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Any April Fool's Day Pranks Planned?


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54 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

My girls still talk about the April Fools when I put red jello in their cups and told them it was Kool-Aid and they tried to drink it. That was years ago. I have Jello in the cabinet...I may do that for them. 

This is what I'm thinking, something food related.  My 4 kids are all under 8, so it would be very silly and light hearted whatever it is.  

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My daughter once switched the spoons and the forks in the silverware drawer - that was a simple prank.  

Last year, I got the wiggly eyes and put them all over the place.  My family got such a kick out of them.  My daughter loved them so much that I did it again for her birthday.  She refuses to take some down. 


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My kids have been looking forward to this day for months. They have great plans to prank me, but since the oldest ones are 6 and 7, I'm expecting lots of jumping out of hiding places. I should probably do something to them, but I don't know what.

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1 hour ago, alisoncooks said:

My girls still talk about the April Fools when I put red jello in their cups and told them it was Kool-Aid and they tried to drink it. That was years ago. I have Jello in the cabinet...I may do that for them. 


I was literally coming here to post this exact prank.  My kids were tiny when I did it and they STILL talk about it. 

No pranks planned here.  

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2 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

My girls still talk about the April Fools when I put red jello in their cups and told them it was Kool-Aid and they tried to drink it. That was years ago. I have Jello in the cabinet...I may do that for them. 

The kids love "Big Red." I only just bought it recently. Maybe I can see if I can fill them up with Jello. 

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6 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

My girls still talk about the April Fools when I put red jello in their cups and told them it was Kool-Aid and they tried to drink it. That was years ago. I have Jello in the cabinet...I may do that for them. 

I have done this in the past for my older two, and at their suggestion am doing it tomorrow for the youngest. I just finished refrigerating the jello in juice glasses.

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22 minutes ago, emba56 said:

I have done this in the past for my older two, and at their suggestion am doing it tomorrow for the youngest. I just finished refrigerating the jello in juice glasses.

I did it again, too. This time I filled the pitcher with Jello, lol. Maybe that'll throw them off since I've done the cups before...

Edited by alisoncooks
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My ds15 is hoping we prank him.  I’m going to hairspray the end of the TP to the rest of the roll, so he keeps spinning it around trying to find the end.  I’m going to do the thing where I sneeze behind him with a spray bottle and spray his neck as I sneeze.

I just found out about this one and haven’t tested it, but if you hit ctrl-alt-and the down arrow, it’s supposed to make everything on your screen upsdie down. ctrl-alt-up arrow puts it back to normal.  I’ll try it on his computer tomorrow.

I don’t normally do pranks, but he wants us to and will be sad if we don’t. 

Edited by Garga
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9 hours ago, Garga said:


I just found out about this one and haven’t tested it, but if you hit ctrl-alt-and the down arrow, it’s supposed to make everything on your screen upsdie down. ctrl-alt-up arrow puts it back to normal.  I’ll try it on his computer tomorrow.


FYI.  This works.
I also read that taping over the under-side of their mouse makes it not work well. 
I'm going for "harmless" pranks today.


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We don't normally do pranks, but a woman I know did one. She sent a text to her kids with a fake news report with the governor's picture and a headline saying that all students were going to have to repeat their current grade next year. When her son protested that he wasn't going to do anymore online work then, she told them they still had to do the online work because it was going to be averaged with next year's grade. The kid finally told her he checked with another family and searched Google and, since it wasn't on Google, he was sure it wasn't true.😂 It's funny, but kind of mean too.

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Oh man was I wrong that people wouldn't want to prank today.  It was glorious and everyone enjoyed it so much.  The day started with ds11 putting salt in dh's coffee. So, when I came down for the morning I had ds11 do a few random tasks like get me a diaper, let the dog out.  Then I decided to just keep asking him to do things that got more and more complicating and see how long it took him to realize that all his siblings were around me too and they weren't doing anything.  He ended changing the babies diaper, getting his brother yogurt, letting the dogs back in, making me coffee(sans salt,) picking up some trash that was on the ground and throwing it away, starting a load of laundry and finally when i told him to grab hangers and hang about 50 shirts (a mixture of everyones clothes plus the spring shirts i pulled out he said no. I laughed so hard.

dh dipped dum dums in salt ans rewrapped them for all the kids but the 3 year old. so, when they saw him eating a lollipop they thought nothing of it. dd put coffee grounds in ds's shoes. and ds7 and i pulled off the jello as juice trick perfectly

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