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I also live an hour from the hospital and if this were me, I'd get a hotel room (or stay at my moms, shes like 5 minutes from the hospital).  With one pregnancy I had cx that night, we went up and spent the night- they stopped.  The next day we walked and such, went into labor around 3-4pm.  Another one I went to the hospital early, they sent me home at 6PM (idiots, no way was I going home- just our to eat and then to moms).  Baby born at 10PM.  The last one I decided  to go ahead with the induction (lots of reasons).  Got everything situated,  kids at sitters,  bags repacked.  Sat down and had a hard Cx about 9pm.  We just went to moms to chill for a bit, then to the hospital after midnight.  Baby was born before her scheduled induction 😉 So, we don't mess around,  being so far from a hospital.  Do you have a place you could stay?  If not, hotel!  No babies born in a snowstorm on the side of the road!  

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5 minutes ago, BusyMom5 said:

I also live an hour from the hospital and if this were me, I'd get a hotel room (or stay at my moms, shes like 5 minutes from the hospital).  With one pregnancy I had cx that night, we went up and spent the night- they stopped.  The next day we walked and such, went into labor around 3-4pm.  Another one I went to the hospital early, they sent me home at 6PM (idiots, no way was I going home- just our to eat and then to moms).  Baby born at 10PM.  The last one I decided  to go ahead with the induction (lots of reasons).  Got everything situated,  kids at sitters,  bags repacked.  Sat down and had a hard Cx about 9pm.  We just went to moms to chill for a bit, then to the hospital after midnight.  Baby was born before her scheduled induction 😉 So, we don't mess around,  being so far from a hospital.  Do you have a place you could stay?  If not, hotel!  No babies born in a snowstorm on the side of the road!  

My mom’s house isn’t much closer, BUT it also isn’t quite so out of the way like our house. I’m seriously considering a hotel. 

Dh and got caught in a snowstorm back in 2010 in the same area as the hospital. Traffic was creeping along and if you didn’t have 4 wheel drive you got stranded. It took us many many hours to get home. 

I am praying tomorrow is the day.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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2 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

No luck. We’ve been out walking all day. My back is a bit achy, but no actual contractions.

Don't discount this - with my first, I just had that achy back. Started leaking a little fluid, nothing major,  no gush, etc. Went to the hospital "just in case" and they were SHOCKED I'd walked in as I was almost 8 cms already at that point. I was all, "huh??? no, my back just hurts a little bit...." (they had been SURE they were going to send me home, it was preterm, first baby, they were positive I had just wet myself and didn't realize it. Then it really was amniotic fluid leaking, so then they checked me since they had to, and then the nursed gawked at me and said, "You *walked* up here???"  I was so baffled and said, "umm, I mean, from the car...., yes...??"  "Honey, you are 8 cms dilated! You should not be walking....!") 

So, anyway, I know it's not your first and all, but....don't discount the back achy stuff. 

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Yeah, honestly, I was starting to worry when I was due because we're a good 40mins from hospital and had had driving rain for weeks, meaning it was touch & go whether we'd even be able to leave our property! We had roads closed due to flooding & damage. Crazy. And I'd nearly had a side of the road delivery with #3, he was fast, an experience I wasn't keen to repeat. The planned caesar (for other reasons) at least took that worry off my plate.

All that to say, I get your worry and will keep you in prayer! Can you talk all of this over with the midwives? 

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4 minutes ago, LMD said:

Yeah, honestly, I was starting to worry when I was due because we're a good 40mins from hospital and had had driving rain for weeks, meaning it was touch & go whether we'd even be able to leave our property! We had roads closed due to flooding & damage. Crazy. And I'd nearly had a side of the road delivery with #3, he was fast, an experience I wasn't keen to repeat. The planned caesar (for other reasons) at least took that worry off my plate.

All that to say, I get your worry and will keep you in prayer! Can you talk all of this over with the midwives? 

I don’t have a midwife. My doctor would probably just want me to come in for a csection. She came off very pro vbac, but she isn’t quite the doctor she hyped herself up to be.

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3 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Don't discount this - with my first, I just had that achy back. Started leaking a little fluid, nothing major,  no gush, etc. Went to the hospital "just in case" and they were SHOCKED I'd walked in as I was almost 8 cms already at that point. I was all, "huh??? no, my back just hurts a little bit...." (they had been SURE they were going to send me home, it was preterm, first baby, they were positive I had just wet myself and didn't realize it. Then it really was amniotic fluid leaking, so then they checked me since they had to, and then the nursed gawked at me and said, "You *walked* up here???"  I was so baffled and said, "umm, I mean, from the car...., yes...??"  "Honey, you are 8 cms dilated! You should not be walking....!") 

