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Board/Card Games


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I need some ideas for new games to buy for Christmas/kids birthdays.  We already have 2 Catan Games, Risk, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Uno, 2 or 3 versions of Apples to Apples, Wits and Wagers, Exploding Kittens with all the Expansions, Bears vs. Babies, Bring Your Own Book, and various editions of Ticket to Ride.  I'd say our favorites are Risk, Ticket to Ride, and Apples to Apples.  I was looking at Amazon but there are SOOO many games to sift through.  My kids are 17 and 13, turning 18 and 14 soon.  We also often play games with the neighbors, whose kids are 16 and almost 14.  We don't mind a little mature content, but the neighbor's youngest doesn't like anything too raunchy, so definitely not going to be playing Cards against Humanity or anything like that.  

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Pictionary is fun, especially for a group. And I second Monopoly. Clue too.

My son is a huge fan of board games (Risk is one of his favorites) so I'll be watching this thread to see what other people suggest! We also have a big book setting out the rules for hundreds of card games, which is great. Do your kids play cards?

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I like a lot of the heavier board games, but my husband can't handle anything too long. Here are some lighter board/card games that my husband enjoys (some are more involved than others), at a variety of price points: 



The Quacks of Quedlinburg

Camel Up

Architects of the West Kingdom


The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine

Star Realms

That's Pretty Clever

Welcome To...


Battle Sheep

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Carcassonne, Splendor, Telestrations, and Camel Up are four that are easy to learn. Everdell and Wingspan are beautiful. Dominion, Clank!, and Seven Wonders are good games that we enjoy. Onitama is a chess like game that my dad and Ds16 enjoy playing together. Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig and Dinosaur Island are two that both Dd17 and Ds16 enjoy. They don't often overlap on games they like.

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4 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

Hmmm, well, my kids really like Monopoly, but I don't know if you've decided against this one for any reason already (since it's such a common one.) 

Do you guys like mathier games? Set, chess, things like that? 

Monopoly apparently brings out way too much anger in my family😂 We do have Chess, my youngest is obsessed.  My oldest doesn't love it because the youngest always beats her.  Actually I think I'm the only one who can still beat him at chess and sometimes even I lose!

3 hours ago, East Coast Sue said:



I forgot we also have Harry Potter Codenames


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I'll second Dominion and Seven Wonders based on your enjoyment of Ticket to Ride and Risk. And I don't think anyone mentioned Pandemic, which I know, may hit too close to home these days, but it really is a good game. Given the list of what you like, I'm guessing that it would be a better cooperative suggestion than Forbidden Island, which skews much younger.

Based on your Apples to Apples enjoyment, maybe Dix It or Telestrations, which someone mentioned. Telestrations really is a blast. Dix It is just beautiful.

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11 hours ago, Farrar said:

I'll second Dominion and Seven Wonders based on your enjoyment of Ticket to Ride and Risk. And I don't think anyone mentioned Pandemic, which I know, may hit too close to home these days, but it really is a good game. Given the list of what you like, I'm guessing that it would be a better cooperative suggestion than Forbidden Island, which skews much younger.

Based on your Apples to Apples enjoyment, maybe Dix It or Telestrations, which someone mentioned. Telestrations really is a blast. Dix It is just beautiful.

I forgot we also have Pandemic.  We haven't played that one in awhile, I should pull it out for game night this week!  My son and I have played 7 Wonders and he'd love to own that one, unfortunately it's currently about $80 on Amazon Canada 😞 I'll definitely take a look at Dominion, several people have recommended that one

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We have an Oregon trail card game. Seems to be a love it or hate it thing, though. I think it’s fun, my daughter thinks it’s fun, but my husband has sworn never to play again, and the son it actually belongs to, who requested it as a gift, seems to get bored and irritated by playing, though he won’t admit it.

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