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1 hour ago, Not_a_number said:

I would guess it wasn't a boardie. But even if it was and they know I'm letting people know I deleted my account... so what? It's not controversial. 

Unless I'm not seeing some reason this would upset them. 

I was thinking they may notify your employer again who might then check your posts again.

I think I must be incorrectly remembering what you wrote. I thought it was implied to be someone here. I'm trying not to be specific and if I need to delete what I've written, let me know.

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9 minutes ago, Not_a_number said:

Well, anyone can read these. So it's impossible to say who it was. 

Yes, I now expect people will be able to read my posts. I'm going to keep private posts to private groups. 

Gotcha. It's unfortunate you need to do that. Though I'm not homeschooling anymore and probably won't join your subject specific private group, I always enjoyed gleaning from your posts.

Edited by wilrunner
Changed autocorrect cleaning back to gleaning. 😂
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9 hours ago, Not_a_number said:

I’ll probably start a private club for math curriculum discussions in a bit. I don’t mind non-private stuff on here, since I really don’t tend to get too heated. But I need to keep work stuff and local stuff private from now on.

I changed my username and obfuscated my identity because several years ago, someone IRL recognized my forum posts and started arguments with me. This person would then follow me around online and post on every thread I contributed to and be provocative. Of all the things, the attacks were about how I am torturing my poor child by giving him a rigorous education 😯 They don't know me or my child all that well but knew me professionally. 

So, it is a good idea to keep work stuff private because there are mean people on the internet and NOTHING is private on the internet.

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I'm sorry for the OP.  I don't know the details but I gather the situation is rather frightening.

 I have (usually) enjoyed this site. I do wish, however, that there was an option to delete our accounts including all related posts. Yes, I know that with internet caches and backups whatever is posted is out there but it would be nice to delete whatever we can.

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10 minutes ago, Not_a_number said:

My "Personal COVID experiences" thread is gone, isn't it? 😢 I loved that thread. I had lots of good threads.... 

Yes, that one was particularly excellent. Basically, all your Covid posts. They have been so informative. 

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1 hour ago, Not_a_number said:

Also, all of my math threads. And my stash of math puzzles I was offering for free. So much stuff. 

I enjoyed your math threads and the ones where you offered to troubleshoot other people's math problems (the quoted posts are still there, I checked). If only there was a selective way to save a user's content on some threads and kill it on other threads, then that could have been left out of the purge - but, I digress, this issue not the subject of this thread and must be brought up elsewhere.

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1 hour ago, Not_a_number said:

I tried to go through all my posts and edit to make sure nothing could possibly annoy anyone, but it was just too big a task. (I don't think I ever said anything offensive in the first place, but the bar is a lot lower if one actually knows someone might look through them.) 

Oh, no. I never meant that anything was offensive in your content! I was saying that you should have the choice of going into your own account and deleting all the posts that you don't want to be left online (a kind of self-kill of posts). That would require too much backend work by forum admins, I guess. 

I usually remove any photos that I post using this option because they contain tags that can identify locations and i don't want that information hanging around the internet.

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8 hours ago, mathnerd said:

Oh, no. I never meant that anything was offensive in your content! I was saying that you should have the choice of going into your own account and deleting all the posts that you don't want to be left online (a kind of self-kill of posts). That would require too much backend work by forum admins, I guess. 

I usually remove any photos that I post using this option because they contain tags that can identify locations and i don't want that information hanging around the internet.

I wish we could delete posts, period.

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15 hours ago, Not_a_number said:

Also, all of my math threads. And my stash of math puzzles I was offering for free. So much stuff. 

My condolences to you on the whole ordeal. As a mom to a math-math-mathy kid, I'm kind of still figuring out what I should be doing for him, and so your posts gave me a better insight on how I could feed his need better. I missed out on using the puzzles and it's disappointing they had to be deleted over such a pointless reason.

Obviously makes sense to nuke your account and I'm sorry for you especially both for the loss and the stress, and it's also a loss to all of us. 

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1 minute ago, Not_a_number said:

I'll try my best to get at least some things back up. I'm very stressed out this week, unfortunately, but hopefully this will pass. 

Oh, sorry, I wasn't trying to push you like that, i was just lamenting (to paraphrase Boromir) that we should suffer so much for so small a thing. The small thing being a petty person and the so much suffering being you had to take drastic measures to curtail what might happen. You did the correct thing imo, just disappointing it had to be done.

(But, now to counteract my protestations, I'll look forward to anything you post as usual, even if it's a few months from now, lol)

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