So, anyway, I know it's not your first and all, but....don't discount the back achy stuff. 

Yes, I had this with a labor too. I had been in a car accident and as a result was “technically” in labor for 2 months. 4-6cm, supposedly strong contractions on monitors, but I barely felt anything. I went in to get checked because my back ached a bit, then my water broke. I went on to have back labor that was otherwise fast but unremarkable. I guess all those contractions helped me push faster. It was less than 2 hours between my water breaking with barely perceptible contractions & delivery. 

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I don’t have a midwife. My doctor would probably just want me to come in for a csection. She came off very pro vbac, but she isn’t quite the doctor she hyped herself up to be.

Oh dear.   That's not good.  The weather complicates things but I really wouldn't agree to an induction with a provider thst isn't 100% supportive of vbac.   

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

I don’t have a midwife. My doctor would probably just want me to come in for a csection. She came off very pro vbac, but she isn’t quite the doctor she hyped herself up to be.

Boo, that stinks. I'm sorry.

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1 hour ago, TheReader said:

Don't discount this - with my first, I just had that achy back. Started leaking a little fluid, nothing major,  no gush, etc. Went to the hospital "just in case" and they were SHOCKED I'd walked in as I was almost 8 cms already at that point. I was all, "huh??? no, my back just hurts a little bit...." (they had been SURE they were going to send me home, it was preterm, first baby, they were positive I had just wet myself and didn't realize it. Then it really was amniotic fluid leaking, so then they checked me since they had to, and then the nursed gawked at me and said, "You *walked* up here???"  I was so baffled and said, "umm, I mean, from the car...., yes...??"  "Honey, you are 8 cms dilated! You should not be walking....!") 

So, anyway, I know it's not your first and all, but....don't discount the back achy stuff. 

I love this story.

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Funny labor story--my oldest came 4 plus weeks early. It started when my water broke like a dam failed--at the pediatrician when we were having an appointment to evaluate if he was a good fit.  The nurses were sweet but sort of freaked out. My pants were soaked. So we went home, I changed, and we went to the hospital. When I arrived the ob floor nurse thought I had wet my pants.  My pants were soaked (again) and I had wrapped myself in a bath towel. Do people really pee themselves that badly? (I mean, really? I want to know.)  I had to tell them no, my water broke, has gushed twice now, and now could you please check me in? 

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1 minute ago, cintinative said:

Funny labor story--my oldest came 4 plus weeks early. It started when my water broke like a dam failed--at the pediatrician when we were having an appointment to evaluate if he was a good fit.  The nurses were sweet but sort of freaked out. My pants were soaked. So we went home, I changed, and we went to the hospital. When I arrived the ob floor nurse thought I had wet my pants.  My pants were soaked (again) and I had wrapped myself in a bath towel. Do people really pee themselves that badly? (I mean, really? I want to know.)  I had to tell them no, my water broke, has gushed twice now, and now could you please check me in? 

They thought you wet your pants?? Unreal!

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I'm voting hotel.  

I have a friend who has had five kids.  The one that got closest to the OB floor was born in the elevator.  One was born in the parking lot of the hospital.  One was born in the parking lot of IKEA.  

For some reason, at no point did her birth plan include a homebirth.  Which I would think after the second child born by the side of the road or in a parking lot, would at least merit consideration in my mind.  


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39 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Yes, they made some excuse after they saw my "condition" that people would come in after having wet themselves thinking their water broke.  So crazy.

This is nuts.


26 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I'm voting hotel.  

I have a friend who has had five kids.  The one that got closest to the OB floor was born in the elevator.  One was born in the parking lot of the hospital.  One was born in the parking lot of IKEA.  

For some reason, at no point did her birth plan include a homebirth.  Which I would think after the second child born by the side of the road or in a parking lot, would at least merit consideration in my mind.  


I’m about to run this by dh. The weather is saying they are currently unsure how much will be rain and how much will be snow because the temperatures will be right around freezing. They say they think they will be able to be more precise soon. I looked at hotels and there are some pretty cheap ones by the hospital, so that’s good.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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Also, my latest stressor is that I am terrified baby has or will go transverse again. I am clueless as to what I’m feeling. I’ve tried, but I have no idea what I’m feeling. Baby has gone transverse to head down and back to transverse and I have not been able to feel this flip or notice any feels differently 😭 I’m so over this. If I live through this, please remind me how stressful this is when I post that I have baby fever again. 😂

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4 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

If I recall from what you have said in the past, we may be a few hours apart.

