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Prayers for dh


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We are in this huge and I mean huge waiting room by ourselves, and these two guys sat back to back to us and I’m ready to choke them. You know on tv, when a person fantasizes they do something crazy like leaping over the chair and choking someone, that’s me right now. They are just talking away about what ladies prefer in bathrooms when camping, going to a bar, shopping, etc. I might lose my mind

Edited by saraha
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14 minutes ago, saraha said:

We are in this huge and I mean huge waiting room by ourselves, and these two guys sat back to back to us and I’m ready to choke them. You know on tv, when a person fantasizes they do something crazy like leaping over the chair and choking someone, that’s me right now. They are just talking away about what ladies prefer in bathrooms when camping, going to a bar, shopping, etc. I might lose my mind

😬 May I suggest getting up and finding different seats rather than murder? (Although I understand the impulse!)

Hope you get more good news at the checkup.

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So dh and I are sitting in a giant crowded waiting room and who should sit down right across from us? Mr Bathroom man! It makes sense that they would be back the same day we are, but they manage to sit right across from us! I leaned over and told dh, and he snorted. 
Please pray that the doctor has good news for us. Thanks!

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15 minutes ago, saraha said:

So dh and I are sitting in a giant crowded waiting room and who should sit down right across from us? Mr Bathroom man! It makes sense that they would be back the same day we are, but they manage to sit right across from us! I leaned over and told dh, and he snorted. 
Please pray that the doctor has good news for us. Thanks!

I was just going to post today and ask how DH is doing.  Good luck - thinking of you.

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Dh got up this morning with changes in the eye that just had surgery. Surgeon said to call immediately if he has any changes, but the soonest he can get in is three this afternoon and his doctor is out of town so we are stuck with retina-bro which dh is not happy about. Dd19 is off work today so able to run everyone around to their things today, because of course today is the last guitar lesson before their big gig at a winery this weekend, and last dance class before recital also this weekend. I also had to call if work so my grumpy old guy is even grumpier. 🤦‍♀️ Prayers that this is nothing would be gratefully appreciated. 

Edited by saraha
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1 minute ago, saraha said:

Dh got up this morning with changes in the eye that just had surgery. Surgeon said to call immediately if he has any changes, but the soonest he can get in is three this afternoon and his doctor is out of town so we are stuck with retina-bro which dh is not happy about. Dd19 is off work today so able to run everyone around to their things today, because of course today is the last guitar lesson before their big gig at a winery this weekend, and last dance class before recital also this weekend. 🤦‍♀️ Prayers that this is nothing would be gratefully appreciated.

Praying now! 

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2 hours ago, saraha said:

Thanks for all the prayers! Turns out everything is ok. And we didn’t have to see retina-bro, we met a nice young doctor who did a much better job explaining what was going on with dh’s eye than his regular doctor. If we had had that explanation last week, we probably could have avoided today. But, glad to know everything is progressing the way they expect.

That's wonderful news!!  🙂

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