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All I want for Christmas is A DAUGHTER

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I have two wonderful boys that I love with everything that I am. They are my life's reason. I wouldn't give them up for anything. But....


I want a daughter. Really badly. I am the only girl (2 brothers) and I am extremely close with my mother. There is just something about a mother-daughter relationship that is different, ya know? (My mom always says a son is a son until he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter all of her life :D).


On top of it, we suffer from "secondary infertility"...my oldest ds is a birth child and it is a miracle we were able to have him. We adopted our second ds from Korea and it cost a fortune but it is so worth it.


So our only option for having a daughter is to adopt again. We could probably save up for about a year and be able to afford it but it would put other big decisions on hold (like our dream to move back to NC). I always hear these stories about women who find out some teenage girl in their church or neighborhood or that they know through a friend of a friend of a friend, is pregnant and they are able to adopt the baby.


That never happens to me. Ever. I would do it in a heartbeat.


I am rambling...but I wonder if the ache for a daughter will go away? Is it worth it to put a whole lot of things on hold and spend $30,000 to adopt a girl? Any mothers out there with all boys ever wish they had a girl? Any mothers who can relate to this at all???? :(

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I have three boys and never really experienced "girl lust." I wonder if I will wish I had a girl when everyone is grown, but for now, I am content. I am really close to my mother, but DH is also close to his, and I adore her.


But I can relate to wanting something badly and wondering if it's worth the financial and emotional price. If you want to adopt a baby, that badly, I would put that above other goals including a move back to NC - much as I think living in NC is a total lifetime priority! If you are experiencing a long term ache, perhaps that is something God is putting in your heart, Heather. $30,000 is a lot of money, but I bet when you are 60, it won't seem like as much to you - if you have a daughter, you wouldn't trade her for a million, and if you don't, might you not regret it?

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If you can rustle up the means to do it, adopt.


My boys are 17 & 12. The ache has not gone away. Every once in a while, it grips me, and I feel a rush of confusion and dismay -- where is my daughter? I never imagined that I would live out my life without one. But there it is. I hope to have wonderful daughters-in-law. I keep track of all the mother-in-law complaints so I can avoid becoming one of those.

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:grouphug: Heather


I haven't experienced what you have and I don't really have any words of wisdom. I have 2 boys and can't honestly say I feel the same desire for a girl, although lately I've found myself thinking more about what it would be like to have a daughter. But I haven't walked in your shoes and haven't experienced infertility.


I could hear the pain in your post and I just wanted to give you a virtual hug. I don't know what God has planned for you...and I don't know what these feelings you have mean. But I do know that God loves you and has good things planned for you...maybe it is to adopt a daughter, maybe you'll be an wonderful MIL one day to a girl, maybe have a special relationship with a granddaughter.

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I too ache for a daughter. The funny thing is that I am not crazy about the idea of raising a daughter...all the drama that typically goes along with girls drives me batty! ;) Yet, I love the relationship I have with my mom as an adult and I long for that someday with my own daughter.


I am blessed with three amazing boys whom I adore with all my heart. I have tried to explain to friends that it's not that I don't want another boy it's just that I really, really want a girl. I have had 3 miscarriages, the most recent just 2 months ago and we are almost certain that baby was a girl. I am still not sure if I want to get pregnant again to try again for that girl; I'm not certain I can endure the heartache of losing another pregnancy.


Just wanted to let you know that I completely understand that longing. My dh is a pastor and I have told our on staff counselors that if teenager comes to them in crisis to please direct her to me. We are at a very large church and it has happened a few times. I don't know if it will ever happen again but I have been praying. Not that I want any sweet teenage girl to experience the heartache of an unplanned pregnancy but we, like you, would adopt that baby in a heartbeat.


Hugs to you and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. :grouphug:

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(((Heather))), hugs and sympathy. I think you should look into adoption again. There are some countries that are less expensive, such as Ethiopia, if you're willing to go that route. It is one of my biggest desires to adopt, so I know a little bit of that longing feeling. Hope you find peace whatever you decide.

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I totally agree with Danestress! A daughter, your daughter, is worth more than money and if you can swing the financials and your husband knows this is the right thing to do as well, I'd waste no more time wishing and start actively pursuing an adoption. Maybe ask prayer circles to pray for adoption opportunities to open up for you, you never know, you could be an answer to someone else's prayer! You have kids, you know the nitty-gritty, this isn't just about wanting to buy pink stuff and hairbows. You know the process and what it is really like. I'll be praying for you!