You can remind if you like and I can confirm.😂
Yes, I just searched. It was the one about a hotel on the historic list or whatever. Yes I live way on the very western end of the state.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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50 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Also, my latest stressor is that I am terrified baby has or will go transverse again. I am clueless as to what I’m feeling. I’ve tried, but I have no idea what I’m feeling. Baby has gone transverse to head down and back to transverse and I have not been able to feel this flip or notice any feels differently 😭 I’m so over this. If I live through this, please remind me how stressful this is when I post that I have baby fever again. 😂

This fascinates me. When I was pregnant with one of ours, I took a nap. As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew something was different. And then I realized baby was breech because I was feeling hiccups in my ribs instead of way down low. Plus, just the entire way baby felt in my belly was so different. I panicked, of course, and called my midwife, who reassured me there was plenty of time for baby to flip again (I was 36 or 37 weeks if I remember correctly).

And yes, the next time slept and woke up I knew instantly again that baby was head down. 

My gut is telling me that a transverse baby would feel even worse than a breech baby. And based on my very brief experience with a breech in late pregnancy, I can't fathom not being able to tell. 

Whatever you decide to do, I hope labor is very boring and that soon you are snuggling a happy, healthy baby!


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6 minutes ago, barnwife said:

This fascinates me. When I was pregnant with one of ours, I took a nap. As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew something was different. And then I realized baby was breech because I was feeling hiccups in my ribs instead of way down low. Plus, just the entire way baby felt in my belly was so different. I panicked, of course, and called my midwife, who reassured me there was plenty of time for baby to flip again (I was 36 or 37 weeks if I remember correctly).

And yes, the next time slept and woke up I knew instantly again that baby was head down. 

My gut is telling me that a transverse baby would feel even worse than a breech baby. And based on my very brief experience with a breech in late pregnancy, I can't fathom not being able to tell. 

Whatever you decide to do, I hope labor is very boring and that soon you are snuggling a happy, healthy baby!


Right? It’s wild! I feel actually stupid that I have trouble with this. I have an anterior placenta which they say makes it harder to feel movement, so maybe this! IDk

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12 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Right? It’s wild! I feel actually stupid that I have trouble with this. I have an anterior placenta which they say makes it harder to feel movement, so maybe this! IDk

With my oldest, I could never feel them move.  I totally get all those I didn’t know I was pregnant stories.  

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Right? It’s wild! I feel actually stupid that I have trouble with this. I have an anterior placenta which they say makes it harder to feel movement, so maybe this! IDk

No, don't feel stupid.  And stay near the hospital.  I had an anterior placenta with that back labor baby.  It makes contractions harder to feel but when baby starts moving you're really likely to have back labor. At least that's what I read at the time.  I guess I haven't googled it since.  I bet your achy back is early labor, even if it's not progressing very fast.  Can you go in the morning to get checked again?

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7 hours ago, Katy said:

No, don't feel stupid.  And stay near the hospital.  I had an anterior placenta with that back labor baby.  It makes contractions harder to feel but when baby starts moving you're really likely to have back labor. At least that's what I read at the time.  I guess I haven't googled it since.  I bet your achy back is early labor, even if it's not progressing very fast.  Can you go in the morning to get checked again?

I could get checked, but I’m trying to stay out of the hospital.

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And the forecast is looking much much better. We are down to just a couple inches of snow. It looks like the harsh storm is keeping a bit west of of us! Also, I did forget to mention that we do have a hospital about 30!minutes away if we had to, it’s just not the one that I had planned on delivery at.

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With my first child, my water broke while I was sitting in the waiting room for a scheduled appointment. Soaked me and soaked the very nice couch they had in there. I was never so embarrassed in my life. Not for the wet pants but for the wet couch. I wonder what they did about that. Luckily for me, the office was in the hospital and I only had to go down a couple of floors to get checked in. A few short hours later and ds1 was born. It felt so surreal.

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My February baby was born on Groundhog's Day, and his labor was just like the movie.  I would rev up, have dh build up the fire, get the kids situated then kinda peter out, play yatzee, take a nap...rev up, repeat.  For three days!  I was going for long walks, doing all the things to get it moving and it just kept going in this annoying cycle.  My second had been so fast that we expected third to be even faster, lol.  Eventually I just gave up and went to bed on the third night, told myself it didn't matter when the babe came - woke up in hard labor the next morning and had him two hours later.  He wouldn't open his eyes for about ten minutes after birth, just clasped his hands and kept his eyes screwed shut.  I finally handed him to dh for whom he opened his eyes and looked - their relationship has always been special.

His personality is just like his labor: it's hard for him to make up his mind, but when he does he's very focused.

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7 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

With my first child, my water broke while I was sitting in the waiting room for a scheduled appointment. Soaked me and soaked the very nice couch they had in there. I was never so embarrassed in my life. Not for the wet pants but for the wet couch. I wonder what they did about that. Luckily for me, the office was in the hospital and I only had to go down a couple of floors to get checked in. A few short hours later and ds1 was born. It felt so surreal.

