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Is anyone here NOT a part of a local homeschooling support group?

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Do you think you need to be a part of a local group to be successful? Because of scheduling conflicts I can't really attend meetings with a local group at this time, though I am open to it for the future. Anyone find, they don't really need it?


Anyone in Broward county(Florida) have a great group they're a part of?

Edited by GVD22
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we were part of a group a short time when the kids were like 10 and 13. It wasn't really a support group but they got together for different things (homeschool skate, prom, a few classes like writing and Biology).


Anyway, before that and since, we haven't been part of one. We didn't and don't need one and see no real reason to be part of one. To me, it's more trouble than it's worth.


I'm sure other people like groups. But it most certainly is not a measure of success.

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Me neither. When we have been a part of a group, the costs have not outweighed the benefits. For it to be beneficial, the curriculum has to fit in with our needs for the year, the activities have to be things my kids would be interested in, and the moms have to equally share the load. Some years this is true, other years (like this one) it's not. If you join a group for the fellowship, you have to make sure they have other activities besides the co-op. The one's we've tried don't and the kids don't really get a chance to make friends and interact. Same with the moms. Unless there is a "Mom's night out" or something like that, I don't get to interact with the other moms because I'm working. I much prefer to have a social group than a co-op.


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We went to classes twice a year where we used to live. It really ate into our schedule and wasn't that much social time for ds.


Since we moved we have not been involved in a group. I think we do fine. Ds has friends in the neighborhood, and is starting in community sports.


I don't suppose there are many classical homeschoolers in my area anyway. I same copy of the WTM has been at the bookstore for two years.


Most of my support and researching comes from these forums.

Edited by elegantlion
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We aren't. We tried last year, but we all got tired of the time wasted, the drama, the lack of organization, and the endless park days and parties. Not to mention having to constantly justify our religious beliefs and our decision to allow our children to eat candy. :glare: So far we haven't suffered from lack of involvement. ;)

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These responses make me feel so much better. :) I've been feeling like I should be a part of a group. I never felt that way before, it's only been since we moved to a new area that those feelings have come up. I too, would prefer to just spend time with other homeschooling moms and their families.

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The only groups I am part of are online groups.


There doesn't seem to be a support group in my area. There is a co-op, with a waiting list, and frankly, many of the women in the co-op have given me the impression that they don't really care for newcomers and are rather snobby. I'm on the waiting list. I hope I have perceived these women incorrectly.


I don't really want to be a part of the co-op, but I am doing it for the kids. They don't currently get to be around enough other children. I also thought they might enjoy some of the classes that just aren't as fun when it's only two students (choir, drama, etc).

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We've never done a co-op. My kids (I've been told!) are well adjusted.


We did a park group for awhile. It was horrible. Dd7 was totally ignored by the other little girls and came home crying. Ds11 was bullied. We quit.


We get together with friends (of all sorts of education persuasions - and some without kids!) when we can. We have wonderful friendships and my kids are happy.


I was part of a wonderful support group for moms that met at night once a month. It was really educational for me and helped me at a time when I needed a lot of help with the nuts and bolts of homeschooling. I hadn't discovered this forum yet! When that group disbanded this board has been a good substitute information wise. I do get together with some wonderful women that I knew from that group (and incidentally are members of this board).

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I've never been a part of one. I've entertained the idea once or twice, but it never seemed necessary.


I would do one in the future for educational purposes, but that is it. We have plenty-oh socialization in our regular routine to need to hang with other homeschoolers.


I *do* really like meeting with another homeschooling family every now and then for dinner or just to hang and play to let my kids see that they aren't the only ones.:lol:



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I thought we didn't need it. We lived in NC when we started homeschooling and the way they are set up it really encourages community support groups, interest groups, and just community homeschooling in general. It was ok and I was moderately involved. I didn't feel it was any special addition to our experience. It mostly gave me something to do and the occasional kid thing.


However, after being in AL for 4 years I can definitely see the need for it. Our guys were much younger and it just really didn't matter as much then. Alabama's set up or lack of one, creates a closed community or no community homeschooling experience. If you aren't involved with one of the few local churches providing this ridiculous "cover" then you are solo. I don't agree with any of the few local churches around here, so I'm not in their group and not invited to do so either.


I'd love to see more of a homeschooling community thing going on because our guys feel like they are the only homeschoolers here. They are nearly never around any others in spite of the fact that homeschooling is really popular here.


I'm not the type to get super involved and rotate my whole homeschooling around any group but the socialization that we could be experiencing here during our preteen years could be really nice.


Oh well. If we could just hurry up and get to Atlanta I'm hoping it will be better. Homeschooling in Alabama is rotten. Just ask me to list the ways.... LOL! Or not!

