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If you count weeks, what week are you on?


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We started school on July 28th and took a week off in September, October, and November; therefore, we are finishing up our 18th week of school this week. This is the halfway point for us in our 36-week school schedule. We will start our 3-week Christmas break next Monday, and the second half of school begins on January 12th.

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I believe we are in week 18 since we are halfway done. We started mid-July and roughly followed a 6 weeks on / 2 weeks off schedule. This week and the week of Thanksgiving were very light but we had some very hard working heavy weeks in there and no illnesses or other things come up, so we are right on track. We will start back January 4th or 5th or whatever that Monday is. :)

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My big boys are on week 17, because we keep pace with their tutorial. I had started middle ds a week early, because he is doing WP S&S. I had wanted a clean break- doing Sea before Christmas break and Sky after Christmas break- but alas we lost that week somewhere.:confused:


My little guy is on week 20. He likes to check things off his list and this helps. He started slowly in July. Although he is on week 20, the first week we just did Kumon math and CLE LTR. Then we added other material as the weeks went by.



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In theory, last week should have been week 15 and our last week of the semester. However, we took off or mostly off two weeks I had not anticipated. So, my son is working the days he has available this week (when he's not dancing) to catch up in the two online classes. He may run into early next week, too, at the rate he's progressing. So, I suppose we're in week 16, except that we're scheduled for only 30 weeks for the whole year, and week 16 should be the beginning of our second semester . . .

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We're mid-way through week 14. We were supposed to finish week 15 before Christmas but at the end of last week, the girls were feeling ill, and this week we are just getting ready for Christmas. Break was supposed to start tomorrow but began a few days early. I'm hoping for a power January and February with no flu bug this year. We are doing a D.C. trip in June with our co-op group and that eats into my last week of formal school. I would like to do more school in summer but between summer camps, VBS, and trip to the grandparents, it just doesn't happen. Now I'm babbling ... :D

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We just finished week 17. I'd like to finish up the first half before we break for Christmas, but it's just not worth it to me to try to start school a week earlier than everyone else (and hear the moaning) or to skip taking off for Thanksgiving week (which we can really use by then).


So we'll finish up the half the week we get back and then start on our second half activities.

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It sounds like you all are so much further along than us. It's been such a weird year for us. Dh's schedule has been crazy and what we had planned is now being changed since he made XO. I'm hoping to make up some time by having a hard working January and February. My parents have changed a trip they had planned to come see us from Feb to June so that should help a bit, since no schooling ever gets done when they are here. Also my dh will be gone most of Jan and part of Feb so that usually means we buckle down and catch up on things we've let fall to the wayside.


Thanks for giving me a peak into your years.

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Oldest ds will pick up with week 20 or 21 (can't remember which, and there's a purring kitty on my lap at the moment so I don't want to check), after our Christmas break.


My littles are all over the place and I don't really keep track. I'd say week 10 for history, week 15 or so for LA, and who knows for math and such. We school year round and completed MFW Adventures last month and then picked up SL Core 1 at week 8, when the world cultures stuff ends(which we've already read over and over), and the history with CHOW begins.

Edited by Annie Laurie
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Week 15 for us. We will be taking the next two weeks off except for a few items (like science experiments, arts & crafts, and extra history reading) that we will continue to do as the kids seem restless.


I need to firm up my do-it-myself earth science curriculum for next semester before we start back up the second week of January!

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We just finished week 16 out of 38, so we are right on track to end sometime in June.


We started at the beginning of August, and have had a couple of weeks off. Now we're beginning our 2-week Christmas break and will start back with school on January 5.





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