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I am blessed with three amazing boys whom I adore with all my heart. I have tried to explain to friends that it's not that I don't want another boy it's just that I really, really want a girl. I have had 3 miscarriages, the most recent just 2 months ago and we are almost certain that baby was a girl. I am still not sure if I want to get pregnant again to try again for that girl; I'm not certain I can endure the heartache of losing another pregnancy.




I am so sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I am a mom of three little boys who are the delight of my life. I never imagined myself with boys.... isn't it funny sometimes what life brings? We are done having kids. I think I'm at my max of what I can handle physically, emotionally, and mentally. But if I were in your situation, and both my husband and I wanted more, I think I would go for the adoption.


I longed for a girl while pregnant all 3 times. I missed not getting to buy all the adorable girl baby clothes. But now that I am past the baby stage, that longing has almost disappeared.


The time I'm worried about is when the boys leave home. I am one of 3 girls. We, along with my wonderful mother, are all best friends. We all live within 15 minutes of each other. (I am only 2 country miles away from my mom.) The thing is, that isn't guaranteed even with a family of girls, ya know? A family friend with 3 girls and 1 boy ended up with the most awesome daughter in law. I'm ordering 3 of her, LOL!

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I have felt this very intensely. It is lessening now. But after my second son was born I looked into all the different options and if we had had the financial ability I would have followed up.


There is a yahoo group that I loved during that time, mothers of boys who had adopted or were adopting or thinking of adopting girls. It is called Mothers Wanting Daughters. It is a really safe place to talk about these feelings without risk of criticism. I highly recommend it if you are considering adoption.




(There seems to be a Yahoo group for everything these days!)


Good luck. Right now, my second son is almost four and I am feeling almost over that need. I don't know if it will ever go away completely.

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As you can see by my sig I am the mother of 3 wonderful boys...and a newly adopted daughter. I don't know what your foster system is like in your state, but I would recommend that you check into it. Your only true investment is your time and your faith. We were blessed with our daughter on the same day that our licensing was approved- she came home at 1 day old. Her adoption was finalized when she was 8 months old. She is a true blessing, and I love the added bonus of getting to see her big brothers devotion and tender hearts toward her.


Hugs to you- feel free to pm me if you have any questions!


Merry Christmas:001_smile:

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Oh yeah, I can relate. However, I did want to point out the fact that not every mother-daughter relationship is close, no matter how much one party would like for it to be. I know that's not the only reason you are longing for a daughter, but relationships don't always work out the way we want them to which can be extremely disappointing.


I've struggled with this area too, and it's only been recently that I have felt complete with our family. My prayers are with you. Good luck in whatever avenue you decide to pursue!

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Well, I'm on the other side. I have five daughters and long for a son. I do not have a close relationship with my mom. I'm closer to dh's parents and my dad.


Really, I think I'd feel this way with all boys, too. I just always imagined I'd have at least one son and one daughter. I was bitterly disappointed when we found out #5 is also a girl. It was nothing about her....It was the realization that I'd probably never have a son that was difficult to deal with. She's now 6 months old and I love her to pieces. I do still have the ache, though. I hope that will go away someday.... Dh is completely fine with not having any sons.


Dh is done, done, done so we probably won't have any more biological children nor do I think he'd be open to adopting. I worry, since I don't have a good relationship with my mom, that my daughters will all grow up to be like me and prefer their MILs over their mother. :(


I'm sorry you're feeling this way. It's really an awful feeling. There's a Gender Disappointment website that was helpful to me when I was dealing with this actively. :grouphug: Of course I'm thankful for my five healthy children, but that doesn't change the difficulty reconciling what you'd always hoped and dreamed about with a reality that is different.

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It is a miracle that I have one. We went through infertility to have him. I was working as a consultant about 70-80 hours a week. The hormones were very hard on me because of migraines when my period is 2-3 days away. The infertility drugs is like PMS squared.


My working associates were taking bets on how long I could last at home with an infant. I never went back and choose to HS my son. I never could have guessed how things would have worked out.


I've wanted a girl for a very long time, but now I'm choosing contentment. If we went overseas for an extended contract with my husband I'd jump at the chance to adopt.

