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Our horse is dead.

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Two hours ago oldest DS went to the barn. He came in a few minutes later and told me our horse was down and couldn't get up. I went out with my cell phone to see, and she was on her side trying to get up. Her front teeth were broken and she was bleeding a bit from her mouth (I suspect she had hurt it in a fall). We've known this day was coming for quite a while. It was nearly 2 years ago that we had the vet out due to her erratic walking behavior and he officially diagnosed her with "old age."


I called DH at work and told him it was time and asked him to make the call to the vet. He called me back a bit later and said the vet was gone on vacation and his sub was out of town until Wed. Ugh. The joys of small town living! He called the vet in the city and found out it would take over $400 for him to come do the deed. DH decided to take care of it himself.


She was probably about 30 (it was time!), as gentle as a kitten, and one of the best horses in the world. We will miss her!


I am thankful...

...that it happened today when we were all here to say good-bye and not last week when we were gone on vacation.

...that all of the kids understand that putting her down was in her best interest.

...that DH has a gun and knows how to use it.

...that our neighbor has a backhoe.

...that we had the privilege of owning her for her last 3 1/2 years.

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On my horse list, the-folks-who-know insist that a bullet to the head is a totally humane way to do it. Some even say it's more humane than the vet's method.


They're both humane, done properly.

I am so sorry, Homeontheranch, for your loss. I cannot believe your vet would ask $400 for a euthanasia, seems like a ridiculous amount to me.

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They're both humane, done properly.

I am so sorry, Homeontheranch, for your loss. I cannot believe your vet would ask $400 for a euthanasia, seems like a ridiculous amount to me.


Actually, I've heard much higher rates. But perhaps the higher rates I've heard involve disposing of the body, which is a huge problem.


The high cost of euthanasia is a big factor in why there are so many Craig's List ads for old, sick, dying horses who need to be put down. But instead of spending the $400 - $1000 to do the responsible thing, they want to sell the poor old geezer for $100. Shaking my head.


I also read recently about a rescue (noun) that had a low-cost euthanasia clinic where folks could bring the old guys and do what needed to be done. I don't remember the statistics, but it was astonishing how many people brought horses. Way, way more than they anticipated.


HOTR, it's a beautiful thing to take care of a horse all the way to the end. Thank you for doing that. I'm very, very sorry for your loss.

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