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Creative ideas for what to do with Mom's old jewelry


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My mom wore a lot of costume jewelry.   I am just starting to go through it.   I have pulled out pieces I would actually wear, but overall, she had a completely different style than I did.  

I have been trying to think of ideas of what to do with her jewelry that doesn't involve me wearing it.   I will donate a lot, but also would like to pick out some of the pieces I know she wore the most and do something with it.   I thought of a shadow box, but probably won't put it on my wall.    And I thought of using her silk flower broaches and making them into a small bouquet.   

Most of what she has is plastic beads, many are quite large beads.   

I won't do anything until summer as I have a lot on my plate, so you have plenty of time to give me ideas! 😂

Pictures are a bonus.  In fact, I will get some pictures of her stuff and post what I have dug out of dad's boxes so far.   I will get that later today.

ETA:  For those who don't know, my mom died a year ago.   My dad thought I might want her boxes and boxes of costume jewelry and has no sense of what is actually valuable.....he tossed her wedding ring in with the plastic!   It's a good thing I am actually going through everything......OY!

Edited by DawnM
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I think that if it's not your style for wearing, it's not likely to be your style for displaying, either, so don't feel bad if nothing strikes you. 

One fun thing might be to put some of the sturdier items in a box for the toddler to play with. 

You might try to think of some specific places to donate, rather than just Goodwill, because sometimes it's nice to have an idea of how the items will be used. Two things that spring to mind are school/community theaters, and groups that could use them for crafts (like Girl Scouts or something specifically artsy). 

1 hour ago, Kareni said:

Here's a nice article. I like the bookmarks, topiary, and wreath.  

25 Amazingly Creative Ways To Repurpose Vintage Jewelry



I like the Christmas trees also. They have the advantage of being seasonal, so they don't have to suit the year-round decor, plus it would be special to pull them out at a certain time each year. She could write a note on the back about the jewelry. 

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Yes! Theater groups! Maybe a high school drama club? 

I inherited a small amount of costume jewelry that I put into a pirate chest jewelry box (something a bit like this one, only a bit smaller), and put it in DS's dress up bin, along with pirate hats, capes, and swords. It was great "booty" for being pirates, and other imaginative play. ;) 

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20 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

What if you turn it all into ornaments and attach them to a small tree? You can pull it out every year and have your special Mom Tree for the holidays. 


Oh, that is a great idea AND I could make ornaments for her siblings and my cousins for our next get together, which I HOPE will be next year.   We had to cancel this year's event.

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5 hours ago, Kareni said:

Here's a nice article. I like the bookmarks, topiary, and wreath.  

25 Amazingly Creative Ways To Repurpose Vintage Jewelry




Actually, that one with the picture of the woman who wore them and some items in a display might be a perfect birthday gift for my dad in late Feb.  

And that woman actually looks a bit like my mom at that age.

And yeah, the Christmas tree ones are great.

Edited by DawnM
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Hey Dawn. Glue jewelry pieces to a frame, spray paint it all the same color. Put a photo of your mom in it. >>Or how about taking a lamp or a large glass jug or something similar and glue pieces of the jewelry to that, spray paint it. A friend of mine had something odd she bought at an auction that went perfect for some TV show that was set back in the 70s or 80s (was it That 70's Show? I don't know). She was contacted by them and they bought it from her. I don't know if she sold it through Etsy, Ebay, or Craigslist but that kind of stuff is popular, vintage. 

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If you have any beads, you can turn them into Christmas ornaments. I bought the beads, but made several bead icicles for my tree a few years ago. It would be an easy craft for any nice glass or even plastic beads. This is an image from online. Mine are all red/white/silver/clear, to coordinate with my tree. 


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11 hours ago, Tap said:

If you have any beads, you can turn them into Christmas ornaments. I bought the beads, but made several bead icicles for my tree a few years ago. It would be an easy craft for any nice glass or even plastic beads. This is an image from online. Mine are all red/white/silver/clear, to coordinate with my tree. 


those are nice.   I need to get ALL of her jewelry in one place and lay it out somehow.

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This thread has given me a few ideas. My mom passed in September and she has loads of jewelry. Including lots of beaded necklaces. I was thinking of donating some to a women's shelter, but might have to be creative with some of the items first. 

I love the Christmas tree idea as well as the beaded icicles. 

I have lots of rings as well so I will have to seek out an idea for those. 

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  • 1 year later...

You have a whole interesting collection of jewelry left from your mother. I consider you very lucky. I would leave the most beautiful and unusual jewelry as a keepsake if I were you. The rest I would give away to relatives and girlfriends. You can also just sell them. Why not? I also have a small collection of christian necklaces. I really love jewelry, and I actually have a lot of them. These decorations are not cheap, so I will leave them to my children. If they want, they can sell or wear in memory of me.

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You can turn the ALL into ornaments and have a small Mom Tree at Christmas. That way you keep and use everything, but it’s not out ALL the time. Also, I’m wondering if there’s some way you can use the jewelry to cover a vase or frame or something small that’ll look sweet. Maybe a little candle holder or sun catcher for your window?


ETA: At least I’m consistent. I have no memory of this conversation. 🤣

Edited by KungFuPanda
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1 hour ago, fraidycat said:

Those are so cute! Did your Mom already have the giraffe and the elephant? 

Yes, the elephant was on a chain she wore and the giraffe was a pin she wore.

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