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Shaohannah's Hope: has grants available to adoptive parents.

After the birth of my 3rd we didn't get pg again for a long while (5 1/2 yrs). After the 4th year of longing- which no one understood- I had 3 already, both genders, I finally "told" God that I needed Him to remove the overwhelming longing from me to have another child or to fulfill it.

I pray that God fulfills your desire in a beautiful way.




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I am pleased with the two boys God gave to me, but there are times I do wish I had that little girl to dress up and chat with and do girl things with. But alas, there is no guarantee I would ever have a girl even if I did get pregnant again. That, and I don't really want to be pregnant again.


I can't say I ache for it like you do though...

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Hugs, I totally understand the longing for a baby girl. I am shocked that after my 3 boys we had a baby girl. I cant see the longing for a daughter going away... I'd try to adopt if at all possible. I too sent out feelers to family and friends letting them know my dh and I were interested in adopting, nothing ever came of it. Thankfully we got a surprise... I got pg on my own, and it was a baby girl. I cried.... heck I am still in shock! I feel so blessed.



And I'd still like to adopt a baby girl!

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Well, the adoption tax credit is $11,000 so it wouldn't really cost $30,000 in the end right? Also, move to NC before the adoption, and they'll give another $5000 credit for adoption.


Have you considered special needs adoption? Special needs adoptions are often discounted considerably for international adoption. Of course, going through the foster system is free, so that's an option too.

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I have one of each, so I can't relate.

However DH comes from a family of 5 boys. To top it off, he only had boy cousins. There isn't a single girl in his family. He grew up without the companionship of a sister.

Now that he has a girl, he's "catching up". He favours the girl over the boy, who does not deserve it. Yet, he does not understand how little girls think and feel.


Having a girl might be a desire in your heart, but it will also impact your boys. I don't know if they're growing up with (a few) girls around them or not, but that might also be a factor to take into consideration.


Best decision-making to you!

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I didn't get to the other 2 pages of replies, I have like a small window of time before I have to play Santa Claus but I have secondary infertility also. I had a stillbirth, perfect pregnancy resulting in 17ds, then a miscarriage at 12 wks. Then nothing. For 6 yrs of trying. But then I decided to do fertility treatments. I don't know if you have but I have 2 daughters from them and would do another round in a heartbeat.


It is alot less expensive than adoption. My 2cents.

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Oh Heather. I wish I knew the right thing to say. I never knew how much I wanted a girl until I got one. Now, I'd love to give her a sister! But, secondary infertility and miscarraiges have gotten in the way. We, too, have put our names out there to any teenage mom with a crisis pregnancy. You know, I agree with the other posters who have said that $30,000 seems like a lot of money right now, but SO worth it in the long run.


We're in a situation where we know a 9 year old girl is for adoption. She's currently a foster child with my parents. We've been praying about this situation for a long time. I always thought if I adopted, it'd be a baby!


I'll pray for you and your beautiful family. :grouphug:


Merry Christmas.

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I love my 3 boys dearly and wouldn't trade them for the world. They each are such a special part of our family. I do have such a longing for a daughter. It hits me this time of the year when there are mother/daughter teas that our friends go to and I'm called to see if the little boys can hang at my house. I don't have a good relationship with my mom and I was always a little scared that if I had a daughter, she and I would have the same struggles.


We've also looked into adoption. International adoption just get so pricey and hubby isn't willing to take out a loan for it. We need to save up. We may look into the foster system to go that route. We have no idea what the future holds, but we both know we'd love another child and that because of a heart issue (not life threatening, I know weird) it isn't in the best interest of my health to have another.


One of the things that gets me though is trying to find Christmas outfits for the boys and seeing all those gorgeous little girl dresses. Sigh...

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{{{hugs}}} Can't relate to wanting a girl - but can relate to simply wanting another baby so badly it hurts - and knowing that will not happen. After many years of marriage and hoping, we had a miscarriage, then finally we were blessed with our ds. God gave us no more and that, along with ds's cancer, is hard and hurts, but God is God and He IS still on the throne. Someday the ache will go away, but until then I have to simply bow to His will and His way.


I pray, Heather, that God sees fit to bless you this coming year with the desire of your heart! May His blessings overtake you!

