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Has anyone had 4 or more kids, and all of them arrive late?

Drama Llama

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Mine were born between 3 days early and 3 days late with none coming on their due date or even 1 day before or after.  But I have a friend with 5 kids and they all arrived between 10-14 after her due date.  Some people just take longer to "cook" their babies than others.

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My first three arrived, spontaneously, at 40 and 6, 41 and 1, and 40 and 5.  So we expected our fourth to be late as well.


He made his appearance, spontaneously, at 38 and 3.  Yes, I was very sure of dates with all the kids.  Number four was also smaller than his older siblings; he was right in line with them for gestational age, so I am sure he would have been their size if he'd waited another week or two.


Number five, again spontaneously, made his appearance at 40 and 4, again, perfectly in line for size.


(And just to round things out -- number six was a micropreemie at 26 weeks, and number seven was induced at 39 and 0.  Should I have any more babies, MFM will not want us going past 39 weeks.  Part of that is because I had a precipitous labor that lasted barely an hour and a quarter with number five and because I had a c-section for number six, and nobody wants to take the very real risk of me having a VBAC on the side of the road since I'm almost an hour from the hospital.  I also have health conditions that mean the placenta is more likely to give out if we go too long.  There is no difference other than size between my fourth and seventh babies and their older siblings.)

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A good friend had all four of her kids well over one week late each time...that just seemed to be how she cooked them. My first four were right on time (+/- one day).  #5 was 13 days late (I think psychologically I didn't want to go to the hospital I had to go to)



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How are we officially defining “late”?

#1, started induction on due date, born next day. 
#2, induced at 41 weeks. 
#3, started minor contractions ON due date, but big ones waited until the next day. 
#4, induced at 42 weeks. 
#5, induced around 41 weeks, on my midwives’ last day of privileges at my hospital!

I never went into labor before my estimated due date, but I only think of #4 as “late” because he really didn’t want to come out.

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I think it’s random. I had 4 and my second was ten days early. The others were all past due date or, in the case if my last, induced on her due date. 

I was aware of exactly when I ovulated. It’s possible to have a shorter luteal phase which would throw off calculations by a few days. 

The not knowing when was super hard on me. Actually I wish dd hadn’t been early bc then I knew it could happen and hoped fervently for the next two. 

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Five kids here- first was early. Next three late with two needing to be induced at 42 weeks as my docs wouldn’t let me go longer. Fifth came naturally on his due date.  I thought he’d be late and they already set up. A date for his induction since it was by the holidays. 

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I thought that would be me too...and then #4 came 1 day before my due date. 😁

#1 I was induced a couple days before my due date due to concerns my ob had, but my body was not ready at all and I certainly would have been late

#2 was I think 9 days past due date 

#3 I was induced 12 days past my due date (very different induction experience than #1 - my body just needed a bit of "encouragement" to get started). 😁

So I was pretty surprised to go into labor the day before my due date the fourth time around!






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My pediatrician had 9 and never went into labor with ANY of them.  She had to be induced or sectioned.  She waited to 43 weeks with a couple of them.

I remember because it was pretty ironic - I only ever made it to 40 weeks with ONE of mine.  Most of them were 36 weeks, although we had one 39.

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All of mine were between 6-14 days late except the last one who was 5 days early. All of the late ones were between 9-10 and a half lbs except the last who was the runt at 8 and a half lbs.

All of my mom's babies were at least a two weeks late and she swears that I was born at ten months because my father was military and that was the latest she could have gotten pregnant.

Most of the grandbabies were at least a week late as well except for the one that came early because of preeclampsia. One of my dds last babies was born at 41 and 5 days and that included going in for an ultrasound everyday for the last five days because the doctors were worried that the baby would be too big. They were predicting between 11 and half to twelve lbs but she was only 9 lbs and 13 ozs.

I do think that there is some genetic component to it and I think that is normal for my family so I generally expect any future grandbabies to also be late unless there are unforseen circumstances. 

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On 6/28/2021 at 3:20 AM, Carrie12345 said:

How are we officially defining “late”?

#1, started induction on due date, born next day. 
#2, induced at 41 weeks. 
#3, started minor contractions ON due date, but big ones waited until the next day. 
#4, induced at 42 weeks. 
#5, induced around 41 weeks, on my midwives’ last day of privileges at my hospital!

I never went into labor before my estimated due date, but I only think of #4 as “late” because he really didn’t want to come out.

Neither did mine -2dd - that was born at 42 weeks . . . . I did go into spontaneous labor, labor was really quite easy - pushing . . . not so much.  She didn't want to come down, even with a squat bar she needed a lot of encouragement.  Then, she crowned, and decided to stay in there after all  I had to keep pushing between contractions so she couldn't retreat.  While she was crowning. . . . . 

#3 - (whom I joke is her twin as they're so alike - except where they're completely different . . . ) was a "get out of my way, I'm coming through".  After #2  (she hated being a baby) - I didn't want to have anymore children.  So, 1ds, was really nice to me.  He loved being a baby.

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