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2021 Year in Review - Day 10


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Yes, indeed, @regentrude. That was money well spent. 

400 miles is a great accomplishment. What was your favorite trip? Favorite memory? Did you navigate a river you found exceptionally challenging? Meet anyone new while kayaking? Can you set new distance goals or river locations for next year? Did you learn how to mount kayaks on your car?

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This spring, I paid off my medical bills from my hysterectomy that I had in Oct of 2020. Even with insurance, my out-of-pocket expenses were close to 10K. Thankfully, SO let me live here rent free part of the year so I could focus on paying that bill off. Almost all of my graduate stipend went toward that expense. It was well worth it. So I basically traded 10 months of work for surgery. I'd do it again, I feel so much better.  

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My Erasure CDs and concert tickets. 

Vince and Andy have been life savers for me this year. Their music provides a defense against my depression and makes me so happy. I love that they have such a wealth of music and I find something new (either an original or a remix) regularly. I have certain songs I play on repeat and with the volume a bit too loud. A convertible, country roads, a dog in the backseat, and Erasure on the car stereo have been my saving grace. 

I am not one for concerts (have only been to a handful in my life) but I am looking forward to seeing Erasure (even with the threat of COVID); my heart and soul need this more than anything else.

I have numerous CDs yet to collect and look forward to adding some new ones in 2022.

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Our big trip was definitely worth the money.

The money for Dino Stroll it was expensive and ridiculous but so perfect for youngest DD. 

The money we are spending on an old beat up corvette.  Oldest begged to fix it up with her dad.  I can't imagine a better for my teen to spend time.

The money spent on furs and foam for MDD to create her fursuits she is getting really good and receiving her first paid commissions.

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Money well spent in 2021?  Hmm, the only thing that comes to mind is charity stuff.  Other than taxes, charity is my biggest expense category.  I have several charities that are close to my heart, one of which I co-founded.  The overriding purpose is educating girls who wouldn't otherwise have access to education.

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4 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Yes, indeed, @regentrude. That was money well spent. 

400 miles is a great accomplishment. What was your favorite trip? Favorite memory? Did you navigate a river you found exceptionally challenging? Meet anyone new while kayaking? Can you set new distance goals or river locations for next year? Did you learn how to mount kayaks on your car?

Dang it, I wrote a log reply and the website crashed. Here again....

None of the rivers here are white water, nothing very challenging. What we did was just class I-II. Favorite memory probably the overnight trip with DD.
We don't set distance goals. Our longest day paddle was 26 miles, it just happened. We did 74 miles over 4th of July weekend.
We want to explore a few different rivers next year that are a little further away.

Funny you bring up goals, I just thought a lot about this in the past few days.... so I have lots of thoughts.
I don't want to set goals. As a perfectionist, I will meet whatever goal I am setting myself if it is humanly possible - but it is really not what is good for my soul. I want more spontaneity and flexibility. Miles and time isn't really the point of being on the river.
I dislike fake "challenges" like "Hike x# of miles/read x# of books/eat x#of veggies". They're not really challenges - just another thing to track and be obsessive about.  I want to be able to say "no, I don't want to hike in a new park, just stay here a day longer" or "no, I don't like this book so I won't finish".  I am extremely good at following through with whatever "goal" I have set myself, and it's really not beneficial for me to create fake goals just to have another thing to measure and count.


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4 minutes ago, regentrude said:

I don't want to set goals. As a perfectionist, I will meet whatever goal I am setting myself if it is humanly possible - but it is really not what is good for my soul. I want more spontaneity and flexibility.

I am the same. I avoid goal setting because it is not good for me. I try to build habits instead. 

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5 hours ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

My Erasure CDs and concert tickets. 

Vince and Andy have been life savers for me this year. Their music provides a defense against my depression and makes me so happy. I love that they have such a wealth of music and I find something new (either an original or a remix) regularly. I have certain songs I play on repeat and with the volume a bit too loud. A convertible, country roads, a dog in the backseat, and Erasure on the car stereo have been my saving grace. 

I am not one for concerts (have only been to a handful in my life) but I am looking forward to seeing Erasure (even with the threat of COVID); my heart and soul need this more than anything else.

I have numerous CDs yet to collect and look forward to adding some new ones in 2022.

This makes my GenX heart so happy!  🙂 

I hope the concert works out for you! 

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13 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Changing DS's airline ticket so he can home for winter break 10 days before we had planned!

Yay!  We did this for DD too, and it has been wonderful to have her for longer.  It didn't cost extra, so I can' list it as money well spent.

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Adding to my list:

New fridge and dishwasher.

We had to cash in most of Dh’s vacation time to pay for them. First new appliances we have ever bought in almost 20 years of marriage - we are usually CL shoppers or get hand-me-downs from high income family members. But Dh wanted to go with new this time and since he did all the work that paid for them and all the shopping, I am very happy with that. I did not need more decisions to make! And the appliances are very nice.

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Money well spent in 2021:  books,  AAA membership for myself (can't count on estranged husband anymore and may need help one day),  prosecco (which is mixed in OJ to help me get through holidays with estranged husband).   Last, not least,  all the curriculum needed to homeschool teen.

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4 hours ago, Ditto said:

Money well spent in 2021:  books,  AAA membership for myself (can't count on estranged husband anymore and may need help one day),  prosecco (which is mixed in OJ to help me get through holidays with estranged husband).   Last, not least,  all the curriculum needed to homeschool teen.