I’ve always been terrified going out in public at the end afraid my water would break. So sorry that happened. 

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With snow on the way I would go t to a hotel. In fact that’s what I did with my youngest. We live about an hour from the hospital and he was a winter baby. We went and stayed in a hotel twice - the first time was a false alarm, but at least while there we finally agreed on a first/middle name combination!  The second time was the real deal. 

The day I went into labor we had been visiting with his aunt. She told a story about how with one of her kids, a big gust of cold air seemed to trigger her labor.  When we left and went home, a cold front was hitting, and as I got out of the car, a big gust of cold air hit me.  Soon as I got in the house contractions started. It’s very anecdotal, but maybe go stand in a draft?

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9 minutes ago, Eos said:

My February baby was born on Groundhog's Day, and his labor was just like the movie.  I would rev up, have dh build up the fire, get the kids situated then kinda peter out, play yatzee, take a nap...rev up, repeat.  For three days!  I was going for long walks, doing all the things to get it moving and it just kept going in this annoying cycle.  My second had been so fast that we expected third to be even faster, lol.  Eventually I just gave up and went to bed on the third night, told myself it didn't matter when the babe came - woke up in hard labor the next morning and had him two hours later.  He wouldn't open his eyes for about ten minutes after birth, just clasped his hands and kept his eyes screwed shut.  I finally handed him to dh for whom he opened his eyes and looked - their relationship has always been special.

His personality is just like his labor: it's hard for him to make up his mind, but when he does he's very focused.

I love this! 
If my baby is like my pregnancy, he’s gonna keep me on my toes.

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Just now, Emba said:

With snow on the way I would go t to a hotel. In fact that’s what I did with my youngest. We live about an hour from the hospital and he was a winter baby. We went and stayed in a hotel twice - the first time was a false alarm, but at least while there we finally agreed on a first/middle name combination!  The second time was the real deal. 

The day I went into labor we had been visiting with his aunt. She told a story about how with one of her kids, a big gust of cold air seemed to trigger her labor.  When we left and went home, a cold front was hitting, and as I got out of the car, a big gust of cold air hit me.  Soon as I got in the house contractions started. It’s very anecdotal, but maybe go stand in a draft?

😂👍 We are going for a walk later. Hopefully I’ll get in a labor inducing gust of air!

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One of my favorite VBAC births I attended was for a woman having her 5th baby, 4th VBAC.  They are a very sweet Mennonite couple.  The husband would tease me about my ratty car and I would tease them about their escape-artist cows.  She pushed for 5 hours with her 5th baby, who arrived occipital posterior or "sunny-side-up" to use the technical term.

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What's your actual due date and how early/late/on time were your other babies? I'm just wondering if he might hang tight for a few more days.

With my first labor started late at night on due date but she was actually born two days later.

Second would not stay head down. We scheduled an induction 5 days before due date when she was finally head down but an hour later she was sideways. She ended up being my c-section baby.

Third was VBAC. Went into labor two days before due date and she was born the next morning 1 day before due date. Easiest birth--may have had something to do with our hospital finally having enough anesthesiologists to have an epidural!

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My most hilarious birth was dd26 - she was born before the midwife showed up but after a two-hour long labor during which I was hollering at her to just wait, alternating with yelling OK OK when she was overriding my maternal rules.  When she arrived, pink and scrunchy, I sat up and dh handed her to me and I just belly laughed for about a minute.  

Edited by Eos
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This is not a birth story, but it's about pregnancy, and it's relatable and hilarious. Apparently the site owner isn't maintaining it anymore, so I had to use wayback machine. 


Edited by cintinative
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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

What's your actual due date and how early/late/on time were your other babies? I'm just wondering if he might hang tight for a few more days.

With my first labor started late at night on due date but she was actually born two days later.

Second would not stay head down. We scheduled an induction 5 days before due date when she was finally head down but an hour later she was sideways. She ended up being my c-section baby.

Third was VBAC. Went into labor two days before due date and she was born the next morning 1 day before due date. Easiest birth--may have had something to do with our hospital finally having enough anesthesiologists to have an epidural!

My first 3 came with no induction 


1st - 36 weeks and some days

2nd- 12 days late

3rd - 10 days late

4th - Was a csection at 37 weeks and some days, induction didn’t work

I feel the norm for me is baby not ready except for my 1st.

This baby was due on the 9th.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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1 hour ago, Eos said:

My most hilarious birth was dd26 - she was born before the midwife showed up but after a two-hour long labor during which I was hollering at her to just wait, alternating with yelling OK OK when she was overriding my maternal rules.  When she arrived, pink and scrunchy, I sat up and dh handed her to me and I just belly laughed for about a minute.  

Were you at home?


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