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Glad game

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I think I really need to be playing the glad game

Care to join in?

I am glad the car motor packed it in because.... Having trouble with this one

So glad the washing machine broke after I had washed the sheets. So glad DH is clever and can fix things.  .. but when he plugged it in to test it there was an almighty bang... So now I can be glad.... Um...... To get a new one maybe? Though that doesn't feel like I am playing the game  ..

Please help me to be looking on the positive side.  A very old lady once gave me some great advice. Life is all about  having the right attitude, makes it better for everyone including yourself 

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Posted (edited)

So glad I am so ill and have to sit all day because I can do lots of sewing

So glad I need to lie down every afternoon for a few hours cause now I will have time to crotchet a flower cardigan. Once I master crocheting while lying flat. So glad to learn new skills

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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I am glad the specialists think they know the reason why I have suddenly developed debilitating headaches that are affecting my ability to peform At my brand new shiny dream job.

The rest isn’t so great, but we have a reason and a fix at least, and they think they can correct it all non surgically.

And I am glad we are finally maybe getting snow, even if it looks like two days later we’ll be getting several inches of rain that will wash it all away. I’m glad the kids can go play outdoors for a day or two.

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I'm glad I have OCD so that I can understand others who have similar disorders. Mental illness is NOT a matter of lack of willpower / lack of faith / lack of character / lack of essential oils. 😉 

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Hugs. I know you didn’t post for sympathy but that sounds frustrating. Sometimes it’s ok to just say “it is what it is”. Not putting a positive spin on everything doesn’t mean you’re whining just that you’re real.

I hope you do get a nice new washing machine that you love. Maybe you can get some different features that make things a bit easier if someone else needs to handle some of the laundry while you rest. 

It does always feel like everything decides to give up at once sometimes.

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Love this topic! Great way to think about what’s happening in a positive way!

So here’s mine:

I am really glad I’ve been sick for 3 weeks because my DH has taken an interest  in learning to cook!


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Well after DH driving 7 hours to buy the car and 3 hours on the way home the new car stopped working.  DH just rung me to tell me. He said he is super glad that just a few moments before he had pulled off the freeway cause he wanted to stretch his legs. Cause the car just died completely 

He didn't even know I was playing the glad game and he is participating. 

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Melissa, I'm sorry about the car, but I'm so glad your DH wasn't in a wreck because it failed. That would be terrible.


I'm glad to have to pay so much attention to what we eat, even though it's expensive and time-consuming; I'll probably live longer for it, and it may even lead to a new career in a few years (considering going for an MS in nutrition and becoming an RD).

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I am so grateful that this past two weeks with everyone so sick, it has just been normal terribly sick kids stuff--no dealing with the kid on chemo has a fever, and even though it is almost certainly the same thing as his siblings, we need him to spend the day in the ER running tests and test his blood counts over and over again in case it knocks his immune system too low and maybe iv antibiotics and we need to pull him off the treatment that is keeping his cancer in check.  That was over two years on chemo whenever someone brought a bug home.

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Heaps of glad this morning

So glad that our other car is the other end the state, otherwise I might be tempted to drive to a laundromat and I am medically not allowed to drive atm

So glad it is hot day because the hand washed clothes will get dry. Stiff but dry

Supper glad that when I hang up the wet clothes after handwashing I can put potted plants underneath and they will get watered from all the dripping

Oh I am having the most glad morning ever


Poor DH spent the night sleeping in a broken new to us car on the side of the highway. So my morning is going so much better than his . His phone has gone flat so I don't even know what is happening. Haven't worked out the glad aspect of that yet

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This is a stupid game.  I mean, it works for some stuff, like kids being sick with normal kid sickness and not anything serious.  It becomes an exercise in toxic positivity when you’re trying to find things to be grateful for about things that just unabashedly suck all around, like most of what poor @Melissa in Australia is going through.  

Unless it makes you feel better. But nobody should feel obligated to find the positive in things that are just plain awful.  

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24 minutes ago, Terabith said:

This is a stupid game.  I mean, it works for some stuff, like kids being sick with normal kid sickness and not anything serious.  It becomes an exercise in toxic positivity when you’re trying to find things to be grateful for about things that just unabashedly suck all around, like most of what poor @Melissa in Australia is going through.  

Unless it makes you feel better. But nobody should feel obligated to find the positive in things that are just plain awful.  

I need help 

I am to not be stressed at all for medical reasons.

I am trying to keep it all together. I need to find the smallest good in things. To keep completely calm on the inside. To focus on that. I don't want to end up back in hospital 

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Dh's diagnoses of Esophageal cancer has been extremely stressful, but I am glad that it was discovered early due to a related, but different condition, and I am very very glad that we have good medical insurance so that he can have the treatment needed.

There have been some serious complications of the major surgery that he had (oesophagogastrectomy) and some of the last nearly six weeks - and counting - in hospital have been very tough.  I'm very glad that he is improving and I'm also glad that this has given us a lot of time to just talk, reconnect, and set goals for the future.