AAA is worth the money, even when you do have a family member who can usually help! Ime, breakdowns happen when no one can help, in the dark, in the rain, when you’re sick, when you’re in a hurry etc. I have used AAA at least once a year for the last many years and consider that $100 absolutely well spent. 

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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

AAA is worth the money, even when you do have a family member who can usually help! Ime, breakdowns happen when no one can help, in the dark, in the rain, when you’re sick, when you’re in a hurry etc. I have used them at least once a year for the last many years and consider that $100 absolutely well spent. 

That is a very good point.  I hadn't thought of those scenarios.   It surprised me how much relief I had once I knew I had to protection.  Worth every penny.

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Two main things stand out for money well spent this year: 

1) the subscription box to Let’s Make Art, which has reminded me how much I love to paint and draw; worth its weight in gold and has brought me so much joy, and

2) the components of dd’s wedding we paid for, but most especially the photographer. It is one thing I was most nervous about because I care about great photography pretty much more than anything else. I’m totally thrilled with the photography. The photographer was great, her style was congruent with mine, and really all of that just went exceptionally well. 

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Plane tickets to our country of origin for first me, then DH recently. We are usually economy travelers. But we went business class this time mostly for elbow room.  Price was eye watering but it was an almost 20 hour trip one way, so we looked at it as one more layer of protection. It is highly unlikely to be repeated.

Kayaks. The only water activity we have done before is swimming. But so far it has been nice for the family.

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Tuition for Dd and for me.  

Plane tickets for ds28 to come home.

$$ for review materials and question banks for my board exams.  And the board exams themselves (which weren't cheap.)  

Rent for K.  Even though she isn't living there full-time yet (still need to set up internet access), having this place for her to go and goals for her is important for all our peace of mind.  

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3 hours ago, regentrude said:

Dang it, I wrote a log reply and the website crashed. Here again....



I hate it when that happens. I tend to rub my thumb on the little cursor pad thingy and highlight the text and before I know it I've deleted my replies.

I am the exact opposite of you. I am a homebody and have low self-esteem and self-efficacy, I won't go out and do something unless I have challenged myself to do so. I also have a bit of perfectionism. If I want to bike, I can't just hop on with shorts and sneakers; it's got to be bike shoes, bike shorts, bike tank, helmet, gloves (all of that specialized gear that make it look like the rider knows what they're doing). I could have a full tank of gas, a free day, and all of the equipment needed for biking, hiking, kayaking, camping, playing tennis, or you name it but would stay at home. It's not that I'm lazy; I'm not. I just don't think of doing things without being fully, 100% prepared or without a good reason (and simply just wanting to isn't a good enough reason for me because...well, low self-esteem). I also have anxiety and nightmares of being thought a doofus or doing things incorrectly and those feelings are debilitating. So I set challenges like 500 miles on the bike. By striving to complete that challenge, I am more likely to get the bike out of the garage and go ride than stay home. And by making that challenge public, like joining the Mapmyride 2021 challenge, I have some accountability and competition. The competitive side of me will kick in and make me take action. Does it take away some of the enjoyment? Sometimes. But, for me, it's worth it because the challenges make me get out and live a whole lot more than I would without them.

I hope this makes sense and you don't think I'm being argumentative. Just trying to be conversational but I fail at that sometimes.

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3 minutes ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

I am the exact opposite of you. I am a homebody and have low self-esteem and self-efficacy, I won't go out and do something unless I have challenged myself to do so. I also have a bit of perfectionism. If I want to bike, I can't just hop on with shorts and sneakers; it's got to be bike shoes, bike shorts, bike tank, helmet, gloves (all of that specialized gear that make it look like the rider knows what they're doing). I could have a full tank of gas, a free day, and all of the equipment needed for biking, hiking, kayaking, camping, playing tennis, or you name it but would stay at home. It's not that I'm lazy; I'm not. I just don't think of doing things without being fully, 100% prepared or without a good reason (and simply just wanting to isn't a good enough reason for me because...well, low self-esteem). I also have anxiety and nightmares of being thought a doofus or doing things incorrectly and those feelings are debilitating. So I set challenges like 500 miles on the bike. By striving to complete that challenge, I am more likely to get the bike out of the garage and go ride than stay home. And by making that challenge public, like joining the Mapmyride 2021 challenge, I have some accountability and competition. The competitive side of me will kick in and make me take action. Does it take away some of the enjoyment? Sometimes. But, for me, it's worth it because the challenges make me get out and live a whole lot more than I would without them.

I hope this makes sense and you don't think I'm being argumentative. Just trying to be conversational but I fail at that sometimes.

Oh, that makes complete sense. And I don't think you're argumentative - different things work for different people. And we can simply have a chat about that (after all, this is the chat board, right? 🙂 ) I'm glad you found a way to motivate yourself.

I do all the outdoor stuff together with DH. We have always, with just a handful of exceptions, spent at least one weekend day in the woods, even in finals week in college, even with a baby, even when it's zero degrees. It's never question of "if" we're heading out, but only of "where". So, for me it's habit to get out and do something.

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@regentrude - I love your tradition with your DH. I hope you continue to enjoy your excursions for years to come. 

When my DH retires, we plan on going on many more adventures. It's difficult at the moment because his work schedule varies and he never knows when he'll be off. When I was working, our schedules never coincided. It is something to look forward to.

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We paid $13k over appraisal value for our new home. It’s 1.3 miles from dh’s school, and he works much longer hours here with coaching. It’s in the town we love, and other homes we considered were 25-30 minutes away. 

College tuition and fees not covered by his scholarships, grant, etc. Ds is thriving there! 

The money we spent traveling 6 weeks this summer. It was great quality time. 

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