted if you go in the morning and get to wait in the ER all morning. A room would be much more comfy than ER or a temporary room.


But of course, we're still hoping that it ends up being something WAY minor and you don't have to worry about a room. Still....

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Certainly go to a Children's hospital ER. Likely they can do the MRI ASAP---as in within 1-2 hours or less. They have someone there that can read them right away as well.


We have done 8-10 MRIs for each of my girls and they are not bad. Our hospital has video goggles so my girls get upset that the MRI is done before the movie they picked out is done.


Make sure you tell them EXACTLY what is going on and that she is getting WORSE.


Pack a bag as if you were staying the night. You might not need it but if you do, you will be glad to have it. Take along the cell phone charger and some books.


keep us posted.

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Update: The good news is that Libby did GREAT tonight at her program, and was feeling better and acting more normally than she has in a week!! The bad news is: we don't know what to do now. Going to CHOP seems a bit excessive now that she seemed pretty much fine tonight (she told me she still had the dizziness, stomachache, and headache, but they weren't as bad.) Late this afternoon my pediatrician's office called back and told me that they were able to get her in to have an MRI done tomorrow at 1:00, but that sedation wouldn't be an option-- they said the person that does sedation won't be in tomorrow. I'm just not sure that dd is capable of lying still for 20-40 minutes, or that she won't be really scared of the machine. The other option is going to Hershey Medical Center, which is a better facility than we have here, but only 50 min. away, and they do have a children's hospital there, though it doesn't have its own ER.


Any thoughts?

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My advice: go to the Children's hospital. They routinely help kids through potentially scary situations and procedures. And they almost always have people either in the hospital or on call (i.e. less than 30 minutes away) to come in to help (for instance, sedation with an MRI) as needed.


The way I see it your dd isn't necessarily "fine"; it's just that the symptoms have abated for the moment. I vote for going to the children's hospital tonight. Of course, it's probably almost 11p where you are and I'm jumping in late. Good luck with everything. I hope you figure out what's going on with your precious one.

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I've had little punkins go through MRIs and head CTs, and etc., etc. I'd go to CHOP. Tomorrow.


YMMV, and I hope it does, but *I* found the MRI machine a little freaky and I have no issues/illusions surrounding all that, unlike most children, you know?



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I agree. I've been following you posts and praying for you guys all day... I think anything with headache and dizzyness for an extended period is time to "overreact". I think an MRI on an un-sedated child will be almost impossible. I'd head for the children's hospital, sooner rather than later. Take care and let us know!

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I've had little punkins go through MRIs and head CTs, and etc., etc. I'd go to CHOP. Tomorrow.


YMMV, and I hope it does, but *I* found the MRI machine a little freaky and I have no issues/illusions surrounding all that, unlike most children, you know?




I agree, I found the MRI machine really scary too. I was talking to myself in my head the entire time, "Don't freak out. Everything is fine. Pretend you're back in high school and in a tanning bed." :tongue_smilie:But yeah, the noise, the small space, the fact that you can see nothing--- it's all scary, imo. I'm just wondering if the Hershey children's hospital would be good enough.

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I am assuming when you say the one in Hershey doesn't have their own ER that you mean they share the ER with the adult hospital. We have a children's hospital here that is like that if you go late at night. It isn't too bad, but sometimes the issues adults are in with are scary to my children. They are less likely to see schizophrenics talking to themselves, gunshot victims, and people arguing or intixicated in the Children's only ER. The quality of the care has been comparable, but the CHildren's ER tends to have more staff and supplies to calm and entertain the children. In my opinion, an ER that is in a hospital that at least has a children's hospital is better than just a general hospital, but not quite as good as an ER specifically for children. I hope that made sense. It's been a busy day here and it's getting late.

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We went through something similar with my 11yo son back in the fall.


He had a MRI of the brain with and without contract. 2 hours in a MRI machine without sedation at the childrens hospital.


I was right their with him, he did have an anxiety attach and a portion of the MRI had to be redone.


Anyway after all the anxiety and lots of prayer, his symptoms disappeared and the MRI showed nothing


he has not had a recurrence


The Lord still works miracles and I'll be praying that your child will be healed.

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