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Just now, Hannah said:

Dh's diagnoses of Esophageal cancer has been extremely stressful, but I am glad that it was discovered early due to a related, but different condition, and I am very very glad that we have good medical insurance so that he can have the treatment needed.

There have been some serious complications of the major surgery that he had (oesophagogastrectomy) and some of the last nearly six weeks - and counting - in hospital have been very tough.  I'm very glad that he is improving and I'm also glad that this has given us a lot of time to just talk, reconnect, and set goals for the future.

So glad you found some positives there

 My brother had esophageal cancer he was pretty crook for a good 12 months but is 5 years clear so far

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2 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

So glad you found some positives there

 My brother had esophageal cancer he was pretty crook for a good 12 months but is 5 years clear so far

I'm glad that your brother is clear now Melissa!


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I’m glad for my ridiculously strong response to the Covid and Flu vaccines I got last night. It means they’re working. Right? Please tell me it’s a good thing because I feel like crap.  I’m also glad the injection site pain has finally subsided. 

I’m also glad I’m getting this all out of the way on a weekend when the weather is terrible anyway. 

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Had a messy visitor during the night. So glad I worked out the bath plug almost fits into the laundry trough so I could hand wash the kingsize sheets.

So glad it is another hot day to get hand washed clothes dry. 

So glad I am a bit stronger than last week cause I wouldn't have been able to do it then

So glad that dripping wet handwashed sheets  hanging on the verandah with the breeze blowing gently through them acts like an air-conditioned for the loungeroom 

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I think I am glad

It is very hot here today.  I get so exhausted that each day I have to lie down for a few hours in the afternoon

Because it is hot I have a very summery dress on. Half backless. I was laying on the bed. And dozed off. In my dream I heard a russling sound. Then in real life something fell through the ceiling landed on my back and I woke up. It went down my dress 😱😱😱😱

Cause I was half asleep and I could feel something moving down the back of my dress I  started screaming . 

A native hopping mouse came out of my dress and hopped along my bed. Not sure if it is in the bed or if it hopped down to the floor

Both twins burst  into the room to rescue me  from whatever I was screaming about. None of us can find the mouse. Though we all saw it

I have never screamed with a mouse before, but I have never had one go down my dress while I was half asleep either

So glad the mouse came out of my dress.  So glad it wasn't a huntsman. I can't find anything else to be glad about it though


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On 1/4/2024 at 10:00 PM, KatieJ said:

Love this topic! Great way to think about what’s happening in a positive way!

So here’s mine:

I am really glad I’ve been sick for 3 weeks because my DH has taken an interest  in learning to cook!


OMG, I would totally take that bargain! 🙂   (I hope your illness resolves quickly and your dh finds he enjoys cooking!)

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Late to the party, I know, but I employed a similar tactic when diagnosed with breast cancer, using grateful instead of glad. I was grateful I had symptoms, because I had somehow never gotten around to getting a mammogram. Grateful that I was diagnosed in less than 5 days of noticing a symptom. That it happened at the end of the school year instead of in the middle. That is was type II instead of type III or IV. That the effects of chemo could have been a lot worse. That people were willing to send over dinner and watch the kids while I had treatments. Not that cancer is great - I certainly don't recommend it, but dealing with treatment and all is better than the alternative, iykwim.

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11 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I think I am glad

It is very hot here today.  I get so exhausted that each day I have to lie down for a few hours in the afternoon

Because it is hot I have a very summery dress on. Half backless. I was laying on the bed. And dozed off. In my dream I heard a russling sound. Then in real life something fell through the ceiling landed on my back and I woke up. It went down my dress 😱😱😱😱

Cause I was half asleep and I could feel something moving down the back of my dress I  started screaming . 

A native hopping mouse came out of my dress and hopped along my bed. Not sure if it is in the bed or if it hopped down to the floor

Both twins burst  into the room to rescue me  from whatever I was screaming about. None of us can find the mouse. Though we all saw it

I have never screamed with a mouse before, but I have never had one go down my dress while I was half asleep either

So glad the mouse came out of my dress.  So glad it wasn't a huntsman. I can't find anything else to be glad about it though


I would be traumatized! I scream like a child if I see a baby mouse. It’s completely involuntary!

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Was telling my neighbour about the pigmy possum going down the back of my dress. She said she brought her laundry in once, and put on her fresh undies and didn't notice there was a baby  pigmy possum in them until after she had them on...😱😱😱

So so glad I have never had that happen before.

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So glad it is so cold outside, then coming home feels like warm again (without needing to put the heating on high)

Pianotuner was also glad with the cold, because the air is dry now, and that is better for the condition of piano’s.

We are glad having a medium priced piano, so the revision of the piano is also a ‘medium priced’ revision. A more expensive piano has apparently also more expensive revisions… Who knew that?


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6 minutes ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Hopefully it has warranty 

The problem is that we will have to take it back to Melbourne for the warranty. A 400 km drive each way.

I can't even drive atm. DH isn't impressed with the idea. He is having issues with his eyes when he drives long distances..... 

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