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I am in a support group but there aren't many "meetings;" mostly we trade ideas/info online. They do have monthly Moms' Night Out at our local Barnes and Noble that I try to get to most of the time. There are also three co-ops; I don't participate in any of those. For us, we need to be home and "sticking with it" to make progress.

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We are currently not part of a local group. We did enjoy the times we were able to be part of a group - my children and I made good friends through ours, and enjoyed the benefits of a co-op and lots of organized field trips.


Now we live where there is no local group, and our homeschooling is going just as well as before. A local group can add to your homeschooling experience (as can many other things), but it is not necessary for a sucessful homeschool.





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I'm officially a member of the county homeschooling association, which allows me to receive their newsletter. Now and then there's a tidbit in there that I appreciate. I've never actively been part of any other homeschool organization, though. Just not my cuppa, though my boys probably wish that wasn't the case.

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We aren't. We tried last year, but we all got tired of the time wasted, the drama, the lack of organization, and the endless park days and parties. Not to mention having to constantly justify our religious beliefs and our decision to allow our children to eat candy. :glare: So far we haven't suffered from lack of involvement. ;)


During all the years of homeschooling (ds is starting college next semester) we have never joined a group. Had it been available, I may have tried but in retrospect I don't think we have missed that much. If you are plugged into something (church, youth group, 4-H, etc) your children have a place for social outlet and for homeschooling support you can use this board and network in other ways with a homeschooling community.

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I am a member of an Online local group, but don't get together with them until the summer time when we join in on the park days, and maybe 1-2 times a year I pop in on coffee night. The online aspect serves my needs though.



I did this one year.


I knew we would likely be moving clear across the metroplex at the end of the school year [and we did], so we only participated in an online group's few holiday parties/ state swap. I was fortunate enough to meet leslie in tx and our kiddos hung out a few times a month for fun.


We got a LOT of school done that year, lol! but we did miss the social aspect.


and honestly, I don't get much out of the groups homeschooling wise. I just like groups :) I use the online forums for real homeschool info. I tend to give more than get at the homeschool groups because of that. Online info junkie, yes-sir-ree......


i do agree that homeschooling groups aren't necessary for everyone.

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have been marginally part of one, but I have trouble committing-LOL-just not enough time. I find schooling three, one in high school, working part time and attempting to maintain some kind of order in this place is all I think I have time for.


I'd love a social outlet, for myself, but honestly, my friends online, RL, and family do that for me. And dh of course.


I've never thought we were missing anything. As Ria and others have noted, co-ops haven't impressed me with the caliber of their offerings, so here we are, stumbling along on our own.

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We had never been in one up until this past Sept. when I thought it would finally be a good fit for our family.


The dd's dance schedule conflicts with all of the group's activities, so we haven't been to one meeting.


However, they send out a wonderful newsletter and I have found so many great things through that. I am astounded at the contacts the local group has. For instance, if it weren't for the newsletter, we wouldn't have known about a scholarship from a beekeeping organization. My dd applied and was accepted. They also pass on information on tours, activities, etc, that we don't have to go/take with the group, which I appreciate.


But for co-op or classes, nah.

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Do you think you need to be a part of a local group to be successful? Because of scheduling conflicts I can't really attend meetings with a local group at this time, though I am open to it for the future. Anyone find, they don't really need it?


Anyone in Broward county(Florida) have a great group they're a part of?



Nope. We tried it one year when the kids were little, but it didn't work for us. I really can't spend that much time during the day out of the house. I have too many schedules to juggle. It barely gets done as it is.

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I am currently my own homeschooling group. Only family in the area. I was in a group in the past and it depends on what you want out of the group. I needed some support and networking with other parents, we did yearly testing, a monthly field trip and a weekly gym class at a local gym. These were all great. We had a highly organized leader who took charge and ran the group. But the purpose of the group was to support your family's homeschooling efforts and provide a homeschool community not to run classes (other than gym) or meet with huge regularity. I think that can make a huge difference. Decide what you want or need from a group before you join.

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We've tried various groups over the years, both existing and ones in which we were part of the start-up. As non-Christian but academically-focused homeschoolrs, we've just never found a compatible group.


A much better option for us has turned out to be searching out non-homeschool-specific activities in our community that match my kids' interests: community theatre, dance classes, archaeology/anthropology clubs, model rocket clubs, choirs, etc.

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I don't belong to one, but I'd love to find a secular group to meet with. Not necessarily for educational purposes, but I'd like for my two to meet other homeschoolers in our area. We live in a neighborhood that has a lot of older kids and the classes we attend don't allow for much socializing.

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