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{{{hugs}}} Can't relate to wanting a girl - but can relate to simply wanting another baby so badly it hurts - and knowing that will not happen. After many years of marriage and hoping, we had a miscarriage, then finally we were blessed with our ds. God gave us no more and that, along with ds's cancer, is hard and hurts, but God is God and He IS still on the throne. Someday the ache will go away, but until then I have to simply bow to His will and His way.


I pray, Heather, that God sees fit to bless you this coming year with the desire of your heart! May His blessings overtake you!


This really made me cry. I am so sorry for the hurt you've endured and inspired by your faith.

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A cousin with 5 sons (and one miscarried dd) recently adopted a toddler dd from Central America. Another cousin with 4 sons adopted 2 sisters and a brother (biracial) through foster care. I guess our clan enjoys big families! My sil has adopted 3 dc (2 girls and a special needs boy) through foster care. She still keeps foster dc, though she's decided not to adopt anymore due to her age. It's amazing how many young dc have been abandoned by their parents. Sometimes their adoptability (is that a word?) takes time while the courts terminate parental rights. But you would have time to get to know the dc before you made a permanent decision . . .


You are already a parent. You know that there is no "happily ever after" and sometimes dc arrive (even in our biological families) with special needs or hurts. If you know that having a dd will not complete your fairy tale, if you are open to wider opportunities, I believe you and your dh can make it happen.


If I were you, I would pray for God's leading. I would speak to a counselor or clergyman about my emotions. I would talk to my sons about how our family might change. And I would pray for contentment each day . . .



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Our oldest is a daughter. I really wanted her to be a girl, the next one a boy, and the one after that a girl. I lucked out on the first two. The last three were boys. I really wanted a girl each of the last three times.


Now, I love my boys, but I wasn't counting on having four boys. I'm 38, too, and I'm just not sure about continuing to have kids just to keep trying to get a girl. But I'm not sure about adopting, either. We may just call it quits and hope our daughter doesn't mind having the majority of the care of her parents on her when we're old.


I know, everybody will have a story about how this or that boy takes great care of his elderly parents. I am sure that is true. But in my family (10 siblings), it has been the girls that have done the lion's share of caring for elderly parents, and 100% of the emotional support of them. I really think daughters, despite some of the emotional ups and downs (and my boys have at least as many as my daughter), are an investment.


Please, throw no tomatoes. This is just my experience and point of view.

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You already know the joy of international adoption. If you feel led to adopting a girl, I would certainly investigate all of the options. We did not adopt specifically to add a daughter to our family, but I cannot imagine our lives w/out our 2 girls. (both IA) IF it were me (and I don't know you and we may be so very different) I would want to investigate all of the options available and pray and see where my family was led. I love all 4 of my dc and have different and lovely relationships w/ each. Best of luck to you during this time of decision making. :grouphug:

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  • 1 year later...

YES this thread is from two years ago almost to the day.


I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I typed it. I can still remember exactly how I felt when I typed it. Heart-sick. Despondent. Absolutely sure I would never have a daughter.


One year and two days later she was born. God has such amazing timing. I mean, she could have been born any day of the year. But I made a christmas wish for a daughter and one year later ON CHRISTMAS ....He granted it.


And it is now one year AFTER He granted me my heart's desire. She turns one year old next weekend...on christmas. And today I went to a bakery and ordered the biggest, pinkest, girliest, most flowery birthday cake they could make for her party!!


When I read that thread from two years ago...it is eery how prophetic it is...right down to the way she came into our lives...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was meant for me. She is a miracle...an answer to prayer...


She is my DAUGHTER. :001_wub:

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Another Christmas Miracle...and answer to so many prayers. This made me smile today! :D




ETA: It made me cry too. Our God is an Awesome God....I need to always remember that and act like i KNOW it.


Have a very Merry Christmas...and an awesome girly birthday party.




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Tears are rolling down my cheeks. God is so good. I'm so happy for you Heather. I remember reading all those posts when it seemed she wasn't going to be yours and then the wonderful announcement that it was final - she became your daughter. How can we ever doubt Him? He doeth all things well. Hooray for pink!!!:)

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YES this thread is from two years ago almost to the day.


I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I typed it. I can still remember exactly how I felt when I typed it. Heart-sick. Despondent. Absolutely sure I would never have a daughter.


One year and two days later she was born. God has such amazing timing. I mean, she could have been born any day of the year. But I made a christmas wish for a daughter and one year later ON CHRISTMAS ....He granted it.


And it is now one year AFTER He granted me my heart's desire. She turns one year old next weekend...on christmas. And today I went to a bakery and ordered the biggest, pinkest, girliest, most flowery birthday cake they could make for her party!!


When I read that thread from two years ago...it is eery how prophetic it is...right down to the way she came into our lives...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was meant for me. She is a miracle...an answer to prayer...


She is my DAUGHTER. :001_wub:


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Such a nice story. Congratulations, Heather!


I'm humbled and a bit ashamed to read your stories, as I was one who wanted a son. I had a ds first, then my dd. My dd (3) is baffling to me. That said, for a second child, I did want a girl as I wanted to experience one of each. I think more like a boy, I understand boys better as I'm more masculine than most women I know. I do enjoy dd, and I'm starting to get glimpses here and there, to observe and try to relate. I'm thankful that she has a girly aunt and great aunt who love dressing her up and doing her hair. To me, it's a chore, but I try hard to hide it and smile. I had to go on YouTube to learn how to make a bun for her ballet! And of course she loves pink, dresses, everything I never did as a child. My mom, who lives a country away, is delighted to finally have a female like that as I'm her only child and never been girly.


As they say, God gives you what you need.


Dh says I should try and participate more in girly things so she doesn't gravitate towards other women that may not be good examples to her (one comes to mind). I'm trying. I grit my teeth and surround her with pink (I don't like pink), and all that. That said, I think she's gorgeous, adorable, and practically has me wrapped around her little finger (Daddy is stricter with her, as he's a bit more feminine in nature, plays princesses with her, and enjoys art). I find her irresistable, I guess as she's the opposite of me LOL


I do hang on to those things that we do have in common, like our interests in baking and cooking. She's my cooker maker helper :)


I was closer to my Dad, who passed away 8 years ago, and my mom and I have a love-hate relationship. I love her, but she's a very difficult, high-maintenance, emotional person. She takes everything to heart, personally, and she's hurt me terribly in the past. I'm sure I have too, as she told me many times. As my dh said once, she would even find fault with God in heaven. As a result, she alienates everyone, so I'm her only source of attention and love. I'm very busy, and try my hardest to call and write as much as I can (which is at the bare minimum every four days, but if she doesn't hear from me in 4 days she'll start complaining, crying, etc. She's also hard to talk to, as she thinks everyone hates her and is very negative. She's the type of person people tell you to avoid when you're pregnant.


Guess what? I'm having another girl. Sorry for the very long post, but I guess reading this thread has been some important sort of therapy to me. I want to be closer to my daughters, and not hurt her as my mom did. I want to accept them as they are, and not trying to mold them to be something they're not. That's not to say I'm not secretly hoping my next girl will be like me, more of a tomboy and love cars. Even my ds doesn't care much about cars! Neither does my dh. On the other hand, fewer things excite me more than car shows :tongue_smilie:

Edited by sagira
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I will pray for you. This is something I understand.

I had always wanted a daughter, just something about having my own girl. I was blessed with three boys that I love, but there was a special place in my heart waiting for a daughter to fill. One night, after my 2nd was born, God showed me 3 boys and a girl. I had to wait 12 loooooong years and before i saw Gods promise fulfilled.

God is good and will give you the desires of your heart.

I will keep you in my prayers because I do understand.

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YES this thread is from two years ago almost to the day.


I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I typed it. I can still remember exactly how I felt when I typed it. Heart-sick. Despondent. Absolutely sure I would never have a daughter.


One year and two days later she was born. God has such amazing timing. I mean, she could have been born any day of the year. But I made a christmas wish for a daughter and one year later ON CHRISTMAS ....He granted it.


And it is now one year AFTER He granted me my heart's desire. She turns one year old next weekend...on christmas. And today I went to a bakery and ordered the biggest, pinkest, girliest, most flowery birthday cake they could make for her party!!


When I read that thread from two years ago...it is eery how prophetic it is...right down to the way she came into our lives...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was meant for me. She is a miracle...an answer to prayer...


She is my DAUGHTER. :001_wub:



Wow....what an amazing 2 years you have had! She was born to be your daughter Heather!

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